Coridromius thalame, Tatarnic & Cassis, 2008

Tatarnic, N. J. & Cassis, G., 2008, Revision Of The Plant Bug Genus Coridromius Signoret (Insecta: Heteroptera: Miridae), Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2008 (315), pp. 1-95 : 89

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Coridromius thalame

sp. nov.

Coridromius thalame View in CoL , new species Figures 5, 6, 21A, map 5

HOLOTYPE: Female: MALAYSIA: Sabah: Ranau , 5.9667 ° N 116.6833 ° E, 1176 m, 22–25 Feb 1959, T.C. Maa ( AMNH _ PBI 00041547 About AMNH ) ( BPBM type# 16736) ( BPBM). GoogleMaps

DIAGNOSIS: Recognized by the following combination of characters: large size; dark brown coloration with yellow and orange head, venter, and legs; relatively short metatibial spines; unique external paragenitalia. The paragenitalia of thalame is similar to that of ephippius , except the upper posterior margin of right abdominal sternite II is much less tuberculate. The male of thalame is unknown.

DESCRIPTION: COLORATION (figs. 5, 6): Head: Mostly orange; lateral tubercles adjacent to eyes yellowed, foveae behind tubercles brown; ocular margins and posterior margin of vertex with yellow piping; frons with very weak brown vittae. Antenna: AI orange, brown apically; AII orange-brown with darker brown apical annulation; AIII and AIV missing from specimen. Thorax: Pronotal collar yellow; pronotum dark reddish brown with faint, lighter brown midline; margins yellow-brown; mesoscutum dark reddish brown; scutellum dark reddish brown, yellowed on anterior corners and on either side of apex; proepisternal lobe yellow, other thoracic pleura dark brown dorsally, yellow ventrally, posterior margins somewhat lighter. Hemelytra: Uniform amber brown; membrane brown with dark brown veins. Abdomen: Amber brown, becoming slightly paler ventrally and at apex. Legs: Coxae yellow; pro- and midlegs yellow-orange; posterior femur yellow basally, brown ventrally and subapically, with diagonal brown stripes on outer surface, apex yellow-orange; hind tibia yellow-orange. SURFACE AND VESTITURE (figs. 5, 6): Head glossy and punctate; pronotum glossy with shallow, widely spaced punctures; propleuron, metepimeron and hemelytra impunctate; scutellum with a few shallow punctures; sparsely clothed in short, white, simple decumbent setae. STRUCTURE (figs. 5, 6, 21A): Head: Wide; frons weakly medially convex; small raised tubercles adjacent to eyes, bordered posteriorly by shallow depressions; posterior margin of vertex only weakly medially rounded, mostly flat, not carinate. Thorax: Pronotum broad; anterolateral margins slightly upturned; callar region undifferentiated; proepisternum unilobed; posterior margin of metepimeron truncate (fig. 21A); metanotum not prominently flared. Hemelytra: Lateral margin of hemelytron flared posteriorly. Legs: Metatibial spines short and thin. Abdomen: Posterior margin of abdominal sternite II not sharply angled. MALE GENITALIA: Unknown. FEMALE PARAGENITALIA: On right side of abdomen, laterotergites II and III twisted and swollen, posterior margin of sternite II flared to expose distinct paragenital opening between segments II and III (fig. 21A).

ETYMOLOGY: The epithet thalame (from Greek, for ‘‘cave’’ or ‘‘den’’) reflects the unusual paragenital opening of this species.

REMARKS: C. thalame is one of six species collected by T. C. Maa in February 1959 in Sabah. As with several other species, thalame is known from only a single specimen.

HOST: Unknown.

DISTRIBUTION: Collected in Ranau, Sabah (map 5).

Coridromius variegatus ( Montrouzier, 1861) View in CoL


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