Chara wightii (A.Braun) Casanova, Austral. Syst. Bot.

Casanova, Michelle T. & Karol, Kenneth G., 2023, Charophytes of Australia’s Northern Territory - I. Tribe Chareae, Australian Systematic Botany 36 (1), pp. 38-79 : 72-74

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Felipe (2024-04-01 17:53:29, last updated 2024-04-16 14:14:05)

scientific name

Chara wightii (A.Braun) Casanova, Austral. Syst. Bot.


Chara wightii (A.Braun) Casanova, Austral. Syst. Bot.

26: 293 (2013)

Chara flaccida var. wightii A.Braun, Hooker ’ s J. Bot. Kew Gard. Misc. 1: 296 (1849). Type: Madras (Chennai), India, between 1819 and 1849, R.Wight 133 (holo: BM!; iso: L!). Chara fibrosa subsp. flaccida Zaneveld , nom. inval.: J. S.Zaneveld, Blumea View in CoL 4: 162 (1940) p.p. Chara fibrosa var. flaccida J.C.van Raam , nom. inval.

[ Chara fibrosa auct . non C.Agardh ex Bruzelius: R.D.Wood, Taxon 11: 13 (1962), p.p.]

[ Chara fibrosa f. fibrosa auct. non C.Agardh ex Bruzelius: R.D.Wood, Rev. Characeae 1: 289 (1965), p.p.]

Monoecious. Plants 100–250 mm high, often calcified, somewhat shrubby ( Fig. 21 a View Fig ). Axes up to 700 µm in diameter; internodes regularly 2× corticated axis, isostichous or tylacanthous (20–22 cells around) ( Fig. 21 d View Fig ). Spine cells small and conical on older axes, longer on young axes, occurring singly, 130–185 μm long and 20–40 μm wide. Stipulodes in a single whorl, the same number as the number as branchlets in each of the whorls ( Fig. 21 b View Fig ), 1–2 mm long. Branchlets 9–11 in a whorl, 5–14 mm long, segments 4–6, the basal cell shorter than the second cell in fertile whorls ( Fig. 21 b View Fig ). Bract cells 4–6 verticillate at the branchlet nodes, up to 0.4–2.5 mm long, bracteoles 2, similar to bract cells ( Fig. 21 c View Fig ). Gametangia conjoined singly or geminate at the lowest 2–4 branchlet nodes. Oosporangia up to 500 µm long and 375 µm wide, 10 or 11 stripes of helical cells, coronula up to 75 µm high, cells apiculate and spreading slightly. Oospores chestnut brown at maturity, 400–470 µm long, 250–310 µm wide ( Fig. 21 e View Fig ). Striae of 7–10 low ridges (in Australian material usually 7 or 8), fossa wall 64 μm across ( Fig. 21 f View Fig ), basal cell impression ~80 µm wide at the widest point ( Fig. 21 g View Fig ). Antheridia up to 500 µm in diameter, octoscutate. Chromosomes not known.


Northern Australia, India and South-East Asia ( Pal 1932; Pal et al. 1962; Han and Li 1994; Langangen and Leghari 2001). Mostly freshwater.


Named for the collector of the type material, Robert Wight (director of the Botanic Garden in Madras [now Chennai ] from 1819 to 1853) .


Chara wightii has a corticated axis and naked branchlets and it is often encrusted with calcium carbonate; it is characterised by brown oospores and occasional geminate gametangia, in contrast to C. benthamii and C. duriuscula , which have black oospores and singular gametangia. It can be distinguished from C. erythrogyna (which has sejoined gametangia) by its consistently conjoined gametangia and brown oospores. Australian material tends to be isostichous rather than tylacanthous, but it is included within C. wightii pending further investigation.

Specimens examined

NORTHERN TERRITORY: 20 km SW of Wombungi, Fitzmaurice River area, 15 May 1994, S. McCune 7 & P. Munns (DNA); lagoons on upper Elkedra River , 7 May 1977, T. S. Henshall 1745 (DNA); Port Darwin , 9 Apr. 1896, T. B. Blow A102 ( BM) . WESTERN AUSTRALIA: Caliwingina Spring, 1 Aug. 2011, M.Curran 1 ( PERTH); Arnhem Land, Wilton River , near Bulman, 9 Nov. 1987, G. J.Leach & C. R.Dunlop 1633 (DNA) .

Han FS, Li YY (1994) [' Flora algarum sinicarum aquae dulcis. Tomus 3. Charophyta. '] (Science Press: Beijing, PR China) [In Chinese with Latin title]

Langangen A, Leghari SM (2001) Some charophytes (Charales) from Pakistan. Studia Botanica Hungarica 32, 63 - 85.

Pal BP (1932) Burmese Charophyta. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society. 49, 47 - 92. doi: 10.1111 / j. 1095 - 8339.1932. tb 00382. x

Pal BP, Kundu BC, Sundralingam VS, Venkatraman GS (1962) ' Charophyta. ' (Indian Council of Agricultural Research: New Delhi, India)

Gallery Image

Fig. 21. Chara wightii, (a–d) from specimen S.McCune 7 & P.Munns (DNA), (e–g) from the holotype material R.Wight 133 (BM) (a) Longitudinal view of the axis with cortication and spine-cells, scale bar: 1 mm. (b) Fertile whorl, scale bar: 5 mm. (c) Gametangia at branchlet node with bract cells and bracteoles, scale bar: 5 mm. (d) Transverse section of the corticated axis, scale bar: 1 mm. (e) Scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of oospore, scale bar: 100 µm. (f) SEM of detail of oospore wall, scale bar: 20 µm. (g) SEM of basal view of oospore showing impression of the basal cell, scale bar: 100 µm.


University of the Witwatersrand


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile


Bristol Museum


Nationaal Herbarium Nederland, Leiden University branch


Department of Botany, Swedish Museum of Natural History


University of Copenhagen


Museum National d' Histoire Naturelle, Paris (MNHN) - Vascular Plants


Tavera, Department of Geology and Geophysics


Botanischer Garten und Botanisches Museum Berlin-Dahlem, Zentraleinrichtung der Freien Universitaet


Botanische Staatssammlung München


Western Australian Herbarium


Conservatoire et Jardin botaniques de la Ville de Genève











