Catomus (Sinocatomus) stanislavi, Nabozhenko, Maxim & Ando, Kiyoshi, 2018

Nabozhenko, Maxim & Ando, Kiyoshi, 2018, Subtribal, Generic And Subgeneric Composition Of Darkling Beetles Of The Tribe Helopini (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) In The Eastern Palaearctic Region, Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 64 (4), pp. 277-327 : 288-289

publication ID 10.17109/AZH.

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Catomus (Sinocatomus) stanislavi

sp. nov.

Catomus (Sinocatomus) stanislavi sp. n.

( Figs 5E, H View Fig )

Type material: Holotype, f ( CSB): China, Yunnan, Daju , 7– (leg. E. Kučera).

Description. Body elongate, cylindrical, brown, without bronze shade. Head and pronotum moderately shiny, elytra matt. Head widest at genal level, covered with short recumbent hairs, widely deeply emarginate at anterior margin, elevated at genae and lateral margins of frontoclypeus; frontoclypeus depressed on surface; eyes oblique, transverse, convex; lateral margins with deep rounded emargination between genae and frontoclypeus; genae strongly protrudent, rounded; temples coarsely and sparsely punctured; vertex with very coarse punctation along laryngeal emargination and with coarse transverse wrinkles in gular area; ratio of the width at eyes to distance between eyes 1.34; ratio at the genal level to interocular distanse at eye level 1.06; punctation very coarse and dense, punctures round, connected with each other. Mentum, cardo and stipes with dense pubescence. Antennae short, with two distal antennomeres extended beyond base of pronotum; antennomere XI shorter than X, trapezoidal.

Pronotum transverse (1.17 times as wide as long), widest at middle, with base narrower than anterior margin, 1.36 times as wide as head; lateral margins moderately round- ed, weakly sinuate near anterior angles; anterior margin widely rounded, widely sinuate near anterior angles; base evenly rounded; anterior angles projected, acute, posterior angles not expressed; all margins finely beaded; the bead of anterior margin not clear at middle; disc strongly evenly convex; punctures coarse and dense, weakly longitudinal, rounded near margins, and merged in anterior half of disc. Prothoracic hypomera with coarse transverse wrinkles. Prosternum before coxae with coarse and dense foveae; prosternal process broadened to apex, weakly convex.

Scutellum transverse, evenly rounded. Elytra elongate (1.90 times as long as wide), widest at middle, 1.70 times as wide as head, 1.27 times as wide as and 2.87 times as long as pronotum, covered with suberect short hairs; strial punctures deep, large, lanceolate, connected by fine furrows; inerstriae very weakly convex with fine and sparse rasp-shaped punctation.

Mesoventrite devoid of V-shaped depression, with very coarse and dense punctation. Mes- and metepisterna and metaventrite with coarse and sparse punctation. Abdominal ventrite 1 with coarse and sparse punctation (diameter of puncture subequal to interpuncture distance); ventrites 2–5 with denser punctation (diameter of puncture a little longer than interpuncture distance); ventrite 5 with wide bead and very coarse suberect hairs.

Legs slender; tibiae straight. Femora with subrecumbent hairs. Tibiae on inner side and tarsi on plantar surface with dense pubescence.

Body length 12.5 mm, width 4.2 mm.

Etymology. The new species is named in honour of Mr Stanislav Bečvář (Prague, Czech Republic), who provided us an interesting material from his nice collection of Tenebrionidae .

Differential diagnosis. See in the key to the species.


St. John's University/College of Saint Benedict













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