Rhamphichthys drepanium Triques, 1999

Carvalho, Tiago P. & Albert, James S., 2023, A taxonomic review of the Neotropical electric fish Rhamphichthys (Gymnotiformes: Rhamphichthyidae), Neotropical Ichthyology (e 230012) 21 (4), pp. 1-76 : 18-27

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.1590/1982-0224-2023-0012

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scientific name

Rhamphichthys drepanium Triques, 1999


Rhamphichthys drepanium Triques, 1999 View in CoL

( Figs. 7B–C View FIGURE 7 , 9–14 View FIGURE 9 View FIGURE 10 View FIGURE 11 View FIGURE 12 View FIGURE 13 View FIGURE 14 ; Tab. 4)

Rhamphichthys marmoratus non Castelnau, 1855. —Mago-Leccia, 1994: fig. 61 (illustrated). Maldonado-Ocampo, Albert, 2003:157 (listed). —Lasso et al., 2004:141 (listed). —Rugeles, 2007:17 (illustrated and listed).

Rhamphichthys drepanium Triques, 1999:1 View in CoL (original description, type-locality: Lago Janauari at the confluence of rio Negro and rio Amazonas. Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil). —Ferraris, 2003:496 (listed). —Maldonado-Ocampo, Albert, 2003:157 (listed). —Lasso et al., 2004:141 (listed). —Campos-da-Paz, 2007:123 (listed). —Carvalho, Albert, 2011:468 (examined). —Carvalho et al., 2011:405 (examined). — Carvalho, Albert, 2015:40 (comparative material examined). —Tagliacollo et al., 2016:29, fig. 5 (phylogenetic relationships). —Ferraris et al., 2017:28 (listed). —DoNascimiento et al., 2017:66 (listed). —Giora, Carvalho, 2018:1060, fig. 2 (accessory electric organ anatomy). —Janzen et al., 2022: tab. 1 (barcode library).

Rhamphichthys sp. —Lavoué et al., 2012: fig. 2 (illustrated and EOD description).

Diagnosis. Rhamphichthys drepanium differs from all congeners except R. hahni by having paired sickle-shaped saddles along the middorsum interrupted at the midline

( Figs. 15B–C View FIGURE 15 ), vs. absence of saddles or intercalated saddles on the middorsum ( Figs. View FIGURE 15

15A, D–G). It differs from R. hahni by the shape of the posterior gas–bladder, which is usually reduced with thickened walls, vs. always membranous and balloon like in R.

hahni ( Fig. 16D View FIGURE 16 ). Also, R. drepanium differs from R. hahni by the number of precaudal vertebrae usually 18–20, rarely 20 (mode 19), vs. 19–21, rarely 19 (mode 20; Tab. 5); and by the number of caudal vertebrae 92–94, vs. 90–93 (mode 90; Tab. 5).

Description. Morphometrics and meristic given in Tab. 4. Adult body size moderate to large compared with other congeners, maximum size 604 mm LEA. Mouth subterminal. Snout relatively short and robust, about half of head length. Dorsal profile of snout strongly concave in front of eye, head profile slightly convex posteriorly. Anterior nares positioned terminally; posterior nares located closer to snout than eyes at about one third of length. Body profile almost straight to slightly concave dorsally. Ventral body profile slightly concave from anal–fin origin to end of anal fin. Greatest body depth slightly posterior to end of body cavity. Body tapering posterior to mid body. Eyes relatively small and positioned laterally, about nine times contained in postorbital length. Urogenital papilla developed and anteriorly positioned below eyes in specimens larger than 370 mm LEA. Urogenital papillae large and thickened in adults. Posterior gas bladder variable in shape, typically presenting reduced size and thickened walls, rarely presenting balloon–like gas blader ( Figs. 16A–C View FIGURE 16 ). Caudal appendage laterally compressed, depth about three times width. Body entirely covered by scales in adults, anterior and dorsal areas naked in juveniles. Scales cycloid, elongate in shape posteriorly, length twice as depth. Lateral line complete with ossified tubules, anterior portion of presenting ventral rami. Pectoral fin with 16–19 (mode 18) rays, dorsal rays longer than ventral rays, distal fin margin slightly rounded. Anal fin with 310–390 (median 345) rays. Anal–fin origin at vertical of anterior portion of opercle. Precaudal vertebrae 18–20 (mode = 19, n = 10). Unbranched anal–fin rays at anterior anal fin portion 21–41. Caudal vertebrae to end of anal fin 92–94 (n = 3). Displaced hemal spines 13 (n = 1). Sexual dimorphism unknown.

Coloration in alcohol. Ground color of dorsal and lateral surfaces of head and body light to dark brown ( Figs. 9–14 View FIGURE 9 View FIGURE 10 View FIGURE 11 View FIGURE 12 View FIGURE 13 View FIGURE 14 ). Individuals from the Amazon River basin are overall generally darker ( Figs. 9–12 View FIGURE 9 View FIGURE 10 View FIGURE 11 View FIGURE 12 ) than individuals from the Orinoco River basin ( Figs. 13–14 View FIGURE 13 View FIGURE 14 ). Head mostly dark brown except for scattered, light, irregular small blotches, smaller than eye size; ventral portion of head lighter than dorsal portion. Dorsum of body presenting sickle–shaped dark saddles, these reaching ventrally to lateral line. Presence of lateral darkish lateral bands, slightly diagonally located from anteroventral to posterodorsal axis. Lateral bands sometimes with a light central area. Lateral bands often contacting the dorsal saddles; forming a contiguous band; these usually not contacting the ventrolateral bands over pterygiophores region, which are contiguous with the dark areas of the proximal region of the anal fin. Specimens larger than 500 mm of LEA uniformly dark, with inconspicuous saddles and bands. Anal fin mostly dark with clear and vermiculous areas proximally, and clear spots distally. Pectoral fin mostly clear or hyaline, with dark vertical bars. Caudal appendage with dark vertically elongate bands.

Geographical distribution. Rhamphichthys drepanium is distributed in the Amazon and Orinoco basins ( Fig. 17 View FIGURE 17 ; Tab. 1). In the Amazon basin it is frequently collected in lentic waters, e.g., floodplain oxbow and ria lakes. In the Orinoco basin it is commonly collected in lotic habitats, including flooded savannas and barrow pits in the Llanos, sometimes being found in the main channel of small to medium sized, slowly flowing rivers.

Electric organ discharge. A tetraphasic discharge according to Lavoué et al. (2012, fig. 2d) identified as Rhamphichthys sp.

Comments. Rhamphichthys drepanium has been often erroneously identified as R. marmoratus (currently junior synonym of R. pantherinus ) in the Orinoco River basin (e.g., Mago-Leccia, 1994 and see also synonym list). Rhamphichthys pantherinus has a relatively restricted distribution in the Orinoco, occurring only in the Ventuari, Guaviare and Metica river basins.

Geographic variation. Specimens from the Orinoco basin ( Figs. 14–15 View FIGURE 14 View FIGURE 15 ) are overall less pigmented and relatively clearer than specimens collected in the Amazon basin ( Figs. 9–13 View FIGURE 9 View FIGURE 10 View FIGURE 11 View FIGURE 12 View FIGURE 13 ). Despite their disjunct distribution, the populations in the Amazon and Orinoco basins exhibit relatively little morphological differences. A PCA was conducted using 11 morphometric characters to compare both geographic groups of R. drepanium (Amazon and Orinoco) and the allied species R. hahni from Paraná-Paraguay system. The first three principal components (PC1, PC2 and PC3) explain most of the variance (69.1%; Tab. S4). Scores were plotted for PC1 vs. PC2 and show large morphometric overlap of populations of R. drepanium in the Amazon R. drepanium in the Orinoco and R. hahni . Strong loadings separating these groups are the interorbital diameter (IO), eye diameter (ED), and branchial opening (BO; Fig. 18 View FIGURE 18 ; Tab. S5). A Multivariate Analyses of Variance (MANOVA) was done using the PC scores of the first three axis of the PCA. There are no statistically significant differences between morphometrics between R. hahni and R. drepanium from the Amazon and the comparison between other groups are marginally significant except when comparing the Orinoco population of R. drepanium with R. hahni (Tab. S6; Wilks’ λ: 0.4475; P <0.001; F 6,90 = 7.424).

Material examined. Orinoco Llanos: ANSP 128227 About ANSP , 2 About ANSP (2 specimens measured in

Tab. 4, 430–432 mm LEA), Colombia, Meta, Caño Rico at La Defensa NW of Laguna

Mozambique. ANSP 165186 About ANSP , 1 About ANSP (1 specimens measured in Tab. 4, 365 mm LEA),

Venezuela, Guárico, Esteros de Camaguan, 6 km N of Camaguan on road between Calabozo and San Fernando de Apure, 08º09’N 67º36’W. ANSP 166566 About ANSP , 2 About ANSP (2 specimens measured in Tab. 4, 325–532 mm LEA) GoogleMaps , Venezuela, Bolívar, Almacén, Laguna Maldonado, 08º06’N 63º45’W. ANSP 181071 About ANSP , 2 About ANSP (2 specimens measured in Tab. 4, 315– 320 mm LEA) GoogleMaps , Venezuela, Apure, Río Apure along right bank of channel near Maria Nieves bridge at vicinity of San Fernando de Apure , 07º53’N 67º28’W. ANSP 188935 About ANSP , 5 About ANSP GoogleMaps , Venezuela, Apure, Río Apure Isla playa del Médio at mouth of Río Portuguesa , 07º55’N 67º31’W. AUM 22668 View Materials , 2 View Materials GoogleMaps , Venezuela, Portuguesa, Río Portuguesa in El Mamón 24 km E of Guanare , 09º04’N 69º30’W. CAS 64326 About CAS , 1 About CAS (1 specimen measured in Tab. 4, 320 mm LEA) GoogleMaps , Venezuela, Portuguesa, Río Maria at bridge on Guanaré-Acarigua highway, 09º10’N 69º35’W. CAS 64425 About CAS , 1 About CAS (1 specimen measured in Tab. 4, 232 mm LEA) GoogleMaps , Venezuela, Portuguesa, Caño Maracá at highway between Guanarito-Guanare km 60. CUMV 72364 View Materials , 4 View Materials , Venezuela, Apure, Esteros de Camaguán farm pond about 35 km N of San Fernando, 08º07’N 67º36’W. CUMV 72371 View Materials , 3 View Materials GoogleMaps , Venezuela, Apure, San Fernando de Apure, Río Apure east of San Fernando Bridge , 07º54’N 67º28’W. CUMV 82360 View Materials , 2 View Materials GoogleMaps , Venezuela, Apure, Río Apure near mouth of Portuguesa, west of San Fernado , 07º55’N 67º30’W. CUMV 90146 View Materials , 1 View Materials GoogleMaps , Venezuela, Portuguesa, Río Las Marias. FMNH 102111 About FMNH , 1 About FMNH (1 specimen measured in Tab. 4, 267 mm LEA) , Venezuela, Barinas, Río Suripa between pumping station of Hato Mercedes and mouth in Río Anaro. FMNH 105141 About FMNH , 1 About FMNH , Venezuela, Barinas, Río Anaro about 10 minutes from mouth in Río Suripa , 07º49’N 70º18’W. FMNH 105142 About FMNH , 8 About FMNH (2 specimens measured in Tab. 4, 295–315 mm LEA) GoogleMaps , Venezuela Barinas, Cano Socopo about 3.5 hours upstream from boat of Hato Mercedes in Río Suripa , 07º47’ N 69º56’W. FMNH 105143 About FMNH , 1 About FMNH GoogleMaps , Venezuela, Barinas, Playa Los Chicos in the Río Suripa 2.5 hours above Hato Mercedes. IAvH-P 9241 , 4 , Colombia, Arauca, Tame, Caño El Rucio 2 km via Arauca-Tame, 06º40’N 70º30’W. IAvH-P 17545 , 1 GoogleMaps , Colombia, Casanare, Paz de Ariporo , Tapa el Venado, 05º36’49”N 71º05’44”W. IAvH-P 17555 , 1 GoogleMaps , Colombia, Casanare, Paz de Ariiporo , Tapa las Matas, 05º39’14”N 71º00’31”W. IAvH-P 17559 , 1 GoogleMaps , Colombia Casanare, Caño la Hermosa , 05º42’20”N 71º01’11”W. IAvH-P 17972 , 1 GoogleMaps , Colombia, Arauca, Arauquita, confluence of stream, río Arauca and brazo Bayonero. IAvH-P 22115 , 1 , Colombia, Arauca, Arauquita, Río Aguas de Limón. ICNMCN 1321 , 1 , Meta Puerto Lopez, Laguna de Menegua. ICNMCN 1727 , Colombia Arauca, Cravo Norte, Caño Negro, Caño Ormedillo on the road to Arauca. ICNMCN 3333 , 1 , Colombia Arauca, Cravo Norte, Caño Negro, Caño Armadillo on the road to Arauca. ICNMCN 5568 1, Colombia, Casanare, Canno Carupana tributary to Río Gachiria. LBP 3040 , 1 , Venezuela, Bolívar, Rio Orinoco upstream Caicara del Orinoco , 07º38’11”N 66º19’04”W. MCNG 2149 View Materials , 1 View Materials GoogleMaps , Venezuela, Barinas, borrow pit 1.2 km south of Bruzual , 08º01’N 69º20’W. MCNG 3110 View Materials , 3 View Materials GoogleMaps , Venezuela, Barinas, flooded area bridge at Bruzual, 08º03’N 69º20’W. MCNG 5256 View Materials , 2 View Materials GoogleMaps , Venezuela, Apure, Rio Sarare , 07º10’N 71º15’S. MCNG 5343 View Materials , 1 View Materials , Venezuela, Portuguesa / Barinas, Río Bocono , 08º43’N 69º34’W. MCNG 5984 View Materials , 6 View Materials GoogleMaps , Venezuela, Apure, Hato El Frio, 07º53’N 68º52’W. MCNG 12848 View Materials , 6 View Materials GoogleMaps , Venezuela, Barinas, Río Guasimito , 08º13’N 68º25’W. MCNG 14405 View Materials , 1 View Materials GoogleMaps , Venezuela, Portuguesa, stream E of Guayabal. MCNG 14521 View Materials , 1 View Materials , Venezuela, Guárico, river between Cazorla and Guayabal , 07º57’N 67º09’W. MCNG 15771 View Materials , 1 View Materials GoogleMaps , Venezuela, Apure, creek south to Bruzual. MCNG 19525 View Materials , 2 View Materials , Venezuela, Guárico, highway Calabozo to Camaguan km 271. MCNG 20694 View Materials , 1 View Materials , Venezuela, Apure, Río Apure 200 m upstream Maria Nieves bridge, 07º53’N

67º28’W. MCNG 24076 View Materials , 3 View Materials , Venezuela, Apure , Laguna El Pozón. MCNG 25434 View Materials , 1 View Materials , Venezuela, Apure , Via Arichuna 4 km from Boquerone. MCNG 25520 View Materials , 4 View Materials , Venezuela, Guárico , Via Arichuna 4 km from the bridge. MCNG 25533 View Materials , 1 View Materials , Venezuela, Apure , Río Lagero , Isla Apurito. MCNG 26246 View Materials , 1 View Materials , Venezuela, Barinas , Río Ticoporo , 07º47’N 69º56’W. MCNG 26648 View Materials , Venezuela, Portuguesa GoogleMaps , Caño San Jose between Guanaritico and La Capilla , 08º41’09”N 68º56’49”W. MCNG 27371 View Materials , 1 View Materials , Venezuela, Portuguesa GoogleMaps , Caño Ignes tributary to Río Portuguesa . MCNG 28621 View Materials , 2 View Materials , Venezuela, Apure , Módulos del Apure borrow pit 49, 07º30’N 69º30’W. MCNG 30913 View Materials , 1 View Materials , Guárico GoogleMaps , Infante, Laguna Larga II. MCNG 31166 View Materials , 1 View Materials , Venezuela, Anzoátegui , Laguna El Venado, 08º10’30”N 63º37’35”W. MCNG 35523 View Materials , 2 View Materials , Venezuela, Portuguesa GoogleMaps , Esteros del Caño Maracá between Papelón y Caño Delgadito , 08º50’N 69º27’W. MCNG 35759 View Materials , 1 View Materials , Venezuela, Portuguesa GoogleMaps , Guanare, Esteros del Caño Maracá, en la finca de Dario Urriola. MCNG 35693 View Materials , 1 View Materials , Venezuela, Guanare , Caño Maracá at bridge in the road between Guanare / Guanarito about 60 km from Guanare , 08º49’N 69º20’W. MCNG 38804 View Materials , 1 View Materials , Venezuela, Apure GoogleMaps , Caño Guaritico Medanos. MCNG 41735 View Materials , 1 View Materials , Venezuela, Portuguesa , La Aduana in the road from Guanare to Nueva Florida , 08º55’N 69º12’W. MCNG 48379 View Materials , 1 View Materials , Venezuela, Guarico GoogleMaps , Esteros de Camaguan , 08º07’N 67º36’W. MCNG 49471 View Materials , 2 View Materials , Venezuela, Barinas GoogleMaps , Caño Bravo, 08º00’N 67º59’W. MCNG 50300 View Materials , 1 View Materials , Venezuela, Apure GoogleMaps , Río Apure , Isla Apurito, MCNG 51560 View Materials , 2 View Materials , Venezuela, Apure , Río Apure at Piedral Abajo . 07º32’27”N 67º18’17”W. MPUJ 6563 , 2 , Colombia, Casanare GoogleMaps , Caño Orosio, 05º12’11”N 71º01’56”W. MPUJ 8493 , 1 , Casanare GoogleMaps , Trinidad, Caño Varajuste, bridge on main road , 05º24’22”N 71º37’56”W. MPUJ 11694 , Colombia, Casanare GoogleMaps , Paz de Ariporo , Tapa el Venado , 05º36’49”N 71º05’44”W. MPUJ 11695 , 1 , Colombia Casanare GoogleMaps , Paz de Ariporo, Tapa Las Matas , 05º39’14”N 71º00’31”W. MPUJ 11696 , 1 , Colombia, Casanare GoogleMaps , Paz de Ariporo, Tapa la Guayabera , 05º38’41”N 71º13’47”W. UF 37025 , 3 (2 specimens measured in Tab. 4, 171–207 mm LEA; 1 cs), Venezuela, Apure GoogleMaps , Hato El Frio borrow pit near Río Guaritico , 07º52’N 69º19’W. UF 78066 , 2 (2 specimens measured in Tab. 4, 247–257, mm LEA, 1 cs), Venezuela, Guárico GoogleMaps , borrow pit in palm savannah 2.3 km N of San Fernando de Apure , 07º52’S 68º55’W. UF 80303 , 1 (1 specimen measured in Tab. 4, 277 mm LEA, 1 cs), Venezuela, Portuguesa GoogleMaps , old Río Guanare about 12 km S of Arismendi , 08º22’N 68º19’W. USNM 200243 About USNM , 1 About USNM , Venezuela, Apure GoogleMaps , Río Apure 5 km W of San Fernando de Apure , 07º53’N 67º29’W. USNM 260245 About USNM , 1 About USNM , Venezuela, Apure GoogleMaps , Río Apure about 2 km E of bridge at San Fernando de Apure , 07º53’N 67º29’W. USNM 270259 About USNM , 4 About USNM , Venezuela, Apure GoogleMaps , side channel of Río Apure about 3 km W of center of San Fernando de Apure , 07º53’S 67º29’W. ZMB 10015 View Materials , 1 View Materials , Venezuela, Apure GoogleMaps . Orinoco Delta and coastal drainages: USNM 228821 About USNM , 1 About USNM , Venezuela, Delta Amacuro , Río Orinoco first small caño on W side of Caño Paloma 100 m above its mouth 92 nautical miles upstream from sea buoy, 08º29’N 62º25’W. Rio Negro: INPA 27613 View Materials , 1 View Materials , Brazil Amazonas, rio Negro at Praia Grande GoogleMaps , 03º02’S 60º32’W. Amazonas lowlands: INPA 4805 View Materials , 4 View Materials (3 specimens measured in Tab. 4, 360– 485 mm LEA), Brazil, Amazonas, Autazes , lago do Castanho GoogleMaps , 03º33’S 59º13’W. INPA 4848 View Materials , 1 View Materials , Brazil, Amazonas, lago do Camaleão at ilha da Marchantaria. INPA 13036 View Materials , 2 View Materials (1 specimen measured in Tab. 4, 473 mm LEA), Brazil Amazonas , Manaquiri , lago Janauacá GoogleMaps , 03º23’S 60º16’W. INPA 13037 View Materials , 4 View Materials (2 specimens measured in Tab. 4, 420–500 mm LEA), Brazil Amazonas, Manaquiri , lago Janauacá GoogleMaps , 03º23’S 60º16’W. INPA 17682 View Materials , 6 View Materials (2 specimens measured in Tab. 4, 382–395 mm LEA, 1 cs), Brazil, Amazonas, Manaus GoogleMaps ,

Costa do Catalão, 03º10’S 59º56’W. INPA 18324 View Materials , Brazil, Amazonas, Alvarães, lago Amanã at mouth of igarapé Baré, 02º29’S 64º41’W GoogleMaps . INPA 27602 View Materials , 1 View Materials (1 specimen measured in Tab. 4, 372 mm LEA), Brazil, Amazonas , Manaus, paraná do Xiborena, 03º09’S 59º55’W GoogleMaps . INPA 27603 View Materials , 1 View Materials (1 specimen measured in Tab. 4, 207 mm LEA), Brazil, lago do Padre . MCP 45526 View Materials , 1 View Materials , Brazil, Amazonas, rio Tefé in ilha do Martelo at lago do Martelo, 03º46’49”S 64º59’29”W GoogleMaps . MPEG 10075 View Materials , 2 View Materials , Brazil, Pará, Juruti, lago da Piranha, 02º12’S 56º06’W GoogleMaps . MZUSP 6893 View Materials , holotype (1 specimen measured in Tab. 4, 372 mm LEA), Brazil, Amazonas , Manaus , lago Janauari at confluence of rio Negro and rio Solimões, 03º12’S 60º01’W GoogleMaps . MZUSP 48509 View Materials , 2 paratypes (2 specimens measured in Tab. 4, 325-390 mm LEA), collected with holotype GoogleMaps . MZUSP 36144 View Materials , 2 View Materials (1 specimen measured in Tab. 4, 385 mm LEA), Brazil, Amazonas , lago Amanã mouth of rio Japurá, 02º30’S 64º42’W GoogleMaps . USNM 306734 About USNM , 1 About USNM , Brazil, Amazonas, lago Janauari near its mouth . USNM 306766 About USNM , 1 About USNM , Brazil, Amazonas, São José, lago do Castanho at Janauacá . USNM 306876 About USNM , 1 paratype of R. drepanium , Brazil, Amazonas , lago Janauari at first brick plant. Mamoré-Madre de Dios Piedmont . MNHN 1988–1028 About MNHN , 1 About MNHN , Bolívia, Puerto Almacén, Río Ibaré tributary to Río Mamoré, 14º52’S 64º58’W GoogleMaps .


University of Lethbridge












Rhamphichthys drepanium Triques, 1999

Carvalho, Tiago P. & Albert, James S. 2023

Rhamphichthys drepanium

Triques 1999: 1
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