
Caesar, Maram, Roy, Roger, Legendre, Frederic, Grandcolas, Philippe & Pellens, Roseli, 2015, Catalogue of Dictyoptera from Syria and neighbouring countries (Lebanon, Turkey, Iraq and Jordan), Zootaxa 3948 (1), pp. 71-92 : 78-80

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Plazi (2016-04-19 05:18:09, last updated 2024-11-26 22:07:21)

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Family: Eremiaphilidae View in CoL

Eremiaphila ammonita Uvarov, 1933 View in CoL

Eremiaphila ammonita Uvarov, 1933: 664 View in CoL –665; Ehrmann, 2002: 138; Battiston et al., 2010: 171. Geographical records: Jordan.

General distribution: Jordan.

Type series: Holotype female NHM. Type locality: Jordan: Amman.

Eremiaphila andresi Werner, 1910 View in CoL

Eremiaphila andresi Werner, 1910: 200 View in CoL –201; Ehrmann, 2002: 138; Otte & Spearman, 2005: 57; Battiston et al., 2010: 171.

Geographical records: Iraq.

General distribution: Egypt, Libya, Iraq.

Type series: Holotype male NHMW, Allotype female NHMW. Type locality: Egypt: Dekela.

Eremiaphila braueri Krauss, 1902 View in CoL

Eremiaphila braueri Krauss, 1902: 53 View in CoL ; Ehrmann, 2002: 138; Otte & Spearman, 2005: 58; Battiston et al., 2010: 172.

Geographical records: Jordan.

General distribution: Yemen, Socotra, Jordan, Oman, Emirates. Type series: Holotype male NHMW, Allotype female NHMW. Type locality: Arabia.

Eremiaphila cerisy Lefebvre, 1835

Eremiaphila cerisy Lefebvre, 1835: 484 –486; Ehrmann, 2002: 139; Otte & Spearman, 2005: 59; Battiston et al., 2010: 173.

Geographical records: Iraq.

General distribution: Egypt, Iraq, Iran, Oman, Saudi-Arabia, Emirates. Type series: Holotype female MNHN. Type locality: "désert de Luxor (Haute-Egypte)".

Eremiaphila dagi Doganlar, 2007 View in CoL

Eremiaphila dagi Doganlar, 2007: 1 View in CoL –6; Battiston et al., 2010: 173. Geographical records: Turkey.

General distribution: Turkey.

Type series: Holotype female NTM, Allotype male NTM. Paratype female ZMUH, Paratype male and female SMNK, Paratype male and female ZSM. Type locality: Turkey: Antakya, Hatay.

Eremiaphila fraseri Uvarov, 1921 View in CoL

Eremiaphila fraseri Uvarov, 1921: 175 View in CoL –176; Ehrmann, 2002: 139; Otte & Spearman, 2005: 60. Geographical records: Iraq.

General distribution: Iraq.

Type series: Holotype female NHM. Type locality: Iraq: Mesopotamia Anah am Euphrat.

Eremiaphila gene Lefebvre, 1835

Eremiaphila géné Lefebvre, 1835: 486 –489; Ehrmann, 2002: 139; 2011: 13; Otte & Spearman, 2005: 60. Eremiaphila généi: Saussure, 1871b: 250 View in CoL ; Giglio-Tos, 1927: 52; Battiston et al., 2010: 174. Eremiaphila burmeisteri Giglio-Tos, 1927: 52 View in CoL .

Geographical records: Syria, Turkey, Jordan, Lebanon.

General distribution: from Egypt to Armenia.

Type series: Syntype male, female MRSN. Type locality: "Mont-liban".

Eremiaphila persica persica Werner, 1905 View in CoL

Eremiaphila persica persica Werner, 1905: 388 View in CoL –389; Otte & Spearman, 2005: 63. Eremiaphila persica Ehrmann, 2002: 141 View in CoL ; 2011: 14.

Geographical records: Turkey.

General distribution: Iran, Azerbaijan, Turkey-E: Anatolia. Type series: Holotype male ZIN, Allotype female ZIN.

Eremiaphila turcica Westwood, 1889 View in CoL

Eremiaphila turcica Westwood, 1889: 29 View in CoL ; Giglio-Tos: 1927, 53; Ehrmann; 2011: 14; Otte & Spearman, 2005: 64; Battiston et al., 2010: 177.

Eremiaphila turica [sic], Ehrmann, 2002: 142.

Geographical records: Turkey, Iraq.

General distribution: Lebanon: Beirut, Turkey-E: Anatolia. Type series: Syntype female NHM. Type locality: Turkey.

Eremiaphila typhon Lefebvre, 1835 View in CoL

Eremiaphila typhon Lefebvre, 1835: 499 View in CoL –500; Giglio-Tos: 1927, 47; Ehrmann, 2002: 142; Otte & Spearman, 2005: 64; Battiston et al., 2010: 177.

Geographical records: Syria.

General distribution: from Algeria to Syria.

Type series: Holotype male ZMHB female juv. MNHN lost. Type locality: Egypt, désert près de la fontaine de Rhéan.

Eremiaphila uvarovi Bodenheimer, 1933 View in CoL

Eremiaphila uvarovi Bodenheimer, 1933: 79 View in CoL –80; Ehrmann, 2002: 142; Otte & Spearman, 2005: 65; Battiston et al., 2010: 178.

Geographical records: Jordan.

General distribution: Jordan.

Type series: Holotype female NHM. Type locality: Jordan-S: Maan.

Battiston, R., Picciau, L., Fontana, P. & Marshall, J. (2010) Mantids of the Euro-Mediterranean Area. WBA Handbooks 2. World Biodiversity Association, Verona, 240 pp.

Bodenheimer, F. S. (1933) Eine neue Eremiaphila-Art, (Orthoptera-Mantodea). Mitteilungen der Schweizerischen Entomologischen Gesellschaft, 4, 79 - 80.

Doganlar, M. (2007) A new species of the genus Eremiaphila Lefebvre, 1835 (Mantodea: Eremiaphilidae) from Turkey. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences Research, 1 (1), 1 - 6.

Ehrmann, R. (2002) Mantodea. Gottesanbeterinnen der Welt. Natur und Tier-Verlag Gmbh (NTV Wissenschaft), Munster, 519 pp.

Ehrmann, R. (2011) Mantodea from Turkey and Cyprus (Dictyoptera: Mantodea). Articulata, 26 (1), 1 - 42.

Giglio-Tos, E. (1927) Das Tierreich 50. Orthoptera Mantidae. Walter de Gruyter & Co., Berlin & Leipzig, XL + 707 pp.

Krauss, H. A. (1902) Diagnosen neuer Orthopteren aus Sudarabien und von der Insel Sokotra. Anzeiger der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien, 39 (7), 53 - 59.

Lefebvre, A. (1835) Nouveau Groupe d'Orthopteres de la Famille des Mantides. Annales de la Societe entomologique de France, 4, 449 - 508.

Otte, D. & Spearman, L. (2005) Mantida Species File. Catalogue of the Mantids of the world, Publication Number 1, 1 - 489. [Insect Diversity Association]

Saussure, H. de (1871 b) Melanges Orthopterologiques. Supplement au III me Fascicule. IV. Mantides. Memoires de la Societe de Physique et d'Histoire naturelle de Geneve, 21 (1), 239 - 337.

Uvarov, B. P. (1921) Eremiaphila fraseri, sp. n., a new mantid from Mesopotamia. The Entomologist's monthly magazine, 57, 175 - 176.

Uvarov, B. P. (1933) Notes on new and little-known Orthoptera from Palestine. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, 11 (10), 663 - 672. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.1080 / 00222933308673740

Werner, F. (1905) Ergebnisse einer zoologischen Forschungsreise nach Agypten und dem agyptischen Sudan. I. Die Orthopterenfauna Agyptens mit besonderer Berucksichtigung der Eremiaphila. Sitzungsberichte der mathematischnaturwissen-schaftichen Klasse der Akademie der Wissenschaften Wien, 114 (5), 357 - 436.

Werner, F. (1910) Une nouvelle espece d'Eremiaphile d'Egypte (Orthopt.). Bulletin de la societe Entomologique d'Egypte, 2, 200 - 201.

Westwood, J. O. (1889) Revisio Insectorum Familiae Mantidarum, speciebus novis aut minus cognitis descriptis et delineatis. Gurney and Jackson, London, 54 + III p., 14 pl.


Naturhistorisches Museum, Wien


Northern Territory Museum of Arts and Sciences


Zoologisches Institut und Zoologisches Museum, Universitat Hamburg


Staatliches Museum fuer Naturkunde Karlsruhe (State Museum of Natural History)


Bavarian State Collection of Zoology


Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle









