Microchelonus polites, Papp, Jenő, 2016

Papp, Jenő, 2016, First Survey Of The Neotropical Species Of Microchelonus Szépligeti With Descriptions Of Twenty-Five New Species (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Cheloninae), Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 62 (3), pp. 217-344 : 290-292

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.17109/AZH.

persistent identifier


treatment provided by


scientific name

Microchelonus polites

sp. nov.

Microchelonus polites sp. n.

( Figs 360–367 View Figs 357–373 )

Materialexamined – Femaleholotype: CostaRica , Alajuela, 20 kmSfromUpala, 10–21 May 1991, leg. F. D. Parker. – Holotypeisingoodcondition: (1) glueddirectlytothepinby itsrightmeso-andmetapleuron, (2) rightmeso-andmetapleuroninvisibleowingtothe mounting, (3) lefthindlegmissing (exceptcoxaandtrochanters). Holotypeisdepositedin HNHM, Hym. Typ. No. 12242 .

Etymology – ThenewspeciesreceivedtheLatinname “polites” (= nice) referringtoits polishedcorporalparts: genaandcarapaceapically.

indicationofitssculpture, 371 = clypeus, 372 = scutellum, 373 = carapaceinlateralview.

Description of the female holotype – Body 2.7 mm long. Antenna just shorter than body andwith 16 antennomeres. Scapethickening, twiceaslongasbroaddistally (cf. Fig. 322). Firstflagellomerefivetimesaslongasbroad, furtherflagellomeresshorteningsothat penultimateflagellomerecubic ( Fig. 360 View Figs 357–373 ). – Headindorsalviewtransverse, twiceasbroad aslong, eyethricelongerthantemple, templereceded ( Fig. 361 View Figs 357–373 ). OOLsomewhatlonger thanPOL, ocellielliptic. Eyeinlateralviewhigh, 2.1 timesashighaswide, genabeyond eyebroadeningventrally: aswideaseye (cf. Fig. 217). Genapolished. Clypeus 1.7 timesas widebelowashighmedially, ventrallyprotrudingandwidelytruncate ( Fig. 362 View Figs 357–373 ). Faceand clypeusrathertransverselysubrugulose- rugulose (clypeussomewhatweaker), subshiny. Headabovetransverselysubstriolate, subshiny ( Fig. 361 View Figs 357–373 ).

Mesosomainlateralviewstout, 1.2 timesaslongashigh. Mesosomascabrous-rugose, scutellumroughlyrugose (cf. Fig. 387 View Figs 385–397 ). Transversecarinaofpropodeumwithsmall fourdenticules (cf. Fig. 293). Hindfemur 3.8 timesaslongasbroadmedially, hindtibia thickening: distallysomewhatbroaderthanfemur ( Fig. 363 View Figs 357–373 , seearrows). Hindbasitarsus aslongastarsomeres 2–3 andhalfof 4thtarsomerecombined. Outerspurofhindtibia shortandslightlyshorterthanhalfbasitarsus, innerspurmissing.

Forewingalmostaslongasbody (2.6 mmlong). Pterostigma 2.5 timesaslongas wide, issuing r distallyfromitsmiddle, veinsrelativelythick, 3–SR and r equalinlength, SR1 slightlybentinwardly, 1–R1 0.7 timesaslongaspterostigma ( Fig. 364 View Figs 357–373 ).

Carapaceindorsalviewsomewhatglobose, 1.7 timesaslongasbroadposteriorly, anteriorlylongitudinallystriatedwithanastomoses, interstriationssubcrenulated, poste- riorlydenselyrugulose, apically (oritsdeclivouspart) polished ( Fig. 365 View Figs 357–373 ). Carapacein lateralview 3.2 timesaslongashighposteriorly, apicallydeclivousandwithatubercule ventrally ( Fig. 366 View Figs 357–373 ). Carapaceapico-ventrallyweaklyincurved ( Fig. 367 seearrow View Figs 357–373 ). Ovipositorsheathaboutaslongashindbasitarsus.

Groundcolourofbodyblack. Scapeandpedicelyellow, firstflagellomerebrownish, 2ndflagellomerebrownishtoyellowish, 3rdand 4thflagellomeresyellow, restofflagellumblackish. Palpibrownishtolightbownish. Carapacefullyblack. Legsyellow, coxae 2–3 strawyellow, proximal 3/4thoffemoraandtibiaedistallywithbrownishpattern. Wingssubhyaline, pterostigmabrown, veinslightbrowntobrownish.


Distribution – Costa Rica.

Taxonomic position – The new species, Microchelonus polites , is close to M. curtulus sp. n. viewingtheirshort 1–R1, cubicpenultimateflagellomereand entirelyblackcarapace; thedistinctivetraitsbetweenthemareasfollows:

1 (2) Headsubstriolate, subshiny ( Fig. 361 View Figs 357–373 ). Carapaceinlateralviewapically withatubercule ( Fig. 366 View Figs 357–373 ). Forewing: pterostigmaissuing r distallyfrom itsmiddle, 1–R1 0.7 timesaslongaspterostigma, SR1 bentinwardly ( Fig. 364 View Figs 357–373 ). Flagellumwithayellowring (onflagellomeres 3–4). f: 2.7 mm. – Costa Rica M. polites sp. n.

2 (1) Headpolished (Fig. 154), faceveryfinelystriolate. Carapaceinlateral viewwithaverysmalltubercule (Fig. 159). Forewing: pterostigmaissuing r fromitsmiddle, 1–R1 0.5 timesaslongaspterostigma, SR1 almost straight (i.e. indistinctlyS-form, cf. Fig. 146). Flagellumevenlyblackish. f 2.3 mm. – Costa Rica M. curtulus sp. n. Inthekeytothefemale Microchelonus speciesthenewspeciesrunsto M. tuberulus sp. n., see couplets 10 (13) – 12 (11).


Hungarian Natural History Museum (Termeszettudomanyi Muzeum)













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