Janeirona Distant , 1911

Sampaio, Vinícius Gomes, Oliveira, Giulia Valadão De & Campos, Luiz Alexandre, 2024, Revision of Janeirona Distant, 1911 (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae: Ochlerini) with the description of four new species from Brazil, Zootaxa 5497 (4), pp. 451-495 : 452-453

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scientific name

Janeirona Distant , 1911


Janeirona Distant, 1911

Janeirona Distant, 1911: 352 ; Kumar 1969: 681–694; Rolston & McDonald 1979: 189; Rolston 1981: 40; Rolston et al. 1980: 123; Rolston & Rider 1985: 1177; Link & Grazia 1983: 124; Thomas 1997: 573, 2021: 602; De Paula & Ferreira 1998: 48–49; Campos & Grazia 2006: 147–161; Grazia et al. 2015: 740; Rider et al. 2018: 93–94; Roell & Campos 2019: 1138– 1140; Roca‐Cusachs et al. 2022: 43; Sampaio & Campos 2023: 554–556.

Zimmeria Ruckes, 1958: 20 (syn. by Ruckes 1962: 234).

Zimmerana Ruckes, 1962: 234 (syn. by Rolston & McDonald 1979: 189).

Type species. Janeirona insignis Distant, 1911 ( Figs. 1–8 View FIGURE 1 View FIGURE 2 View FIGURE 3 View FIGURE 4 View FIGURE 5 View FIGURE 6 View FIGURE 7 View FIGURE8 , 42 View FIGURE 42 )

Diagnosis. Body elongated, depressed, with subparallel abdominal lateral margins; brown with yellowish spots on the base of scutellum, and on coria next to the apex of the radial vein; head wider than long; mandibular plates surpassing clypeus; prosternum excavated, v-shaped, mesosternum carinated; metasternum hexagonal; female hindlegs apical tarsomere dorsally flat; pygophore posterolateral angles dorsally excavated and posteriorly projected; segment X subrectangular on basal half, tapering on distal half and with setae on anterior margin; head of parameres with a basal dish-shaped process; valvifers VIII subtriangular, with sutural margins juxtaposed; laterotergites IX mesially spaced, partially covering the segment X.

Description. Body elongated, depressed, with subparallel abdominal lateral margins; dark brown. Punctures black, shallow, minute on head, denser on hemelytra than on pronotum and scutellum. Head wider than long, longitudinally convex; mandibular plates distinctly longer than clypeus. Eyes globose; ocelli placed behind the line connecting the posterior margin of eyes; ocellar diameter at least ¼ of the eye width; eyes contiguous to the anterior margin of pronotum; antennae with sparse setae. Bucculae elevated, rounded anteriorly, evanescent and confluent posteriorly; labiomere I inserted anteriorly to the midline of bucculae, and exceeding the bucculae posteriorly; some species may present inconspicuous intercalary segment between labiomeres I and II; proportion of labiomeres: I<II>III>IV.

Thorax. Pronotum trapezoidal, wider than long, with a denticle at the anterolateral angles; humeral angles emarginate, rounded. Scutellum longer than wide; basal angles shallowly foveate and with callous yellowish spot; width at frenal constriction less than half the basal width. Coria densely punctured; yellowish spot at the apex of the radial vein. Prosternum excavated, v-shaped; mesosternum carinated, widened posteriorly; metasternum hexagonal, elevated, posterior margin concave receiving the abdominal tubercle. Mesopleural evaporatoria occupying a uniformly wide area, as wide as the mesocoxal suture, and attaining the lateral pleural margin at the anterior and posterior angles; metapleural evaporatoria occupying more than half of the metapleural width, surrounding the peritreme, and with convex posterior margin; peritreme disc type, tapering to the apex with the anterior margin parallel to the anterior pleural margin and attaining the last third of pleural width; ostiole laterally oriented. Dorsal surface of tibiae grooved.

Abdomen. Sternites unpunctured medially; urosternite III with median tubercle; lateral trichobothria lateral to the imaginary band connecting the spiracles.

Male. Genitalia. Pygophore globose; posterolateral angles dorsally excavated and posteriorly projected. Dorsal rim concave over segment X; ventral rim concave or v-shaped on middle third, superior layer arched, with a middle u-shaped notch. Segment X not exceeding the ventral rim, subrectangular on basal half, tapering on distal half, and with setae along the posterior margin; head of parameres with a basal dish-shaped process. Phallus globose; theca with one apical ventral process, curved dorsally and bilobed at apex; apical margin of theca projected as flaps lateral to endosoma; endosoma with one dorsal process strongly curved ventrally and bilobed at apex and one ventral process several times longer than theca, accompanying the ductus seminis distalis, rigid at base and flexible along its length, remaining coiled between the thecal flaps at rest.

Female. Dorsal surface of third hind tarsomere flat. Genitalia. Valvifers VIII subtriangular with juxtaposed sutural margins; laterotergites VIII subtriangular, spiracle next to the basal angle; exposed portion of valvifers IX trapezoidal, wider than long; laterotergites IX mesially spaced, partially covering the segment X; segment X rectangular, longer than wide; valvulae IX with secondary thickenings and ring sclerites; proximal portion of ductus receptaculi coiled; median duct of vesicular area cylindrical.

Comments. The species of Janeirona have the overall elongated and depressed body shape found in the other genera of the Adoxoplatys clade. Janeirona differs from Adoxoplatys by the dark brown color, antennae with five antennomeres, metasternum not carinated, peritremal disc occupying more than half of the metapleural width, and femora without tubercles ( Adoxoplatys light brown, antennae four-segmented, metasternum carinated, peritremal disc occupying less than half of the metapleural width, and femora with tubercles); differs from Neoadoxoplatys by the labium not surpassing the urosternite III, metasternum not carinated, and femora without spines ( Neoadoxoplatys with longer labium, surpassing the urosternite III, metasternum carinated, and armed femora); and differs from Paropsocolis by the dark brown color, mandibular plates distinctly surpassing clypeus, bucculae rounded anteriorly, metasternum not carinated, and urosternite III with a median tubercle ( Paropsocolis light brown, mandibular plates poorly surpassing clypeus, bucculae truncated anteriorly, metasternum carinated, and urosternite III without median tubercle). In two species of Janeirona we have identified an intercalary segment between the labiomeres I and II that is also present in Paropsocolis , resembling the intercalary segment of Adoxoplatys . In our previous work ( Sampaio & Campos, 2023) we have named it “inconspicuous intercalary segment”; we kept this nomenclature here, but it is important to highlight that further detailed comparative morphology studies are needed.

Distribution: Argentina (Misiones), Brazil (Acre, Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Paraná, Santa Catarina, and Rio Grande do Sul).

Campos, L. A. & Grazia, J. (2006) Analise cladistica e biogeografia de Ochlerini (Heteroptera, Pentatomidae, Discocephalinae). Iheringia, Serie Zoologia, 96, 147 - 163. https: // doi. org / 10.1590 / S 0073 - 47212006000200004

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Grazia, J., Panizzi, A. R., Greve, C., Schwertner, C. F., Campos, L. A., Garbelotto, T. A. & Fernandes, J. A. M. (2015) Stink bugs (Pentatomidae). In: Panizzi, A. R. & Grazia, J. (Eds.), True bugs (Heteroptera) of the neotropics. Vol. 2. Springer, Dordrecht, pp. 681 - 756. https: // doi. org / 10.1007 / 978 - 94 - 017 - 9861 - 7 _ 22

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Sampaio, V. G. & Campos, L. A. (2023) Paropsocolis, a new pentatomid genus with two new species from Brazil (Heteroptera, Pentatomidae, Ochlerini). Zootaxa, 5323 (4), 553 - 566. https: // doi. org / 10.11646 / zootaxa. 5323.4.6

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FIGURE 1. Janeirona insignis Distant, 1911, male syntype, A, dorsal; B, ventral; C, lateral; D, labels. Scale bar = 10 mm. © by The Natural History Museum, London, United Kingdom, Michael D. Webb, 2023; published with permission.

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FIGURE 2. Serdia stali Kormilev, 1956, male holotype, A, dorsal; B, lateral; C, pygophore in posterior view, D, labels. Scale bars: A,B = 5 mm; C = 1 mm. © by National Museum of Natural History, Washington D.C., United States of America, 2023; published with permission.

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FIGURE 3. Janeirona insignis Distant, 1911, male, A, dorsal; B, ventral; C, lateral. Scale bar = 10 mm.

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FIGURE 4. Janeirona insignis Distant, 1911, A, head and pronotum in dorsal view; B, labiomeres I and II; C, external scent efferent system. Scale bars: A = 5 mm; B = 1 mm; C = 2 mm.

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FIGURE 5. Janeirona insignis Distant, 1911, male, pygophore, A, dorsal; B, dorsolateral; C, posterior; D, lateral; E, ventral, F, segment X. Scale bars A–E = 2 mm; F = 1 mm.

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FIGURE 6. Janeirona insignis Distant, 1911, male, pygophore clarified. Scale bar = 2 mm.

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FIGURE 7. Janeirona insignis Distant, 1911, male, A, phallus (lateral); B, C, dorsal process of endosoma; D–F, right paramere in dorsal, lateral and medial views, respectively.Abbreviations: dp = dish-shaped process; dpe = dorsal process of endosoma; th = theca; vpe = ventral process of endosoma; vpt = ventral process of theca. Scale bars = 1 mm.

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FIGURE8. Janeirona insignisDistant,1911, female,A, genital plates; B, internal genitalia; C, distalportion of ductus receptaculi, pars intermedialis, and capsula seminalis. Abbreviations: cs = capsula seminalis; drd = distal portion of ductus receptaculi; drp = proximal portion of ductus receptaculi; laVIII = laterotergites VIII; laIX = laterotergites IX; pi = pars intermedialis; vfVIII = valvifers VIII; vfIX = valvifers IX; X = segment X. Scale bars: A = 2 mm; B = 2,5 mm; C = 1 mm.

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FIGURE 42. Distribution (mapped on the biogeographic regionalization by Morrone 2022) of Janeirona insignis Distant, 1911, Janeirona vianai (Kormilev, 1956), Janeirona bergi (Kormilev, 1956), Janeirona costalimai (Pirán, 1962). Dominions of the Neotropical region sensu Morrone (2022).









