Microchelonus ormos, Papp, Jenő, 2016

Papp, Jenő, 2016, First Survey Of The Neotropical Species Of Microchelonus Szépligeti With Descriptions Of Twenty-Five New Species (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Cheloninae), Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 62 (3), pp. 217-344 : 283

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.17109/AZH.

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scientific name

Microchelonus ormos

sp. nov.

Microchelonus ormos sp. n.

(Figs 322–331)

Materialexamined – Femaleholotype: CostaRica, SanJosé, Escazu, 14–30 January 1988, leg. F. D. Parker. – Holotypeisingoodcondition: (1) glueddirecttothepinbyits rightmesosomalside, (2) leftantennadeficient: ultimatesixflagellomeresmissing (i.e. presenttenantennomeres), (3) rightmiddlelegnotvisible: coveredbyglue. Holotypeis depositedinHNHM, Hym. Typ. No. 12241.

Etymology – Thenewspeciesrceivedthelatinizedphantasyname “ormos”.

Description of the female holotype – Body 2.7 mm long. Antenna one- third shorter than body (1.8 mmlong). Scapeinlateralviewsomewhatthick, 2.3 timesaslongasbroadapically (Fig. 322). Firstflagellomerefourtimesandpenultimateflagellomere 1.5 timesaslong asbroad. – Headindorsalviewtransverse, twiceasbroadaslong, eye 1.3 timeslonger thantemple, templefaintlyrounded (Fig. 323). OOLsomewhatthanPOL, ocellialmost round. Eyeinlateralview 2.1 timesashighaswide, genabeyondeyemoderatelybroaden- ingventrallyandsomewhatwiderthaneye (17:13), disperselyhairpunctatetosubrugulose (Fig. 324). Clypeusalmost 1.9 timesaswidebelowashighmedially, itslowermargin widelytruncate, denselysubpunctate, dull. Malarspace 1.8 timesaslongasbasalwidth ofmandible. Face 1.5 timesaswideashigh, rugulose (Fig. 325). Frons, vertexandocciput substriolate, subshinytoshiny (Fig. 323).

Mesosomainlateralview 1.4 timesaslongashigh, scabrous. Notaulixdistinctanteriorly. Scutellumsmooth, shiny, disperselypunctate (Fig. 326). Fourdenticulesofpropodeal carinasmall (Fig. 327). Hindfemur 2.7 timesaslongasbroadmedially (cf. Fig. 300). Hind basitarsusaslongastarsomeres 2–3 andhalfoftarsomere 4 combined.

Forewingaboutone- fifthshorterthanbody (2.2 mmlong). Pterstigmawide, 2.2 timesaslongaswide, issuing r fromitsmiddle, 3–SR almosttwiceaslongas r, SR1 very faintlybent, 1–R1 short: 0.6 timesaslongaspterostigma (Fig. 328).

Carapaceindorsalview 1.9 timesaslongasbroadposteriorly, longitudinallystri- atedwithafewanastomoses, interstriationssubcrenulated, hindfourthofcarapacerather longitudinallyrugose. Apicalendofcarapaceindorsalviewrounded (Fig. 329). Carapace inlateralviewthricelongerthanhighposteriorly, itsapicalendtruncate (Fig. 330 seearrows). Carapaceapico-ventrallyslightlyincurved (Fig. 331 seearrow). Ovipositorsheath short, concealed.

Groundcolourofbodyblack. Scapeandpediceltestaceous, flagellumblackish. Palpi paleyellow. Tegulaandparategulablackishtobrown. Forelegyellow, coxawithblackish pattern, femurbrown. Middlelegyellow, coxa–trochanters–femurwithbrown(ish) tint. Hindlegblacktoblackish, basalhalfoftibiayellow, tarsusyellowwithbrownishsuffusion. Wingshyaline, veinsyellowtolightbrown.


Distribution – Costa Rica.

Taxonomic position – The new species, M icrochelonus ormos , is closest to M. kellieae (Marsh) View in CoL consideringtheirwidepterostigma (Figs 280, 328) andround- edtempleindorsalview (Figs 276, 323); thetwospeciesdifferfromeachother bythefeatureskeyed: 1 (2) Fore wing: pterostigma 2.2 times as long as wide, issuing r from its middle, r halfaslongas 3–SR (Fig. 328). Cheekinfrontalviewroundedas usually (cf. Fig. 272 seearrows). Carapaceindorsalviewstriatedwith fewanastomoses, interstriations (sub)crenulated (Fig. 329). Palpipale yellow. f: 2.7 mm. – Costa Rica M. ormos sp. n.













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