Oxyrrhynchium hians (Hedw.) Loeske

Ros, Rosa M., Olaf, Susana Rams, Eloy, Olaf Werner & Cerón, Eloy, 2024, Revisiting the Bryophyte Checklist of Algeria: Exploring Diversity and Distribution, Cryptogamie, Bryologie 20 (5), pp. 49-116 : 89

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5252/cryptogamie-bryologie2024v45a5



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Oxyrrhynchium hians (Hedw.) Loeske


Oxyrrhynchium hians (Hedw.) Loeske View in CoL

RECORDS. — Jelenc (1949, 1955a, 1967): Monts de Tlemcen, Mazer. Jelenc (1953, 1967): Kabylie du Djurdjura, massif de l’Aizer, 1900 m. Jelenc (1954b, 1967): Monts de Saida, cascades de Tifrit; Sahel d’Alger, colline du Hamma. Jelenc (1955a): Alger, La Bouzaréa; Atlas de Blida; Constantine, oued bou Merzoug; Édough; Kabylie du Djurdjura, Tizi Ouzou. Jelenc (1956): Fontaine du Musée des Beaux-Art. Jelenc (1956, 1967): Sahel d’Alger, dans le ravin du Frais-Valllon. Boukhatem et al. (2017): El-Kala National Park, Tonga lake watershed. Frequent.


Oxyrrhynchium hians var. vulgare (Boulay) Podp. was reported in Algeria by Corbière (1904) (sub Eurhynchium praelongum var. vulgare (Boulay) Limpr. ) from Bône, djebel Édough, but Ros et al. (2013) mentioned its presence only in Tunisia. Its identity remains unchecked at present.

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