Kali Miller Gard. Dict. Abridged, 1754

Brullo, Cristian, Brullo, Salvatore, Gaskin, John F., Galdo, Gianpietro Giusso Del, Hrusa, G. Frederic & Salmeri, Cristina, 2015, A new species of Kali (Salsoloideae, Chenopodiaceae) from Sicily, supported by molecular analysis, Phytotaxa 201 (4), pp. 256-277 : 269-272

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/phytotaxa.201.4.2

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scientific name

Kali Miller Gard. Dict. Abridged


Kali Miller Gard. Dict. Abridged View in CoL , ed.4, 2: s.n., 1754.

Type:― Kali sodum Moench (1794: 331) , non Scopoli (1772: 775) (lectotype designated by Akhani et al. 2007). = Kali turgidum ( Dumortier 1827: 23) Gutermann (2011: 98) .

Description:— Plant annual, glabrous or sparsely pilose-hispid for hairs rigid and simple. Stem rigid, not articulate, cortex green to green-reddish, with longitudinal chlorenchymatous striae alternate. Leaves without hypoderm, alternate, linear-cylindrical, broadened at base, provided with apical spine. Bracts similar to the leaves, but smaller. Perianth 5- partite, membranaceous, with tepals oblong, concave adaxially. Stamens 5, exserted, filaments shortly connate in a basal annulus, with semicircular staminodes alternating. Style single and stigma bifid. Fruiting perianth usually winged, provide with unequal abaxial appendices, sometimes rudimentary. Utricle membranaceous, above flattened. Seed horizontal with embryo cochleate and perisperm lacking.

1) Kali australe (Brown) Akhani & Roalson View in CoL in Akhani et al. (2007: 946) Bas.: Salsola australis R. Brown (1810: 411) View in CoL . ≡ Salsola tragus Linnaeus var. australis (R.Brown) Béguinot (1913: 126) View in CoL . Type (lectotype designated by Botschantzev 1974b):― AUSTRALIA. Nyts Archipelago, Petrel Bay, Isle St. Francis, 8 Febrary 1802, Good & Bauer s.n. (BM, planta dextra).

2) Kali collinum (Pallas) Akhani & Roalson View in CoL in Akhani et al. (2007: 946). Bas.:― Salsola collina Pallas (1803:34) View in CoL . ≡ Salsola kali Linnaeus subsp. collina (Pallas) Bolos & Vigo (1974: 89) View in CoL . Type (lectotype designated by Rilke 1999):― RUSSIA. Habitat in Siberia, Pallas s.n. (LIV). = Salsola erubescens Schrader (1834: 5) View in CoL . Type (lectotype designated by Rilke 1999):―Ex Herb. Prag. 26 (GOET) = Salsola ircudiana Gandoger (1913: 60) . Type (lectotype designated by Rilke 1999):― RUSSIA. Sibiria, Irkutzk, distr. Balangask in steppaceis pr. Bashejewsky, 17 August 1904, Mal’tsev HFR 2372a (LY) = Salsola chinensis Gandoger (1913: 60) View in CoL . Type (lectotype designated by Rilke 1999):― CHINA: Tche-Fou, August 1860, Debeaux s.n. (LY).

3) Kali gobicolum (Iljin) Brullo & Hrusa View in CoL comb. nov. Bas.:― Salsola gobicola Iljin (1955: 124) View in CoL . Type (lectotype designated by Rilke 1999):― MONGOLIA. Gobi, inter Zagan-Burjuk et Choir-Toora, 18 July 1886, Potamin s.n. (LE), ≡ Salsola paulsenii Litvinov View in CoL × Salsola tragus Linnaeus View in CoL (see Hrusa & Gaskin 2008: 125).

4) Kali griffithii (Bunge) Akhani & Roalson View in CoL in Akhani et al. (2007: 946). Bas.:― Noaea griffithii Bunge (1862: 22) View in CoL . ≡ Salsola griffithii (Bunge) Freitag & K.Kani (1987: 50) View in CoL . Type (lectotype designated by Rilke 1999):― EGYPT. Dair Haj, Griffith 581 (P).

5) Kali ikonnikovii (Iljin) Akhani & Roalson View in CoL in Akhani et al. (2007: 946). Bas.:― Salsola ikonnikovii Iljin (1932: 748) View in CoL . Type:― MONGOLIA. Altai, gobicus, arenae mobiles inter montium Dzolin et Bain-zagan, 5 September 1931, N. & V. Ikonnikov-Galitzky 4457 (holotype LE). ≡ Salsola beticolor Iljin (1932: 747) View in CoL . Type:― MONGOLIA. Altai gobicus inter montes Dzolin et Bain-Tsagan, 5 September 1931, Ikonnikov-Galitzky 4457 (holotype: LE). = Salsola microkali M.Popov ex Iljin (1936: 213) View in CoL . Type:― CHINA. Dzhungaria mezhdu Ten’-Shanam i Bogdo-Ola, 4 September 1929, Popov 418 (holotype LE). = Salsola centralasiatica Iljin (1955: 132) View in CoL . Type:― MONGOLIA. Mongolia centralis, Gobinskii Altai, Bain Tsagan, 2 August 1931, Ikonnikov-Galitzky 4007 (holotype LE). = Salsola potaninii Iljin (1955: 128) View in CoL . Type:― MONGOLIA. Mongolia Chagai, fl. Tuingol, 4 September 1886, Potanin s.n. (holotype LE).

6) Kali jacquemontii (Moquin) Akhani & Roalson View in CoL in Akhani et al. (2007: 946). Bas.:― Salsola jacquemontii Moquin View in CoL in Candolle de (1849: 188). Type (lectotype designated by Rilke 1999):― INDIA. Indes orient, Jacquemont 2114 (P).

7) Kali komarovii (Iljin) Akhani & Roalson View in CoL in Akhani et al. (2007: 946). Bas.:― Salsola komarovii Iljin (1933: 276) View in CoL .

Type:― RUSSIA. Pochtovya stantsiya Ryazanovka (Rjazanovka), July 1911, Gordeev s.n. (holotype LE).

8) Kali monopterum (Bunge) Lomonosova (2012: 101) Bas. View in CoL :― Salsola monoptera Bunge (1879: 364) View in CoL . Type (lectotype designated by Rilke 1999):― MONGOLIA. Mongolia orientali australiore, 1840, Tatarinov s.n. (LE).

9) Kali nepalensis (Grubov) Brullo, Giusso & Hrusa View in CoL comb. nov. Bas.:― Salsola nepalensis Grubov (1961: 127) View in CoL . Type:― NEPAL. Below Rohagoan, Suli Gad, 8500’, 13 September 1952, Polunin, Sykes & Williams 3357 (holotype BM).

10) Kali paulsenii (Litvinov) Akhani & Roalson View in CoL in Akhani et al. (2007: 946) Bas.:― Salsola paulsenii Litvinov (1905: 28) View in CoL . Type (lectotype designated by Rilke 1999):― UZBEKISTAN. Turkestania, Dominium Bukara in arenosis pr. Farab ad fl. Amu-Dar’ya, 14 September 1903, Androssow & Kelov HFR 1431 (LE).

11) Kali pellucidum (Litvinov) Brullo, Giusso & Hrusa View in CoL comb. nov. Bas.:― Salsola pelllucida Litvinov (1922: 16) . Type:― UZBEKISTAN. Bukara, pr. Farab, 14 September 1913 (1903), Androsov HFR 2434 (BM, H, K, LE) (see Rilke 1999).

12) Kali ponticum (Pallas) Sukhorukov (2011: 106) View in CoL . Bas.:― Salsola kali View in CoL L. var. pontica Pallas (1803: 37) View in CoL . ≡ Salsola ruthenica Iljin subsp. pontica (Pallas) Iljin (1934: 140) View in CoL . ≡ Salsola pontica (Pallas) Degen (1937:47) View in CoL . ≡ Salsola kali View in CoL L. subsp. pontica (Pallas) Mosyakin (1996: 389) View in CoL . Type (lectotype designated by Rilke 1999):― UKRAINE. Pallas s.n. (BM).

13) Kali praecox (Litvinov) Sukhorukov (2011: 107) Bas. View in CoL :― Salsola kali View in CoL L. var. praecox Litvinov (1902: 66) View in CoL . ≡ Salsola praecox (Litvinov) Iljin (1936: 212) View in CoL . ≡ Salsola praecox Litvinov (1902: 66) View in CoL , nom. illeg., pro syn. (art. 36.1c) ≡ Salsola paulsenii Litinov subsp. praecox (Litvinov) Rilke (1999: 162) View in CoL . Type:― TURKMENISTAN. Turkestania, Transkaspia pr. Repetek, 23 May 1900, Litinov HFR 1131 (C, G,H, K, W, LE) (see Rilke 1999).

14) Kali ryanii (Hrusa & Gaskin) Brullo & Hrusa View in CoL comb nov. Bas.:― Salsola ryanii Hrusa & Gaskin (2008: 126) View in CoL . Type:― U.S.A. California, Kern Co., Hwy 119, O.% mi W of Old River, Genotype 2/5/4, 35.267°N, 119.153°W, El. 315 ft., 1 November 2002, Akers 69-3 (holotype CDA, isotypes DAV, RSA). ≡ Salsola tragus Linnaeus View in CoL × Salsola australis R.Brown View in CoL (see Hrusa & Gaskin 2008: 126).

15) Kali sinkiangense View in CoL (A.J.Li) Brullo, Giusso & Hrusa comb. nov. Bas.:― Salsola sinkiangensis View in CoL A.L. Li in Kung et al. (1978: 22). Type:― CHINA. Xinjiang, Ake-su, 950 m, 14 September 1948, Li-An-Ren & Zhu-Yia-Ran 8408 (holotype PE).

16) Kali tamamschjanae (Iljin) Akhani & Roalson View in CoL in Akhani et al. (2007: 946). Bas.:― Salsola tamamschjanae Iljin (1936: 218) View in CoL . Type:― ARMENIA. Eczmiadzin, Zvartnots, 11 October 1934, Iljin 89 (holotype LE).

17) Kali tragus (Linnaeus) Scopoli (1772: 775) View in CoL . Bas.:― Salsola tragus Linnaeus (1756: 13) View in CoL .

Salsola kali View in CoL L. var. tragus (Linnaeus) Moquin-Tandon in Candolle (1849: 187).

Salsola kali View in CoL L. subsp. tragus (Linnaeus) Čelakovsky (1871: 155) .

Type (lectotype designated by Degen 1937):―EUROPE. Herb. Linneaus 315.3 ( LINN). Type (epitype designated by Rilke 1999):― FRANCE. Kali spinosum cochleatum, Monspelii, Dania, Beleg, Herb Burser XVI (2)-24 ( UPS).

= Salsola caroliniana Walter (1788: 111) View in CoL .

Type (lectotype designated by Rilke 1999):― U.S.A. America borealis, Carolina, s.coll. ( BM).

= Salsola tragus View in CoL L. subsp. iberica Sennen & Pau in Sennen (1908:476).

Salsola iberica (Sennen & Pau) Botschantzev ex Czerepanov (1973: 192) View in CoL .

Salsola kali View in CoL L. subsp. iberica (Sennen & Pau) Rilke in Rech. fil, (1997: 183).

Type (lectotype designated by Rilke 1999):― SPAIN. Miranda de Ebro, 6 September 1907, Elias s.n. ( BSB).

= Salsola ruthenica Iljin (1934: 137) View in CoL .

Salsola kali Linnaeus subsp. ruthenica Soó View in CoL in Soó & Jávorka (1951: 786).

Type (lectotype designated by Crompton & Bassett 1985):―EUROPE. In pratis vere inundatis, solo arenoso, 12 September 1899, I. Schirajewsky s.n. ( K).

18) Kali turgidum (Dumortier) Gutermann (2011: 98) Bas. View in CoL :― Salsola turgida Dumortier (1827: 23) View in CoL . Type (lectotype designated by Rilke 1999):― NEDERLAND. In arenosis marit. Holl. prés Harlem a Zandvoort (BR). ≡ Salsola kali Linnaeus (1753: 222) View in CoL . Type (lectotype designated by Jonsell & Jarvis 1994):― Herb. Burser (UPS XVI(2)-24). Type (epitype designated by Rilke 1999):―ORIGIN UNKNOWN. Herb. Clifford: 86, Salsola View in CoL 1 (BM). = Kali sodum Moench (1794: 331) , non Scopoli (1772: 175), nom. illeg. (art. 53.1, McNeill et al. 2012). = Salsola decumbens Lamarck (1779: 241) View in CoL , nom illeg. (Art.52.1, McNeill et al. 2012). = Salsola acicularis Salisbury (1796: 153) View in CoL , nom. illeg. (Art.52.1, McNeill et al. 2012).

19) Kali zaimadium (Iljin) Akhani & Roalson in Akhani et al. (2007: 946). Bas.:― Salsola zaimadica Iljin (1955:122) . Type:― IRAN. Zaidam, August 1879, Przewalski 838 (holotype LE).


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Uppsala University, Museum of Evolution, Botany Section (Fytoteket)


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Kali Miller Gard. Dict. Abridged

Brullo, Cristian, Brullo, Salvatore, Gaskin, John F., Galdo, Gianpietro Giusso Del, Hrusa, G. Frederic & Salmeri, Cristina 2015

Salsola iberica (Sennen & Pau) Botschantzev ex

Czerepanov, S. H. 1973: )

Salsola kali Linnaeus subsp. ruthenica Soó

Soo, R. & Javorka, S. 1951: 786

Salsola ruthenica

Iljin, M. M. 1934: )

Salsola tragus

Sennen, F. 1908: 476

Salsola kali

Celakovsky, L. 1871: )

Salsola caroliniana

Walter, T. 1788: )
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