Lispinus minimus, Irmler, Ulrich, 2009

Irmler, Ulrich, 2009, New species and records of the genus Lispinus with a key to the species from Peru (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Osoriinae), Zootaxa 2263, pp. 42-58 : 47-49

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.190786


persistent identifier

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scientific name

Lispinus minimus

sp. nov.

Lispinus minimus View in CoL n. sp.

Figs. 3 View FIGURES 1 – 3 A–3D, 7P, 7E, 9C

Type material. Holotype: PERU: Madre de Dios: male Pantiacolla Lodge, 8 km NE Mirador, Alto Madre do Dios River (12°38’23”S, 71°16’23”W), 950 m elevation, 24 OCT 2000, leg. R. Brooks, # PERU 1B00 0 83, collected under bark ( SEMC). Paratypes: PERU: Madre de Dios: 2 females with same data as the holotype ( SEMC, UIC); Loreto: 1 female, 1.5 km N Teniente Lopez (2° 35.66’S, 76° 06.92W), 22. July 1993, 210– 240 m elevation, leg. Richard Leschen, # 169, ex: flight intercept trap ( SEMC).

Diagnosis. The small size of this species resembles that of L. granadensis , L. insularis , L. peruanus and L. bolivianus . In contrast to L. granadensis and L. insularis , the depressions at the posterior angles of the pronotum are margined laterally as in L. bolivianus and L. blandus . It can be distinguished from L. peruanus and L. bolivianus by the absence of any emargination in front of posterior angles of pronotum and the shiny surface of the pronotal depressions.

Description. Body length 3.2 mm.

Body colour black with legs and antennae brown; visible abdominal tergite 6 reddish posteriorly.

Head 0.40 mm long, 0.55 mm wide; eyes long, slightly longer than temples; front edge of clypeus smoothly rounded; with two supraocular setae, two setae at the front margin and four short setae on the disc; punctation deep and dense, partly coriaceous; on average distance between punctures half as wide as diameter of punctures; microsculpture extremely weak; surface nearly polished.

Antennae short; only slightly longer than head; antennomere 2 longer than wide; antennomere 3 conical and shorter than antennomere 2; antennomeres 4 to 6 quadrate; the following antennomeres wider than preceding ones; penultimate antennomere at least 2 times wider than long.

Pronotum 0.50 mm long, 0.60 mm wide; widest near the anterior angles; nearly straightly narrowed to posterior angles; front edge straight; with three long setae at lateral margin; with punctures deep and large; still larger than on head, but as dense as on head; distance between punctures on average half of diameter of punctures; near posterior edge with coriaceous punctation; a small impunctate midline restricted to short longitudinal space in middle of disc; without microsculpture, surface polished; depressions at posterior angles linear and deep; not reaching the middle of pronotum.

Elytra 0.67 mm long, 0.65 mm wide; punctation still larger and deeper than on pronotum, partly coriaceous; fine and sparse micro-punctation present; microsculpture extremely weak; surface polished.

Abdomen with coarse and dense punctation; on posterior tergites less dense than on anterior tergites; without microsculpture, surface polished.

Etymology. The specific name is derived from the Latin word meaning small and refers to the body size of the species.


University of Kansas - Biodiversity Institute















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