Paramanota schachti, Papp, 2004

Papp, L, 2004, Seven New Species Of Manotinae (Diptera: Mycetophilidae) From Asia And Papua New Guinea, Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 50 (3), pp. 227-244 : 242-243

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.12586726

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Paramanota schachti

sp. nov.

Paramanota schachti View in CoL sp. n.

( Figs 26–30 View Figs 26–30 )

Holotype male ( NMNS, right hind tarsomeres 3–5 lost but otherwise intact): TAIWAN:

Nantou Co., Road No. 14. Meifeng, 2100 m, NE of Puli , ca. 24° 05 N / 121° 08 E, 25.IX.–3.XI. 1997 GoogleMaps ,

Malaise trap, S. Lin & W. T. Yang. Paratype male (head lost, abdomen with genitalia in glycerol, HNHM): same data .

Measurements in mm: body length 3.32 (holotype), ca. 3.55–3.60 (paratype, 3.27 without head), wing length 3.69 (holotype), 3.96 (paratype), wing breadth 1.45 (holotype), 1.52 (paratype).

Scape, pedicel and basal 6 flagellomeres yellow, apical 8 flagellomeres brown. Scape much longer than pedicel, latter one globular. Flagellum 1.48 mm long with 0.03 mm long hairs. Basal flagellomeres flattened laterally, much broader than long (4th flagellomere 0.088 mm long and 0.11 mm broad). Palpus only 0.67 mm long. An eye-bridge of more-than-two-but-less-than-three ommatidia broad present. Ocelli large and close to each other: mid ocellus 0.06 mm broad, distance to laterals 0.045 mm (lateral edge of laterals are within the space defined by antennal bases). Ventral 3/5 of facial plate and clypeus brown, upper part of face yellow.

Length of thorax 1.045 mm (holotype), 1.07 mm (paratype). Scutum dark brown, pleura light brown. Anepisternum, katepisternum, laterotergite and mediotergite all bare.

Wing light brown, veins darker light brown. Veins, incl. A 1 with dorsal macrotrichia, R veins macrosetose also ventrally. Costal vein distinct on ca. 6/7 section to M 1. Costal fringe short, other marginal hairs of wing very short. Basal trunk of R with 5–6 very long setae dorsally. Subcostal vein upcurved to C but with faint appendix parallel to R 1 , as in fig. 6 of TUOMIKOSKI (1966). Costal length from H to Sc 0.20 mm, Sc to R 1 1.35 mm, R 1 to R 5 1.365 mm. M 1 -M 2 fork and stalk reduced, length of M 1 0.605 mm (holotype), 0.88 mm (paratype), length of M 2 1.67 mm and 1.91 mm (measured from wing margin). Vein M 3 distinct almost to wing margin. Cu 2 very short, distinct on less than 1/3 section of Cu 1. A 1 though faint, its last seta set only 0.10 mm apart from wing margin. Halteres light brown with ochreous stalk .

Legs light brown. Tibial microchaetae not ordered, or ordered not into parallel rows on apical parts of tibiae. Length of femur, tibia, first tarsomere and tibial spurs (in mm, measured on holotype): fore: 1.00, 0.69, 0.77, 0.20; mid: 1.31, 1.265, 0.92, 0.51, 0.32 (spurs of paratype 0.55, 0.36); hind: 1.36, 2.035, 0.69, 0.517, 0.33.

Abdomen darker brown, with perpendicular long setae laterally on tergites. Abdomen not flattened (cf. TUOMIKOSKI (1966) for P. orientalis ). Sternites almost as broad as abdomen. Sternites 1 and 2 bare and divided sagittally, sternite 1 with large V-shaped membranous medial area. Lateral setae on tergite 2 extremely long (up to 0.26 mm). Tergites 6 and 7 with long black setae also discally. Sternite 7 as long as tergite 7, tergite 7 nearly as long as tergite 6 (cf. TUOMIKOSKI 1966 for P. orientalis ). Sternite 8 and tergite 8 both short and lateral in position in relation to the body axis.

Tergite 9 short and broad, i.e. subquadrate ( Fig. 26 View Figs 26–30 ), with 20–21 setae only. Cerci broad and even more deep ( Fig. 27 View Figs 26–30 ), a sclerotized half of a ring inserted between edges of cerci and tergum 9. Gonocoxites not fused medially. Gonocoxal lobes subdorsal in position, consequently tergum 9 and cerci are subventral! Gonocoxite dorsally (i.e. on outer side) with numerous medium-long setae ( Fig. 29 View Figs 26–30 ), ventral (inner) side of both lobes with short strong, mostly blunt, perpendicular, peg-like setae. Gonostylus inserted on the short subventral part of gonocoxite ( Fig. 28 View Figs 26–30 ). Gonostylus ( Fig. 30 View Figs 26–30 ) bilobed: medially directed lobe with a long pecten of short black teeth, caudally directed lobe shorter with a shorter pecten of similar teeth. Aedeagus broad, not much longer than broad, weakly sclerotized. Parameres slender, weakly sclerotized.

Female unkown.

Etymology. I name this new species after Dr WOLFGANG SCHACHT (Zoologisches Staatssammlung, München, Germany), who found the type specimens in the Malaise trap materials of the Taichung Museum, in honour of his activities for the survey in the Diptera fauna of Taiwan.

I have no doubt about the generic relegation of this new species. The male genitalia differ in several respects from those of P. orientalis , mainly by its apically bilobed gonocoxal lobe. Also tergite 9 and details of proctiger are different ( Fig. 26 View Figs 26–30 , cf. fig. 4 of TUOMIKOSKI 1966).

TUOMIKOSKI’ s (1966) statement about “coxites … as two broad lobes which are provided with spiny bristles on their dorsal surface” (see his figs 3, 4) may reflect that he was unaware of the extra torsion of the male genitalia in Paramanota .

I am the first student, who has had the opportunity to study all four genera of Manotinae simultaneously. I am undecided whether Paramanota and the other three genera together form a monophyletic group. The distinct eye bridge is a unique feature, the shape of the subcostal vein is particularly interesting. The ocelli are large and close to each other. Male genitalia are peculiar with more torsion than any other mycetophilids known to me. The reduction of the M 1 -M 2 fork and of its stalk may be a convergent feature in true manotines on the one side, and in Paramanota on the other. However, this is only a list of a number of peculiar features, and a proper phylogenetic analysis would be necessary for taking decision.


Acknowledgement – I would like to thank Dr JAN ŠEVČÍK (Slezké zemské muzeum, Opava, Czech Republic) for advice and Ms MEI-LING CHAN for her help with loans from the National Museum of Natural Science, Taichung (Taiwan) and also for her kind hospitality during our visits to her Museum.


National Museum of Natural Science


Tavera, Department of Geology and Geophysics


Hungarian Natural History Museum (Termeszettudomanyi Muzeum)


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile













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