Nalassus (Nipponalassus), Nabozhenko, Maxim & Ando, Kiyoshi, 2018

Nabozhenko, Maxim & Ando, Kiyoshi, 2018, Subtribal, Generic And Subgeneric Composition Of Darkling Beetles Of The Tribe Helopini (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) In The Eastern Palaearctic Region, Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 64 (4), pp. 277-327 : 306-308

publication ID 10.17109/AZH.

persistent identifier

treatment provided by


scientific name

Nalassus (Nipponalassus)

subgen. nov.

Subgenus Nipponalassus subgen. n.

( Figs 13–16 View Fig View Fig View Fig View Fig )

Type species: Tarpela andoi Masumoto, 1993

Diagnosis. Body slender, shiny, brown. Head with posterior grooves ( Fig. 14A View Fig ) or with single deep wrinkle ( Fig. 16A View Fig ) beginning at lower aspect of eyes. Eyes large, close with each other dorsally. Male antennae thin, not thicker than in female. Hind wings developed. Abdominal ventrite 5 thickened and depressed at middle of apical half, with apical margin emarginate, and not beaded ( Figs 13G View Fig , 14D View Fig , 16B, D View Fig ). Trochanters with dense hair brushes

( Figs 13F View Fig , 14B, C View Fig , 16C View Fig ).

Additional characters of male. Mesoventrite covered with short setae and sparse long hairs along mesocoxae. Metaventrite densely pubescent at middle. Outer margin of protrochanters slightly elevated. Inner dorsal margin of profemora protrudent, flattened, often with pubescence near apex. Abdominal ventrites 1 and 2 with dense pubescence at each middle.

Comparison. See key to subgenera of the genus Nalassus .

Composition. The subgenus includes only two Japanese species.

Nalassus (Nipponalassus) andoi ( Masumoto, 1993) , comb. n.

( Figs 7I–M View Fig , 13 View Fig , 14 View Fig )

Masumoto, 1993: 134, figs 4, 10 ( Tarpela ); Nabozhenko & Löbl, 2008: 256 ( Tarpela ).

Type material examined. Holotype, m ( EUM) with labels: “ Holotype Tarpela andoi Masumoto ”, “ Mt. Miyanoura , Yakushima Is. 21.IX.1991, K. Ando ” . Paratypes: 4 m, 2 f ( CKA), Mt. Miyamoura , Yakushima Is., 22.ix.1991, leg. K. Ando.

basally, D = male abdominal ventrites

Material examined. 1 m, 1 f ( CKA): Japan, Yakushima Is., Satsuma, Onoma-pass (Yodogawa), 1400 m, 13.ix.2002 (leg. N. Ohbayashi); 8 exs. ( CKA), Onoma-pass ( Yodogawa ), Yakushima Is., Satsuma , alt. ca. 1,400 m, 14–15.ix.2002 (leg. N. Ohbayashi). Distribution. Japan (Ōsumi Islands: Yakushima Island) .

Nalassus (Nipponalassus) lewisi ( Masumoto, 1993) , comb. n.

( Figs 7O–R View Fig , 15 View Fig , 16 View Fig )

Masumoto, 1993: 132, figs 3. 9 ( Tarpela ); Nabozhenko & Löbl, 2008: 257 ( Tarpela ).

Type material examined. Holotype, m ( NMNS) with labels: “ Holotype Tarpela lewisi Masumoto ”, “Komagatake Hakone Date: 1-X-1966 Y. Miyake leg.” . Paratypes, 1 f ( CKA), Sasari Pass, Kyoto, 6.vii.1985, leg. K. Ando; 1 m ( CKA), Komagatake, Hakone, 1.x.1966, leg. Y. Miyake; 1 f ( CKA), Mt. Hira , Shiga,, leg. T. Shibata ; 1 f ( CKA), Mt. Daihi , Kyoto,, leg. T. Shibata .

Material examined. 1 m ( CKA): Japan, Tokushima, Kayô town, Unagitodoroki Mt. , 900–1040 m, 18.x.2008 (leg. Takashi Kurihara); 1 m, 2 f ( CKA): Japan, Tosa, Kikawamura vill., Yosakoegote pass, 25.ix.1999 (leg. S. Nagashima); 1 m, 3 f ( CKA), [Ehime-Pref.: Japan] Mt. Onigajyô , alt. 1,000–1,150 m, Uwajima City, 1–2.x.2008 (leg. T. Kurihara) ; 1 f ( CKA), Kuroson, Tosa , 22–23.v.1999 (leg. K. Ando) .

Distribution. Japan: Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu; S. Korea.


National Museum of Natural Science


Tavera, Department of Geology and Geophysics













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