Anotylus cimicoides ( Fauvel, 1895 )

Makranczy, György, 2017, Review Of The Anotylus Cimicoides Species Group (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Oxytelinae), Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 63 (2), pp. 143-262 : 170-176

publication ID 10.17109/AZH.

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scientific name

Anotylus cimicoides ( Fauvel, 1895 )


Anotylus cimicoides ( Fauvel, 1895) View in CoL

( Figs 50–56 View Figs 50–56 , 100 View Figs 100–101 )

Oxytelopsis cimicoides Fauvel, 1895: 200 View in CoL ; CAmeRoN 1930: 205; HeRmAN 1970: 413; CoiffAit 1984: 150, HeRmAN 2001: 1413.

Oxytelopsis taiwana Ito, 1987: 77 , syn. nov.; HeRmAN 2001: 1415.

Examinedtypematerial – Oxytelopsiscimicoides Fauvel – Lectotype (m, heredesignat- ed): “Lecto-; type [lilacmargineddisc, curatorlabel] \ [Mt.] Carin; AsciuiiGhecù [19°17’N, 96°42.5’E]; 1400–1500 m.; L. Fea. III-IV.[18]88. \ cimicoides; Fvl. \ Coll. et det. A. Fauvel; Oxytelopsis View in CoL ; cimicoidesFauv.; R.I.Sc.N.B. 17.479 \ G. Fageldet., 195; Anotylopsis; gen. nov. \ Syntype \ Oxytelopsis View in CoL ; cimicoidesFvl.; P.M. Hammond; det. 1972; Lectotype \ m \ Anotylus View in CoL ; cimicoides (Fauvel) View in CoL ; det. Makranczy, 2015” (ISNB); Paralectotypes (3): “Para-; lecto-; type [lightbluemargineddisc] \ Carin; AsciuiiGhecù; 1400–1500 m.; L. Fea. III-IV. [18]88. \ Coll. et det. A. Fauvel; Oxytelopsis View in CoL ; cimicoides Fauv. View in CoL ; R.I.Sc.N.B. 17.479 \ G. Fagel det., 19; Anotylopsis; gen. nov. \ Syntype \ Oxytelopsis View in CoL ; cimicoidesFvl.; P.M. Hammond; det. 1972; Paralectotype \ Anotylus View in CoL ; cimicoides (Fauvel) View in CoL ; det. Makranczy, 2015” (2 m, 1 f, ISNB); Oxytelopsistaiwana Ito – Paratype (m): “Funchiifo; Taiwan; 24.III.1970; T. Kobayashi [onyellowishcard] \ Paratype [redcard] \ Oxytelopsis View in CoL ; taiwanus; T. Ito; Det. Tateo Ito, 1987 ” (coll. Ito), Paratype (f): “Mt. Yangming; Taiwan; 30.IV.1982; T. Ito [onyellowish card] \ Paratype [redcard] \ Oxytelopsis View in CoL ; taiwanus; T. Ito; Det. TateoIto, 1987” (coll. Ito).

Other material – PAKISTAN: Punjab, Murree, 2100 m, 05. VI.1983, leg. C. Besuchet & I. Löbl (40), tamisage de feuilles mortes dans une forêt de pins et feuilles (4, MHNG); N-, Punjab, Murree, 1950 m, 23.IV.1984, leg. S. Vít, litière du Quercus (1, MHNG); NEPAL: E-, RolwalingHimal, TamaKoshiTal, NChetchet, 16. V.2000, leg. A. Kleeberg (1 f, coll. Kleeberg); TamaKoshivalley, unterh. Simigaon, 1300 m, 03. VI.2000, leg. A. Kleeberg (1 f, coll. Kleeberg); TamaKoshivalley, ChetChet, 1300 m, 03. VI.2000, leg. J. Schmidt (2 m, coll. Kleeberg); DhaulagiriHimal, S-slope, NBandukvill., 1900–2300 m, 28°27’22”N 83°35’13”E to 28°28’07”N 83°35’10”E, 06. V.2009, leg. J. Schmidt (1, NKME); Manaslu Mts., S of Bara Pokhari, 2300 m, 08.IV.2003, leg. J. Schmidt (26, NKME); ManasluMts., SofBaraPokhari, 2300 m, 07.IV.2003, leg. J. Schmidt (3, NKME); Manaslu Mts., S Bara Pokhari, ca. 28°15’N, 84°25’E, 2100 m, 29.IV.2005, leg. J. Schmidt (6, NKME); Manaslu Mts., Dudh Pokhari Lekh belowHelamPokhari, 2000 m, 22.IV.2003, leg. J. Schmidt, siftingforestlitter (1, NKME); Lalitpur distr., 2 km S Godavari, 1700 m, 12.IX.1983, leg. A. Smetana & I. Löbl (1), en amont d’unruisseau, ravinboisé, tamisagedefeuillesmortesetdeboispourri (2, MHNG); Lalitpur distr., 2 km S Godavari, 1700 m, 20.X.1983, leg. A. Smetana & I. Löbl (39), ravin boisé, tamisagedefeuillesmortes (9, MHNG, 1 m, HNHM); distr. Kathmandu, Godawari, 1600 m, forêtau-dessusdujardinbotanique, 31.III.1984, leg. I. Löbl (1), tamisagedefeuilles mortesprèsd‘unruisseau, humide (1, MHNG); prov. Bagmati, Phulchaukiausudde Kathmandu, 1700 m, 10. V.1981, leg. I. Löbl (67), tamisagedefeuillesmortesdansunravin boisé (2, MHNG); INDIA: Kumaon (UttarPradesh = Uttarakhand), BhimTal, env. 1500 m, 4.X.1979, leg. I. Löbl (1), lisièred‘uneforêtsecondaire, versantest, assezsec, tamisage (1, MHNG); Kumaon (UttarPradesh), Rangarh, env. 2000 m, ravinboisé, 9.X.1979, leg. I. Löbl (6b), tamisagedesfeuillesmortes (40, MHNG); Kumaon (UttarPradesh), Ramgarh [29°25‘N, 79°33‘E], 2250 m, leg. 9.X.1979, leg. I. Löbl (7), crête; tamisage au pied de rhodo- dendrons, assezsec (4, MHNG); Kumaon (UttarPradesh), ChaubattiaprèsRanikhet [29°37‘N, 79°27‘E], env. 1800 m, 12-13.X.1979, leg. I. Löbl (10), tamisage dans la forêt, feuillesmortes, fougèresetmousses (8, MHNG); Kumaon (UttarPradesh), Chaubattiaprès Ranikhet, ravin, 1950 m, 14.X.1979, leg. I. Löbl (11), l‘herbeetfeuillesmortesaubordd‘un ruisseau, tamisage (4, MHNG); Garhwal (UttarPradesh), au-dessusdeMussoorie, 1700 m, versantsud, ravindanslaforet, 19.X.1979, leg. I. Löbl (15), tamisage, assezhumide (8, MHNG); Meghalaya, GaroHills, au-dessusdeTura, 700–900 m, forêtduTuraPeak, 1. XI.1978, leg. C. Besuchet & I. Löbl (37b), tamisageenforêt (4, MHNG); Meghalaya, West Garo Hills distr., trail Tura - Tura Peak summit, 25°30’28”N, 90°13’54”E, 650 m, 14.X.2004, leg. G. Cuccodoro, C. Carlton, R. Leschen & D. Errne (2a), siftingleaflitterinforestnear stream (2, MHNG); Meghalaya, WestGaroHillsdistr., trailTura- TuraPeaksummit, aban- donedupperportionoftrail, 25°30’12”N, 90°14’07”E, 800 m, 14.X.2004, leg. G. Cuccodoro, C. Carlton, R. Leschen & D. Errne (2b), siftingleaflitterinforest (8, MHNG); Meghalaya, 1 km E of Tura, 300–600 m, 25°30‘N, 90°14‘E, 2-5. V.2002, leg. M. Trýzna & P. Benda (3, coll. Schülke); WestBengal, Darjeelingdistr., Sukna, 200 m, 7.X.1978, leg. C. Besuchet, I. Löbl (2b), tamisageenforêt (1, MHNG); N-, Assam, Umrongsoenv. 700 m, 25°27‘N, 92°43‘E, 3-8. VI.2002, leg. M. Trýzna & P. Benda (3, coll. Schülke); NE-, Assam /ArunachalPr. border, Bhalukpong, 27°00‘48“N, 92°39‘08“E, 150 m, 1-8. V.2012, leg. L. Dembický, sifting + Winkler app. extraction (1, ZFMK); NE-, ArunachalPr., Etalinvicinity, 28°36‘56“N, 95°53‘21“E, 700 m, 15-25. V.2012, leg. L. Dembický, sifting + Winkler app. extraction (7, ZFMK, 1, HNHM); MYANMAR: ShanState, ca. 35 kmNAungban, MintaingbinForestCamp, primaryriver- ineforest, extendingca. 50-100 mfromMintaingbinriver, periphericareacultivated, 20°55.20’N, 96°33.60’E, ca. 1320 m, 11-23. VI.2004, leg. H. Schillhammer, H. Shaverdo, & U MyintHlaing (146a), FIT (1, NHMW); MandalayReg., MogokTownship, SPanlinvill., Mt. Taung Mae, west slope, 1710–1750 m, ca. 22°58’09”N, 96°27’13”E, 10.-18. VI.2014, leg. A. Brunke & H. Schillhammer (MBS 201a), sifted (4, NHMW); MandalayRegion, ca. 7 kmNW Mogok, aboveroadMogok- Bernardmyo, SPanlinvillage, westslopeofMt. TaungMae, ca. 22°58’05.8”N, 96°27’29”E, ca. 1870 m, 17-24. V.2016, leg. H. Schillhammer, A. Brunke, J. Jen- kinsShaw, A. Jensen (212b), slightlydisturbedprimaryforest, siftingofleaflitter (1 f, NHMW); CHINA: Sichuan, S-, env. Xichang, 1600 m, 28.VII.1996, leg. S. Kurbatov, litter (3, MHNG); Sichuan, S-, JinpingShan, Eslope, Luningenv., 1600 m, 14-20. VI.2004, leg. R. Fabbri, mixedsubtropicalshrubs (1, coll. Schülke); Sichuan, S-, Xichang, monastery, 1800–1900 m, 17-20. VI.2004, leg. R. Fabbri, primarydeciduousforest (1, coll. Schülke); Sichuan, Qingcheng Shan, Rückseite, 30°53‘56“N, 103°33‘01“E, 650–700 m, 18. V.1997, leg. M. Schülke (2), smallremainingspotsofsubtropicalbroadleavedforestandfieldedges, siftedfrom litter and moss (25, coll. Schülke), same but 30°53‘57“N, 103°32‘23“E, 3-4. VI.1997, (17) (2, coll. Schülke); Sichuan, C-, Wenjiangdistr., DujiangyanCo., QingchengShan, 56 kmNW Chengdu, 30°54’N, 103°33’E, 975 m, 18. VI.1999, leg. M. Schülke, Bachufer, Waldrest (21, coll. Schülke), samebutUnkrauthaufen (3, coll. Schülke); Yunnan, EKunming, Xiaobail- ong Forest Park, 24°55‘43“N, 103°05‘22“E, 2110 m, 10.VIII.2014, leg. V. Assing (3), secondarypineforest, pinelitterandlitterattrailmarginsifted (18, coll. Assing); Yunnan, NE Kunming, secondarypineforest, withscatteredoldalder, 25°09’07”N, 102°53’46”E, 2280 m, 11.VIII.2014, leg. V. Assing (4), leaflitter, sifted (13, coll. Assing); Yunnan, NEKunming, mixed forest, 25°08’35”N, 102°53’49”E, 2320 m, 13.VIII.2014, leg. V. Assing (6), mixed forest withalder, oak, andpine, litterandmushroomssifted (1, coll. Assing); Yunnan, mountain W Xundian, mixed forest, 25°34’58”N, 103°08’42”E, 2300 m, 15.VIII.2014, leg. V. Assing (9), mixedforestwithalder, pine, shrubundergrowth, litter, twigs, androotsofherbssifted (2, coll. Assing); Yunnan, mountainNWWuding, mixedforest, 25°36’53”N, 102°18’59”E, 2190 m, 17.VIII.2014, leg. V. Assing (10), degradedmixedforestwithalder, oak, andpine, litter, mushrooms, anddeadwoodsifted (11, coll. Assing); Yunnan, Wuding, LionMountain, 25°31’59”N, 102°22’36”E, 2200 m, 17.VIII.2014, leg. V. Assing (11), stream valley with deciduousforest, moistlittersifted (14, coll. Assing); Yunnan, mountainWNWWuding, mixed forest, 25°38’45”N, 102°06’55”E, 2390 m, 18.VIII.2014, leg. V. Assing (12), mixed for- estmarginwithalderandpine, littersifted (1, coll. Assing); Yunnan, mountainSEGejiu, graveyard with pine, 23°18’27”N, 103°11’41”E, 2400 m, 20.VIII.2014, leg. V. Assing (13), pinelitterandherbrootssifted (3, coll. Assing); Yunnan, valleySGejiu, roadmargin, 23°08’38”N, 103°11’42”E, 1010 m, 21.VIII.2014, leg. V. Assing (15), sifted from litter and soil (1, coll. Assing); Yunnan, mountainsSJianshui, 23°25’20”N, 102°51’05”E, 1890 m, 22. VIII.2014, leg. V. Assing (18), subtropicalbroad-leavedforest, littersifted (6, coll. Assing); Yunnan, mountain W Gejiu, mixed forest, 23°24’13”N, 103°07’28”E, 1990 m, 23.VIII.2014, leg. V. Assing (20), litterandvariousdebrissifted (10, coll. Assing); Yunnan, SEPingbian, Dawei Shan, 22°54’31”N, 103°41’44”E, 2100 m, 27.VIII.2014, leg. V. Assing (22), primary subtropicalbroad-leavedforest, littersifted (3, coll. Assing); Yunnan, mountainWYuxi, secondary mixed forest, 24°27’11”N, 102°29’58”E, 2250 m, 31.VIII.2014, leg. V. Assing (23), litter, roots, and moss sifted (1, coll. Assing); Yunnan, N-, Lijiang Naxi Auton. Co., 3 km NW Yongsheng, 53 km WSW Lijiang, SE slope, 26°41.8’N, 100°43.1’E, 1950–2000 m, 14.VIII.2003, leg. M. Schülke (C03-03), secondarybroadleavedforest (13, coll. Schülke); Yunnan prov., Shanzi env., Jizu Shan Mt., 27°56.8’N, 100°23.9’E, 2000 m, 22-24. VI.2007, leg. J. Hájek & J. Růžička ( CH 44), sifteddetritusandleavesneartrunkbases, densemixedfor- est (withdominantPinus, QuercusandRhododendron) nearstream (1, coll. Schülke); Yunnanprov., Shanzienv., JizuShanMt., alongpathtosummit, 27°57.7-8’N, 100°22.1- 23.6’E, 2180–2580 m, 22-24. VI.2007, leg. J. Hájek & J. Růžička ( CH 45-47), sifted detritus and leaves, densemixed (wet) forest (dominant Pinus, Quercus and Rhododendron ) nearstream (1, coll. Schülke); Zhejiang, TianmuShan, pass 25 kmNNWLinan, 30°25’40”N, 119°35’30”E, 620–820 m, 16. VI.2007, leg. D.W. Wrase (37), creekvalley, bamboo, mixedforest, litter, sifted (1, coll. Schülke); CHINA / TAIWAN: TaipeiCo., Beitoutownship, TianMuPark, 30.XII.2008, leg. S. Vít (1), compost (34, MHNG); Taipei Co., Beitou township, Jiantan metro station, JiantanShanHikingTrail, 02.I.2009, leg. S. Vít (2), deadstumpandbark (12, MHNG), samebut (3), decayingbole (5, MHNG), samebut (4), deadtreetrunkandbark (7, MHNG), same but (5), dead stump and bark (16, MHNG); Taipei Co., Beitou township, Shipaimetrostation, Mt. Samau (S), TianMuGudaoHikingTrail, 3.I.2009, leg. S. Vít (6), upper layer of forest litter (12, MHNG), same but (7) old forest litter (4, MHNG), same but (8) hollowtreebase (2, MHNG); TaipeiCo., Beitoutownship, Shipaimetrostation, Veteran Hospital, JunjianYanHikingTrail, 6.I.2009, leg. S. Vít (9), fernlitter (1, MHNG), samebut (10) deadstump (4, MHNG); ChiayiCo., AlishanNaturalScenicArea, Road 18, km 84, 2200 m, 7.I.2009, leg. S. Vít (12), sifting forest litter (92, MHNG), same but 8.I.2009 (14) decaying stump (resinferous) (8, MHNG); MiaoliCo., Nanjhuangtownship, E-Nanjhuang, Road 21, km 3, 25.X.2010, leg. S. Vít (1), forest litter (19, MHNG); Miaoli Co., Nanjhuang township, E-Nanjhuang, Road 21, km 2, 25.X.2010, leg. S. Vít (2), upper stratum of gully litter (2, MHNG); MiaoliCo., Nanjhuangtownship, E-Nanjhuang, Road 124, km 37, 26.X.2010, leg. S. Vít (5), putres. bundle (1, MHNG); TaoyuanCo., DaSitownship, ShihmenReservoir Area, After Bay Hilly Side, 25.XI.2010, leg. S. Vít (9), deep gully litter (13, MHNG), Kaohsi- ung Co., Shanping Work Station, 22°58.040’N, 120°41.143’E, 823 m, 28.IX.2007, leg. D. Rédei & J.-F. Tsai (9), swept (1, HNHM), Kaohsiung Hsien, near Liukuei, Shanping LTER Site, 1.IV.2003, leg. L. Papp & M. Földvári, swept (1 m, HNHM); Pingtung Co., 10km E of Mutan, 400 m, 7-8.IV.1997, leg. G. Csorba & L. Ronkay, at light (1, HNHM); THAILAND: Chiang Maiprov., DoiSuthep, versantnord, 1550 m, 4.XI.1985, leg. D. Burckhardt & I. Löbl (8), tamisagedefeuillesmortesdansunpetitravinavecruisselet (6, MHNG); ChiangMai prov., DoiSuthep, versantnord, 1050 m, 5.XI.1985, leg. D. Burckhardt & I. Löbl (10), ravin trèshumide, tamisagedeboispourrideécorcesetchampignons (1, MHNG); ChiangMai prov., DoiSuthep, versantnord, 1400 m, 5.XI.1985, leg. D. Burckhardt & I. Löbl (11), ravin trèshumide, tamisagedefeuillesmortesprèsd’unruisseau (17, MHNG); DoiSuthep, ThamRyssie, 1150 m, 2.XI.1996, leg. P. Schwendinger (1, MHNG); Phetchaburiprov., KaengKrachanNationalPark, 450 m, à 35 kmde “Headquarters”, 19.XI.1985, leg. D. Burckhardt & I. Löbl (26), tamisagededébrisvégétauxdanslaforêt (1, MHNG); Chan- thaburiprov., KhaoSabapNat. Park, environsdePhliuWaterfalls, 150–300 m, 23-24. XI.1985, leg. D. Burckhardt & I. Löbl (27a), tamisagededébrisvégétauxetdemoussesà proximitédecoursd’eau (1, MHNG); NakhonRatchasimaprov., NEBangkok, KhaoYai Nat. Park, auxenvironsde “Headquarters”, 750–850 m, 26.XI.-3.XII.1985, leg. D. Burck- hardt & I. Löbl (28b), tamisage de débris végétaux (21, MHNG, 1 m, HNHM); MALAYSIA: Pahang, CameronHighlands, 1500 m, trails 4 and 13 [4°28-28.5’N, 101°22.5-23’E], 23. III.1993, leg. I. Löbl & F. Calame (15), tamisagedefeuillesmortesetderacinesprèsd’un tronc (3, MHNG); Pahang, CameronHighlands, GunungJasar, trail 11, 1550 m [4°28’28”N, 101°21’47”E], 24.III.1993, leg. I. Löbl & F. Calame (18b), tamisage de feuilles mortes (7, MHNG); Pahang, CameronHighlands, TanahRata, 4300 ft, 7.VIII.1972, leg. T. Jacoud (6, MHNG); Ringlet, 1250 m, 26.III.1993, leg. I. Löbl & F. Calame (20), tamisage de feuilles pourriesetduboisdansunravinetàlalisièred’unforêtdégradées (3, MHNG); prov. Pa- hang, CameronHighlands, GunungJasar, ca. 1500 m, 24-25.I.1992 leg. H. Schillhammer (5c), sifted, JunglewalkNr. 11, smallstream, 0.5–0.7 mwide, partlyflowingunderground, (1 m, NHMW), Pahang, CameronHighlands, TahahRata, GunungJasar, 1400–1500 m, 20- 25.I.1995, leg. S. Bečvářjr. & sn. (1, NMPC); Pahang, CameronHighlands, TanahRata, edge ofdegradedrainforest, 21.III.-2.IV.1995, leg. O. Merkl (72), atlight (10, HNHM); Pahang, CameronHighlands, 2 kmSTanahRataonTapahRoad, 29.III.1995, leg. O. Merkl & I. Szikossy (93), atlight (2, HNHM); Perak, MaxwellHill, 1100 m, 21.XI.1999, leg. G. Cuccodoro & I. Löbl (11a), evergreenbroadleafmontanerainforest, vegetablerefutesaround guesthouse (9, MHNG), samebut (11b), forestleaflitterandvegetationaldebrisalongroad (2, MHNG); Perak, Maxwell Hill, 950 m, 22.XI.1999, leg. G. Cuccodoro & I. Löbl (12), ever- greenbroadleafmontanerainforest, forestleaflitterandvegetationaldebris (1, MHNG); Perak, MaxwellHill, GunungHijau, nearsummit, 1250 m, 23.XI.1999, leg. G. Cuccodoro & I. Löbl (13), evergreenbroadleafmontanerainforest, forestleaflitterandvegetationaldebris (4, MHNG); Perak, Maxwell Hill, 1150 m, 24.XI.1999, leg. G. Cuccodoro & I. Löbl (14c), evergreenbroadleafmontanerainforest, vegetationaldebrisalongroad (5, MHNG), same but 25.XI.1999 (15a) (4, MHNG); PHILIPPINES /MINDANAO: Mt. Agtuuganon, 1050 m, 28.V-7. VI.1996, leg. Mey (1 m, 1 f, ZMHB).

Redescription – Measurements (in mm, n = 10): HW = 0.69 (0.62–0.75); TW = 0.71 (0.63– 0.79); PW = 1.01 (0.90–1.09); EW = 1.14 (1.02–1.25); AW = 1.10 (0.97–1.22); HL = 0.53 (0.48– 0.57); EL = 0.15 (0.14–0.16); TL = 0.20 (0.18–0.21); PL = 0.59 (0.53–0.65); SC = 0.69 (0.60–0.77); FB = 1.87 (1.68–2.04); BL = 3.44 (3.05–3.76). Habitus as in Fig. 100 View Figs 100–101 . Forebody moderately shiningdespitesculpture, abdomenveryfinelymicrosculpturedandshallowlypunctured, lesslustrous. Bodyreddishdarkbrownbutclypealarealighter, reddish (abdomenoc- casionallyalsolighter); mouthpartsandantennaemediumbrown. Headwithanterior marginforminganarchmoreorlesstruncateinmiddle, anextremelythinrim, supraan- tennalprominencesasmoderatelyelevatedobliqueridges, discslightlyimpressednear eyes, middleofvertexslightlyelevated. Epistomalsutureformingsubcircularimpression (almostunpuncturedinside), uppersurfacewithouttactilesetae, eyesmediumlarge, moderatelyconvex; indorsalviewtemples (1.3× lengthofeye) alatiform, laterallyangledor moreroundedandposteriorlyconstrictedtoformdistinctneck, however, dorsalsidenot separatedbyoccipitalfurrow, ratherbydorsumofneckbearingmicrosculptureinsteadof punctation. Antennomere 1 flattenedclub-shapedandfinelymicrosculptured, segment 2 oval, segment 3 club-shaped, segment 4 almostround, segments 5–11 withbasaldishes, segments 6–10 transverse (almost 2× broaderthanlong). Headandpronotumwithmostly lacunosesculpture. Pronotumwithlateralportionexplanateandslightlyup-turned, edge alatiformwithsparseshortsetae; lateralborderunevenandwithanumberofsmall, ir- regularlydistributeddenticles, posteriormarginincisedbeforecorners; discmediallywith twoparallelandposteriorlyalmostconfluentlongitudinalridges, posteriorlyimpressed 50, 53, 0.14 mm for Fig. 52 View Figs 50–56 , 0.16 mm for Fig. 51 View Figs 50–56

alongsidethem, laterallyimpressedaroundmiddleofsides. Elytrawithmembranousposteriormarginextendingfromsuturalcornerto 4/5 ofhindmargin. Elytralepipleuralridge presentwithup-turnedlateralalatiformportions, disclongitudinallyimpressedalongside; shoulderswelldeveloped, surfacefoveolate, inbetweenpuncturestorulose. Legsshort, pro-andmesotibiawithseveralspinuloserows, metatibiawithlongitudinalctenidium ofspinulesindistalhalf. Abdomenwithsidesgentlyarcuate, secondsegmentwithpara- tergitesstronglybroadeningposteriorly (abdomenappearingconstrictedatbase), those ofsegmentsIII–VIIthin, mesalparatergitesbroad; posterioredgeoftergiteVIIwiththin palisadefringe, medianpartofsterniteVIIasinFig. 50 View Figs 50–56 , sterniteVIII ( Fig. 51 View Figs 50–56 ), tergitesIX ( Fig. 52 View Figs 50–56 ), X ( Fig. 53 View Figs 50–56 ) andaedeagusasinFigs 54–56 View Figs 50–56 .

Distribution – The distribution ranges from the whole Himalaya all the waytopeninsularMalaysia, southernChinaandthePhilippines.

Remarks – Theconfusingexternalsimilarityto A. excisicollis andthegreat variabilitymakesmostpreviousrecordsofthisspeciesratherunreliable.


Mykotektet, National Veterinary Institute


Museum d'Histoire Naturelle


Royal British Columbia Museum - Herbarium


Naturkundemuseum Erfurt


Hungarian Natural History Museum (Termeszettudomanyi Muzeum)


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile


Zoologisches Forschungsmuseum Alexander Koenig


Naturhistorisches Museum, Wien


Tavera, Department of Geology and Geophysics


National Museum Prague


Paleontological Collections


Západoceské muzeum v Plzni














Anotylus cimicoides ( Fauvel, 1895 )

Makranczy, György 2017

Oxytelopsis taiwana

Ito, T. 1987: 77

Oxytelopsis cimicoides

CoiffAit, H. 1984: 150
FAuvel, A. 1895: 200
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