Macrodaruma brevinaso, Constant & Pham, 2014

Constant, Jérôme & Pham, Hong Thai, 2014, A new species of Macrodaruma Fennah, 1978 from Northern Vietnam (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha: Issidae), Belgian Journal of Entomology 22, pp. 1-8 : 1-8

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.13273034

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scientific name

Macrodaruma brevinaso

sp. nov.

Macrodaruma brevinaso View in CoL sp. nov.

Figs 1 A–E View Figs 1–2. 1 , 3 A–E View Figs 3

ETYMOLOGY. The species name derives from the Latin words brevus (adj.) meaning short, and naso meaning nose. It refers to the shorter vertex compared to the other species, M. pertinax Fennah, 1978 .

TYPE MATERIAL EXAMINED: Holotype ♂ (dissected, right hind wing mounted): [Coll. I. R. Sc.N.B., Vietnam, Tam Dao N. P., 21°31’N 105°33’E, 25-30.VI.2011 day collecting, Leg. J. Constant & J. Bresseel, I.G.: 31.993] ( RBINS) GoogleMaps

DIAGNOSIS. The species is easily recognized by the frons and vertex both elongate, but less so than in M. pertinax Fennah, 1978 .

DESCRIPTION. LT: ♂ (n = 1): 7.7 mm.

Head: mainly olivaceous-yellow with short cephalic process ( Figs 1 A, B View Figs 1–2. 1 ). Vertex elongate and narrow, deeply grooved ( Fig. 1 D View Figs 1–2. 1 ) with sides elevated and laminate ( Fig. 1 B View Figs 1–2. 1 ); black-brown markings near apex ( Fig. 1 D View Figs 1–2. 1 ). Genae with horizontal black line from uper margin of eye to apex of head ( Fig. 1 B View Figs 1–2. 1 ). Frons elongate with slightly elevated median red line extending to apex of clypeus; sides of frons black on apical half ( Fig. 1 E View Figs 1–2. 1 ); apex of frons and of red line turning to black ( Fig. 1 E View Figs 1–2. 1 ). Scape short, ring-shaped; pedicel bulbous ( Fig. 1 E View Figs 1–2. 1 ). Ratio LV/BV = 1.7; LF/BF = 1.96.

Thorax: olivaceous-yellow ( Figs 1 B, D, E View Figs 1–2. 1 ). Pronotum very short with posterior margin and discal carinae laminate ( Fig. 1 D View Figs 1–2. 1 ); disc hollowed with median groove on anterior half ( Fig. 1 D View Figs 1–2. 1 ); centre of disc and broad line along dorsal margin of lateral lobes brown ( Figs 1 B, D, E View Figs 1–2. 1 ). Mesonotum short, smooth with transverse bisinuate carina along anterior margin ( Fig. 1 D View Figs 1–2. 1 ). Tegulae brown-black ( Figs 1 B, D View Figs 1–2. 1 ).

Tegmina: ( Figs 1 A, B View Figs 1–2. 1 ) olivaceous-yellow, broadly semicircular, subcoriaceous. Venation reticulate with main longitudinal veins barely distinct basally and numerous cross-veinlets. Costal margin very narrowly black along basal third. Apical margin bordered with narrow black-brown line. Black-brown spot near sutural margin at level of nodal line.

Hind wings: ( Fig. 1 C View Figs 1–2. 1 ) brown, unilobed, with veins darker, slightly shorter than tegmina. Venation reticulate with main longitudinal veins distinct basally and numerous cross-veinlets. Costal margin strongly sinuate.

Legs: ( Figs 1 A, B View Figs 1–2. 1 ) elongate and slender, olivaceous yellow. I and II with numerous small brown dots and with longitudinal brown line on tibiae ventrally. Tibiae III with 2 lateral spines on apical 1/3 and 6 apical spines.

Genitalia ♂: pygofer higher than broad and with posterior margin sinuate in lateral view, slightly broader in middle ( Fig. 3 A View Figs 3 ). Gonostyli subtriangular in lateral view ( Fig. 3 A View Figs 3 ); dorsal process spoonshaped with latero-basal hook-shaped spine directed ventro-anteriorly ( Fig. 3 A View Figs 3 ). Anal tube 1.25 times longer than broad, dorso-ventrally flattened with sides broadly rounded and apex concave ( Figs 3 A, B View Figs 3 ); postero-lateral angles slightly projecting in dorsal view ( Fig. 3 B View Figs 3 ). Dorsal lobe of phallobase with basal hook-shaped processes baso-laterally ( Fig. 3 C View Figs 3 ); strongly inflated dorsally and with apical folded overlaping laminae ( Figs 3 C, D View Figs 3 ). Ventral lobe of phallobase spatulate; bifid with minute tubercles apically ( Figs 3 D, E View Figs 3 ).

BIOLOGY. M. brevinaso sp. nov. was collected on lower vegetation, in moist evergreen low mountain forest together with specimens of M. pertinax Fennah, 1978 . Typical biotope for those species is illustrated in GNEZDILOV & CONSTANT (2012).

Note: it is possible that the main colour of living specimens is green rather than olivaceous-yellow as was shown for M. pertinax by GNEZDILOV & CONSTANT (2012).


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile


Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences













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