Microchelonus fulgens, Papp, Jenő, 2016

Papp, Jenő, 2016, First Survey Of The Neotropical Species Of Microchelonus Szépligeti With Descriptions Of Twenty-Five New Species (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Cheloninae), Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 62 (3), pp. 217-344 : 261-263

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.17109/AZH.

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scientific name

Microchelonus fulgens

sp. nov.

Microchelonus fulgens sp. n.

(Figs 227–233)

Materialexamined – Femaleholotype: CostaRica , SanJosé, C. Nara, NEfromQuepos, 16 July 1975, leg. J. W. Hanson. – Holotypeisingoodcondition: (1) glueddirecttothepin byleftsideofmesosoma, (2) leftantennadeficient: scape, pedicelandflagellomeres 1–7 arepresent, (3) leftwingpairlessvisibleowingtothemounting. Holotypeisdepositedin HNHM, Hym. Typ. No. 12253 .

Etymology – ThenewspeciesreceivedtheLatinname “fulgens” (=glistening) refering toitspolishedcarapace.

Description of the female holotype – Body 3.1 mm long. Right antenna as long as head, mesosomaandtwo-thirdsofcarapacecombined, with 16 antennomeres. Scapethreetimes aslongasbroadapically, firstflagellomeresixtimesandpenultimateflagellomeresubcubic: justlongerthanbroad. – Headindorsalviewdistinctlytransverse, 2.1 timesasbroad aslong, templereceded, eye 2.5 timeslongerthantemple (Fig. 227). OOL 2.4 timesaslong asPOL. Eyeinlateralviewtwiceashighaswide, genabeyondeyebroadeningventrally sothateye 1.2 timeswiderthangena, genaitselfpolishedwithdispersehairpunctates (cf. Fig. 461 seearrows). Clypeus 1.5 timesaswidebelowashighmedially, itslowermargin convex (Fig. 228), smoothandshinywithdispersehairpunctates. Face 1.6 timesaswideas high, withmoreorlessconfluentpunctation, subshiny. Headabovewithsubstriolation, dull (Fig. 227).

Mesosomainlateralview 1.3 timesaslongashigh. Mesoscutum, scutellumand mesopleuronrugose. Propodeumareolate, mediallywithatransversethoughlessdistinct carina (Fig. 230). Hindfemur 4.1 timesaslongasbroaddistally (Fig. 229). Hindbasitarsus aslongastarsomeres 2–4 combined.

Figs 224–242. 224–226. Microchelonus fodicus sp. n. (f, holotype): 224 = hind femur, 225 = middletibia, 226 = carapaceinventralview. 227–233. Microchelonusfulgens sp. n. (f, holotype): 227 = headindorsalviewwithindicationofitssculpture, 228 = clypeus, 229 = hind femur, 230 = propodeum, 231 = distalpartofrightforewing, 232 = carapaceindorsalview withindicationofitssculpture, 233 = carpaceinlateralview. 234–242. Microchelonushebes sp. n. (m, holotype): 234 = ultimatethreeflagellomeres, 235 = headindorsalview, 236 = headinlateralviewwithindicationofitssculpture, 237 = clypeus, 238 = ventralhalfof headinfrontalview, 239 = scutellum, 240 = propdealcarinaindorsalview, 241 = hind

femur, 242 = carapaceinlateralview.

Forewingsomewhatshorterthanbody (2.9 mmlong). Pterostigma 2.3 timesaslong aswide, issuing r justdistallyfromitsmiddle, 1–R1 0.6 timesaslongaspterostigma, 3–SR slightlylongerthan (9:7), SR1 faintlybent (Fig. 231 seearrows).

Carapaceindorsalviewtwicelongerthanbroadposteriorly, basallylessnarrowing, its striations similar to that of M. candidus (cf. Fig. 106, Fig. 232), its declivous hind part polished. Carapaceinlateralview 3.6 timesaslongashighposteriorly, apicallydeclivous (Fig. 233 seearrows). Carapaceapico-ventrallyjustincurved (cf. Fig. 197).

Corporalcoloursimilartothatof M. candidus . Flagellumblack, flagellomeres 3–4 strawyellow. Tegulablack. Darkcolouroflegsbrowntoblackish. Wingssubhyaline, aroundpterostigmabrownishfumous. Veinslightbrownish, parastigmayellow.


Distribution – Costa Rica.

Taxonomic position – The new species, M. fulgens , is closest to M. candidus sp. n., theydistinctionseeatthisspecies. Inthekeytothefemale Microchelonus species M. fulgens runs to M. curtulus sp. n., see couplets 13 (10) – 15 (14). Alsonearto M. latistigma sp. n., theirdistinctionseeatthisspecies.


Hungarian Natural History Museum (Termeszettudomanyi Muzeum)













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