Tumeochrysa (Tumeochrysa) yangi, Wu & Liu, 2024

Wu, Jingyu & Liu, Xingyue, 2024, Systematics of the green lacewing tribe Ankylopterygini Navás, 1910 (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae: Chrysopinae) from China, Zootaxa 5540 (1), pp. 1-169 : 92-94

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.5540.1.1

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scientific name

Tumeochrysa (Tumeochrysa) yangi

sp. nov.

[42] Tumeochrysa (Tumeochrysa) yangi sp. nov.

( Figs 47 View FIGURE 47 , 86 View FIGURE 86 )

Diagnosis. This species is characterized by the presence of the vertex with reddish triangular markings, the wide straight scape with reddish stripe on the outer side, and the median arch of male gonarcus with U-shaped invagination and short wide projections.

Description. Male. Body length 16.8 mm, forewing length 22.4 mm, hindwing length 20.3 mm.

Head broad, vertex with reddish triangular markings. Compound eyes prominent and black. Antennae yellow, scape with reddish stripe on outer side, wider than pedicel and flagellum. Frons, clypeus and gena without spots. Maxillary and labial palpi brownish yellow.

Thorax with dense setae, with reddish stripe near middle and brown stripes on lateral side.

Legs with dense setae and without spots. Pretarsal claws brown, with basal dilation.

Forewing long and narrow, without shadings. Pterostigma indistinct. Costal area with 36–38 crossveins; 23–25 radial crossveins present. m1 smaller than m2; im triangular; 16–17 psm-psc crossveins present. c1 smaller than c2, dcc closed. A1 forked, A2 and A3 simple. Gradates in three or four divergent rows, inner gradate series extended basally parallel to Psm.

Hindwing long and narrow, without shadings. Pterostigma indistinct. Costal area with 27–28 crossveins; 21–23 radial crossveins and 14–15 psm-psc crossveins present. Gradates in three or four divergent rows, basal crossvein of inner gradate series not meeting Psm.

Abdomen with dense setae. Tergum VII and sternum VII subquadrate in lateral view; tergum VIII and sternum VIII obviously shorter than tergum VII; sternum IX elongated and constricted near tip; tergum IX fused with ectoproct. Callus cerci ovoid. Gonarcus arcuate, median arch with short and wide projections, lateral arms expanded; entoprocessus broad; arcessus widest at base.

Female. Body length 15.3–17.1 mm, forewing length 25.3–26.1 mm, hindwing length 22.5–22.9 mm.

Sternum VII longer than tergum VII; tergum VII subquadrate in lateral view; tergum VIII shorter than tergum VII; tergum IX fused with ectoproct. Callus cerci ovoid. Subgenitale bilobed apically; spermatheca thick, vela short, ventral impression absent, duct long and coiled.

Type material. Holotype ♂, China, Yunnan, Dali, Binchuan, Mt. Jizushan , 3217 m, 2020.VII.23, Haolin Gan ( CAU) . Paratypes: 1♀, same as holotype ( CAU) ; 2♀, China, Yunnan, Nujiang, Lushui , light, 3060 m, 2016.VII.10, Qicheng Yang & Liang Wang ( CAU) ; 1♀, China, Yunnan, Nujiang, Lushui , light, 2887 m, 2016.VII.10, Qicheng Yang ( CAU) .

Etymology. The new species is dedicated to Professor Chikun Yang, who made tremendous contributions to the taxonomy of Neuroptera from China.

Distribution. China (Yunnan).

Remarks. This species is similar to T. yunica and T. indica in external morphological characters, but can be distinguished by the short and wide projections on the median arch of male gonarcus and the short female subgenitale, respectively.


China, Beijing, China Agricultural University


China Agricultural University

















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