Dictyoconella complanata Henson, 1948

SCHLAGINTWEIT, FELIX, 2021, Agglutinated Conical Foraminifera (Orbitolinidae, Coskinolinidae) From The Upper Cretaceous (Campanian) Of Greece, With Description Of Paracoskinolina Klokovaensis N. Sp., Acta Palaeontologica Romaniae 17 (2), pp. 83-94 : 88-89

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.35463/j.apr.2021.02.06

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scientific name

Dictyoconella complanata Henson, 1948


Dictyoconella complanata Henson, 1948 View in CoL

Fig. 4l View Fig

*1948 Dictyoconella complanata n. gen., n. sp. – Henson, p. 25, plate 6, figs. 2-3, 16, pl. 10, fig. 14.

1998 Dictyoconella complanata Henson – Whittaker et al., pl. 47, figs. 4-6.

2021 Dictyoconella complanata Henson – Schlagintweit and Rashidi, p. 7, figs. 2a-b pars, 3-4 (with synonymy).

Remarks: A single specimen (~ 4 mm in diameter) in a slightly oblique section parallel to the plane of test compression. D. complanata has so far been reported from Maastrichtian strata; the occurrence in the Campanian of Greece extends its stratigraphic record and also the previously assumed palaeogeographic restriction to the Arabi- an Plate (see Schlagintweit and Rashidi, 2021).

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