Inachoididae, , Hymenosomatoidea, and Dorippoidea, 1851
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Affinities between Inachoididae View in CoL and Inachidae
One of the main characteristics of the Inachoididae is the latero-external exposure of the posterior pleurites ( Drach & Guinot 1982, 1983) so that the arthrodial cavities of pereopods become placed on the same plane as the carapace, leading to the suppression of the branchiostegite, as in Dorippoidea . This feature that could be regarded as exclusive to Inachoididae is also found in Inachidae . Some pleurites are exposed in Inachidae but to a lesser extent as in Inachoididae , and, moreover, remain detached from the carapace edge, which rests on a shallow groove at the surface of only pleurites 7 and 8 without constituting a “setting gutter” as in Inachoididae . In Inachus sclerite 8 continues as a narrow plate by partially encircling the P5 arthrodial cavity just to its articulation by the coxo-sternal condyle on sternite 8. The exposed pleural sclerites, which are always narrow and vary in shape and size from sternites 6 to 8 ( I. angolensis ) to only sternites 7 and 8 ( I. phalangium ), and the first abdominal somite do not seem to be part of the carapace in Inachidae . A similar disposition occurs in Achaeus . Capartiella also shows this typical inachid groudplan ( Fig. 49A View FIGURE 49 ) with, however, some peculiar characters (see below).
In Cyrtomaia Miers, 1885 View in CoL (type species: Cyrtomaia murrayi Miers, 1886 View in CoL , subsequent designation by Guinot & Richer de Forges 1982), pleurites 5–7 extend somewhat beyond the carapace as triangular sclerites at the P2–P4 coxae levels; pleurite 5 only extends as a single, pointed sclerite posterior to the P2 coxa. The pointed portions of the exposed pleural sclerites 5 and 6 on each side of the corresponding coxae (P2, P3) result from the markedly concave margins of the calcified distal parts of these pleurites, of which only the extremity of each side extends beyond the carapace edge. Only the posterior portion of pleurite 5 is exposed, thus only one sclerite is visible at the P2 level. Pleurite 8 is only exposed by the small sclerite bearing the P5 coxo-pleural condyle, which fits into a deep gynglyme; the sclerite that partially encircles the P5 arthrodial cavity is narrower than in Inachus View in CoL . Only a faint gutter receives the carapace edge in Cyrtomaia View in CoL .
The Inachidae View in CoL , at least Inachus View in CoL (represented by its type species I. phalangium View in CoL and its strictly closely allied genera), thus differs from Inachoididae View in CoL ( Fig. 47G View FIGURE 47 ) by having a variable number of pleurites with exposed lateroexternal parts that are free and only form small sclerites, instead of more developed plates appearing as “fused” to the carapace; the first abdominal somite also does not form a part of the carapace in Inachidae View in CoL . The thoracic sternum is considerably widened in both Inachoididae View in CoL and Inachidae View in CoL . Sutures 4/5–7/8 are, however, more laterally confined in Inachidae View in CoL (exemplified here by Inachus View in CoL ) ( Fig. 50A, B View FIGURE 50 ), where the press-button lies in the unfused median part of the sternal plate. Additionally, and in contrast to Inachoididae View in CoL , the inachid thoracic sternum is not connected to the carapace between P1 and P2 nor connected to the exposed pleurites 5–8 between the posterior pereopods, sternal extensions being absent in the Inachidae View in CoL (at least in the examined genera). The sternal pattern of Inachidae View in CoL (studied here in Inachus View in CoL ) is peculiar because the median line is not evident at first glance, but it is, however, recognisable in males as a thin sulcus at the sternites 5–7 level, and prolonged by a flat median strip at the sternite 8 level. A raised median plate is accordingly present along sternites 5–7 that are prolonged by a thickened portion on sternite 8. The median line and median plate are absent in inachid females ( Fig. 47C View FIGURE 47 ). The pattern of median line and median plate differs in Inachoididae View in CoL , which presents at least two distinct patterns in males, with a median line along sternites 6–8 (e.g., Anasimus View in CoL ) or with a thick bridge at the level of sternite 8 (e.g., Leurocyclus View in CoL ) ( Guinot 2012).
It is surprising to notice that the exposure of the posterior pleurites, which has been overlooked by most carcinologists, is present in a large number of American inachid genera, for example in Podochela Stimpson, 1860 (type species by subsequent designation by Miers, 1879: Podochela grossipes Stimpson, 1860 ), Coryrhynchus Kingsley, 1879 (type species by subsequent designation by Miers, 1879: Podonema riisei Stimpson, 1860 ), and Ericerodes Rathbun, 1897 (type species by monotypy: Ericerus latimanus Rathbun, 1894 ) ( Ng, Guinot & Davie 2008 updated). In his revision of Podochela , restricted to only some species, the other taxa being assigned to the above-mentioned genera, Coelho (2006), no more that previous authors such as A. Milne-Edwards (1873–1880), Rathbun (1925), Garth (1958), seems to have not observed the character that is yet obviously visible. The expansion of the posterior pleurites beyond the carapace’s margin is particularly notable and easily discernable in several species figured by A. Milne-Edwards (1873–1880), such as P. macrodera Stimpson, 1860 (A. Milne- Edwards 1873 –1880: pl. 34, fig. 3), Coryrhynchus riisei (A. Milne-Edwards 1873–1880: pl. 34, fig. 1, as Podochela Reisei ), and Ericerodes gracilipes ( Stimpson, 1871) (A. Milne-Edwards 1873–1880: pl. 35, fig. 1, as Podochela gracilipes ).
The nomen Podochelinae Neumann, 1878 ( Neumann 1878) has been rehabilitated ( Guinot 2012) to accommodate the above-mentioned American inachid genera characterised by a narrow carapace; a wide thoracic sternum (Coehlo 2006: figs. 7, 10, 14), sometimes in the form of raised plates that are separated by deep depressions (A. Milne-Edwards 1873–1880: pl. 34, fig. 1a, pl. 36, fig. 3d); a quadrate first abdominal somite ( Hendrickx 1987: fig. 1A, B; Coehlo 2006: figs. 8, 11, 12, 15, 16, 19); P1 insertion points close to each other (Coehlo 2006: figs. 7, 10, 14); and a narrow junction of the thoracic sternum with the pterygostome. Podochelines, called “neck crabs” or “frilly-neck crabs”, have small bodies and long legs, recurved setae on the rostrum, carapace and legs that are used for decoration ( Wicksten 2008). The inclusion in Podochelinae of Metoporhaphis Stimpson, 1860 (type species by monotypy: Leptopodia calcarata Say, 1818 ) and Erileptus Rathbun, 1893 (type species by monotypy: E. spinosus Rathbun, 1893 ) requires confirmation. Ericerodes hemphilii (Lockington, 1877) and Erileptus spinosus Rathbun, 1893 (Wicskten 2012: fig. 49G, H) show clearly exposed pleurites, as well as Podochela lobifrons Rathbun, 1893 (Wicskten 2012: fig. 50A). Metoporhaphis calcarata (Say, 1818) , known as the “false arrow crab”, shows a particular defensive behaviour referred to as “stockade” ( Wicksten 2011: fig. 50A) (see below).
Other small-size American inachids, e.g., Anomalopus Stimpson, 1871 (type species by monotypy: Anomalopus furcillatus Stimpson, 1871 ) and Eucinetops Stimpson, 1860 (type species by monotypy: Eucinetops lucasii Stimpson, 1860 ), which show a narrow, hardly visible exposure of pleurites, must be grouped in another subfamily, Anomalopodinae Stimpson, 1871 ( Stimpson 1871: 124) (a replacement nomen for Anomalopinae), a nomen not used by Rathbun (1925) and Garth (1958) but resurrected by Coelho (1999a: 58; 1999b: 153, 156), and recognised as an inachine tribe, Anomalopini [sic] Stimpson, 1871, by Števčić (2005: 95) (see Guinot 2012).
The absence in Inachidae ( Fig. 47C View FIGURE 47 ) of the vertical pillars that connect the axial skeleton with the internal surface of the carapace in Inachoididae (a case unequalled in Brachyura ) ( Fig. 47G–I View FIGURE 47 ) is an indication of the less specialised organisation of inachids. The inachoidid skeleton is more dorsoventrally flattened than that of Inachidae . Nevertheless, the groundplan, with a regularly compartmented axial skeleton, is plesiomorphically similar in Inachidae and Inachoididae . An examination of all inachid genera should demonstrate the reliability of the character state exposure of the pleurites.
The other characters shared by Inachidae and Inachoididae are numerous, and the affinities between the two families are not called into question here. The male abdomen consists of five free somites plus the pleotelson in Inachidae ( Figs. 49C, D View FIGURE 49 , 50A View FIGURE 50 ) as well as in Inachoididae ( Fig. 50C, D View FIGURE 50 ). An anterior displacement of the vulva on the fused median part of the broad thoracic sternum is frequently observed in both families ( Fig. 48A, B View FIGURE 48 ), sternite 6 being anteriorly projected so that the vulvar opening may be located anterior to suture 4/5.
In a re-evaluation of larval support for the monophyly of majoid families, Marques & Pohle (2003: 76, 77, fig. 2) found that the Inachidae + Inachoididae group ( Macrocheira excepted) formed a monophyletic clade in unconstrained analyses, with Leurocyclus nested as the “most basal” taxon, and that Inachidae ( Inachus , Achaeus , Macropodia ) was a highly derived group; no larval characters indicated, however, that Leurocyclus shared a common ancestor with other Inachoididae . According to Santana & Marques (2009: 55) all inachoidids with a completely described larval development [ Anasimus latus ( Sandifer & Van Engel 1972) , Pyromaia tuberculata (see Webber & Wear 1981; Terada 1983; Fransozo & Negreiros-Fransozo 1997; Luppi & Spivak 2003), Paradasygyius depressus Bell, 1835 ( Bell 1835: 88) (see Pohle & Marques 2000)] conform for the most part to the general pattern of Majoidea (two zoeal stages), although Leurocyclus differs from other inachoidids by several features and from all majoids by the setal formula of the distal article of the mxp2 endopodite in both zoeal stages. Discontinuities in the morphometric relationships in growth rates of carapace, abdomen and chelipeds have been detected in populations from Patagonia of the “knobbed spider crab” Leurocyclus tuberculosus ( Barón et al. 2009) . Changes have nevertheles been also observed in the size of pereopods 2 and 3 at morphological maturity (Guinot 1984), hence the existence of two morphotypes: small-sized individuals with narrow pereopods (morph referrable to L. gracilipes (A. Milne-Edwards & Bouvier, 1923)) and adults with stout pereopods (morph corresponding to L. tuberculosus ) (see Guinot 1984: figs. 3A–C, 4, pls. 1, 2). Despite a questionable geographic distribution (Guinot 1984; Boschi et al. 1992; Melo 1996; Spivak 1997; Braga et al. 2002; Vinuesa 2005; Boschi & Gavio 2005; Barón et al. 2009; Stauffer et al. 2011) and without information about the possible sympatry of the two morphotypes, a single species, L. tuberculosus , is currently recognised in Leurocyclus . Discontinuities relative to overall body size, proportion of the carapace, and relative stoutness of the pereopods in the oregoniid Hyas coarctatus Leach, 1815 , may be related to a distinctive allometric growth pattern and/or to the existence of distinct subspecies ( Pohle 1991; Honma & Muraoka 1992; Komai & Yakovlev 2000).
The statement by Drach & Guinot (1983: 42) that Inachoididae is at a more derived stage than Inachidae (“ les Inachoididae présentent un niveau d’évolution plus avancé que les Inachidae ”) must be understood in a new perspective. The Inachoididae , despite the absence of an early fossil record, is probably more ancient than Inachidae . The degree of cohesion of the inachoidid skeleton, regularly compartmented and connected to the carapace by pillars, is indicative of a long evolutionary history that explains the highly specialised skeleton. Despite larval data not providing synapomorphies for Inachoididae , thus not supporting its separation from Inachidae ( Pohle & Marques 2000; Marques & Pohle 1998, 2003), Inachoididae is nevertheless recognised on the basis of the morphology of the adults (see above). In a molecular study on Majoidea where Inachidae and Inachoididae (apart from Stenorhynchus ) were not sequenced, Hultgren et al. (2009: 448, figs. 1, 2) concluded that these two families were “crucial to further resolve branching patterns at the base of the majoid tree”.
Guinot & Richer de Forges (1997: 489, fig. 15D, E, G) brought attention in this context to the West-African majoid Capartiella , monotypic with C. longipes ( Capart, 1951) ( Capart 1951: 62, fig. 19, pl. 1, fig. 1, pl. 2, figs. 21, 22, as? Achaeus ; Monod 1956: 537, fig. 746; Rossignol 1962: 122; Forest & Guinot 1966: 108, fig. 14; Crosnier 1967: 340; all as Physachaeus ? longipes ; Manning & Holthuis 1981: 277, fig. 69; Henriksen 2009: 55, fig. 23). Capartiella Manning & Holthuis, 1981 , is considered an inachid ( Manning & Holthuis 1981: 265, 277: Ng, Guinot & Davie 2008: 110). It shows a lateral exposure of pleurites 5–8 that are calcified like the carapace ( Fig. 49A View FIGURE 49 ). The original drawing of C. longipes in Capart (1951: fig. 19) (with a clear exposure of several pleural sclerites) that was reproduced by Monod (1956) and Manning & Holthuis (1981) does not reflect the triangular shape of the carapace ( Fig. 49A View FIGURE 49 ). These exposed pleural sclerites are detached from the carapace, which simply lies above them, instead of being “fused” with the lateral carapace edge as in the typical inachoidid condition; the first abdominal somite of Capartiella also does not seem to be part of the carapace, thus does not correspond to an inachoidid condition. Capartiella is particularly interesting because its pleotelson bears on each side a small, partially moveable flap having a ventral socket that fits into an acute sternal prominence: they represent a press-button system for abdominal locking ( Fig. 49B–D View FIGURE 49 ). These traits, not previously singled out, were briefly discussed by Guinot & Richer de Forges (1997), who suspected a similarity with the intercalated platelets of the basal Hymenosomatoidea ( Fig. 29C–E View FIGURE 29 ). One can now assume the homology of this flap ( Fig. 49C, D View FIGURE 49 ) with a vestigial uropod, although its shape is not so typical as in Odiomarinae . Retention of such an ancestral structure in Capartiella attests its basal position in the Inachidae , which is one of the most basal majoid families. The retention of a true uropod in Hymenosomatoidea and of a moveable flap in Inachidae is probably inherited from a close common ancestor rather than indicative of convergence. The male and female abdomens of Captartiella consist of five somites plus pleotelson as in Inachidae , Inachoididae , and Odiomarinae . Other characters of Capartiella , including a triangular carapace ( Fig. 49A View FIGURE 49 ), long eyestalks, absence of a sternum/pterygostome junction, and a sternum/pleurites junction, are shared with the other Inachidae . The G1 of C. longipes (see Forest & Guinot 1966: fig. 14) is, however, distinctive, being straight and with the lobed, inner distal part of each G1 close to each other.
The Indo-West Pacific Physachaeus Alcock, 1895 (type species: P. ctenurus Alcock, 1895 ; see Alcock & Anderson 1896: pl. 18, fig. 1; Doflein 1904: pl. 42; Griffin & Tranter 1986: fig. 8c), to which Capartiella longipes was initially referred to, appears not to show exposed lateral pleurites or moveable uropodal flaps. The status of Physachaeus needs to be re-examined.
The sockets of the press-button mechanism of most Inachidae externally show as salient, laterally expanded prominences, as in Oregoniidae (see below). They are not limited by sutures but may be indicative of the original uropods transformed into sockets ( Fig. 50A, B View FIGURE 50 ), these being more dorsally marked than in Inachoididae ( Fig. 50C– F View FIGURE 50 ) and Majidae ( Fig. 50G View FIGURE 50 ).
The Inachidae View in CoL is a basal family within the Majoidea View in CoL . The simple, straight or weakly curved G1, with terminal or subterminal aperture ( Türkay 1976: figs. 33–35; Griffin & Tranter 1986: 3), and the unprotected eyestalks indicate a plesiomorphic state. The Upper Cretaceous (Cenomanian) record of the † Priscinachidae View in CoL , a family close to Inachidae View in CoL (see Breton 2009: 519, 521), demonstrates the early occurrence of spider crabs. Larval characters support the monophyly of the family, except at least for Macrocheira that was regarded as the “most basal” genus of all Majoidea View in CoL (see Clark & Webber 1991; Marques & Pohle 1998, 2003).
Some remarks on Oregoniidae View in CoL and other Majoidea View in CoL are in order. The Oregoniidae View in CoL shows a pleural pattern analogous to that of the Inachidae View in CoL , but with notable differences. In Hyas coarctatus View in CoL pleurites 6 and 7 extend beyond the carapace, the narrow exposed portions only showing as bluntly triangular sclerites between the pereopods. Pleurites 5–7 are exposed in Oregonia gracilis View in CoL , the exposed portions forming sclerites larger than in H. coarctatus View in CoL . In Chionoecetes View in CoL the posteriorly expanded carapace covers the dorsal surface except for very small pleural portions, which are more visible in young individuals. As in Inachidae View in CoL , the oregoniid genera are characterised by exposed sclerites and a first abdominal somite that do not appear “fused” to the carapace. In contrast to Inachidae View in CoL , Inachoididae View in CoL and Odiomarinae View in CoL , the abdomen of Oregoniidae View in CoL consists of 6 free somites plus the telson in both sexes (no pleotelson).
The Oregoniidae View in CoL is generally considered the closest to the ancestral stock of extant Majoidea View in CoL ( Rice 1980; Clark & Webber 1991; Marques & Pohle 1998; Ng, Guinot & Davie 2008; Hultgren & Stachowicz 2008b). Oregonia gracilis View in CoL and O. bifurca Rathbun, 1902 View in CoL , show on abdominal somite 6, at the location of the sockets, externally salient, elongated plates that are obviously homologous to uropods in the process of being incorporated into the abdomen ( Rathbun 1925: figs. 20, 21); such a pattern is not present in O. kurilensis (Kobjakova, 1962) View in CoL (see Komai & Yakovlev 2000: fig. 4G). In Hyas coarctatus View in CoL the socket practically extends along the whole length of abdominal somite 6, with a deep anterior part fitting a strong press-button. Such an elongated socket is unusual in Eubrachyura, where the socket generally occupies only a portion of the somite, as in the palicid socket ( Fig. 50H View FIGURE 50 ) that is posteriorly located, a condition rarely found in eubrachyurans. Marked inflated portions of abdominal somite 6, corresponding to deep sockets, occur in Inachidae View in CoL ( Fig. 50A, B View FIGURE 50 ; see above).
Larval characters support the monophyly of Oregoniidae View in CoL , Macrocheira being basal to this family ( Marques & Pohle 1998, 2003; see also Clark & Webber 1991). Macrocheira should be excluded from Inachidae View in CoL .
It is beyond the scope of this research to study the pleural disposition in all Majoidea , the group of Brachyura with the most species ( Ng, Guinot & Davie 2008). Only a few observations are included here, which must be verified in related taxa in order to eventually establish synapomorphies. In Majidae Majinae, here exemplified by Maja , pleurites 6 and 7 slightly extend beyond the carapace by showing as triangular sclerites at the P3, P4 coxae levels; pleurite 5 only extends as a single triangular sclerite posterior to the P2 coxa; the small pleurite 8 is covered by the carapace, with only the P5 pleuro-coxal sternal exposed. As in Cyrtomaia (see above) the pointed shape of the exposed pleural sclerite on each side of the coxa depends on the markedly concave margins of the external part of the pleurite, of which only the angular extremity extends beyond the carapace edge. In Maja , however, the carapace does not lie inside a gutter, and pleurite 8 does not encircle the P5 arthrodial cavity. Maja is characterised by sternal extensions that connect sternites 4–7 to the corresponding pleurites 4–7, these extensions being very narrow and deeply recessed between the pereopods.
In the Pisidae Dana, 1851 , exemplified here by Pisa Leach, 1814 , small exposed pleural sclerites are visible at the P2–P4 coxae levels. As in Majinae, there are narrow and deep sterno-pleural extensions 4–7. In another pisid, Phalangipus Latreille, 1828 , there are minute, exposed pleural sclerites between the P2 and P3 and the P3 and P4 coxae, and a more clearly developed one between the P4 and P5 coxae. The extension that connects sternite 7 to pleurite 7 is obvious in Phalangipus , being on the surface at the same plane as sternite 7 instead of being recessed as in Pisa .
An extensive examination should yield homologies for providing valid and new diagnostic characters and for a better understanding of the groundplan of the brachyuran superfamilies and families. The interlocking of the carapace with the thorax, as well as the general architecture of the body, remains poorly known in Brachyura . A typically basal podotreme trait is a carapace with a markedly concave posterior border ( Fig. 51C, E, F View FIGURE 51 ), but the interlocking of the carapace with the abdomen has not been properly studied in Eubrachyura.
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FIGURE 29. Male gonopore (A, B) and dorsal platelets of the abdomen (C–E) in Hymenosomatidae. A, Cancrocaeca xenomorpha Ng, 1991, male 3.9 × 4.6 mm, paratype, Indonesia, Sulawesi (MNHN-B24450); B, Odiomaris pilosus (A. Milne- Edwards, 1873) (Odiomarinae), male 20.0 × 22.6 mm, New Caledonia (MNHN-B26146); C–E, same data as B: abdomen in dorsal and ventral views; notice on pleotelson (somite 6 fused to telson) the vestigial uropod as intercalated, dorsal platelet, with socket situated beneath, and uropod (D) with electron microscope (all after Guinot & Richer de Forges 1997: figs. 5B–D, 9A, B). a.c., sterno-abdominal cavity; cx5, P5 coxa; g, gonopore; G1, first gonopod; p, uropod as dorsal platelet; pt, pleotelson; s, socket; 6–8, thoracic sternites 6–8; 6/7, 7/8, thoracic sternal sutures 6/7, 7/8. Scale bar: 100µm (E).
FIGURE 47. Skeletons of Dorippidae (A, B), Inachidae (C), Hymenosomatidae (D–F), and Inachoididae (G–I). A, B. Medorippe lanata (Linnaeus, 1767), Mediterranean Sea, dorsal view. A, male, after removal of carapace; B, female, after removal of pleurites; C, Inachus dorsettensis (Pennant, 1777), female, Mediterranean Sea (MNHN): sagittal section. D–F, Odiomaris pilosus (A. Milne-Edwards, 1873), New Caledonia (MNHN): D, dorsal view after partial removal of carapace; E, axial skeleton, dorsoventral view after removal of pleurites; F, axial skeleton, sagittal section. G, H, Paulita tuberculata (Lemos de Castro, 1949); G, male 23.0 × 23.0 mm, French Guiana (MNHN-B19511): exposed pleurites 5–8 visible after removal of carapace; H, female: axial skeleton, sagittal section. I, Leurocyclus tuberculosus (H. Milne Edwards & Lucas, 1842), Brazil (MNHN): sagittal section. a, abdomen with pleopods; a1, first abdominal somite; c, carapace; cx5, P5 coxa; e, endopleurite; e.p., exposed pleurite; e5–e8, exposed pleurites 5–8; g, setting gutter of carapace; h, hymenosomian rim; j, junction plate; m, median plate; p, pleurite; pi, pillar; pl, pleopod; s, sella turcica; st, thoracic sternum; t, endosternite; v, location of vulva; y, eye; 3/4–6/7, endosternites 3/4–6/7; 4–8, pleurites 4–8. C, F, H, I: skeletons prepared by S. Secretan.
FIGURE 48. Location of vulvae. A–C, anterior displacement: A, Anasimus latus Rathbun, 1894 (Inachoididae), female 18.4 × 14.0 mm, French Guiana (MNHN-B17807); B, Capartiella longipes (Capart, 1951) (Inachidae), ovig. female 9.4 × 8.1 mm, Nigeria (MNHN-B19602). C, Halicarcinus planatus (Fabricius, 1775) (Hymenosomatidae), female 14.0 × 19 mm, South Pacific, Campbell I. (MNHN-B25960) (schematic); D, Hiroia krempfi Fize & Serène, 1956 (Cryptochiridae), female, Palau: vulvae not widely separated and sternal suture 7/8 complete (schematic, modified from Kropp 1990: fig. 6c); E, Pseudohapalocarcinus ransoni (Fize & Serène, 1956) (Cryptochiridae), female, Guam: vulvae located apart on broad thoracic sternite 6 (schematic, modified from Kropp 1990: fig. 12c). j, sternum/pterygostome junction; m.l., median line; v, vulva; 3–8, thoracic sternites 3–8; 4/5–7/8, interrupted thoracic sternal sutures 4/5–7/8; w, sternal wall.
FIGURE 49. Capartiella longipes (Capart, 1951) (Inachidae), male 8.2 × 6.5 mm, Dahomey (= Benin) (MNHN-B19590). A, carapace, dorsal view: notice exposed pleurites 5–8; B, ventral view; C, thoracic sternum, abdomen lifted, G1 lowered; D, detail of pleotelson with moveable flap supposedly homologous to vestigial uropod. a1, a5, abdominal somites 1, 5; b, pressbutton; c, carapace edge; cx1, P1 coxa; e5–e8, exposed pleurites 5–8; f, flap; G1, first gonopod; pt, pleotelson (somite 6 fused to telson); r, roof formed by thoracic sternite 8; 3–8, thoracic sternites 3–8.
FIGURE 50. A–G. Thoracic sternum (A, C, E, G) and ventral surface of abdomen (B, D, F) of Inachidae (A, B), Inachoididae (C–F), and Majidae (G). A, B, Inachus dorsettensis (Pennant, 1777), male 20.0 × 18.0 mm, France, Saint Martin de Ré (MNHN-B17337); C, D, Collodes leptocheles Rathbun, 1894, male 17.5 × 13.2 mm, Gulf of Mexico (MNHN-B14055); E, F, Pyromaia tuberculata (Lockington, 1877), male 17.0 × 12.2 mm, Baja California (MNHN-B9290); G, Prismatopus harmandi (Bouvier, 1906), male 46.0 × 24.5 mm, holotype, vicinity of Tokyo (MNHN-B22330). H. Palicus caronii (Roux, 1828), male 6.0 × 7.0 mm, eastern Atlantic (MNHN-B16335): ventral surface of abdomen with long socket on somite 6. b, press-button.
FIGURE 51. Articulation of abdominal somites, dorsal view. A, Nephrops norvegicus (Linnaeus, 1758) (Nephropidae), eastern Atlantic (MNHN); B, †Eocarcinus praecursor Withers, 1932 (†Eocarcinidae), Lower Jurassic, England, paratype (BM 23091); C, Dicranodromia sp. (Homolodromiidae), Philippines (MNHN-B28939); D, Ranina ranina (Linnaeus, 1758) (Raninidae), Madagascar (MNHN-B7662); E, Homola ranunculus Guinot & Richer de Forges, 1995 (Homolidae), New Caledonia (MNHN- B19871); F, Sternodromia spinirostris Miers, 1881 (Dromiidae), male, Congo (R.O.C.) (MNHN-B7863); G, Medorippe lanata (Linnaeus, 1767) (Dorippidae), male, West Africa (MNHN). a1–a3, abdominal somites 1–3; cx5, P5 coxa; m, articular membrane; p, abdominal pleura; t1–t3, abdominal tergites 1–3 with calcified anterior (a) and membranous posterior (P) parts; t, telson.
No known copyright restrictions apply. See Agosti, D., Egloff, W., 2009. Taxonomic information exchange and copyright: the Plazi approach. BMC Research Notes 2009, 2:53 for further explanation.
Kingdom |
Phylum |
Class |
Order |
Family |
Breton 2009 |
Garth 1958 |
Garth 1958 |
Garth 1958 |
Garth 1958 |
Garth 1958 |
O. bifurca
Rathbun 1902 |
Rathbun 1897 |
Cyrtomaia murrayi
Miers 1886 |
Miers 1885 |
Miers 1885 |
A. Milne-Edwards 1880 |
, Hymenosomatoidea, and Dorippoidea 1851 |
, Hymenosomatoidea, and Dorippoidea 1851 |
, Hymenosomatoidea, and Dorippoidea 1851 |
, Hymenosomatoidea, and Dorippoidea 1851 |
Oregonia gracilis
Dana 1851 |
, Hymenosomatoidea, and Dorippoidea 1851 |
Oregonia gracilis
Dana 1851 |
De Haan 1839 |
De Haan 1839 |
De Haan 1839 |
Kroyer 1838 |
Samouelle 1819 |
Samouelle 1819 |
Samouelle 1819 |
Samouelle 1819 |
Hyas coarctatus
Leach 1815 |
H. coarctatus
Leach 1815 |
Hyas coarctatus
Leach 1815 |
Weber 1795 |
Weber 1795 |
Weber 1795 |
Weber 1795 |