Nebrioporus airumlus ( Kolenati, 1845 )
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11755334 |
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Felipe (2021-08-22 07:07:20, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-04 07:43:34) |
scientific name |
Nebrioporus airumlus ( Kolenati, 1845 ) |
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Nebrioporus airumlus ( Kolenati, 1845) View in CoL
Fig. 20
Hydroporus airumlus Kolenati (1845: 85) (orig. descr.).
Nebrioporus airumlus (Kolenati) View in CoL ; Hendrich & Mazzoldi (1995: 4); Nilsson (1995b: 55); Toledo (1998: 77); Shaverdo (2003: 36).
Nebrioporus (s.str.) airumlus (Kolenati) View in CoL ; Nilsson (2001: 170; 2003: 65); Hájek & Fery (2004: 37).
Deronectes amurensis Sharp (1882: 427) (orig. descr.); Toledo (1998: 77) (synonymy of airumlus Kolenati View in CoL ). Hydroporus (Deronectes) kashmirensis Régimbart (1899: 196) .
Potamonectes kashmirensis (Régimbart) ; Vazirani (1970: 123) (partim).
Deronectes airumlus rybinskii Kinel (1936: 199) .
Deronectes laeviventris ( Reiche, 1855) sensu Sharp (1882: 428) (misidentified).
Potamonectes sulphuricola Zaitzev (1951: 58) (orig. descr.) syn.n.; Zaitzev (1953: 212).
Nebrioporus sulphuricola ( Zaitzev, 1951) View in CoL ; Nilsson & Angus (1992: 288).
Nebrioporus (s.str.) sulphuricola ( Zaitzev, 1951) View in CoL ; Nilsson (2001: 173; 2003: 67).
For a complete bibliography see also Toledo (1998).
Type locality. H. airumlus : Armenia > Airum; D. amurensis: Siberia > Irkutsk; H. kashmirensis: Kashmir > Goorais Valley; D. a. rybinskii: Poland > Tarnopol; P. sulphuricola : Turkmenistan > Sulfur lake near railroad station of Kazandzhik.
Type material. Hydroporus airumlus: As discussed in Toledo (1998), no type specimens of Hydroporus airumlus have been found in ZIN. A single, pinned ♀ standing in ZMHB, bearing the followed data "10118 [printed] \ airumlus Kolen. Caucasus Kolen. [hw.] \ Hist.-Coll. ( Coleoptera ) Nr. 10118 Hydroporus airumlus Kolen. Caucasus Kolenati Zool Mus. Berlin [recent, printed, white label]" could belong to the type-series, although there is not enough information on this specimen to offer an absolute confirmation.
Hydroporus kashmirensis :? Lectotype ( MNHN), designated by Wewalka (1974).
Deronectes amurensis : Lectotype ( BMNH), designated by Toledo (1998).
Deronectes airumlus rybinskii : Syntypes (?), not studied.
Potamonectes sulphuricola : syntypes, not found in ZIN.
Description. a redescription of this species was recently given in Toledo (1988), to which the reader is referred. Variable and widespread species known from Eastern Europe to China. In Toledo (1988) only Chinese localities were provided. Additional localities from other countries are presented below.
Additional material examined. Afghanistan: Pagham river , 16 km W Kabul, 1850 m, 10.V.1974, No. 90, leg. L. Papp (1 ex. HNHM) ; Charkhi , 22 km ENE Kabul, 1780 m, 2.VI.1974, No. 144, leg. L. Papp, (2 exs. HNHM) ; Nuristan, Bashgultal , 24.V.1953, J. Klapperich (8 exs. HNHM) ; N. Afghanistan, prov. Herat, Bala Murghab 470 m (13) 1.V–10.V.1964, coll. O. Jakesh (83 exs. MMBC —some of them bearing Mouchamp’s identification label " Potamonetes sulphuricola Zaitz. "); N . Afghanistan, Prov. Maimana ,, Rashíd , 700 m (17), 18.V.1964, coll. O. Jakesh (12 exs. MMBC) ; idem: Cashma –i– Yanbulaq , 650–800 m (18/1), 19.V.1964 (4 exs. MMBC) .
Armenia: Garni , 1200 m, 11.X.1984, leg. Z. Korsòs & T. Vàsàrhelyi (1 ex. HNHM) .
China: material from the following Provinces (see Toledo 1998: 78, for the localities) : Yünnan, Guizhou, Shaanxi, Henan, Liaoning, Nei Mongol, Jilin, Beijing, plus the following additional localities: Yünnan, 10 km N Old Dali, WanQiao , 2500 m a.s.l., unpolluted stream on pasture 7.X.1999 leg. J. Šťastný (4 exs. JSL) ; Yünnan, Old Dali env., 2200 m a.s.l., troubled stream with plants, 6.X.1999, leg. J. Šťastný (1 ex. JSL) ; Yünnan, 30 km SE Zhongdian , 99°52'/27°48', ca. 3900 m a.s.l., ground water pools, sandy gravel, 11–12.X.1999, leg. J. Šťastný (8 exs. JSL) ; Yünnan, E Zhongdian , ca. 3500 m a.s.l., 100°10'/27°48', shallow stream 1 m wide, gravel, 14.X.1999, leg. J. Šťastný (4 exs. JSL) ; Yünnan, E Zhongdian , ca. 2600 m a.s.l., 100°12'/27°47', decaying foliage, springfed pool, 15.X.1999, leg. J. Šťastný (1 ex. JSL) ; Yünnan, 20 km N Lijiang, 2800 m, Baishui , gravely, muddy stream (0.5 m wide) 21.X.1999, leg. J. Šťastný (2 exs. JSL) ; Yünnan, 10 km NE Tengchong, Behai, ZingHai lake env., gravely stream with muddy pools, 27.X.1999, leg. J. Šťastný (1 ex. JSL) ; Sichuan, Sanjiangkou env., 1600 m a.s.l., 100°23'/27°46', sand pools 2 m wide, 0.3 m deep 16.X.1999, leg. J. Šťastný (2 exs. JSL) .
India: Kashmir, Goorais Valley, Leech May '87, Sharp Coll. 1915-313, assimilis , Potamonectes kashmirensis Rég., J. Balfour-Browne det. (1 ex. BMNH).
Iran: North Gilán, 2400 m, pass 10 km E Khalkhál , 37°36'N 48°40'E, 12.V.2000, leg. J. Kaláb (2 exs. MTP) GoogleMaps ; Tehran Prov., stagnant water, 15.VI.1976, leg. S. Hosseinie (1 ex. MTP) ; Ilam, stream, 28.VIII.1976, leg. S. Hosseinie (1 ex. MTP) ; Khorasan, Farhadan 37.00N / 58.16E, 1800 m, 20 km SW Ghuchan, 26.IV.2000, leg. J. Kalab (24 exs. PMB) GoogleMaps ; Khorasan, pass 2200 m, 55 km N Ghuchan 37.27N / 58.35E, 25– 26.IV.2000, leg. J. Kalab (6 exs. PMB) GoogleMaps ; idem, 65 km NE Mshhad , 36.35N / 60.02E, 1000 m, 24.IV.2000, leg. J. Kalab (6 exs. PMB) GoogleMaps ; Fars, road Kohmareh to Sorkhis , stream 1570 m, 50 km W Shiraz, 23.IX.93, leg. Elmi (4 exs. MTP) ; Fars, stream on road Dasht –e Arjan to Shiraz , 42 km of Shiraz , 3.VII.2001, leg. M. Toledo (55 exs. MTP) ; Fars prov., Zagros Mts. (29.36N / 52.16E), 25 km W Shiraz, 25-27.IV.1999, leg. J. Rejsek (2 exs. JSL) GoogleMaps ; In addition I have seen in CBSU specimens from a number of localities of the following provinces: W. Azerbajian (1 ex.) ; Gilan (37 exs. from 3 localities); Ardebyl (152 exs. from 2 localities) ; Khorasan (385 exs. from 11 localities) ; Kordestan (3 exs. from 2 localities) ; Markazi (122 exs. from 6 localities) ; Esfahan (376 exs. from 14 localities); Kahkiluyeh va Boyrahmad (152 exs. from 6 localities) ; Bushehr (7 exs. from 2 localities) ; Hamedan (97exs. from 7 localities) ; Fars (545 exs. from 43 localities) ; Hamedan (97 exs. from 7 localities) ; Kerman (147 exs. from 12 localities); Sistan va Baluchistan (6 exs. from 2 localities) .
Kazakstan : Charyn riv., 30 km W Chubja, 700 m, 23-26.VI.92, leg. Benes (1 ex. MTP) .
Kirgizistan : Sussamyr River (17), 30.V.1995, leg. Dolin (7 exs. NMW) .
Pakistan: Baltistan , Skardou, Indus Riv., Karakorum, 2300 m, 2.VII.1976, leg. Osella, Potamonectes kashmirensis Rég. , det. Angelini (2 exs. MSNV) .
Tadjikistan: Fan Mts. , 2700 m, 20.VII.91, leg. Šťastný (3 exs. MTP) .
Turkey: Erzurum, Tortum, road Tortum – Erzurum, stream 1830 m, 17.VII.1992, leg. M. Toledo (30 exs. MTP) .
Turkmenistan: C– Kopetdag , 500 m, Sharlouk riv., 18.IV.1995, leg. Dolin (4) (19 exs. NMW) ; C– Kopetdag , SE Ashkhabat, Sharlouk valley, 19.IV.1995, leg. Dolin (5) (4 exs. NMW) ; Kopetdag , Hura Choudan, 40 km W Ashkhabat, 17.IV.1995, leg. Dolin (3) (34 exs. NMW) ; Ghindukush Mts. ( Paropamiz Ridge ), Badghizheight, 800 m, 20 km N Kushka, Chmeni-Bit, 20-25.IV.1993, leg. P. Cekovsky (2 exs. MTP) ; idem 30.III-6.IV.1992 (4 exs. MTP) ; Svinkoviy Rudnik , Kugitantau ridge, 10–13.IV.1992, leg. S. Bechvàr (1 ex. MTP) .
Uzbekistan: Pskemski range, Chingan vill., 25.VI.94, leg. Gorodinskji (4 exs. MTP) .
Variability. N. airumlus is a very variable species, especially in size, colouration and even in the length of male foreclaws. These variations could represent geographical forms, but the situation is complicated by the high level of variation within discrete populations. Nevertheless, three principal trends were identified: i) specimens from Central Asia, Oriental Siberia ( amurensis ) and North-Western China are in general quite large and robust, with longer male foreclaws; ii) specimens from Southern China (Yünnan) look smaller and generally paler, with shorter male foreclaws; iii) specimens seen from Turkey and Iran seem to be intermediate between i) and ii).
Habitat. Mostly in rivers and streams, also in the highlands. Also collected in lakes and puddles.
Distribution ( Fig. 54). This is one of the most widespread and common species of Nebrioporus : Afghanistan, Armenia, Caucasus, China (except for Taiwan and, perhaps, the South-East), Eastern Europe, Eastern Siberia, Iran, Kashmir, Kazakstan, Kirgizistan, Mongolia, Pakistan (Baltistan), Tadjikistan, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan.
Notes on synonymy. Potamonects sulphuricola : known only from the type specimens, which seem to have been lost; nevertheless, the characters given in Zaitzev’s (1951, 1953) original description and diagnosis for this taxon, fall within the variability of N. airumlus and there is little doubt that N. airumlus and N. sulphuricola are synonyms.
Hajek, J. & Fery, H. (2004) The water beetles (Coleoptera: Hydradephaga) of Afghanistan, with particular emphasis on the collection of the Moravian Museum Brno, Czech Republic. Acta Musei Moraviae, Scientiae Biologicae (Brno), 89, 25 - 51.
Hendrich, L. & Mazzoldi, P. (1995) Nebrioporus sichuanensis n. sp. - ein neuer Schwimmkafer aus Nordsichuan, China (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae). Entomologische Zeitschrift, 105 (1 / 2), 1 - 9.
Kinel, J. (1936) Hydradephaga Polski. III. Deronectes Sharp - Zimmermann. Polskie Pismo Entomologiczne, 13 (1934), 198 - 214.
Kolenati, F. A. (1845) Meletemata entomologica. Fasc. 1. Isecta Caucasi cum distributione geographica. Coleopterorum Pentamera Carnivora. Petropoli: Imperial Academy of Sciences, 88 pp., 2 pl.
Nilsson, A. N. & Angus, R. B. (1992) A reclassification of the Deronectes - group of genera (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) based on a phylogenetic study. Enomologica Scandinavica, 23, 275 - 288.
Nilsson, A. N. (1995 b) Noteridae and Dytiscidae; Annotated check list of the Noteridae and Dytiscidae of China (Coleoptera), pp. 35 - 96. In: Jach, M. A. & Ji, L. (eds.) Water Beetles of China. Vol. I. Wien: Zoologisch-Botanische Gesellschaft in Osterreich and Wiener Coleopterologenverein, 410 pp.
Nilsson, A. N. (2001) World catalogue of insects. Vol. 3. Dytiscidae Coleoptera. Stenstrup, Apollo Books, 395 pp.
Nilsson, A. N. (2003) Dytiscidae, 35 - 78. In: Lobl, I. & Smetana, A. (eds.), Catalogue of Palaearctic Coleoptera. Volume 1. Archostemata - Myxophaga - Adephaga. Stenstrup, Apollo Books, 819 pp.
Regimbart, M. (1899) Revision des dytiscides de la region Indo-Sino-Malaise. Annales de la Societe Entomologique de France, 68, 186 - 367.
Reiche, L. & Saulcy, F. (1855) Especes nouvelles ou peu connues de coleopteres, recueillies par M. F. de Saulcy, membre de l'institut, dans son voyage en orient. Annales de la Societe Entomologique de France, 3 (3), 561 - 654.
Sharp, D. (1882) On aquatic carnivorous Coleoptera or Dytiscidae. The Scientific Transactions of the Royal Dublin Society (2) 2, 179 - 1003 + pls. 7 - 18.
Shaverdo, H. V. (2003) Adephagous water beetles of Armenia (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae, Gyrinidae, Haliplidae, Noteridae). Koleopterologische Rundschau, 73, 31 - 42.
Toledo, M. (1998) Dytiscidae: II. The genus Nebrioporus Regimbart, 1906 in China (Coleoptera). pp. 69 - 91. In: Jach, M. A. & Ji, L. (eds.): Water Beetles of China Vol. II. Wien: Zoologisch - Botanische Gesellschaft in Osterreich and Wiener Coleopterologenverein, 371 pp.
Vazirani, T. G. (1970) Contribution to the study of aquatic beetles (Coleoptera). V. A review of Hydroporinae: Dytiscidae in part, from India. Oriental Insects, 4 (1), 93 - 129.
Wewalka, G. (1974) Systematische und faunistische Bemerkungen zu einigen palaarktischen Dytisciden (Coleoptera). Koleopterologische Rundschau, 51, 105 - 113.
Zaitzev, F. A. (1951) Water beetles of Turkmenistan. Trudi Murgabskoy Gidrobiologicheskoy Stantsii, 1, 53 - 76.
Zaitzev, F. A. (1953) Fauna of the USSR. Coleoptera. Families: Amphizoidae, Hygrobiidae, Haliplidae, Dytiscidae, Gyrinidae. Jerusalem: Israel Program for Scientific Translations (1972), 401 pp.
No known copyright restrictions apply. See Agosti, D., Egloff, W., 2009. Taxonomic information exchange and copyright: the Plazi approach. BMC Research Notes 2009, 2:53 for further explanation.
Kingdom |
Phylum |
Class |
Order |
Family |
Genus |
Nebrioporus airumlus ( Kolenati, 1845 )
Toledo, Mario 2009 |
Nebrioporus (s.str.) airumlus (Kolenati)
Hajek, J. & Fery, H. 2004: 37 |
Nilsson, A. N. 2003: 65 |
Nilsson, A. N. 2001: 170 |
Nebrioporus (s.str.) sulphuricola ( Zaitzev, 1951 )
Nilsson, A. N. 2003: 67 |
Nilsson, A. N. 2001: 173 |
Nebrioporus airumlus (Kolenati)
Shaverdo, H. V. 2003: 36 |
Toledo, M. 1998: 77 |
Hendrich, L. & Mazzoldi, P. 1995: 4 |
Nilsson, A. N. 1995: 55 |
Nebrioporus sulphuricola ( Zaitzev, 1951 )
Nilsson, A. N. & Angus, R. B. 1992: 288 |
Potamonectes kashmirensis (Régimbart)
Vazirani, T. G. 1970: 123 |
Potamonectes sulphuricola
Zaitzev, F. A. 1953: 212 |
Zaitzev, F. A. 1951: ) |
Deronectes airumlus rybinskii
Kinel, J. 1936: ) |
Deronectes amurensis
Toledo, M. 1998: 77 |
Regimbart, M. 1899: ) |
Sharp, D. 1882: ) |
Deronectes laeviventris ( Reiche, 1855 ) sensu Sharp (1882: 428)
Reiche, L. & Saulcy, F. 1855: ) |
Hydroporus airumlus Kolenati (1845: 85)
Kolenati, F. A. 1845: ) |