Zeclaviger explanatus, Lawrence, John F., Escalona, Hermes E., Leschen, Richard A. B. & Ślipiński, Adam, 2014

Lawrence, John F., Escalona, Hermes E., Leschen, Richard A. B. & Ślipiński, Adam, 2014, Review of the genera of Mycetophagidae (Coleoptera: Tenebrionoidea) with descriptions of new genera and a world generic key, Zootaxa 3826 (1), pp. 195-229 : 205-206

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.3826.1.6

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scientific name

Zeclaviger explanatus

sp. nov.

Zeclaviger explanatus sp. n.

( Figs 2 View FIGURES 2 A – B H, 3C, 3E, 5F–H, 5O)

Type specimens: Holotype, ♂: NEW ZEALAND: AK: Manurewa, Murphy’s Bush, 2.v.1981, 81/59, rotten wood, G. Kuschel ( NZAC). Paratypes: NEW ZEALAND: ND: Ngaiotonga Reserve, 3.xi.1981, 81/119, litter and decayed wood, G. Kuschel (1♂, NZAC); Waipoua State Forest, Toronui Track, c. 150m, 13.iv.1980, kauripodocarp-broadleaf-nikau palm forest, berlesed from leaf litter, A. Newton, M. Thayer (1♀, ANIC). AK: Manurewa, Murphy’s Bush, 2.v.1981, 81/59, rotten wood, G. Kuschel (2♂♂, 5♀♀, 1♂ and 1♀ dissected, NZAC). CL: Great Barrier I., Mt. Hobson (36r11’S, 175r24’E)' 17.xii.2003, RL 807, ex flood debris, R. Leschen (1♀, NZAC); same locality, 18.xii.2003, RL 805, leaf litter, R. Leschen (1♀, NZAC); Little Barrier I., Shag track, 27.xi.2006, RL1121(07), rotten wood and leaf litter, R. Leschen, T. Buckley, K. Marske, D. Seldon (1♀, NZAC); Otama Forest Park, 24.x.1993, 93/114, litter, M.-C. Larivière (1♂, NZAC). TO: Moerangi, 625m, 4–9.iv.1980, mixed podocarp forest, window trap 613, A. Newton, M. Thayer (2♂♂, 1 completely dissected, ANIC). BP: Lottin Pt. Rd., Waenga Bush, 27.i.1993, 93/6, litter, R. C. Henderson (1♀, NZAC; illustrated D. Helmore); same locality, 10.iii.1993, 93/37, litter, J. S. Dugdale (1♀ NZAC); Waiaroho, 17.ix–21.x.1992, Malaise trap, G. Hall (1♂, NZAC); same locality, 2.xi.1995, 95/13, litter, G. Hall (1♀, NZAC).

Description. Color of upper surfaces and antennae dark brown to black; elytra sometimes reddish along sides; undersurfaces dark brown to reddish-brown; palps and sometimes abdomen yellowish-brown. Vestiture of head and pronotum consisting of moderately long, decumbent, yellowish setae; elytra with erect and suberect, yellow setae; undersurfaces clothed with short decumbent setae and fewer short, erect setae. Head with moderately coarse and dense punctation and smooth and shiny interspaces. Ratio of antennomere lengths: 2.75: 2.50: 2.00: 1.75: 2.25: 1.25: 1.13: 1.00: 3.50: 3.50: 2.50. Antennomere length/width ratios: 1.57, 2.00, 1.78, 1.75, 2.25, 1.25, 0.90, 0.73, 1.75, 1.56, 1.18. Pronotal punctures coarser and denser than those on head with smooth and shiny interspaces; posterior portion of disc with weak, linear elevation at midline. Elytral disc somewhat uneven, with a pair of paramedian elevations at anterior seventh, behind which is a broadly transverse impression; punctures about as large as those on head but somewhat more sparsely distributed; irregularly dispersed, with smooth and shiny interspaces. Punctation on prosternum, hypomera and pterothorax coarse and dense, that on abdomen fine and dense.

Aedeagus 2.95 times as long as wide, widest near base; phallobase 1.15 times as long as parameres, each of which is 4.3 times as long as wide, narrowing anteriorly, with apex ventrally curved and acute; penis 0.93 times as long phallobase and parameres combined, 6 times as long as wide, slender and parallel-sided, with apex subacute and basal struts about 0.45 times as long as body of penis.

Distribution. This species is restricted to the upper North Island, north of the Taupo Line.

Biology. Specimens have been taken mainly by sifting leaf litter and rotten wood.

Etymology. The specific epithet refers to the explanate sides of the pronotum.


University of Newcastle


New Zealand Arthropod Collection


Australian National Insect Collection















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