Anotylus genalis ( Fauvel, 1904 )

Makranczy, György, 2017, Review Of The Anotylus Cimicoides Species Group (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Oxytelinae), Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 63 (2), pp. 143-262 : 201-205

publication ID 10.17109/AZH.

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scientific name

Anotylus genalis ( Fauvel, 1904 )


Anotylus genalis ( Fauvel, 1904) View in CoL

( Figs 102 View Figs 102–103 , 118–124 View Figs 118–124 )

Oxytelopsisgenalis Fauvel, 1904: 96; CAmeRoN 1928: 401; HeRmAN 1970: 413; HAmmoNd 1984: 200, HeRmAN 2001: 1414.

Examined type material – Oxytelopsis genalis Fauvel – Holotype (f): “Lecto-; type [lilac frameddisc, curatorlabel] \ Perak; Malacca \ genalis; Fvl. \ Oxytelopsis ; genalisFvl. \ Coll. etdet. A. Fauvel; Oxytelopsis ; genalis; Fauv.; R. I.Sc. N.B. 17.479 \ Syntype \ P. M. Hammond; det. 1972; Lectotype [sic] \ Anotylus ; genalis (Fauvel) ; det. Makranczy, 2015” (ISNB).

Othermaterial – MALAYSIA: Pahangdistr., 30 kmNERaub, LabaLembik, 3°56’N, 101°38’E, 300 m, 22.IV-15.V.2002, leg. E. Jendek & O. Šauša (06-21) (1, NMPC); Pahang, PulauTioman, KampungJuara, 12.III.1995, leg. O. Merkl (no. 23), secondarygrowth, at light (1, HNHM); Perak, CameronHighlands, cascadeSungeiSimei, 28.III.1977, leg. T. Ja- coud (85i) (13, MHNG); Perak, CameronHighlands, cascadeSungeiSimei, 25.III.1977, leg. T. Jacoud (34i, 61i) (35, MHNG); Ulu Gombar nr. Kuala Lumpur ca. 800 ft [3°14’10”N, 101°44’00”E], 11-14.VII.1968, leg. R.W. Taylor (6, MHNG); W-, LakeKenyir, 5 kmSWdam, 50 km SW Kuala Terengganu ~ 350 m, 7-12.VII.2001, leg. A. Schulz & K. Vock (10, SMNS); FederalMalayState, Selangor, BukitKutu, leg. M. Cameron (1, MHNG); Johore, Gunung Pulai , nearfoot, ca. 500 ft, 22.V.1968, leg. R.W. Taylor (68/44b), rainforest, leafmouldberlesate (1, ANIC); Penang Island, Penang Hill, near summit, 700 m, 9.XI.1999, leg. G. Cuccodoro & I. Löbl (2b), broadleafevergreemforest, siftingforestleaflitter (1, MHNG); Penang Island, PenangHill, 650 m, 19.XI.1999, leg. G. Cuccodoro & I. Löbl (10a), broadleafever- greenforest, forestleaflitterandvegetationaldebrisontrail (1, MHNG); MALAYSIA / BORNEO: Sarawak, KubahN. P., 200–400 m, 6-8.III.2008, leg. W. Schawaller (1, SMNS); Sabah, KinabaluN. P., Sayap, 1000 m, 25.XI.1996, leg. D. Grimm, atlight (1, SMNS); Sabah, Batu, PunggulResortenv., 24.VI-1.VII.1996, leg. J. Kodada & F. Čiampor (11c), vegetation debrisandforestfloorlitteraccumulatedaroundlargetreesnearriver (11, MHNG); Sabah, SepilokForestRes. (nearSandakan), 8.VI.1968, leg. R.W. Taylor, exhumus (1, MHNG); Sabah, Tawau, QuoinHill, 750 ft, 16-19.VI.1969, leg. R.W. Taylor (1, MHNG), samebut VI.1968, exhumus (1 m, 1 f, MHNG); Sabah, CrockerRangeN. P., NWKeningau, 900– 1200 m, 18.XI.1996, leg. D. Grimm, atlight (1, SMNS); Sabah, CrockerRangeN. P., NW Keningau, 900–1200 m, 16-20.XI.1996, leg. W. Schawaller (1, SMNS); Sabah, Mt. Kinabalu NationalPark, abovePoringHotSprings, 520 m, 15.VIII.1988, leg. A. Smetana (B115), siftingoflayersoffermentingfruits (ofatree, Ficus sp. ) onforestflooranddebrisunder (375, FMNH, 1 m, 1 f, NIBR, 1 m, IZAS, 1 m, HNHM); Sabah, Mt. KinabaluNationalPark, Por- ingHotSprings, 495 m, 21.VIII.1988, leg. A. Smetana (B136), siftingoflayersoffermenting fruits (ofatree, Ficus sp. ) onforestflooranddebrisunder (16, FMNH); Sabah, Mt. Kina- baluNationalPark, abovePoringHotSprings, 520 m, 22.VIII.1988, leg. A. Smetana (B139), siftingoflayersofrottingfruits ( Ficus sp. ) onforestflooranddebrisunder (19, FMNH); Sabah, Mt. KinabaluNationalPark, PoringHotSprings, 495 m, 23.VIII.1988, leg. A. Smetana (B140), siftingoflayersoffallenfruitsinprimarytropicalrainforest (20, FMNH), same but 24.VIII.1988 (B144) (33, FMNH, 1 f, HNHM, 1 f, IZAS, 1 f, MNHP, 1, ZMUC); Sabah, Mt. KinabaluNationalPark, PoringHotSprings, 485 m, 25.VIII.1988, leg. A. Smetana (B147), siftingofaccumulatedoldfruitsof Areca palms, includingdebrisandhumusun- derneath, openarea (1, FMNH), samebut 14-31.VIII.1988 (B166) (1, FMNH); Sabah, Mt. KinabaluNationalPark, PoringHotSprings, 495 m, 30.VIII.1988, leg. A. Smetana (B161), siftingofthreelargefermentingfruits (cocoanutsize) anddebrisundertheminrainforest (1 m, 1 f, NHMW, 1 m, MNHP), Sabah, PoringHotSprings, 450–600 m, 9-11.III.2007, leg. W. Schawaller (1 m, SMNS); Sabah, KinabaluPark, PoringHotSprings, ca. 500 m, forêtà Dipterocarpaceaerelativementsèche, 6.V.1987, leg. D. Burckhardt & I. Löbl (14a), tamisage deboispourriavecchampignonsalalisièredelaforêt, etdefeuillesmortesaupieddes arbreslaforêt (2, MHNG); Sabah, PoringHotSprings, 500 menv., forêtdeDipterocar- paceae, 7.V.1987, leg. D. Burckhardt & I. Löbl (15a), tamisagedanslaforêt (3, MHNG); Sa- bah, PoringHotSprings, 500 menv., forêtdeDipterocarpaceae, 11.V.1987, leg. D. Burck- hardt & I. Löbl (21), tamisageaupieddevieuxarbresetsurdeschampignons, àproximité d’unruisseau (1, MHNG); Sabah, PoringHotSprings, 500 menv., forêtdeDipterocar- paceaeàproximitédes “Headquarters”, 13.V.1987, leg. D. Burckhardt & I. Löbl (24a), tamisagedeboispourrietdefeuillesmortes (1, MHNG); BRUNEI: Temburong, KualaBelalong (East), 13.II.1995, leg. Borcherding (1 m, coll. Assing); THAILAND: prov. Chiang Mai, DoiInthanon, 1080 m, 24.II.1987, leg. P. Schwendinger (2, MHNG); prov. ChiangMai, DoiChiangDao, 450 m, 7.V.1987, leg. P. Schwendinger (1, MHNG); VIETNAM: NinhBinh Prov., Res. Cuc- Phüöng, 200 m, 14.X.1963, leg. T. Pócs, dansforêttropic. pluv., àlalumière (1 m, HNHM), same but 15.V.1966, leg. Gy. Topál (no. 368), singled (1, HNHM); PHILIP- PINES/LUZON: Lagunas (Calabarzon), Mt. BanahawaboveKinabuhayan, 600–700 m, trail toCrystalino, 24.XI.1995, J. Kodada & B. Rigová, degradedrainforest, forestfloorlitter (1, MHNG); Lagunas (Calabarzon), Mt. BanahawaboveKinabuhayan, 600–700 m, trailto Crystalino, 24.XI.1995, leg. I. Löbl (5a), degradedrainforest, forestfloorlitter (2, MHNG); CentralLuzon, Mt. BanahawaboveKinabuhayan, summittrail, ca. 800 m, 25.XI.1995, leg. I. Löbl (6), degraded rainforest, on slope (3, MHNG); PHILIPPINES /MINDANAO: 30 km NW Maramag, Bagongsilang, 1700 m, 13-17.V.1996, leg. Bolm (1, SMNS); INDONESIA / SUMATRA: Lampungprov., BukitBarisanSelatanN.P., roadKrui-Liwa 2 kmSWKubuprahu, 480–540 m, 4.III.2000, leg. P. Schwendinger (Sum-00/25), disturbedevergreenrain- forestandsecondaryforest, sifting (1, MHNG); Jambi, km 8 onroadSungaipenuhtoTa- pan, 1200 m, 9.XI.1989, leg. I. Löbl, D. Agosti, D. Burckhardt (8), siftingofvegetational debrisoftreesandbamboosinravine (13, MHNG, 1 m, HNHM); Jambi, km 12 onroad SungaipenuhtoTapan, 1350 m, 9.XI.1989, leg. I. Löbl, D. Agosti, D. Burckhardt (9), sifting ofleaflitterandmoldybranchesinsecondaryscrub (7, MHNG); Jambi, km 15 onroad fromSungaipenuhtoTapan, 1450 m, 9.XI.1989, leg. I. Löbl, D. Agosti, D. Burckhardt (10), siftingofvegetationaldebrisindegradedmontane Lithocarpus - Castanopsis forest (1, MHNG); Jambi, Mt. Kerinci, 1750 –1850 m, 11-12.XI.1989, leg. I. Löbl, D. Agosti, D. Burck- hardt (11), siftingofvegetationaldebrisinmontane Lithocarpus - Castanopsis forest (1, MHNG); WestSumatraprov., LakeManinjau, waterfallab. Gasang, 720 m, 9.II.2000, leg. P. Schwendinger (Sum-00/04), siftingofrottenbamboos (26, MHNG); WestSumatra, Anai ValleyNatureReserve, 10 kmWPadangpanjan, 250 m, 17.XI.1989, leg. I. Löbl, D. Agosti, D. Burckhardt (18), siftingofvegetationaldebrisindegradedlowlandforest (1, MHNG); WestSumatra, Padangpanjan, 600 m, 17.XI.1989, leg. I. Löbl, D. Agosti, D. Burckhardt (20), siftingofrottenbamboos (28, MHNG); WestSumatra, PalopoNatureReserve, NBukittingi, 900 m, 18-20.XI.1989, leg. I. Löbl, D. Agosti, D. Burckhardt (21), siftingofvegeta- tionaldebrisinsecondaryforestonsteepslope (13, MHNG); WestSumatra, Panti, 250 m, 19.XI.1989, leg. I. Löbl, D. Agosti, D. Burckhardt (23), siftingofvegetationaldebrisinlowlandswampforest (3, MHNG); WestSumatra, Bukittingi, Panti, 700 m, 25-26.X.1991, leg. A. Riedel, (1 m, 2 f, SMNS); Aceh, Mt. LeuserNationalPark, KetambeResearchStation, 300– 500 m, lowlanddipterocarpforest, 23-30.XI.1989, leg. I. Löbl, D. Agosti, D. Burckhardt (25a), siftingofvegetationaldebris (15, MHNG); NorthSumatra, 5 kmWBrastagi, Tong- koh, 1450 m, mixed pine forest with many epiphytes, 3.XII.1989, leg. I. Löbl, D. Agosti, D. Burckhardt (29a), siftingofvegetationaldebris (7, MHNG); INDONESIA / JAVA: WestJava, CibodasBotanicalGarden, nearCipanas, ca. 50 kmEBogor, 1400 m, 3-6.XI.1989, leg. I. Löbl, D. Agosti, D. Burckhardt (2a), siftingofvegetationaldebrisinmontane Lithocarpus - Castanopsis forest (24, MHNG); Bandung, Maribaya, 22 kmNEBandung, 27.VII.1984, leg. J. Robert (19 and 20a), Winkler extraction (13, MHNG); Col du Puncak et Cibodas, lac Telaga Warna, 4.VIII.1984, leg. J. Robert (26), Winkler extraction (3, MHNG); West Java, CibodasBotanicalGarden, nearCipanas, ca. 50 kmEBogor, 1400 m, 3-6.XI.1989, leg. I. Löbl, D. Agosti, D. Burckhardt (2a), siftingofvegetationaldebrisinmontaneLithocarpus-Castanopsisforest (8, MHNG), samebut 1350 m (2b), siftingofvegetationaldebrisalongriver (5, MHNG); C-Java, NslopesofDiengplateau, Petungkriyono, mountainNTinalum, 07°06.418’S, 109°44.514’E, 1115 m, 22.VIII.2006, leg. A. Riedel (sample 1), sifted, (1 m, SMNK); INDONESIA /BORNEO: KalimantanBarat, GunungPalungNationalPark, CabangPantiresearchsite, 1°13’S, 110°07’E, lowlandrainforest, 18-26.VII.1993, leg. O. Merkl (9), atlight (14, HNHM); KalimantanBarat, BajasloggingareaaboveSamanja, 1°13’S, 110°06’E, clearingoflowlandrainforest, 27.VII.1993, leg. O. Merkl (23), atlight (1 m, 21, HNHM).

Redescription – Measurements (in mm, n=10): HW = 0.62 (0.59–0.65); TW = 0.60 (0.57– 0.64); PW = 0.88 (0.82–0.98); EW = 0.97 (0.92–1.14); AW = 0.94 (0.89–1.06); HL = 0.45 (0.41– 0.48); EL = 0.15 (0.14–0.16); TL = 0.15 (0.14–0.17); PL = 0.52 (0.48–0.59); SC = 0.59 (0.55–0.66); FB = 1.63 (1.50–1.79); BL = 2.99 (2.72–3.31). Habitus as in Fig. 102 View Figs 102–103 . Forebody only slightly shiningforstrongsculpture, abdomenveryfinelymicrosculptured (punctationonlyin traces), ratherdull. Wholebodyreddishmediumtodarkbrown, antennaeandmouthparts somewhatlighter, reddishmediumbrown. Headwithanextremelythinrimonanterior margin, lattermoreorlesstruncateinmiddle, slightlyangledalsoatsupraantennalpromi- nences, theseasmoderatelyelevatedobliqueridges, discslightlyimpressedneareyes, middleofvertexslightlyelevated. Epistomalsutureformingsubcircularimpression (shiny inside), uppersurfacewithouttactilesetae, eyesratherlarge, moderatelyconvex; indor- salviewtemples (samelengthaseye) alatiform, laterallybluntlyangledandposteriorly constrictedtoformdistinctneck, however, dorsalsidenotseparatedbyoccipitalfurrow, ratherbydorsumofneckbearingmicrosculptureinsteadofpunctation. Antennomere 1 flattenedclub-shapedandfinelymicrosculptured, segment 2 broadatbaseandnarrowing towardsstoutclub-shapedsegment 3, segment 4 slightlytransverse, segments 5–11 with mm for Figs 120–121 View Figs 118–124 , 0.14 mm for Fig. 119 View Figs 118–124

basaldishes, segments 6–10 transverse (about 1.5× broaderthanlong). Headandpronotum withmostlyalveolatesculpture. Pronotumwithlateralportionexplanateandslightlyupturned, edgealatiformwithsparseshortsetae; lateralborderunevenandwithanumber ofsmall, irregularlydistributeddenticles, posteriormarginslightlyincisedbeforecorners; discmediallywithtwoparallelandposteriorlyalmostconfluentlongitudinalridges, posteriorlyimpressedalongsidethem, laterallyimpressedaroundmiddleofsides. Elytrawith membranousposteriormarginextendingfromsuturalcornerto 5/6 ofhindmargin. Ely- tralepipleuralridgepresentwithup-turnedlateralalatiformportions, disclongitudinally impressedalongside; shoulderswelldeveloped, surfacefoveolate, inbetweenpunctures torulose. Legsshort, pro-andmesotibiawithseveralspinuloserows, metatibiawithlon- gitudinalctenidiumofspinulesindistalhalf. Abdomenwithsidesgentlyarcuate, second segmentwithparatergitesstronglybroadeningposteriorly (abdomenappearingconstrict- edatbase), thoseofsegmentsIII–VIIthin, mesalparatergitesbroad; posterioredgeof tergiteVIIwiththinpalisadefringe, medianpartofsterniteVIIasinFig. 118 View Figs 118–124 , sterniteVIII ( Fig. 119 View Figs 118–124 ), tergitesIX ( Fig. 120 View Figs 118–124 ), X ( Fig. 121 View Figs 118–124 ) andaedeagusasinFigs 122–124 View Figs 118–124 .

Distribution – ThisspeciesoccursfromThailandandVietnamtothe GreaterSundaIslands (Sumatra, Java, Borneo) andthePhilippines.

Remarks – Thetaxonwasdescribedfroma “unique” (specimen), thereforeitistheholotype. Thisspeciesobviouslyprefersvariousfermentingfruits oftropicaltreesaswasfrequentlycollectedinsuchhabitat. Astrangeformof thisspeciesexistswithconspicuouslyconvexpronotaldisc (pronotallength alsoslightlyexceedingthatofnormalspecimens). Examinationofmalegeni- taliaandterminaliadidnotrevealanyconsistentdifference.













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