Barichneumon brevipunctatus, Riedel & Ameri & Talebi & Ebrahimi, 2019

Riedel, Matthias, Ameri, Ali, Talebi, Ali Asghar & Ebrahimi, Ebrahim, 2019, Contribution to the Ɨchneumonidae (Hymenoptera) oI Ɨran, with descriptions oI seven new species, Linzer biologische Beiträge 51 (1), pp. 361-390 : 374-375

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Valdenar (2020-04-20 16:15:30, last updated by Jonas 2025-01-06 13:56:54)

scientific name

Barichneumon brevipunctatus

sp. nov.

Barichneumon brevipunctatus nov.sp. (figs 22-25)

T y p e m a t e r i a l: Holotype: ♀ ̎ Iran: Khuzestan Prov., Shoush, Karkheh National Park, Perslan Fallow Deer Sanctuary , N 32°04́40.1́́ E 48°14́12.6́́, tamarisk trees, May 11-June 14, 2014, 53 m, Malaise trap, M. PARACHAMI- ARAGHI̎ ( ZSM, Munich) GoogleMaps . Paratypes: 2 ♀♀ same data GoogleMaps ; 3♂♂ ̎ Iran: Khuzestan Prov., Shoush, Karkheh National Park, Perslan Fallow Deer Sanctuary , N 32°04́40.1́́ E 48°14́12.6́́, tamarisk trees, May 10-July 10, 2015, 53 m, Malaise trap, M. Parachami-Araghi GoogleMaps ̎; 1♀ ̎ Iran: Markazi Prov., Arak, Haftad-Gholleh, Protected area , Chekab valley , 2090 m, N 34°08́07.2́́ E 50°15́56.1́́, Malaise trap, May 10-June 13, 2018, E. Gilasian & M. Parachami-Araghi GoogleMaps ̎; 1♀ 1♂ ̎ Iran: Markazi Prov., Arak, Haftad-Gholleh, Sibak , 2090 m, N 34°08́06.5́́ E 50°10́39.1́́, Malaise trap, 16.6.2018, E. Gilasian ̎ (Coll. Riedel and Tehran) GoogleMaps .

Description: ♀: Body length 6-6.5 mm. Antenna with 27-31 flagellomeres, almost filiform; 1 st flagellomere 1.2x longer than wide, 2 nd or 3 rd flagellomere square; widest flagellomeres 1.3x wider than long. Temple moderately and roundly narrowed behind eye. Distance of lateral ocellus to eye 1.2-1.3x ocellar diameter. Frons and vertex with coarse but scattered punctures, shining. Face with rather dense punctures laterally and with scattered punctures medially. Clypeus c.3.0x wider than long, with few coarse punctures basally, almost smooth centrally and with subapical row of small punctures. Malar space length c.0.6x width of mandibular base. Gena with scattered punctures ventrally, 1.1x wider than eye. Hypostomal carina slightly elevated, reaching genal carina far from mandibular base.

Mesosoma with pale hairs. Pronotum punctate. Notaulus groove-like impressed at anterior border of mesoscutum. Mesoscutum with coarse but scattered punctures. Mesopleuron and metapleuron with coarse, dense punctures; mesopleuron partly striate apically. Epicnemial carina not curved forward behind fore coxa, narrow, reaching or almost reaching the frontal margin of mesopleuron. Subtegular ridge sharp. Juxtacoxal carina present. Scutellum flat, wider than long, without lateral carina, with scattered punctures. Area basalis with median tubercle. Area superomedia heart-shaped, often almost smooth, about as long as wide. Costula distinct and caudal to the middle of area superomedia. Area petiolaris with coarse punctures, apically 0.7x as wide as basally. Mid and hind coxae with very scattered punctures, smooth and shining; hind coxa without scopa. Hind femur 3.0-3.4x longer than wide, with scattered punctures in ventral half; hind tibia without external denticular spurs. Claws not pectinate.

Areolet pentagonal, frontal distance of intercubiti 1x their width; 2 nd recurrent vein distal to its middle; nervulus postfurcal (by 2x its width).

Postpetiolus strongly widened, without dorsal carina, densely punctate and smooth, median field not separated. 2 nd tergite 1.35x wider than long. Gastrocoelus slightly impressed, almost smooth; thyridium almost transverse, 0.5x as wide as the interval. 2 nd to 4 th tergites with coarse dense punctures, following tergites with superficial punctures. Ovipositor sheath slightly reaching behind metasomal apex.

Color: Black. Ivory are stripes on flagellomeres 7-11, long sickle-shaped spot on vertex, collare, spot on subtegular ridge, scutellum and large almost triangular spots on 6 th and 7 th tergites. Scapus and pedicellus ventrally, mandible except teeth, gena and apical margin of clypeus red. Palps yellowish. Hind edge of pronotum and tegula ochreous. Face and propodeum with ± extended reddish suffusion. Metasoma red, 6 th and 7 th tergites sometimes brownish-red. Legs including coxae and trochanters red. Wings

slightly infuscate, pterostigma brownish. ♂: Body length 7.5-8 mm. Antenna with 32-33 flagellomeres; 1st flagellomere c.1.8x

longer than wide. Tyloids on flagellomeres 4-12/13, long-oval to linear, c.0.9x as long as their flagellomeres. Temple strongly and roundly narrowed behind eye. OOD 1.0. Frons, face and clypeus densely punctate. Malar space length 0.2x width of mandibular base. Pronotum with dense punctures dorsally, rugose ventrally. Mesoscutum, mesopleuron and metapleuron densely punctate, speculum smooth. Scutellum slightly elevated and slightly wider than long, with scattered punctures and lateral carina in basal 0.3. Hind femur c.3.5x longer than wide; hind tibia with multiple (c.10) denticular spurs externally. 2 nd tergite about as long as wide. 1 st to 5 th tergites densely punctate.

Color: Black. Flagellum yellowish ventrally. Cream-yellow are palps, mandible except teeth, clypeus and face (except small brownish central spot), wide frontal orbit up to vertex, ventral 2/3 of outer orbit, scapus ventrally, frontal and wide upper margin of pronotum, tegula, subtegular ridge, large spot on mesopleuron, posteromedian stripe on mesosternum, scutellum, postscutellum and large posterolateral spot on propodeum. Metasoma red, hind margin of postpetiolus with cream-yellow band. Legs red; fore and mid coxae and trochanters mainly and spot on hind coxa cream-yellow. Fore and mid femora apically and fore and mid tibiae and tarsi frontally cream-yellow. Wings slightly infuscate, pterostigma brownish.

Remark: This new species is characterized by the completely red legs and metasoma, by the scattered punctation on head and mesosoma in the ♀ and by the extended creamyellow coloration on mesosoma of the ♂.


Tavera, Department of Geology and Geophysics


Bavarian State Collection of Zoology