Microchelonus zobocus, Papp, Jenő, 2016

Papp, Jenő, 2016, First Survey Of The Neotropical Species Of Microchelonus Szépligeti With Descriptions Of Twenty-Five New Species (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Cheloninae), Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 62 (3), pp. 217-344 : 312-318

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.17109/AZH.

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scientific name

Microchelonus zobocus

sp. nov.

Microchelonus zobocus sp. n.

(Figs 484–496)

Materialexamined (1 f + 1 m) – Femaleholotype: CostaRica, Guanacaste, LaTaboga ForestResearch , 9 kmSWfromCañas, 23–30 April 1987, leg. W. L. Rubin. Onemalepara- type: CostaRica, Guanacasta , 14 kmSfromCañas, 10 May 1989, leg. F. D. Parker.

Types condition – Holotype is in good condition: (1) glued direct to the pin by the right sideofthemesosoma, (2) rightlegs 1–2 lessvisibleowingtothemounting. Maleparatype isalsoingoodcondition: (1) gluedliketheholotype, (2) leftantennadeficient: flagellom- eres 11–16 missing, (3) righteyeandforeleghardlyvisibleowingtothemounting.

Typedepository – HolotypeandparatypearedepositedintheHNHM, Hym. Typ. Nos 12248 (holotype) and 12249 (paratype).

Etymology – Thenewspeciesreceivedthelatinizedphantasyname “zobocus”.

Description of the female holotype – Body 2.2 mm long. Antenna about as long as head andmesosomacombinedandwith 16 antennomeres. Firstflagellomere 2.5 timesaslong asbroadapically, penultimateflagellomerecubic: aslongasbroad (Fig. 484). – Headin dorsalviewconspicuouslytransverse, 2.3 timesasbroadaslong, eye 2.2 timeslongerthan temple, templereceded (Fig. 485). OOLsomewhat (11:10) longerthanPOL, ocellialmost round. Eyeinlateralview 1.9 timesashighaswide, genabeyondeyebroadeningventrally andhereaswideaseye, finelysubstriolate, subshiny (Fig. 486 seearrows). Clypeus 2.1 timesaswidebelowashighmedially, itslowermargintruncate (Fig. 487), ratherdisperse- lysubpunctate. Malarspacetwicelongerthanbasalwidthofmandible. Face 2.8 timesas wideashigh, finelysubstriolate, shiny (similartogena). Vertexandocciputtransversely substriolate (Fig. 485).

Mesosomainlateralview 1.4 timesaslongashigh, mesoscutumrugose, otherwise scabrous. Notaulixanteriorlylessdistinct, posteriorlyindistinct. Scutellumsmooth, polishedwithfewhairpunctures (cf. Fig. 449). Propodealcarina: lateralpairofdenticules distinct, medialpairofdenticulessmall (Fig. 488). Hindfemur 2.8 timesaslongasbroad medially (Fig. 489). Hindbasitarsusaslongastarsomeres 2–3 andhalfoftarsomere 4 combined.

Forewingone- fifthshorterthanbody (40:50, 1.8 mmlong). Pterostigmawide, 2.1 timesaslongaswideandissuing r fromitsmiddle, r long: 1.7 timeslongerthan 3–SR, SR1 faintlybent, 1–R1 0.6 timesaslongaspterostigma (Fig. 490).

Carapaceindorsalviewsomewhatbelly, 1.6 timesaslongasbroadposteriorly, denselyandundulatestriatedwithmuchanastomoses, apicallyrounded (Fig. 491), ruguloseandwithoutforamen. Carapaceinlateralviewlesshighposteriorly, 2.8 timeslonger thanhigh, apicallyrounded (Fig. 492). Carapaceapico-ventrallysomewhatincurved (see arrow), cavityofcarapaceasinFig. 493. Ovipositorsheathlong, nearlyaslongashind tarsus.

Groundcolourofbodyblack. Antennablackish, scapefaintlyrustysuffused. Palpi strawyellow. Tegulablackish, parategulabrown. Legsdarkcoloured: coxaeblackish, fem- orabrown, tibiae 1–2 strawyellow, tibia 3 basallyyellow, tarsipaleyellowishwithfaint brownishtint. Wingshyaline, pterostigmabrown, veinsyellowtoyellowishbrownish.

Description of the male paratype – Similar to the female holotype. Body 2.4 mm long. Antennasomewhatlongerthanheadandmesosomacombined. Penultimateflagellomere 1.3 timesaslongasbroad. Headindorsalview 2.3 timesasbroadaslong, templesome- whatmorereceded (Fig. 494). Forewing: pterostigmatwiceaslongaswide, 1–R1 almost 0.7 timesaslongaspterostigma (Fig. 495). Carapaceindorsalviewslightlylessbelly, 1.7 timesaslongasbroadposteriorly. Apicalforamenofcarapaceoval: 1.4 timesaswideas high (Fig. 496).


Distribution – Costa Rica.

Taxonomic position – The new species, Microchelonus zobocus , is in the key tothefemale Microchelonus speciesthememberofthe blackburni -groupand runs to M. bolsoni Papp , see couplets 63 (62) – 65 (64).

Figs 483–496. 483. Microchelonusvissas sp. n. (f, holotype): 483 = carapaceindorsalview withindicationofitssculpture. 484–496. Microchelonuszobocus sp. n. (f, holotype: 484–493; m, paratype: 494–496): 484 = ultimatethreeflagellomeres, 485 = headindorsalviewwith indicationofitssculpture, 486 = headinlateralviewwithindicationofitssculpture, 487 = clypeus, 488 = propodealcarinaindorsalview, 489 = hindfemur, 490 = distalpartofright forewing, 491 = carapaceindorsalviewwithindicationofitssculpture, 492 = carapacein lateralview, 493 = carapaceinventralview, 494 = headindorsalview, 495 = pterostigma and 1– R1 ofrightforewing, 496 = apicalforamenofcarapace .


1 (16) Posteriorthird (ordeclivoushindpart) ofcarapacepolished (Figs 100, 232, 365), atmost (veryweakly) uneven, polishedtoshiny (orsubshiny) (candidusspecies-group).

2 (7) Penultimateflagellomeres 10–13 atleast 1.2–1.3 timeslongerthanbroad

(Fig. 101a–b). Forewing: 1–R1 0.65–0.75 timesaslongaspterostigma (Figs 105, 296).

Figs 497–507. Microchelonusmccombi sp. n. (f, holotype): 497 = ultimatefourflagellomeres, 498 = headindorsalviewwithindicationofitssculpture, 499 = headinlateralviewwith indicationofitssculpture, 500 = righthalfofheadinfrontalview, 501 = clypeus, 502 = propodealcarinaindorsalview, 503 = hindfemur, 504 = distalpartofrightforewing, 505 = carapaceindorsalviewwithindicationofitssculpture, 506 = carapaceinlateralview,

507 = posteriorthirdofcarapaceinventralview.

3 (4) Carapaceapicallywithatubercule (Fig. 466–469), furtherfeaturesseeat couplets 12 (11). M. tuberulus sp. n.

4 (3) Carapaceapicallywithouttubercule (Figs 106–107,297–298).

5 (6) Forewing: pterostigmawide, 2.3 timesaslongaswide, 1–R1 0.6 timesas longaspterostigma, r slightlylongerthan 3–SR (Fig. 296). Templeindorsalviewslightlymorereceded, about 0.3 timesaslongaseye (Fig. 290). Carapaceindorsalviewglobose: 1.6 timesaslongasbroad, anteriorly striated (Fig. 297). f: 2.6 mm. – Costa Rica M. latistigma sp. n.

6 (5) Forewing: pterostigmalesswide, 2.6–3 timesaslongaswide, 1–R1 0.65 timesaslongaspterostigma, r shorterthan 3–SR (Fig. 105). Templeindor-

Figs 508–519. 508–518. Microchelonus phthorimaeae ( Gahan, 1917) (f): 508 = ultimate three flagellomeres, 509 = headindorsalviewwithindicationofitssculpture, 510 = headinlat- eralviewwithindicationofitssculpture, 511 = clypeus, 512 = scutellum, 513 = propodeal carinaindorsalview, 514 = hindfemur, 515 = distalpartofrightforewing, 516 = carapace indorsalviewwithindicationofitssculpture, 517 = carapaceinlateralview, 518 = poste- riorthirdofcarapaceinventralview. 519. Microchelonuskellieae ( Marsh, 1979): posterior thirdofcarapaceinlateralview.

salviewslightlylessreceded, about 0.5 timesaslongaseye (Fig. 102). Carapaceindorsalviewlessglobose, 1.9 timesaslongasbroad, anteriorly finely striated (Fig. 106). f: 3.2–3.5 mm. – Costa Rica M. candidus sp. n.

7 (2) Penultimateflagellomeres 10–13 subcubictocubic: slightlylongertoas longasbroad (Figs 182, 360, 459). Forewing: 1–R1 variably 0.5 toaslong as pterostigma (Figs 189, 231, 364, 465).

8 (9) Templeindorsalviewlongandrounded, almostaslongaseye (Fig. 183). Forewing: 1–R1 0.6 timesaslongaspterostigma (Fig. 189). Hindfemur thin, 3.8 timesaslongasbroad (Fig. 188). Carapaceindorsalview 1.8 timesaslongasbroad, anteriorlystriolatewithfewanastomoses (Fig. 190). Carapaceanteriorlywithalemonyellowband. f: 3.6 mm. – Costa Rica M. exceptus sp. n.

9 (8) Templeindorsalviewshortandreceded, atmosthalfaslongaseye (Figs 154, 227, 361, 460).

10 (13) Carapaceindorsalviewapicallywithtubercule ( Figs 365 View Figs 357–373 , 466); inlat- eralviewflattened (Fig. 467). Antennaproximallyandlegsmoreor lessyellow.

11 (12) Tuberculeinlateralviewventrallyatapicalendofcarapace ( Fig. 366 View Figs 357–373 ). Forewing: 1–R1 0.7 timesaslongaspterostigma, pterostigmaitself 2.5 timesaslongaswide, 3–SR and r equalinlength ( Fig. 364 seearrows View Figs 357–373 ). Carapaceindorsalviewsomewhatglobose, 1.7 timesaslongasbroad, itsstriationundulate ( Fig. 365 View Figs 357–373 ). Carapaceentirelyblack. f: 2.7 mm. – Costa Rica M. polites sp. n.

12 (11) Tuberculeinlateralviewmediallyatapicalendofcarapace (Figs 467– 468). Forewing: 1–R1 aslongaspterostigma, pterostigmaitself 2.1 timesaslongaswide, 3–SR twiceaslongas r (Fig. 465 seearrows). Carapaceindorsalviewlessglobose, 1.8 timesaslongasbroad, its striationnotundulate (Fig. 466). Carapaceanteriorlyyellow, posteriorly black. f: 3.1 mm. – Costa Rica M. tuberulus sp. n.

13 (10) Carapaceindorsalviewapicallywithouttubercule (Figs 158, 232); in lateralviewlessflattened (Figs 159, 233). Scapeochre, legsdarkcoloured.

14 (15) Forewing: 1–R1 short, half (0.5 times) aslongaspterostigma, SR1 bent (cf. Fig. 146 seearrows). Genainlateralviewfaintlybroadeningven- trally, aswideaseye (Fig. 155 seearrows). Carapaceindorsalview belly, 1.7 timesaslongasbroad, anteriorlymorenarrowing, striated withlittleanastomoses (Fig. 158); inlateralviewapicallysomewhat

lessdeclivous (Fig. 159 seearrows). Flagellumandcarapaceentirely black. f: 2.3 mm. – Costa Rica M. curtulus sp. n.

15 (14) Forewing: 1–R1 long, 0.6 timesaslongaspterostigma, SR1 faintly bent (Fig. 231 seearrows). Genainlateralviewbroadeningventrally, eye 1.2 rimeswiderthangena (cf. Fig. 461 seearrows). Carapacein dorsalviewnotbelly, twiceaslongasbroad, anteriorlylessnarrowing, parallelstriated (Fig. 232); inlateralviewapicallydeclivous (Fig. 233). Flagellomeres 3–4 withstrawyellowring. Carapaceanteriorly yellow. f: 3.1 mm. – Costa Rica M. fulgens sp. n.

16 (1) Posteriorthird (ordeclivoushindpart) ofcarapacesculptured: distinctly uneven to rugulose, rugose, scabrous, dull (Figs 7, 25, 147, 170, 332, 438, 474).

17 (22) Carapaceindorsal (orventral) viewapicallywithamoreorlesspoint- edspine (Figs 7, 9, 97, 99, 332–334). Carapaceinlateralviewinwardly truncateapically (Figs 8, 98, 333) ( parkeri species-group).

18 (19) Headindorsalviewtwiceasbroadaslong, templereceded, vertex andocciputsomewhatlessdenselysubstriolate (Fig. 1). Carapacein lateralviewapicallyacute, anteriorlystriated (Fig. 7); inventralview apicallydeeplyincurved, thispartaslongashindtarsomeres 1–3 combined (Fig. 9). Forewing: 1–R1 almostaslongaspterostigma (Fig. 6 see arrows). Face rugulo-rugose (Fig. 3). Legs testaceous. f: 3.3 mm. – Costa Rica M. acutulus sp. n.

19 (18) Headindorsalview 1.7–1.8 asbroadaslong (Figs 94, 335). Carapaca indorsalviewapicallypointed (Figs 97, 332); inventralviewapicallyhardlyincurved, thispartaboutaslongashindsecondtarsomere (Figs 99, 339).













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