Oreonetides sajanensis, ESKOV, 1991

Trilikauskas, Laimonas A. & Tanasevitch, Andrei V., 2021, New Data On Spider Fauna Of The Katunskiy State Nature Biosphere Reserve (Altai, Russia), With Description Of The Male Oreonetides Sajanensis Eskov, 1991 (Arachnida: Araneae), Acta Biologica Universitatis Daugavpiliensis 21 (2), pp. 137-153 : 145

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.12649834

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scientific name

Oreonetides sajanensis


O. sajanensis View in CoL . – Tanasevitch, 2008, 16 (2): 126, female, examined.

Remarks. The species was described from a single female from the Kulumys Mt. Ridge, Western Sayan, Krasnoyarsk Area, E Russia ( Eskov, 1991). Later, females of O. sajanensis were recorded from Oiski Mt. Ridge, Western Sayan, Tuva, E Russia ( Logunov et al., 1998; Marusik et al., 2000), Baltyrgan Mt., Altai ( Levina & Mikhailov, 2004), and Kuznetski Alatau Mts, Khakassia, E Russia (Tanasevitch, 2008). The species appears rare and is only known from mountains of southern Siberia.

Material examined. 1♂ & 1♀ (ISEA), RUSSIA: Republic of Altai, Altai Mts, KBR, upper reaches of Katun River Valley , Zaichikha River Valley , 1 km upstream of its mouth, 49.619488N 85.717588E, 20.VIII.2020 GoogleMaps , leg. LT; 1♂ (ZMMU), Altai Mts, Listvyaga Mt. Ridge, Tesninski Belok Mt. , 2000–2300 m a.s.l., alpine belt, 28.VII.1997, R. Dudko & V. Zinchenko leg. ; 1♀ (ZMMU), Altai Mts, 8 km S Ust’ - Kan, upper reaches of Aksas River , 1900– 2000 m a.s.l., subalpine and mountain tundra, 8–9.VI.1999, A. Dudko & R. Dudko leg.

Description. Male from Mt. Tesninski Belok. Total body length 3.35. Carapace 1.50 long, 1.10 wide, unmodified, reddish-brown (Fig. 2). Chelicerae 0.60 long, a mastidion (frontal tooth) absent. Legs pale reddish-brown. Leg I, 4.85 long (1.35 + 0.40 + 1.20 + 1.10 + 0.80), IV, 5.15 long (1.40 + 0.40 + 1.30 + 1.25 + 0.80). All tibiae with 2 dorsal spines, in addition, tibiae I with a prolateral spine. Metatarsi spineless. Mt I-III with a trichobothrium. TmI – 0.34. Palp (Figs 5–9): Tibia unmodified. Cymbium without posterodorsal outgrowth(s). Paracymbium U-shaped, a posterior pocket large, triangular, apical pocket bifid. Tegulum with a distinct protegulum. Distal suprategular apophysis clawshaped distally. Pit-hook with a pale pointed outgrowth ventrally. Median membrane relatively small. Radix well-sclerotized, Fickert’s gland absent. Terminal apophysis completely reduced. Upper branch of lamella characteristica large and wide, low branch much smaller, conical. Embolus complex, with a narrow stem, distal part of embolus expanded, lateral extensions present. Embolus proper relatively long, bifid. Abdomen 1.90 long, 1.15 wide, pale grey (Fig. 2).

Female (Figs 3, 4). Well-described by Eskov (1991).

Taxonomic remarks. This species seems to be particularly similar to the East Siberian hypoarcto-boreal O. kolymensis Eskov, 1991 . The male differs by the shape of the paracymbium (Figs 6, 7 cf. Eskov, 1991, Fig. 1 View Fig ) and the structure of the embolic division, namely by the shape of the lamella characteristica and the embolus (Fig. 9 cf. Eskov, 1991: Fig. 2). The female is distinguishable by the shorter epigyne and the well-expressed, dark lateral walls (Fig. 4 cf. Eskov, 1991, Figs 3, 4).

Distribution. The species appears rare and is known from mountains of southern Siberia only.

Habitats. Green moss spruce forests.

Range. South Siberian.













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