Hadena adriana petergyulaii, Zlatkov & Beshkov & Huemer, 2021

Zlatkov, Boyan, Beshkov, Stoyan & Huemer, Peter, 2021, New Noctuoidea taxa from the Silver Coast of Bulgaria (Insecta: Lepidoptera), Ecologica Montenegrina 46, pp. 98-119 : 111-116

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.37828/em.2021.46.8

publication LSID


persistent identifier


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scientific name

Hadena adriana petergyulaii

subsp. nov.

Hadena adriana petergyulaii ssp. n.

Holotype. ♂, pinned, genitalia on slide, with 3 printed labels: “ BULGARIA, Black Sea Coast // Kaliakra Cape , Bolata area // 40 m N43.3845° E28.4692° // 29.v.2019 // leg. B. Zlatkov, O. Sivilov & R.// Bekchiev” “ NMNHS // Gen. prep. // ♂ // No. 1/ 7.12.2020 ” “ HOLOTYPUS // Hadena adriana petergyulaii // Zlatkov, Beshkov & Huemer, // 2021” [red cardboard], genitalia slide with 2 labels: “ HOLOTYPUS // Hadena adriana // petergyulaii // Zlatkov , Beshkov & // Huemer , 2021 // BULGARIA, Black Sea Coast // Kaliakra Cape, Bolata area // 40 m N43.3845° E28.4692° // 29.v.2019 // leg. B. Zlatkov, O. Sivilov & R. // Bekchiev” [red paper] “ NMNHS // Gen. prep. // ♂ // No. 1/ 7.12.2020 // B. Zlatkov 2020 Euparal” ( NMNHS) GoogleMaps

Paratypes. 1 ♂, pinned, genitalia on slide, with 4 printed labels: “ BULGARIA, Black Sea Coast // Kaliakra Cape, Bolata area // 40 m N43.3845° E28.4692° // 29.v.2019 // leg. B. Zlatkov, O. Sivilov & R.// Bekchiev” “ BCBZ 0497 ” “ NMNHS // Gen. prep. // ♂ // No. 3/ 10.12.2020 ” “ PARATYPUS // Hadena adriana petergyulaii // Zlatkov, Beshkov & Huemer, // 2021” [red cardboard]; genitalia slide with 2 labels: “ PARATYPUS // Hadena adriana // petergyulaii // Zlatkov, Beshkov & // Huemer, 2021 // BULGARIA, Black Sea Coast // Kaliakra Cape, Bolata area // 40 m N43.3845° E28.4692° // 29.v.2019 // leg. B. Zlatkov, O. Sivilov & R. // Bekchiev” “ NMNHS // Gen. prep. // ♂ // No. 3/ 10.12.2020 // B. Zlatkov 2020 Euparal” ( IBER) GoogleMaps ; 1 ♀, pinned, genitalia on slide, with 4 printed labels: “ BULGARIA, Black Sea Coast // Kaliakra Cape, Bolata area // 40 m N43.3860° E28.4722° // 20.v.2019 // leg. B. Zlatkov, O. Sivilov & R. // Bekchiev ” “ BCBZ 0496 ” “ NMNHS // Gen. prep. // ♀ // No. 1/ 8.1.2021 ” “ PARATYPUS // Hadena adriana petergyulaii // Zlatkov, Beshkov & Huemer, // 2021” [red cardboard], genitalia slide with 2 labels: “ PARATYPUS // Hadena adriana // petergyulaii // Zlatkov, Beshkov & // Huemer, 2021 // BULGARIA, N Black Sea Coast // Kaliakra Cape, Bolata area // 40 m N43.3860° E28.4722° // 30.v.2019 // leg. B. Zlatkov, O. Sivilov & R. Bekchiev” “ NMNHS // Gen. prep. // ♀ // No. 1/ 8.1.2021 // B. Zlatkov 2020 Euparal” ( NMNHS) GoogleMaps ; 1 ♂, pinned with two printed labels: “ BULGARIA, Black Sea Coast // Kaliakra Cape, Bolata area // 40 m N43.3861° E28.4725° // 3.vi.2017 // leg. B. Zlatkov, D. Kaynarov & // J. Kamacho” “ PARATYPUS // Hadena adriana // petergyulaii // Zlatkov, Beshkov & Huemer, // 2021” [red cardboard] ( NMNHS) GoogleMaps ; 1 ♂, pinned, with two printed labels: “ BULGARIA, Black Sea Coast // Kaliakra Cape, Bolata area // 40 m N43.3838° E28.4692° // 9.vi.2020 // leg. B. Zlatkov, V. Vergilov & S. // Georgieva” “ PARATYPUS // Hadena adriana petergyulaii // Zlatkov, Beshkov & Huemer, // 2021” [red cardboard] ( HNHM) GoogleMaps ; 1 ♀, pinned, with 2 printed labels: “ Dr. P. Gyulai // HUNGARY // (left vertical) // NE - BULGARIA // Black Sea coast, // Kaliakra // 15.06.2012 // L: P.Gyulai & A.Garai // “ PARATYPUS // Hadena adriana petergyulaii // Zlatkov, Beshkov & Huemer, // 2021” [red cardboard] ( PCPG) ; 1 ♀, pinned, genitalia on slide, with 4 printed labels: “ BULGARIA // Black Sea coast, E of // Kavarna, Cape Kaliakra // 16.V.2010, leg. B. Benedek ” “coll. Dr. P. Gyulai // Miskolc // HUNGARY ” “adriana (hand written) // Gen. Präp. H. Hacker // N 21855” [brown paper] “ PARATYPUS // Hadena adriana petergyulaii // Zlatkov, Beshkov & Huemer, // 2021” [red cardboard]; genitalia slide with 1 label: “ H. adriana (hand written) // Gen. Präp. H. Hacker // N 21855” [brown paper] .

Drenowski (1936) and Drenowski (1939) reported from Alibotoush Mts “ Harmodia armeriae Bsd. ( = gueneei Stgr. ), det. Rbl. [Rebel]”). More likely these reports concern Hadena adriana adriana ( Schawerda, 1921) ( Beshkov, 2000) , or even H. gueneei (Staudinger, 1901) . The present authors have never seen H. adriana adriana ( Schawerda, 1921) from Bulgaria. H. compta armeriae (Guenée, 1852) differs clearly from H. adriana and H. gueneei in the structure of everted vesica (in H. adriana and H. gueneei the diverticulum lacks a cornutus, in H. compta armeriae a large cornutus is present), and in female genitalia; they belong to different species groups. Hacker (1996) accepted H. adriana Schawerda as a bona sp. with Ponto- Mediterranean range. The type locality of H. adriana is Croatia, Zengg. There is no doubt that the specimens from the Balkan Peninsula known in the past under the name Hadena armeriae are actually H. adriana . The only certain report of Hadena (Hadena) adriana ( Schawerda, 1921) for Bulgaria is: 1 female, Black Sea, Coast E of Kavarna, Cape Kaliakra, 16.v.2010 (gen. prep. H. Hacker 21855w) (leg. B. Benedek)” (coll. P. Gyulai); 1 female, Black Sea coast, Kaliakra, 15.vi.2012 (leg. P. Gyulai & A. Garai)” (coll. P. Gyulai). Note. Both of these females are unusually pale with whitish-ochreous ground colour on forewing and body hair. New record for the fauna of Bulgaria (cf. Beshkov, 2000; Hacker et al., 2002); already known from the Mediterranean Basin and Crimea” ( Hacker & Gyulai, 2013). The specimens from Kaliakra look rather different from all other Hadena species and its association to H. adriana was only possible after examination of genitalia. However, their pale colouration reminds to some degree the “ab.” puengeleri described by Schawerda (1921). Another pale but not ochreous form, “ab.” stauderi, was also recognised by the author (op. cit.). Comparing the two pale forms, “ab.” puengeleri and H. adriana petergyulaii , it is obvious that the darker markings are different, the outlines of the stigmata of the Silver Coast specimens are sharper defined and the basal area is remarkably darker while the marginal area is less ochreous-brownish suffused than in the “ab.” puengeleri (L. Ronkay, pers. comm.). On the Balkan Peninsula H. adriana is well presented in the south of Bulgaria ( Greece) and west from Central North Macedonia through Albania, Montenegro and Croatia along the Adriatic Sea coast. In the East the nearest locality is in Crimea. The first certain record for Crimea is that of Klyuchko & Rutjan (2005) for Karadag Natural Reserve. The nearest localities to Kaliakra (Karadag in Crimea and Drenovo in North Macedonia) are both ca. 560 km in a straight line.

Derivatio nominis. The new taxon is named on the famous Hungarian expert on Noctuidae Dr Peter Gyulai (Miskolc, Hungary) who first took our attention to these remarkable Hadena specimens. The word is a masculine noun in dative


Adult ( Fig. 9 A–C). Sexual dimorphism detected only in antennae. Head. Vertex and frons covered with pale ochreous scales, frons with grey spots near eyes. Antennae in males shortly ciliate, in females filiform. Labial palps pale ochre with grey spot laterally. Proboscis well developed. Thorax. Dorsally and ventrally pale ochre, tegulae with grey spot basally and scattered grey scales distally. Legs pale ochre, tibiae scattered with grey, tarsomeres with wide grey basal ring. Wings: Forewing length in males 13.5–14.0 mm (mean 13.8 ± 0.2, n=4, in females 14.1 mm (n=1); upperside colour mainly pale ochreous, pattern elements ill- defined; basal field with scattered orange and grey scales; antemedial line bordered with grey basally and distally; median field without markings; orbicular and reniform stigmata as background, faintly bordered with orange and grey scales, claviform stigma absent; postmedial line as background, basally bordered with grey; subterminal and terminal lines absent; subterminal area with ill-defined orange spots; cilia as background with grey in the tornal area; underside uniformly pale ochre. Hindwings pale ochre with pale grey marginal area and veins; cilia pale ochre; underside pale ochre with rudimentary pale grey discal spot. Abdomen. Pale ochre. Male genitalia ( Fig. 2 E): uncus short, weakly sclerotised, tegumen relatively narrow, vinculum broad with large saccus; juxta with trapezoidal central part and well-developed vallum penis forming horseshoeshaped sclerite with small spines in dorsal portions; valva broad, process of sacculus relatively small, triangular; harpe narrow; costal extension flap-like, round, with slightly undulate margin; cucullus small, nearly round, well separated, with corona. Phallus ( Fig. 10 A, B) straight, cylindrical, with rounded coecum, apically with semi-membranous ventral side plicated longitudinally and with small carina on left side. Vesica simple, ovoid, with apical membranous diverticulum, elongated stout dorso-lateral irregularly shaped cornutus composed of two joined cornuti, and bundle of ca. 65 needle-like cornuti located ventro-laterally at right. Ductus ejaculatorius inserted ventro-laterally at left. Whole vesica apart from the extreme basal area covered with minute scobination. Female genitalia ( Fig. 4 D): ovipositor slender, papillae anales well sclerotised, with few setae, apophyses with medium length; ostium bursae narrow elliptical; ductus bursae membranous, fused with appendix bursae on left side along entire length; appendix bursae elongate ovoid, well sclerotised, with scobination, ductus seminalis inserted apically; corpus bursae relatively small, globular, with single longitudinal ventral signum consisting of slightly sclerotised granules.

Variation. None.


Hadena adriana petergyulaii ssp. n. is readily separated from forms of the nominotypical subspecies by the ochre background colour of the entire body, including wings; in ssp. adriana the forewings usually are grey with an ivory median field, sometimes grey areas are paler, but never ochre with orange suffusion and thin grey lines; compared to “ab.” puengeleri the darker markings are different, the outlines of the stigmata of H. adriana petergyulaii are sharper defined and the basal area is remarkably darker while the marginal area is less ochreous-brownish suffused than in the “ab.” puengeleri. No reliable differences in the genitalia between the subspecies were found.

Molecular data

Hadena adriana petergyulaii ssp. n. cannot be reliably separated from the nominotypical subspecies by DNA barcode ( Fig. 11) and clusters in the same BIN: BOLD:ACI8497. The intraspecific average distance of the barcode region in H. adriana is 0.4%, the maximum distance 0.64% (p-dist) (n=7). The minimum distance to the nearest neighbour H. confusa is 3.69%.

Biology and habitat

Steep slopes and the plateau of the sea coast on the northern side of Cape Kaliakra, on both sides of Bolata Dere bay ( Fig. 12 C). From the taxa described here Hadena adriana petergyulaii ssp. n. has the most restricted area of occupancy. The host plant seems to be Silene spp. , most likely Silene italica (L.) Pers., species noticed in the habitat of the new subspecies. Another possibility for a host plan could be Silene caliacrae D. Jord. & P. Pan. , an endemic plant to the Black Sea Coast of Bulgaria, inhabiting rocky areas and growing in rock cracks. The moths fly from mid- May (16.v.2010) to mid-June (15.vi.2012) and are attracted to artificial light. Pre-imaginal stages are not known.


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile


Royal British Columbia Museum - Herbarium


Hungarian Natural History Museum (Termeszettudomanyi Muzeum)













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