Malmaemichungia Kwon, 1983

Wei, Cong, Zhang, Yalin & Dietrich, Christopher H., 2010, A new brachypterous leafhopper of the tribe Malmaemichungiini (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae: Bathysmatophorinae), representing the first record of the tribe from China, Zootaxa 2689, pp. 48-56 : 49-52

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.199475


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scientific name

Malmaemichungia Kwon, 1983


Genus Malmaemichungia Kwon, 1983 View in CoL

Malmaemichungia Kwon, 1983: 21 View in CoL

Type species: Malmaemichungia brachycephala Kwon by original designation

Redescription. Body generally dark ochre with dark to yellowish brown markings ( Figs 1–5 View FIGURES 1 – 7 ).

Head ( Figs 1, 4, 5 View FIGURES 1 – 7 ) small, slightly narrower than or nearly as wide as pronotum. Crown short, approximately 3x broader than median length, deeply concave; anterior margin strikingly carinate; posterior margin elevated, subparallel to anterior margin. Eyes strongly bulging dorsad; ocelli absent. Face ( Figs 2, 6 View FIGURES 1 – 7 ) distinctly longer than wide, shagreened; frontoclypeus in profile nearly flat longitudinally, upper margin slightly concave medially in anteroventral view; transclypeal suture indistinct; anteclypeus elongate, with apex extending well beyond lorum; lateral margin very slightly convex; apical area narrowed apically, with margin roundly convex; lorum narrow; gena nearly flat; rostrum broad, extending to apex of trochanter of middle leg. Antenna very short, arising adjacent to lower corner of eye; antennal ledge distinct.

Pronotum ( Figs 1, 4, 5 View FIGURES 1 – 7 ) subhexagonal in males ( Fig. 1 View FIGURES 1 – 7 ), subrectangular in females ( Fig. 5 View FIGURES 1 – 7 ), approximately 2x broader than median length, shagreened; anterior and lateral margins slightly convex; lateroposterior and posterior margins slightly concave with lateroposterior angles shortly produced in males ( Fig. 1 View FIGURES 1 – 7 ), nearly in straight line with posterior margin in females ( Fig. 5 View FIGURES 1 – 7 ); carina present, slightly curved ventrally. Scutellum ( Figs 1, 4, 5 View FIGURES 1 – 7 ) very small, slightly elevated apically, with lateral margin nearly in line with lateroposterior margin of pronotum. Forewing ( Figs 3 – 5 View FIGURES 1 – 7 ) brachypterous, distinctly thickened with claval suture and several longitudinal veins disctinct; outer and inner margins elevated, apical margin truncate. Hind wing reduced. Legs densely setose; setal groups of front femur poorly differentiated, with AM1 not enlarged. Hind femur ( Figs 3, 7 View FIGURES 1 – 7 ) slightly broadened distally, with several scattered distal setae elevated on strong bases and uniseriate row of shorter setae subapically, somewhat irregular. Hind tibia ( Figs 3, 7 View FIGURES 1 – 7 ) moderately flattened; PD setae about 15, very long; AD setae about 15, slightly shorter than PD setae. First hind tarsomere with pair of enlarged dorsal setae distally; plantar surface with six apical platellae arranged in transverse row.

Male pygofer side ( Figs 8–9 View FIGURES 8 – 20 ) with basal half broadened and apical half prominently narrowed, caudal margin somewhat rectangularly produced; densely clothed with short macrosetae; inner lateral process ( Figs 11–12 View FIGURES 8 – 20 ) well developed, arising basolaterally on mesal surface of lobe, bifurcate. Segment X ( Figs 8–9 View FIGURES 8 – 20 ) small. Valve ( Figs 9–10 View FIGURES 8 – 20 ) broad and short. Subgenital plate ( Figs 9, 10, 13 View FIGURES 8 – 20 ) ligulate, extending to or slightly beyond apex of pygofer, ventral side with scattered short macrosetae; large lobe-like processes on lateral margin basally, articulated with style in dorsal view; lateral margin folded inward. Style ( Figs 15–18 View FIGURES 8 – 20 ) with apodeme long, straight and expanded apically; median lobe very short; lateral lobe well developed; apophysis elongate, extended ventrolaterad then abruptly bent posterodorsad; distal section with several fine dorsal setae basad of preapical toothlike ventral heel; apex thin and curved medially near tip. Connective ( Figs 14, 15, 17 View FIGURES 8 – 20 ) broad and short, with well-developed median anterior lobe, lateral arms very short. Aedeagus ( Figs 15, 17, 19, 20 View FIGURES 8 – 20 ) with atrium large, longer and broader than shaft; dorsal apodeme absent; shaft simple, tubular, curved dorsad in lateral view, with angulate projection dorsally at base; gonopore subapical.

Female with 7th sternite slightly longer than 6th sternite, caudal margin with shallow subtriangular cleft medially. Female pygofer ( Figs 21–22 View FIGURES 21 – 27 ) with posteroventral angle broadly produced posteriorly. Ovipositor extended beyond apex of pygofer. First valvula ( Figs 21, 23, 24 View FIGURES 21 – 27 ) with sculpture irregularly strigate dorsally with small ventral preapical imbricate area. Second valvula ( Figs 21, 25, 26 View FIGURES 21 – 27 ) with dorsal hyaline area absent; dorsal margin with several irregular blunt teeth subapically. Third valvula ( Figs 21, 27 View FIGURES 21 – 27 ) with expanded apical region extending over distal half.

Distribution. Korea (Mt. Ch’ongoksan, Mt. Sobaeksan, Mt. Daedunsan, Mt. Jirisan); China (Mts Qinling, Shaanxi Prov. and Gansu Prov,).

Biology. Huh & Kwon (1994) recorded the host plant of Malmaemichungia brachycephala as Stephanandra incisa (Rosaceae) and the adult occurrence of this univoltine species is from May to July. Host plants of other species of this genus are unknown.

Remarks. This genus can be easily distinguished from the other two known genera of Malmaemichungiini, Bannalgaechungia Kwon and Koreotettix Huh & Kwon , by the bifurcated inner process of the male pygofer.












Malmaemichungia Kwon, 1983

Wei, Cong, Zhang, Yalin & Dietrich, Christopher H. 2010


Kwon 1983: 21
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