Koppe no, Deeleman-Reinhold, 2001

Deeleman-Reinhold, Christa, 2001, Forest Spiders of South East Asia With a revision of the sac and ground spiders (Araneae: Clubionidae, Corinnidae, Liocranidae, Gnaphosidae, Prodidomidae and Trochanteriidae)., Forest Spiders of South East Asia With a revision of the sac and ground spiders- Family Liocranidae, Netherlands: Brill Leiden; Boston; Köln, pp. 276-296 : 289

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Jeremy (2017-10-03 18:23:01, last updated 2024-11-27 05:27:33)

scientific name

Koppe no

sp. nov.

Koppe no View in CoL sp. n.

( figs 401-404, map 21)

Type locality. — Indonesia, C Sulawesi, Lore Lindu Reserve.

Type material, — Holotype ♂ from the type locality, primary lowland forest near Marena , in bamboo litter in dark little valley near stream, ' 23-24.vii. 1982. P R. and C.L. Deeleman; paratypes: 4 ♀ same data .

Other material. — Only juveniles, same data as type.

Diagnosis. — Related to K. montana , can be separated from that and all other species by the retrolaterally angular cymbium. the long embolus arising retrolaterally and the bifid conductor. The epigyne is quite distinctive by the divided posterior window and the vulva with the anteriorly extended intertwined coiled tubes,

Description.— MALE. Total length 3,75 mm. Carapace length 1.80 mm, width 1.20 mm, width head 0.80 mm, eye group width 0.55 mm; abdomen length 1.60 mm, width 1.20 mm. Leg length: leg 1 6.85 mm (1.75-2. 50-1.90-0.70), leg II 5.30 mm (1.40-1. 90-1.40­ 0.60); leg III 4.45 mm (1.25-1.40 -1.20-0.60); leg IV 6.05 mm {1.60-1. 90-1.75-0.80), palp 0.70-0.25-0,35- 0.80 mm. Carapace colour and marking as in the other species, orangechestnut, smooth, in front of the eyes a slight bulge over clypeus; legs yellow, coxae and femora orange. AME 1 1/2 diameter of ALE and PE, distance between AME and AME and ALE 1/2d of ALE; PLE separated by 1 1/2 their d, 1 d from the laterals. Sternum lustrous, with some small round pits. Legs: tibia I with 8 pairs of ventral spines, tibia II with 7pv, 6rv, metatarsus I with 6 pairs, metatarsus II with 6 pv, 5rv, leg III and IV spineless. Femora of palps with a row of 4 ventral spines on sockets. Abdomen entirely covered with dorsal scutum, ventrally with epigastric scutum and post-genital scutum stretches to halfway the spinnerets. Palp see diagnosis and figs 401, 402; embolus accompanied by membranous tegular apophysis, conductor bifid,

FEMALE. Total length 3.25 mm. Carapace length 1.65 mm, width 1.00 mm, head width 0.75 mm eye group width 0.50 mm; abdomen length 1.80 mm, width 1.00 mm, epigyne 0.35 mm wide. Leg lengths: leg I 5.40 mm (1.30-2.00 -1.50-0.60). leg II 4.30 mm (1.10­ 1.60 -1.1 0-0.50); leg III 3.50 mm (0. 90-1.20 -0.95-0.45); leg IV 4.85 mm (1.20-1.60 -1.40­ 0.65), palp 0.60-0.25-0.35- 0.60 mm. Spine formula: tibia I with 8 pairs of ventral spines, tibia II with 7-8pv, 6-8rv, metatarsus I 6 pv, 6rv, metatarsus II 5 pv, 4 rv; palpal femur a row of 4v; legs III and IV spineless. Extent of dorsal scutu m variable, in some covering half, in others over 3/4 of abdom inal length. Epigyne see diagnosis and fig. 403, vulva fig. 404, the structure is somew hat similar to that in K. baerti . It consists of a small rigid posterior cover over the window, on the sides of which lie the copulatory openings: anteriorly are seen wide coils of tubiform bursae, similar to those in K. baerti , posteriorly a pair of median dark ducts, laterally the small spermathecae.

Distribution. — Central Sulawesi.

Etymology.— The word "no" refers to the saying that Central Sulawesi is inhabited by numerous tribes among which exist 50 different ways to say no!











