Lygodactylus gamblei, Lobón-Rovira & Bauer & Pinto & Trape & Conradie & Kusamba & Júlio & Cael & Stanley & Hughes & Behangana & Masudi & Pauwels & Greenbaum, 2024

Lobón-Rovira, Javier, Bauer, Aaron M., Pinto, Pedro Vaz, Trape, Jean-Francois, Conradie, Werner, Kusamba, Chifundera, Júlio, Timóteo, Cael, Garin, Stanley, Edward L., Hughes, Daniel F., Behangana, Mathias, Masudi, Franck M., Pauwels, Olivier S. G. & Greenbaum, Eli, 2024, Integrative revision of the Lygodactylus gutturalis (Bocage, 1873) complex unveils extensive cryptic diversity and traces its evolutionary history, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society (Zool. J. Linn. Soc.) 201 (2), pp. 447-492 : 483-485

publication ID 10.1093/zoolinnean/zlad123


persistent identifier

treatment provided by


scientific name

Lygodactylus gamblei

sp. nov.


( Figs 23–24 View Figure 23 View Figure 24 , Table 3 View Table 3 ; Supporting Information, Table S10)

Zoobank registration: 411D833D-2017- 4930-BD11-B783AAD6A9B7

Lygodactylus picturatus gutturalis : de Witte (1953) [part].

Lygodactylus gutturalis View in CoL : Pasteur (1964) [part]; Broadley and Cotterill (2004) [part]; Röll (2005) [part].

Lygodactylus gamblei View in CoL sp. nov. is a miombo-savannah form within subgroup C, described above.It also differs by a minimum of c. 9.96% for the 16S mitochondrial gene (Table 2) from its sister taxon L. leopardinus View in CoL sp. nov. ( Fig. 2A View Figure 2 ) and lacks nuclear haplotype sharing in RAG1 ( Fig. 2B–C View Figure 2 ).

Holotype: UTEP 22587 About UTEP ( ELI 340 ), male with regenerated tail and ventral incision, collected at Manono , Tanganyika Province, DRC, S07.29363, E27.39472, 634 m a.s.l. on 19 January 2010 by locals and brought to Eli Greenbaum. GoogleMaps

Paratypes (nine specimens): UTEP 22584 About UTEP ( ELI 293 ), female with original tail and ventral incision, collected at Mulongo, Haut-Lomami Province , DRC, S07.65509, E27.34027, 875 m a.s.l. on 18 January 2010 by Chifundera Kusamba, Wandege M. Muninga, Mwenebatu M. Aristote, and Eli Greenbaum GoogleMaps ; RBINS 2721 About RBINS (formerly under RBINS 6157 About RBINS ), adult male, collected at Rivière Kande, affluent de la rive gauche de la Lupiala et sousaffluent de la rive droite de la Lufira, Upemba National Park, Haut-Katanga Province , DRC, 700–730 m a.s.l., on 4–8 October 1947 ; RBINS 2722 About RBINS (formerly under RBINS 6160 About RBINS ), adult male collected at Rivière Lukawe, affluent de la rive droite de la Lufira, Upemba NP, Haut-Katanga Province , DRC, 700 m a.s.l. on 28 October 1947 ; RBINS 2723 About RBINS and RBINS 6124 About RBINS (formerly under RBINS 6124 About RBINS ), male and female, respectively, collected at Munoi, bifurcation de la rivière Lupiala, affluent de la rive droite de la Lufira, Upemba NP, Haut-Katanga Province , DRC, 890 m a.s.l. on 3 June 1948 ; RBINS 2725–27 About RBINS (formerly in a series of nine specimens under RBINS 6122 About RBINS ), two males and one female, respectively, collected at Munoi, bifurcation de la rivière Lupiala, affluent de la rive droite de la Lufira, Upemba NP, Haut-Katanga Province , DRC, 890 m a.s.l. on 28–31 May 1947 ; RBINS 2728 About RBINS (formerly under RBINS 6156 About RBINS ), collected at Kaswabilenga, région du cours inférieur de la Lupiala, affluent de la rive droite de la Lufira, Upemba NP, Haut-Katanga Province , DRC, 700 m a.s.l. on 31 January 1949 . All paratype material from RBINS was collected by G.-F. de Witte during his expeditions in the former Katanga region between 1946 and 1949 .

Additional material: RMCA R.8933, male, collected at Kapanga , Haut-Katanga Province, DRC, in September 1932 by G.F. Overlaet ; RBINS 6121 About RBINS and RBINS 20749 About RBINS (formerly in RBINS 6121 About RBINS series) , male and female, respectively, collected at Kambi , affluent de la Grande Kafwe ( Masombwe ), Upemba NP, Haut-Katanga Province, DRC, on 25–27 July 1945 by G.-F. de Witte ; RBINS 6139 About RBINS (male) and RBINS 20748 About RBINS (female) (formerly in RBINS 6139 About RBINS series) , collected at Mabwe , Upemba NP, Haut-Lomami Province, DRC, in August 1945 by G.-F. de Witte .

Diagnosis: A large Lygodactylus [ SVL to 39.8 mm (mean 36.1 ± 2.1 mm)] with 6–9 supralabials and 6–7 infralabials. As with other Lygodactylus within the L. gutturalis group, this species can be easily differentiated from the L. angularis group species by the gular ornamentation, dorsal pattern, and lack of terminal scansors on the tail tip, and from other members of the L. picturatus group based on dorsal coloration and gular pattern (see L. gutturalis account).

Lygodactylus gamblei sp. nov. can be differentiated from other members within the L. gutturalis subgroup by the following combination of characters: dorsal coloration lacking dorsolateral series of cream ocelli on flanks (present in L. gutturalis , L. karamoja sp. nov., L. kibera sp. nov., and L. dysmicus ), with two parallel dorsolateral lines from head to forelimbs, the lower line extending on to the anterior side of the forelimb, reaching the cubital fossa ( Fig. 25B View Figure 25 ); males usually with three ∩ - shaped chevrons (vs. one or two in L. depressus ; a broken chevron in L. leopardinus sp. nov.; and the exceptional inverted Y -shaped pattern in L. mirabundus sp. nov.) and thicker gular lines than L. gutturalis , L. dysmicus , and L. karamoja sp. nov.. Lygodactylus gamblei sp. nov. always has three postmental scales, with the lateral pair separated by a posterior extension of the mental ( Fig. 25A View Figure 25 ). It can be differentiated from L. karamoja sp. nov., L. kibera sp. nov., and L. leopardinus sp. nov. by having a proportionally larger tibia (CL/ SVL ≥ 0.19 vs. CL/ SVL ≤ 0.17). As in its sister taxon L. leopardinus sp. nov., females lack gular patterning (present in all the other members of the group, Fig. 25A View Figure 25 ). Lygodactylus gamblei sp. nov. can be differentiated from L. mirabundus sp. nov. by having a lower number of precloacal pores (7–9 vs. 10) and by subtle morphometric differences ( Table 3 View Table 3 ).

Etymology: We name this new species after the American evolutionary biologist and herpetologist Tony Gamble of Marquette University, in recognition of his substantial contributions to the evolutionary biology of geckos. The name is a patronym formed in the genitive case.

Description of the holotype ( Fig. 24 View Figure 24 ): Measurements and meristic characters of the holotype are presented in Supporting Information, Table S10. Adult male, with a snout–vent length ( SVL) of 35.0 mm and a regenerated tail of 31.0 mm.Body slender and nape slightly distinct. Head slightly broader than body, and moderate head length ( HW /HL 0.66). Canthus rostralis not prominent. Eye diameter 2.51 mm with circular pupil. Ear to eye distance slightly larger than the orbit diameter (3.26 mm). Snout rounded and moderately pointed. Granular scale of frontal larger than occipital scales, with 25 small interorbital granular scales. Dorsal scales granular from rostral to tail. Rostral undivided, in narrow contact with nostril. Two small symmetrical internasals. Seven supralabials and six infralabials. Prenasal contacts the 1st supralabial. Nostril circular and surrounded by 1st supralabial, prenasal, one supranasal, and one postnasal. Four or five rows of scales between supralabials and the orbit. Mental large, triangular, and posteriorly in contact with three rounded symmetrical postmental scales. Mental scales extending between the lateral postmentals reaching ~50% of the medial surface suture of the postmentals. Five smaller post-postmental scales. Gular scales granular, rounded, and smaller than ventral scales. Ventrals imbricate, denticulate, and larger than dorsal scales, with 19 scale rows across the venter. Regenerated tail with 30 enlarged subcaudal scales, some fragmented. Body relatively robust and slightly elongated ( TRL / SVL 0.42). Eight precloacal pores. Fore- and hind limbs moderately short and stout; forearm of medium length ( FL / SVL 0.16); tibia moderately long (CL/ SVL 0.19). Digits elongated and unwebbed with 5–6 terminal scansors. Thumb rudimentary with a small terminal claw.Relative length of digits: I <II = V <III <IV (manus); I <II < V <III <IV (pes).

Coloration: In life ( Fig. 23A–D, F–I View Figure 23 ), dorsal colour light brown to grey, with dark brown mottled pattern in the female; male with three rows of interrupted, but conspicuous black stripes on lateral surface from head to neck, converging at the anterior insertion of the forearm, giving the impression of a single large blotch; male and female with a black-brown line from snout to ear aperture; venter uniform orange-yellowish from posterior part of gular to cloaca, and cream to white elsewhere; gular immaculate white in female, and white in male with three thick and black ∩ - shaped chevrons. In preservative (holotype; Fig. 24 View Figure 24 ): similar coloration as in life, slightly darker, with gular pattern more brownish.

Variation: All paratypes largely agree with the holotype, and their measurements are summarized in Supporting Information, Table S 10. The specimen RBINS 6138 About RBINS has a bold dorsal pattern from head to midbody. It is worth noting that all the female specimens examined from de Witte’s (1953) expedition lack a gular pattern, in contradiction to de Witte’s (1953) statement. However, we noted that some young male specimens were catalogued as females, which could have misled de Witte to this conclusion.

Habitat and distribution ( Figs 6 View Figure 6 , 23 View Figure 23 ): Lygodactylus gamblei sp. nov. is known from Manono, Upemba National Park, and other nearby areas in south-eastern DRC. The species is associated with Miombo Woodland forest and gallery forest between 500 and ~ 1500 m a.s.l. This species is sympatric with L. heeneni in this area.

Natural history: A diurnal and arboreal species. The holotype (UTEP 22587) was collected active during the daytime with an air temperature of 45 °C and one of the paratypes (UTEP 22584) was found scampering around a tree close to the ground in an open area.


Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences


Royal Museum for Central Africa


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile


Royal British Columbia Museum - Herbarium














Lygodactylus gamblei

Lobón-Rovira, Javier, Bauer, Aaron M., Pinto, Pedro Vaz, Trape, Jean-Francois, Conradie, Werner, Kusamba, Chifundera, Júlio, Timóteo, Cael, Garin, Stanley, Edward L., Hughes, Daniel F., Behangana, Mathias, Masudi, Franck M., Pauwels, Olivier S. G. & Greenbaum, Eli 2024

Lygodactylus gamblei

Lobón-Rovira & Bauer & Pinto & Trape & Conradie & Kusamba & Júlio & Cael & Stanley & Hughes & Behangana & Masudi & Pauwels & Greenbaum 2024

L. leopardinus

Lobón-Rovira & Bauer & Pinto & Trape & Conradie & Kusamba & Júlio & Cael & Stanley & Hughes & Behangana & Masudi & Pauwels & Greenbaum 2024
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