Aristolochia hyperxantha X.X.Zhu & J.S.Ma, 2017

Zhu, Xin-Xin, Liao, Shuai, Sun, Zeng-Peng, Zhen, Ai-Guo & Ma, Jin-Shuang, 2017, The taxonomic revision of Asian Aristolochia (Aristolochiaceae) II: Identities of Aristolochia austroyunnanensis and A. dabieshanensis, and A. hyperxantha-a new species from Zhejiang, China, Phytotaxa 313 (1), pp. 61-76 : 69-71

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.313.1.4

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Aristolochia hyperxantha X.X.Zhu & J.S.Ma

sp. nov.

Aristolochia hyperxantha X.X.Zhu & J.S.Ma View in CoL , sp. nov. ( Figures 7–9 View FIGURE 7 View FIGURE 8 View FIGURE 9 & 10 A–C View FIGURE 10 )

This new species is similar to A. mollissima Hance (1879: 300) in the bright-yellow calyx limb, but it differs in its lamina thinly leathery, long-ovate to ovate-triangular and sparsely villous abaxially. It is also similar to A. dabieshanensis in lamina long-ovate to ovate-triangular, but it is distinguishable by its calyx limb ca. 2 cm in diam. and bright-yellow, calyx throat ca. 5 mm in diam., and inner surface of the calyx tube dark-purple at base and white with purple spots or stripes above base. Detailed morphological comparison among these three species is shown in Table 3 and Figure 10 View FIGURE 10 .

Type:— CHINA. Zhejiang: Lin’an City, Mt. Baizhangling , 30°11’55”N, 119°1’3”E, 875 m, 9 June 2015, X.X.Zhu, P.Ding & D.H.Yu ZH099 (holotype CSH-0109964 !; isotypes CSH!, KUN! & XYTC!) GoogleMaps .

Climbing shrub. Stems terete. Petiole 1–5 cm long, more or less villous; lamina long-ovate to ovate-triangular, 4–15 × 2–9 cm, thinly leathery, adaxially slightly villous or glabrous, abaxially sparsely villous, base cordate, sinus 0.5–2 cm deep, apex acute; veins palmate. Flowers axillary, solitary. Pedicel 1–3 cm long, often forming right angle with ovary, more or less white villous; bractlets conduplicate, 4–10 mm long, adaxially glabrous or sparsely villous, abaxially densely villous, inserted at base of pedicel. Calyx yellowish-white; tube geniculately curved, outside white villous, inside villous at base, glabrous above base; basal portion of tube 1.2–1.5 cm long, inside dark-purple at base, white with sparse purple spots or stripes above base, upper portion of tube 1.8–2.2 cm long, inside white with purplish-red spots; limb discoid, ca. 2 cm in diam., shallowly 3-lobed; lobes broadly ovate, bright-yellow, sparsely shortly pubescent; throat yellowish-white with dense brownish-black patches, triangular-ovate or orbicular, ca. 5 mm in diam. Anthers 6, oblong, ca. 1.5 mm long, adnate in 3 pairs to the base of gynostemium, opposite to the lobes. Gynostemium ca. 4 mm long, 3-lobed, apex of lobes usually obtuse, sometimes bilobate, margin crispate. Ovary terete, 5–9 mm long, densely white villous. Capsule cylindric, 3–4 × 1.5–2.5 cm, dehiscing basipetally. Seeds triangular-ovate, 3–4 × 3–4 mm.

Distribution and habitat: —The new species is currently known to Lin’an City in northwestern Zhejiang, China, at elevations between 800 m and 900 m. It is locally rare on sunny slope accompanied by Boehmeria nivea (L.) Gaudich. ( Urticaceae ), Carya cathayensis Sarg. ( Juglandaceae ), Crataegus cuneata Siebold & Zucc. ( Rosaceae ), Lilium brownii F.E.Br. ex Miellez ( Liliaceae ), Lindera glauca (Siebold & Zucc.) Blume ( Lauraceae ), Maclura tricuspidata Carrière ( Moraceae ), Mallotus tenuifolius Pax ( Euphorbiaceae ), among other flowering plants.

Phenology: —Flowering from May to June; fruiting from July to August.

Etymology: —The epithet derives from the fresh yellow calyx limb of the new species. The Chinese name is xian huang ma dou ling (ḆȐĥŝ¨), which means Fresh Yellow Dutchman’s Pipe.

Additional specimens of A. hyperxantha examined (paratypes): — CHINA. Zhejiang: Lin’an City, 29 May 1956, X.Y.He 23349 (HHBG), 30 August 2014, X.X.Zhu ZXX1408001 (CSH), 25 July 2015, X.X.Zhu ZH117 (CSH), s.a. (sine anno), X.Y.YE X.Y.YE02 (CSH).

Specimens of A. mollissima examined: — CHINA. Anhui: Bowang District , 3 September 1959, Anonymous 1138 ( NAS) ; Huaining County, 12 May 1957, J.S.Yue 2849 ( NAS) ; Huoshan County, 20 June 2005, M. Liu et al. A50205 ( PE) ; Jinzhai County, 17 May 2005, M. Liu et al. A10055 ( PE) ; Langya District , 3 June 1953, S.J. Yang et al. 455A ( PE), 7 May 1957, J.C.Teng 275 ( SM) ; Mingguang City , 14 May 1988, R. Wang 011 ( IBSC) ; Nanqiao District , 29 May 1953, S.J. Yang et al. 417 ( NAS), 28 September 1954, J.S.Yue & Z.Z. Ding 0640 ( NAS), 15 June 1959, Z.Bang 178 ( NAS) ; Tongling City , 13 July 1957, J.S. Yue 3179 ( NAS) ; Yongqiao District , 27 May 1983, X.W.Wang 927 ( IBSC) ; Yuexi County, 30 May 1959, Anonymous 2057 ( NAS) . Henan: Luanchuan County, 11 July 1957, Y.R.Pei 0405 ( HENU) ; Pingqiao District , May 1932, S.T. Hu 0841 ( HENU), 23 June 1986, Z.Q.Zhu 8407262 ( HENU), 23 June 1986, Z.Q.Zhu et al. 8505009 ( HENU) ; Shangcheng County, 30 May 1959, X.H.Wang 161 ( HENU) ; Shihe District , 11 July 1957, X.Y.Chen 0405 ( HENU), 4 July 1959, X.H.Wang 403 ( HENU), 2 August 1965, X.Y.Chen 006 ( HENU), 6 August 1965, X.Y.Chen 64 ( HENU), August 1973, H.Y.Liu 64 ( HENU), 12 June 1985, Y.Huang 8407–262 ( HENU), 6 June 1991, J.F.Zhao 9001–037 ( HENU) ; Song County, 21 May 1957, Z.M. Xu s.n. ( NAS), 26 August 1960, N.D.He 1959 ( PE) ; Tongbai County, 28 May 2005, M. Liu et al. A30054 ( PE) . Hubei: Guangshui City , 24 June 1986, W.Huang 8508–151 ( HENU), 12 June 1990, X.Chen et al. 8910–187 ( HENU), 20 June 1991, M.H.Li 9005–320 ( HENU), 20 June 1991, J.Liu 9007–306 ( HENU), 31 May 2006, T.S.Han 05030104 ( HENU), 3 June 2007, Y.Du 0615074 ( HENU), 3 June 2007, J.Liu 20060108044 ( HENU), 30 May 2008, P.L.Lan 0721153 ( HENU), 22 May 2016, X.X.Zhu ZXX16025 ( XYTC) ; Xiling District , 6 May 1957, Y. Liu 18 ( KUN, NAS) . Hunan: Nanyue District , 8 May 1932, P.L.Yui 22 ( IBSC) ; Pingjiang County, 21 August 1959, Anonymous 06324 ( LBG) ; Shimen County, 6 May 1980, D.C.Xiao 80093 ( CSFI) . Jiangsu: Changshu City , 19 May 1956, Z.Z.Ding & Y.C. Wang 0314 ( NAS), 19 May 1956, Z.Z.Ding & Y.C.Wang 0341 ( NAS), 19 May 1956, Z.Z.. Ding 341 ( SM) ; Donghai County, 24 May 1963, S.R.Zhang 69 ( NAS) ; Ganyu County, 13 June 1963, S.R.Zhang 433 ( NAS) ; Jiangning District , 20 May 1954, J.S. Yue 0328 ( NAS), 19 August 1954, J.S.Yue 474 ( NAS) ; Jiawang District , 9 September 2008, K. Ye et al. YZH-349 ( NAS), 9 September 2008, K.Ye et al. YZH-371 ( NAS) ; Jurong City , 7 May 1935, J.J. Gong 728 ( NAS), 14 May 1954, J.S. Yue 0240 ( NAS), 9 June 1954, J.S. Yue 0381 ( NAS), 15 October 1954, J.S.Yue & Z.Z.Ding 795 ( NAS), 22 October 1954, C.Q.Yuan et al. 873 ( NAS) ; Lianyun District , 7 August 1953, T.Y. Zhou et al. 1073 ( NAS), 20 August 1958, S.G. Xu et al. 222 ( PE), 2 June 1973, S.L.Liu & X.Q.Wang 160 ( NAS), 17 June 1973, S.L.Liu & X.Q.Wang s.n. ( NAS), 24 May 1981, S.L. Liu et al. 818 ( NAS) ; Lishui District , 7 May 2007, Q.X.Liu et al. LS-223 ( NAS) ; Liuhe District , 21 July 1958, X.L.Zhu 9418 ( HHBG) ; Pizhou City , 26 April 1956, Z.Z. Ding & Y.C. Wang 0021 ( NAS), 29 May 1956, C.Q.Yuan & J.S.Yue 2189 ( NAS), 6 August 1958, Anonymous 20265 ( NAS), 10 May 1965, Z.D.Yu 36 ( NAS) ; Qixia District , 17 May 1954, J.S.Yue 0322 ( NAS) ; Quanshan District , 23 July 1958, Anonymous 20118 ( NAS) ; Runzhou District , 18 September 1956, C.Q.Yuan et al. 2419 ( NAS) ; Sucheng District , 18 August 1958, Anonymous 20387 ( NAS) ; Tongshan District , 21 April 1956, C.Q.Yuan & J.S. Yue 2043 ( NAS) ; Wuzhong District , 26 April 1956, Z.Z.Ding & Y.C. Wang 21 ( SM), 10 May 1956, Z.Z.Ding & Y.C. Wang 0262 ( NAS), 21 July 1958, Anonymous 3581 ( NAS) ; Xinyi City , 17 August 1958, Anonymous 20586 ( NAS) ; Xuanwu District , May 1934, C.C.Kung 82 ( NAS), May 1934, J.J.Gong 82 ( NAS), 22 October 1940, Anonymous 869 ( NAS), 22 October 1940, H.Migo s.n. ( NAS), 1 May 1954, Anonymous s.n. ( NAS), 7 May 1954, J.S.Yue et al. 402 ( NAS), 8 July 1989, W.Yu 89008 ( PEM) ; Xuyi County, 14 October 1956, C.Q.Yuan et al. 2565 ( NAS) ; Yizheng City , 21 July 1958, S. Jiang 8832 ( HHBG, NAS) ; Yuhuatai District , 9 November 1940, Anonymous 917 ( NAS), 9 November 1940, Anonymous 918 ( NAS), 9 November 1940, Anonymous 919 ( NAS), 9 November 1940, Anonymous 920 ( NAS) . Jiangxi: Lianxi District , 1936, Anonymous s.n. ( LBG), 1936, R.C.Qin s.n. ( LBG), 8 May 1938, Y.G. Xiong 1086 ( LBG), 29 May 1963, M.X.Nie & S.L.Chen 07312 ( KUN, LBG) . Shandong: Changqing District , 6 May 2005, C. Y. Guo 055047-1 ( PE), 17 July 2005, C.Y.Guo 055213-5 ( PE) ; Donggang District , 12 August 1959, T.Y.Zhou 103 ( NAS) ; Fei County, 23 April 2006, C.Y.Guo 20064-064-8 ( PE) ; Mengyin County, 19 July 1959, T.Y. Zhou 6052 ( NAS), 25 July 1959, Anonymous 6317 ( NAS), 17 August 1959, T.Y.Zhou 1303 ( NAS), 23 April 2006, C.Y.Guo 20063-056-7 ( PE) ; Ningyang County, 1 May 2005, C.Y. Guo 051075-1 ( PE), 2 July 2005, C.Y.Guo 051228-10 ( PE) ; Pingyi County, 23 April 2006, C.Y.Guo 20062-066-7 ( PE) ; Qufu City , 25 April 2004, C.Y.Guo 1501052-1 ( PE), 2 May 2004, C.Y.Guo 1502083-2 ( PE), 6 July 2004, C.U.Guo 01501122-2 ( HAST), 6 July 2004, C.Y.Guo 1501122-5 ( PE), 22 July 2004, C.U.Guo 01509044-4 ( HAST), 22 July 2004, C.Y.Guo 1509044-5 ( PE) ; Shanting District , 23 April 2006, C.Y.Guo 20065-068-6 ( PE) ; Sishui County, 2 May 2005, C.Y. Guo 054052-1 ( PE), 19 July 2005, C.Y.Guo 054230-6 ( PE) ; Taishan District , 8 September 1959, T.Y. Zhou 7070 ( NAS), 12 September 1959, T.Y.Zhou et al. 7503 ( NAS), 29 June 2003, C.Y.Guo 03009-1 ( PE) ; Tengzhou City , 6 May 2005, C.Y. Guo 053051-1 ( PE), 14 July 2005, C.Y.Guo 053185-10 ( PE) ; Xintai City , 23 April 2006, C.Y. Guo 20061- 074-9 ( PE) ; Zoucheng City , 14 August 1959, T.Y. Zhou et al. 0139 ( NAS), 14 August 1959, T.Y. Zhou et al. 0307 ( NAS), 3 May 2005, C.Y.Guo 052048-1 ( PE), 15 July 2005, C.Y.Guo 052225-5 ( PE) . Shanghai: January 1965, Anonymous Hou 49 ( IBK) .


Xinyang Teachers College


Institute of Botany, Jiangsu Province and Chinese Academy of Sciences


Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences


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Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences


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Port Elizabeth Museum


Research Center for Biodiversity, Academia Sinica


Guangxi Institute of Botany

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