Platygaster diplosisae Risbec, 1956 a : 109

Notton, David G., 2010, A catalogue of the types of Platygastridae (Hymenoptera, Platygastroidea) at the Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, Paris, with brief notes on the history of the collection, Zootaxa 2358, pp. 1-24 : 12

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Plazi (2016-04-08 23:12:46, last updated 2017-02-08 16:55:19)

scientific name

Platygaster diplosisae Risbec, 1956 a : 109


Platygaster diplosisae Risbec, 1956 a: 109 , figs 5 b–f.

Syntypes Ƥ(Ƥ); 3 (3), Cameroun, Garoua; syntypes Ƥ(Ƥ); 3 (3), Cameroun, Pouss (all lost).

Remarks. Twenty-one specimens on three microscope slides were found in the MNHN labelled by Risbec as Platygaster pachydiplosisae , however they are not types as the labels differed in significant details from those mentioned in the original description of Platygaster diplosisae . ( P. pachydiplosisae is an incorrect subsequent spelling by Risbec (1956 b) of P. diplosisae as is clear from his reference to the paper containing the earlier name). This material is noted here since, in the absence of any type material, it may be useful in the interpretation of this species. According to a manuscript list compiled by A. Dramé in 1991 and held by the MNHN, the collection of IFAN (l’Institut fondamental d’Afrique Noire Cheikh Anta Diop, Dakar) also contains material identified as P. pachydiplosisae which may assist in the interpretation of this species. Heinrichs and Barrion (2004) considered P. diplosisae to be a synonym of P. oryzae Cameron, 1891 , however from the examination of the material in MNHN and BMNH, there is significant morphological variation which suggests they are separate species.

Heinrichs, E. A. & Barrion, A. T. (2004) Rice-feeding insects and selected natural enemies in West Africa: Biology, ecology, identification. International Rice Research Institute, Los Banos and WARDA - The Africa Rice Center, Abidjan. 243 p.

Risbec, J. (1956 a) Hymenopteres parasites du Cameroun. Bulletin de l'Institut francais d'Afrique noire (Serie A, Sciences naturelles), 18, 97 - 164.

Risbec, J. (1956 b) Les parasites des insectes borers du riz au Cameroun. L'Agronomie Tropicale, Mars - Avril 1956, 11 (2), 234 - 247.


Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle


Institut Fondamental d'Afrique Noire











