Microchelonus topali Papp, 1999

Papp, Jenő, 2016, First Survey Of The Neotropical Species Of Microchelonus Szépligeti With Descriptions Of Twenty-Five New Species (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Cheloninae), Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 62 (3), pp. 217-344 : 305-307

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https://doi.org/ 10.17109/AZH.

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scientific name

Microchelonus topali Papp, 1999


Microchelonus topali Papp, 1999

(Figs 441–452)

Microchelonustopali Papp, 1999: 192 fm, typelocality: Argentina, prov. RioNegro, El Bolsón, Mt. Piltriquitron, 700 m, femaleholotypeandthreefemale + fifteenmale paratypesinHNHM; examined.

Emendated features to the original description (Papp l.c.) – f. Body 2.8–3 mm long. Head above: vertexandocciputtransverselysubstriated (Fig. 441). Genapunctate, punctation fairlystrongandthickeningposteriorly, interpuncturespolished (Fig. 442). Facestriolated (Fig. 443). Scutellumvariablydistinclypunctate (Fig. 444) tofinelypunctate (Fig. 445), interpuncturesshiny. Forewing: 1–R1 0.6–0.7 timesaslongaspterostigma. Carapaceun- dulatestriated, interstriationsrugulose, apicallyrounded (Fig. 447).

m. Similartothefemale. Body 2.6–2.9 mmlong. Genapunctate, punctationlessstrong thanthatoffemale, interpuncturesshiny (Fig. 448). Hindfemur 3.1–3.3 timesaslongas broadmedially (Fig. 450). Forewing: 1–R1 0.7–0.85 timesaslongaspterostigma. Carapace indorsalview 1.8–1.9(–2) timesaslongasbroadaboutmedially, itssculpturelessstrong thanthatofthefemale, striationslessundulate (Fig. 451). Apicalforamenofcarapaceoval, 2.2–2.5 times as wide as high (Fig. 452). Tarsi brownish.

Distribution – Argentina.

Taxonomicposition – Intheoriginaldescription M. topali isrelatedto M. johni (Marsh) and M. masoni (McComb) (Papp l.c.). In the key to the female Microchelonus species M. topali runs to M. johni (Marsh) and M. ormos sp. n., see couplets 66 (59) – 70 (69) as well as to M. angustus Papp and M. phthorimaeae

Figs 440–455. 440. Microchelonussulcifera sp. n. (f, holotype): 440 = apicalforamenofcara- pace. 441–452. Microchelonus topali Papp, 1999 (f, holotype: 441–444, 446–447; f and m paratype: 445; m, paratype: 448–452): 441 = headindorsalviewwithindicationofitssculp- ture, 442 = headinlateralviewwithindictionofitssculpture, 443 = righthalfofheadin frontalview, 444–445 = scutellum, 446 = distalpartofrightforewing, 447 = carapacein dorsalviewwithindicationofitssculpture, 448 = headinlateralviewwithindicationof itssculpture, 449 = scutellum, 450 = hindfemur, 451 = carapaceindorsalviewwithindica- tionofitssculpture, 452 = apicalforamenofcarapace. 453–455. Microchelonustownsendi ( Viereck, 1912) (f): 453 = scapeandpedicelinlateralview, 454 = headindorsalviewwith indicationofitssculpture, 455 = hindfemur.

(Gahan), seecouplets 104 (109) – 108 (107); inthekeytothemalesitrunsto M. curticarinulus sp. n., see couplets 6 (5) – 8 (7), and to M. brasiliensis (Brues) , see couplets 49 (48) – 51 (50).













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