Dictyoconella complanata Henson, 1948

SCHLAGINTWEIT, FELIX & RASHIDI, KOOROSH, 2021, Dictyoconella Henson, 1948, Upper Cretaceous Larger Benthic Foraminifera: A Taxonomic Revision With The Establishment Of Gusicella Gen. Nov. (Type-Species Dictyoconella Minima Henson), Acta Palaeontologica Romaniae 17 (2), pp. 3-13 : 7-10

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.35463/j.apr.2021.02.01



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scientific name

Dictyoconella complanata Henson, 1948


Dictyoconella complanata Henson, 1948 View in CoL

Figs. 2 View Fig a-b pars, 3-4

1948 Dictyoconella complanata n. gen., n. sp. – Henson, p. 25, plate 6, figs. 2-3, 16, pl. 10, fig. 14.

1986 Dictyoconella complanata Henson – Köylüoğlu, pl. 86, fig. 1 pars.

1998 Dictyoconella complanata Henson – Whittaker et al., pl. 47, figs. 4-6.

2016 Dictyoconus bakhtiari Schlagintweit et al. – Schlagintweit et al., fig. 8g, fig. 10f.

2020 Dictyoconella complanata Henson –Schlagintweit, p. 75, fig. 4d-f.

Description: See the genus description.


Test diameter: up to 4.8 mm (3.3 mm, holotype specimen of Henson, 1948)

Test height: 3.6 mm (2.9 mm, holotype specimen of Henson, 1948)

Thickness: mostly between 0.8 and 0.9 mm (~ 0.8 mm, Henson, 1948)

Number of chambers last mm axial length: 7-9 (about 7, Henson, 1948)

Remarks: The dimorphism of D. complanata is well constrained by the biloculine embryo in the A-form and an indiscernible embryo within a close-coiled whorl including more chambers in the B-form (one section only, see Fig. 4b View Fig ). The differences in the external test morphology between the two generations are unknown. In the family Orbitolinidae , B-specimens are generally larger and more flattened (e.g. Hofker, 1966). In the Iranian Tarbur Formation, D. complanata is comparably rare and only a couple of sections are available. Due to the revision presented herein, Dictyoconella becomes a monospecific genus and an assumed Maastrichtian newcomer that became extinct shortly afterwards at the K-Pg boundary. Besides the Tarbur Formation of Iran, D. complanata has been reported so far from the Maastrichtian Garzan Formation of southeastern Turkey ( Köylüoğlu, 1986) revealing some kind of bioprovincialism, which requires subsequent study ( Schlagintweit, 2020a).

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