Agroeca bonghwaensis, Seo, Bo, 2011

Seo, Bo, 2011, Description of three liocranid spider species from Korea (Araneae: Liocranidae), Entomological Research 41 (1), pp. 98-102 : 99

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Jeremy (2017-05-29 12:21:09, last updated 2024-11-27 13:25:07)

scientific name

Agroeca bonghwaensis


1 Posterior part of epigynal ducts well separate. Length of anterior eye row about 0.75 times of posterior eye row................................. A. mongolica – Posterior part of epigynal ducts nearly touched. Length of anterior eye row above 0.80 times of posterior eye row............................................... 2 2 Carapace with a pair of longitudinal dark patterns...................................... A. bonghwaensis – Carapace with radiated dark patterns............... 3 3 Epigynal opening part wide............... A. coreana – Epigynal opening part narrow............. A. montana Agroeca bonghwaensis View in CoL n. sp. (Korean name: bong-hwa-bat-go-rang-geo-mi) ( Figs 1–4 View Figures 1 – 12 )

Diagnosis. This species very similar to Agroeca brunnea ( Blackwall, 1833) at first appearance but easily distinguished from the latter by duct structures of epigynum and internal genitalia (Figs 3,4).

Description. Female (holotype): Carapace yellowish brown with a pair of longitudinal dark patterns on submargins and a thin dark borderline; linear median furrow distinct ( Fig. 1 View Figures 1 – 12 ). Clypeus height same as diameter of AME. AER recurved slightly and PER procurved in dorsal view ( Fig. 2 View Figures 1 – 12 ), but both eye rows procurved in frontal view. Eye ratio ALE> AME = PLE = PME (14:10). AMEs separated by a fifth of their diameter, by 0.1 times of their diameter from laterals. Posterior eyes separated by 0.8 times of PME diameter each other. ALE and PLE radius of PLE apart. MOQ, height> posterior side> anterior side (30:27:21). Sternum mottled with black dots on yellow ground. Labium dark with yellow anterior margin. Patellae and femora of legs dark yellow, rest dark brown. Leg I/c 3.01. Fem. I/c 0.81. Tib. I/c 0.69. Met. I/c 0.59. Met. I/tar. I 1.26. Met. IV/tar. IV 1.96. Pat. I + tib. I/c 1.14. Leg spination: Femora; I, II d1-1-1, p0-0-1; III d1-1-1, p0-1-1, r0-1-1; IV d1-1-1, p0-0-1, r0-0-1. Tibiae; I, II v2-2 -0; III d1-0, p1-1, r1-1, v2-2 -2; IV d1-1, p1-1, r0-1-1, v1-2 -2. Metatarsi; I, II v2-2 -2; III, IV d2-2-2, p1-1, r1-1, v2-2 -2. Abdomen oval; dorsum with black reticulate pattern on reddish brown ground; venter with black trident pattern behind epigastric furrow. Epigynum with a pair of ducts distinctly; anterior copulatory opening part wide; internal genitalia with a pair of wide openings and small spermathecae ( Fig. 4 View Figures 1 – 12 ).

Measurements. Holotype (♀): Body length 5.29; carapace length 2.46, width 1.95; cephalic width 1.07; sternum length 1.39, width 1.20; labium length 0.22, width 0.38; anterior eye row 0.59; posterior eye row 0.70; abdomen length 3.15, width 2.02. Leg I 7.40 (2.00 1.10, 1.70, 1.45, 1.15), II 6.80 (1.85, 1.05, 1.45, 1.35, 1.10), III 6.70 (1.75, 1.00, 1.25, 1.60, 1.10), IV 9.80 (2.45, 1.10, 2.10, 2.75, 1.40).

Material examined. Holotype: ♀, Dongmyeon-ri, Jaesanmyeon, Bonghwa-gun, Gyeongsangbuk-do , 36°48′15″N, 129°01′20″E, 23.vii.2010, B.C. Uhm GoogleMaps .

Distribution. Korea.

Etymology. The species name is derived from the type locality.

Blackwall J (1833) Characters of some undescribed genera and species of Araneidae. London, Edinburgh and Dublin Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science 3 (3): 104 - 112, 187 - 197, 344 - 352, 436 - 443.

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Figures 1 – 12 Agroeca bonghwaensis n. sp.: 1 female, dorsal view; 2 eye area, dorsal view; 3 epigynum; 4 internal genitalia, dorsal view. Agroeca montana Hayashi, 1986: 5 female, dorsal view; 6 eye area, dorsal view; 7 epigynum; 8 internal genitalia, dorsal view. Scotina palliardii (Koch 1881): 9 female, dorsal view; 10 eye area, dorsal view; 11 epigynum; 12 internal genitalia, dorsal view. Scales, 1, 5, 9 1.0 mm; 2, 6, 10 0.5 mm; 3 – 4, 7 – 8, 11 – 12 0.1 mm.











