Coridromius pteraulos, Tatarnic & Cassis, 2008

Tatarnic, N. J. & Cassis, G., 2008, Revision Of The Plant Bug Genus Coridromius Signoret (Insecta: Heteroptera: Miridae), Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2008 (315), pp. 1-95 : 78-79

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Coridromius pteraulos

sp. nov.

Coridromius pteraulos View in CoL , new species Figures 3, 5, 6, 16C–H, 17A–D, map 5

HOLOTYPE: Male: PAPUA NEW GUIN- EA: Morobe: Wau , 7.3333 ° S 146.71667 ° E, 1300 m, 25 Oct 1982 – 06 Nov 1982, W.C. Gagne ( AMNH _ PBI 00041517 About AMNH ) ( BPBM type# 16733) ( BPBM). GoogleMaps

DIAGNOSIS: Recognized by the following combination of characters: left posterior margins of abdominal sternites VII and VIII of male with a patch of dense, conelike setae; anterolateral margin of female hemelytra curled to form a semienclosed tube. This species is very similar to declivipennis , except that it possesses a thin, fingerlike ventral apical process on the pygophore (rather than the short and thick process of the latter; see fig. 11A), the hemelytra are less flared posteriorly, and the female possesses modified hemelytra. This hemelytral modification probably acts as a guide for the male’s left paramere during copulation.

DESCRIPTION: COLORATION (figs. 5, 6): Mostly brown with orange and brown markings of variable intensity. Head: Yellow-brown to orange-brown; vittae on frons dark brown; depressions behind paired tumescences dark brown; ocular margins and posterior margin of head yellow; clypeus with one medial and two lateral brown stripes; gena, mandibular and maxillary plates yellow to pale orange-brown; buccula brown basally, becoming yellow; labrum brown; labium yellow, brown apically. Antenna: AI dark brown, apex yellow; AII light orange-brown with pale subapical annulation and broad brown apical annulation; AIII and AIV dark brown, yellow basally. Thorax: Pronotal collar yellow; pronotum mostly orangebrown with faint yellow medial stripe, yellow margins and faint yellowing at humeral angles; mesoscutum orange-brown; scutellum darker brown with faint yellow medial stripe, apex and basal corners; thoracic pleura orange to orange-brown, posterior margins yellowed. Hemelytra: Yellow-brown to brown, darker anteriorly, yellow to cream colored along claval commissure, lateral margins, and posteriorly; cuneus yellowbrown to brown; membrane brown with dark brown veins. Abdomen: Yellow-brown to orange-brown with a row of dark brown markings running from front to back, dorsolateral margins with alternate brown and cream markings; posterior margin of segment II dark brown. Legs: All coxae pale creamcolored; pro- and mesofemora cream-colored, brown apically; metafemur cream to yellow or orange-brown with 9 diagonal brown stripes on outer surface, sometimes dark brown immediately below striping; tibiae yellow, sometimes slightly brown. SURFACE AND VESTITURE (figs. 5, 6, 16E–F): Head with minor swelling on vertex finely punctate; pronotum, propleuron, and metepimeron finely punctate; scutellum, hemelytra, and cuneus irregularly punctate; clothed in long, white, decumbent setae; left posterior margins of abdominal sternites VII and VIII of male with a patch of dense, conelike setae (fig. 16E–F). STRUCTURE (figs. 3, 5, 6, 16C–H, 17A–D): Head: Frons roundly tumescent medially, merging with minor swelling on vertex; vertex with two minor swellings adjacent to eyes; posterior margin of head rounded, weakly carinate. Thorax: Pronotum broad and steep, posteriorly rounded, lateral margins carinate, anterolateral margins somewhat depressed, not upturned, submarginal region of humeral angles excavate, callar region not developed; proepisternum bilobed (fig. 3C); posterior margin of metepimeron truncate (fig. 16G); metanotum prominent and flared (fig. 16C– D); scutellum somewhat flattened (fig. 16C– D). Hemelytra: Costal margin straight and carinate, females with anterior costal margin (both right and left sides) strongly carinate and recurved, forming a semicircular tunnel, open posteriorly (figs. 3C, 16H). Legs: Metatibial spines long and thick (fig. 3A). Abdomen: Posterolateral margin of abdominal sternite II sharply angular (figs. 3B, 16G). MALE GENITALIA (figs. 16E, 17A–D): Right paramere broad and rounded with thumblike lobe (fig. 17B–C), paramere appears U-shaped from above (fig. 17D); left paramere thick and elongate, sharply angled basally, then evenly curved and tapering to apex with a slight twist along its axis, curved at tip (fig. 17A); pygophore with a long mesal suture and long, thin, fingerlike ventral apical process (fig. 16E). FEMALE PARAGENI- TALIA: Abdominal tergite II swollen, posterolateral margins sulcate; right laterotergite II slightly desclerotized and swollen (fig. 16C–D).

ETYMOLOGY: The epithet pteraulos (Greek, ‘‘tube wing’’) refers to the modified hemelytra of the female.

REMARKS: Based on the modifications of hemelytra and the anterolateral margin of the abdomen of females, it is believed that the site of insemination in this species is dorsolateral.

HOST: Unknown.

DISTRIBUTION: Several specimens have been collected in Wau, Papua New Guinea, with a single specimen also collected in Sabah (map 5).

PARATYPES: PAPUA NEW GUINEA: Morobe: Wau , 7.3333 ° S 146.71667 ° E, 1200 m, 13 Dec 1976, W.C. Gagne, Light Trap, 23 ( AMNH _ PBI 00041523 About AMNH , AMNH _ PBI 00041524 About AMNH ) ( BPBM) GoogleMaps ; 02 Dec 1976, W.C. Gagne, Light Trap, 13 ( AMNH _ PBI 00041519 About AMNH ), 1♀ ( AMNH _ PBI 00041520 About AMNH ) ( BPBM) ; 10 Dec 1976, W.C. Gagne, Light Trap, 2♀ ( AMNH _ PBI 00041521 About AMNH , AMNH _ PBI 00041522 About AMNH ) ( BPBM) ; 15 Aug 1972, G.G.E. Scudder, Light Trap, 13 ( AMNH _ PBI 00041525 About AMNH ) ( BPBM) ; 13 Sep 1972, G.G.E.

Scudder, Light Trap, 13 ( AMNH _ PBI 00041526 About AMNH ) ( BPBM) ; 12 Sep 1972, G.G.E. Scudder, Light Trap, 13 ( AMNH _ PBI 00041527 About AMNH ) ( BPBM) ; 08–14 Dec 1976, G.F. Hevel and R.E. Dietz IV, Light Trap, 13 ( AMNH _ PBI 00185367 About AMNH ) ( USNM). Wau, 7.3333 ° S 146.71667 ° E, 1300 m, 25 Oct 1982 – 06 Nov 1982, W.C. Gagne, 13 ( AMNH _ PBI 00041518 About AMNH ) ( BPBM) GoogleMaps .

OTHER SPECIMENS EXAMINED: MALAY- SIA: Sabah: Tenompok, 6.01777 ° N 116.48555 ° E, 637 m, 10–19 Feb 1959, T.C. Maa, 13 (BPBM).


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