Microchelonus hebes, Papp, Jenő, 2016

Papp, Jenő, 2016, First Survey Of The Neotropical Species Of Microchelonus Szépligeti With Descriptions Of Twenty-Five New Species (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Cheloninae), Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 62 (3), pp. 217-344 : 264-266

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.17109/AZH.

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scientific name

Microchelonus hebes

sp. nov.

Microchelonus hebes sp. n.

(Figs 234–245)

Materialexamined – Maleholotype: CostaRica, SanJosé, SanPedro, UCRCampus, 1200 m a.s.l., 28 February 1997, leg. C. Hansson. – Holotype is in good condition: (1) glued oncardpointbytherightsideofitsmesosoma, (2) tarsomeres 4–5 oflefthindlegmissing, (3) rightforelegsomewhatlessvisibleowingtothemounting. HolotypeisdepositedinMZLU.

Etymology – ThenewspeciesreceivedtheLatinizedphantasyname “hebes”.

Description of the male holotype – Body 2.7 mm long. Antenna one- sixth shorter than body (2.1 mmlong) andwith 19 antennomeres. Firstflagellomerejustlessthanthreetimes longerthanbroad (20:7), penultimateflagellomeresubcubic (9:7, Fig. 234). – Headindorsalviewtransverse, 1.8 timesasbroadaslong, eyeaslongastemple, templemoderately rounded (Fig. 235). OOLone- thirdlongerthanPOL (12:8). Eyeinlateralview 1.9 times ashighaswide, genabeyondeyeaswideaseyeandsubstriolate ((Fig. 236 seearrows). Clypeus 1.6 timesaswidebelowashighmedially, itslowermarginfaintlyconvex, transversely (sub)rugulose (Fig. 237). Malarspace 1.4 timeslongerthanbasalwidthofmandible (Fig. 238). Cheekrounded, i.e. lessconvergent (Fig. 238). Face 1.5 timesaswideashigh, circularlystriolated, dull. Headabove (vertex + occiput) transverselysubstriolated (cf. Fig. 183).

Mesosomainlateralview 1.4 timesaslongashigh, scabrous. Notaulixdistinct. Scutellumrugulose, dull (Fig. 239). Fourdenticulesofpropodealcarinasmall (Fig. 240). Hindfemur 3.1 timesaslongasbroadmedially (Fig 241). Hindbasitarsusaslongastarsomeres 2–3 combined.

Forewingone- sixthshorterthanbody. Pterostigmawide, 2.2 timesaslongaswide, issuing r from its middle, 3–SR almost 1.6 times longer than r, SR1 feebly bent, 1–R1 0.57 timesaslongaspterostigma (cf. Fig. 146).

Carapaceindorsalviewnearly 1.9 timesaslongasbroadmedially, longitudinally andmoreorlessparallelstriated, interstriationscrenulated, apicallyconicule- shaped (Fig. 243). Carapaceinlateralview 2.9 timesaslongashighposteriorly, apicallyincurved (Fig. 242). Apicalforamenofcarapacelesselliptic: 1.3 timesaswideashigh (Fig. 244). Apical incurvedpartofcarapaceaslongashindbasitarsusandwithoutapairofsulcatuli (Fig. 245, see also Fig. 253).

Bodyblack. Scapeandpedicelrusty, dorsallywithweakbrownishsuffusion. Palpilightbrown. Tegulaandparategulablackishbrowntobrown. Legsblackishbrown tobrown, femoraapically, tibiaeandtarsientirelyyellow, foretarsusweaklybrownish. Wingshyaline, pterostigmabrown, veinslightbrown.


Distribution – Costa Rica.

Taxonomic position – The new species, Microchelonus hebes , is nearest to M. avron sp. n., theirdistinctionseeatthisspecies. Alsonearto M. hadrogaster (McComb) , theircommonfeaturesareasfollows: headindorsalview lesstransverse, templeindorsalviewnearlyaslongaseyeandmoderately rounded (Figs 235, 247), carapaceindorsalviewintermediateconicule- to cupole- shaped (Figs 243, 250), scutellumrugulose (Fig. 239); thetwospecies differbythefollowingtraits:

Figs 243–256. 243–245. Microchelonushebes sp. n. (m, holotype): 243 = carapaceindorsal viewwithindicationofitssculpture, 244 = apicalforamenofcarapace, 245 = posterior thirdofcarapaceinventralview. 246–253. Microchelonushadrogaster ( McComb, 1968) (f, m): 246 = ultimatethreeflagellomeres (m), 247 = headindorsalview, 248 = headinlateral viewwithindicationofitssculpture, 249 = distalpartofrightforewing, 250 = carapace indorsalviewwithindicationofitssculpture (m), 251 = carapaceinlateralview, 252 = apicalforamenofcarapace (m), 253 = posteriorthirdofcarapaceinventralview. 254–256. Microchelonusjamaicus sp. n. (m, holotype): 254 = headindorsalviewwithindicationofits sculpture, 255 = clypeus, 256 = distalpartofrightforewing.

1 (2) Genainlateralviewaswideaseyeandfinelysubstriolated (Fig. 236 seearrows). Headindorsalviewslightlylesstransverse, 1.7 timesas broadaslong, templesomewhatlessrounded (Fig. 235). Antennawith 19 antennomeres, penultimateflagellomeresubcubic (9:7, Fig. 234 see arrows). Forewing: pterostigmatwiceaslongaswide, issuing r from itsmiddle, 1–R1 somewhatlonger: 0.6 timesaslongaspterostigma (cf. Fig. 146). Apico-ventralincurvedpartofcarapacewithoutanapically pointedsulculus (Fig. 245). Apicalforamenofcarapacelesselliptic, 1.3 times as wide as high (Fig. 244). Scape and pedicel rusty. m: 2.7 mm. – Costa Rica M. hebes sp. n.

2 (1) Genainlateralview 1.4 timesaswideaseyeandlessfinelysubstriolated (Fig. 248 seearrows). Headindorsalviewslightlymoretransverse, 1.8 timesasbroadaslong, templerounded (Fig. 247). Antennawith 22–24 antennomeres, penultimateflagellomere 1.6 timesaslongasbroad (Fig. 246). Forewing: pterostigmanarrow, threetimesaslongaswide, issuing rclearlydistallyfromitsmiddle, 1– R1 halfaslongaspterostigma (Fig. 249 seearrows). Apico-ventralypartofcarapacewithanapicallypointed sulculus (Fig. 253). Apicalforamenofcarapacemoreelliptic, 1.5 times as wide as high (Fig. 252). Scape and pedicel black. m: 3–3.2 mm. – USA: Idaho, NorthDakota , Utah, Wyoming M. hadrogaster ( McComb, 1968)

Inthekeytothemale Microchelonus species M. hebes runsto M. jamaicus

sp. n., see couplets 14 (13) – 16 (15).













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