
Gonzalez, Victor H., Rasmussen, C. & Engel, Michael S., 2014, A new species of Liphanthus from Peru (Hymenoptera: Andrenidae), Journal of Melittology 2014 (31), pp. 1-9 : 7-8

publication ID 10.17161/jom.v0i31.4720

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Key to Species of Melaliphanthus

(modified from Vivallo, 2008)

Note that the female of L. cuscoensis is unknown.

1. Males ............................................................................................................................ 2

—. Females ........................................................................................................................ 5

2(1). Second metasomal sternum with distal margin straight or nearly so, not medially projected ............................................................................................................... 3

—. Second metasomal sternum with distal margin strongly projecting medially .. 4

3(2). Discs of second to fifth metasomal sterna unmodified, not medially depressed ( Argentina: Mendoza) ................................................................ L. inornatus Vivallo View in CoL

—. Discs of second to fifth metasomal sterna modified, with distinct median semicircular depressions ( Fig. 4 View Figures 4–9 ), borders of these depressions preapically appearing as low sublateral tubercles in profile ( Fig. 5 View Figures 4–9 ) ( Peru: Cusco) ........... L. cuscoensis View in CoL , n. sp.

4(2). Third metasomal sternum with posterior margin produced mesally; facial fovea almost half length of antennal scape; clypeus yellow on distal third ( Chile: Arauco, Malleco) ...................................................................... L. atratus Ruz & Toro View in CoL

—. Third metasomal sternum with posterior margin almost straight; facial fovea less than one-third length of antennal scape; clypeus yellow on distal margin ( Chile: Malleco) ........................................................................... L. penai Ruz & Toro View in CoL

5(1). Frontal line, in lower half, difficult to detect ( Chile: Malleco) ...... L. penai Ruz & Toro View in CoL

—. Frontal line, in lower half, a narrow groove ............................................................ 6

6(5). Mandible without yellow; wing translucent, veins yellow; tegula dark on anterior one-third ( Argentina: Mendoza) ........................................ L. inornatus Vivallo View in CoL

—. Mandible with yellow spot on distal third; wing testaceous, veins dark brown; tegula uniformly dark brown ( Chile: Arauco, Malleco) ..... L. atratus Ruz & Toro View in CoL

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