Temnosewellia vietnamensis, Damborenea & Brusa, 2009

Damborenea, Cristina & Brusa, Francisco, 2009, A new species of Temnosewellia (Platyhelminthes, Temnocephalida) ectosymbiont on Villopotamon thaii (Crustacea, Decapoda, Potamidae) from Vietnam, Zoosystema 31 (2), pp. 321-332 : 325-326

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5252/z2009n2a5

persistent identifier


treatment provided by


scientific name

Temnosewellia vietnamensis

sp. nov.

Temnosewellia vietnamensis View in CoL n. sp. ( Figs 1-9 View FIG View FIG View FIG View FIG View FIG View FIG View FIG View FIG View FIG )

TYPE MATERIAL. — Holotype: wholemount specimen ( MNHN HEL 42 ) . Paratypes: 2 specimens sagittaly sectioned, 1 specimen frontally sectioned, 1 cirrus in polyvinyl-lactophenol ( MLP 5744 View Materials ) ; 1 specimen transversally sectioned ( MNHN HEL 43 About MNHN - HEL 50 ) .

TYPE HOST. — Villopotamon thaii Dang & Ho, 2003 . Site: external surface of the carapace.

TYPE LOCALITY. — Stream at Bana Nature Reserve (Quangnam province, Vietnam).

OTHER MATERIAL EXAMINED. — Same data as type material, 3 stained wholemount specimens, 3 wholemount specimens in polyvinyl- lactophenol, unhatched eggs, 3 SEM specimens and 1 cirrus mounted on stubs and coated with gold, and 32 specimens in 70% ethanol ( MLP 5745 View Materials , 5746 View Materials , 5747 View Materials ) ; 8 wholemount specimens ( MNHN HEL 42 ) .

ETYMOLOGY. — The specific name refers to Vietnam, where the specimens were collected.


External characteristics

Body about 2.5 mm (1.8-3.3 mm, 7) long without tentacles, and about 2.0 mm (1.5-2.6 mm, 7) wide; rounded to oval. Black pigment confined to eyes. Posterior adhesive disc pedunculate: disc diameter 809 µm at rim (624-1152 µm, 7), disc peduncle about 339 µm in diameter (240-456 µm, 7) ( Figs 1A View FIG ; 2 View FIG ; 3B View FIG ). Epidermis thin, syncytial and uncilliated. Through SEM and staining with SN the tentacular and peduncular syncytia were evident ( Fig. 3 View FIG C-E). The posterior border of the postentacular plate was not evident.

Alimentary system

Mouth mid-ventral, between the first and second quarters of body, surrounded by a muscular sphincter. Pharynx wider than long, 460 µm (340-700 µm, 6) long, 552 µm (440-650 µm, 6) wide, with a large sphincter; esophageal glands at its base. Intestine saccular, with septa (evident in the sections) in adults; intestinal walls very thick.

Paranephrocites not evident.

Excretory system

Excretory pores lateral to mouth, outside the postentacular syncityal plates. Major excretory ducts inconspicuous.


Rhabdite glands large, numerous, in lateral fields of the body, forming bunches, extending on the sides of the intestinal sac, with conspicuous rhabdite tracts ( Figs 1A View FIG ; 2 View FIG ). Cyanophilus glands inconspicuous in wholemount specimens, evident in the sections, separated in the parenchyma and located between the rhabdite glands. Two Haswell’s cells in front of the eyes and the brain transverse band, showing little affinity with hematoxylin. Shell gland cells prominent, in lateral fields discharging to gonopore.


Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle

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