Psathyromyia (Psathyromyia) shannoni (Dyar, 1929)

Ibáñez-Bernal, Sergio, Muñoz, José, Rebollar-Téllez, Eduardo A., Pech-May, Agelica & Marina, Carlos F., 2015, Phlebotomine sand flies (Diptera: Psychodidae) of Chiapas collected near the Guatemala border, with additions to the fauna of Mexico and a new subgenus name, Zootaxa 3994 (2), pp. 151-186 : 174

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Psathyromyia (Psathyromyia) shannoni (Dyar, 1929)


Psathyromyia (Psathyromyia) shannoni (Dyar, 1929) View in CoL (series shannoni )

Phlebotomus shannoni Dyar, 1929: 121 View in CoL (♂). Type locality: Panama, Canal Zone. Additional references: Fairchild & Hertig, 1950: 524 (♂, ♀).

Phlebotomus limai Fonseca, 1935: 61 View in CoL (♀). Type locality: Brazil, São Paulo.

Phlebotomus bigeniculatus Floch & Abonnenc 1941 View in CoL b, 3 (♂, ♀). Type locality: French Guyenne, Cayenne.

Phlebotomus microcephalus Barretto & Duret, 1953: 34 View in CoL (♂). Type locality: Argentina, Chaco, Presidencia Roca.

Phlebotomus pifanoi Ortiz, 1972: 21 View in CoL (♂) Type locality: Venezuela: Amazonas, Sierra Parima.

Lutzomyia (Psathyromyia) shannoni (Dyar) View in CoL : Young & Duncan, 1994: 349 (complete references to that date, taxonomy, distribution); Ibáñez-Bernal, 2002: 152 (diagnosis, distribution); Rebollar-Téllez et al., 2004: 285 (Campeche records); Rebollar-Téllez et al., 2006: 24 (Yucatán records), May-Uc et al., 2011: 279 (Quintana Roo records).

Psathyromyia (Psathyromyia) shannoni (Dyar) View in CoL : Galati, 2003: 43, 115, 116 (list, keys); Ibáñez-Bernal et al., 2011: 35 (Veracruz records).

Diagnosis. Ascoids each with a long proximal branch reaching or exceeding the proximal margin of the flagellomere. Male: Gonocoxite without tuft of setae; gonostylus with 4 spiniform setae, two in middle and at the same level, one in the apical third and one apical; paramere simple, with apex straight and rounded, with simple straight setae in the apical half, only on the ventral margin (that directed to the gonopods); ejaculatory filaments with simple apex. Female: cibarium with four horizontal teeth evenly spaced, vertical teeth numerous, all small arranged in irregular compact rows; spermatheca cylindrical, smooth, with a small capitulum; individual spermathecal ducts shortest than spermatheca and about 0.5 the length of common spermathecal duct (Ibáñez- Bernal 2002, Young & Duncan 1994; Galati 2003).

Material examined. MEXICO: CHIAPAS: Guadalupe Miramar, 14-i-2010, 1 ♀; 20-ii-2010, 6 ♀; 12-v-2010, 1 ♂; 20-vi-2010, 2 ♀. Loma Bonita, 18-ii-2010, 1 ♀; 19-ii-2010, 2 ♂; 21-ii-2010, 1 ♀; 20-iii-2010, 1 ♀; 23-iv-2010, 1 ♀; 22-i-2011, 1 ♀; 19-iii-2011, 2 ♀. San Antonio Buena Vista: 19-v-2010, 1 ♀. Collected with CDC light traps.

Additional material collected with Magoon traps. MEXICO: CHIAPAS: Loma Bonita, 19-ii-2010, 1 ♀; 15-iii- 2011, 2 ♀.

Distribution. USA, MEXICO (Campeche, Chiapas, Guerrero, Nayarit, Oaxaca, Puebla, Quintana Roo, Veracruz, Yucatán) (Ibáñez-Bernal 2002, Ibáñez-Bernal et al. 2011), BELIZE, HONDURAS, NICARAGUA, COSTA RICA, PANAMA, COLOMBIA, VENEZUELA, TRINIDAD, SURINAME, FRENCH GUYANA, ECUADOR, PERU, BRAZIL, BOLIVIA, PARAGUAY, ARGENTINA (Young & Duncan 1994, Galati 2003).

Remarks. The male of Psathyromyia shannoni is morphologically similar to other species; however, the ascoids having a long proximal branch helps to separate it; additionally differences in the parameres can be used to distinguish it from Pa. undulata (Fairchild & Hertig) ; the female of this species could be confused with Pa. dasymera (Fairchild & Hertig) or Pa. punctigeniculata (Floch & Abbonenc) as they have similar spermathecae, and for that reason it is necessary to measure the relative length of the spermathecal ducts. Psathyromyia shannoni has a wide distribution in the Americas. There are few records in Mexico, but localities in which this species has been collected are disjunct so it is possible to infer that the species has a wide range of distribution in this country. Recent evidence shows that populations of this species from the USA and southern Mexico, exhibited a great separation among the genetic haplotypes (Florin & Rebollar-Téllez 2013). The female is antropophilous and has been collected at sites where human leishmaniasis cases have been recorded. Pech-May et al. (2010) and Sánchez- García et al. (2010) found this species naturally infected with Leishmania mexicana in the Mexican states of Campeche and Quitana Roo, respectively.


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases














Psathyromyia (Psathyromyia) shannoni (Dyar, 1929)

Ibáñez-Bernal, Sergio, Muñoz, José, Rebollar-Téllez, Eduardo A., Pech-May, Agelica & Marina, Carlos F. 2015

Phlebotomus pifanoi

Ortiz 1972: 21

Phlebotomus microcephalus

Barretto & Duret 1953: 34

Phlebotomus bigeniculatus

Floch & Abonnenc 1941

Phlebotomus limai

Fonseca 1935: 61

Phlebotomus shannoni

Dyar 1929: 121
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