Sybistroma theodori Grichanov et Nourti, 2021

Grichanov, I. Ya. & Nourti, M., 2021, Notes on taxonomy and distribution of some Ortochile Latreille, 1809, Sybistroma Meigen, 1824 and Teuchophorus Loew, 1857 (Diptera: Dolichopodidae) species from Mediterranean Region, Russian Entomological Journal 30 (2), pp. 189-195 : 192-194

publication ID 10.15298/rusentj.30.2.14

persistent identifier

treatment provided by


scientific name

Sybistroma theodori Grichanov et Nourti

nom. nov.

Sybistroma theodori Grichanov et Nourti View in CoL , nom.n.

Figs 5, 7.

Hercostomus quadrifilatus Becker, 1917: 198 View in CoL (in key), 234, Figs 55, 56 (nec Strobl, 1899). Type locality: not given ( Spain).

Sybistroma quadrifilata ( Becker, 1917) (nec Strobl, 1899), comb.n.

MATERIAL EXAMINED. Neotype ♂, here designated (dried from ethanol and mounted on pin): Morocco, Larache Province , Moulay Abdelsalam, 8.I.2020, 35°22´16.136´´N, 5°33.14.15´´W, 649 m, K. Kettani leg. ( ZIN).

HABITAT. The habitat represents a moorland covered with Erica sp. and Cistus sp. and dotted with rocks on a


limestone ground ( Fig. 12 View Fig ). A scrubland of Quercus suber surrounded the moor.

NOTES. First record of the species from Morocco. It is unclear, why did Theodor Becker [1917] describe a new species under the name “ quadrifilatus Strobl ”. He did not provide any data on the material examined. We can only suppose that this material originated from Spain. Both Stackelberg [1934] and Parent [1938] included the species into their keys of Hercostomus , re-published Becker´s description and figures, but adding no new material and points of distribution. Morge and Negrobov [1981] placed G. quadrifilatus Strobl in synonymy with H. parvilamellatus and noted that the Becker´s description deserved a new name. None specimen with the name quadrifilatus was found in European museums keeping Becker´s collections, being most probably lost. Therefore, we designate here the neotype of Hercostomus quadrifilatus Becker, 1917 collected in Morocco. The specimen corresponds to the original description by Becker [1917] and to the diagnoses provided in keys by Stackelberg [1934] and Parent [1938]. The morphology of the species corresponds entirely with the generic concept of Sybistroma as described by Brooks [2005]. The antenna of its male has enlarged scape, reduced pedicel, arista-like stylus with one or more lamellae; the hypopygium has elongated and setose apicoventral epandrial lobe, and basiventral epandrial lobes are elongated and digitiform, shifted ventrally and lying beside hypandrium; the wing has weak sinuous anterior bend before middle.

ETYMOLOGY. The species name is dedicated to famous German dipterist, Theodor Becker (1840–1928).

DIAGNOSIS. The species keys to Sybistroma spectabilis ( Parent, 1928) , which has postpedicel mostly yellow-orange, rounded. S. theodori has entirely black antenna with angular apex of postpedicel [see also figures in Becker, 1917; Stackelberg, 1934; Parent, 1938].


KEY TO THE MEDITERRANEAN SPECIES OF SYBISTROMA View in CoL (MALES) This key is built on Grichanov, Kazerani [2014] but has modifications based on material examined for the present study. The species distribution follows the same work.

1. At least femora entirely or almost entirely brownblack ............................................................................. 2

— Legs mainly yellow or reddish yellow ...................... 11

2. Antennal stylus very long, basodorsal, with apical flag .... 3

— Antennal stylus simple ................................................ 6

3. Antennal stylus with rounded or ovate apical flag, flag entirely black; fore and mid tibiae yellow or red-yellow, at least basal part of hind tibia yellow or reddish ........... 4

— Antennal stylus with lanceolate apical flag, flag black with white apex; legs entirely or almost entirely brownblack ............................................................................. 5

4. Antennal postpedicel mostly yellow-orange, rounded; cercus obovate, 1.5 times longer than wide; body length 3.75 mm ( France and Spain) ......................................... ......................................... S. spectabilis ( Parent, 1928)

— Antenna entirely black with angular apex of postpedicel; cercus band-like, about 3 times times longer than wide; body length 3.0 mm ( Morocco and Spain) .................... ...................... S. theodori Grichanov et Nourti , nom.n.

5. Antennal stylus with apical expansion of first article in addition to apical flattening of second article;body length 3.5 mm ( Hungary and Romania) ...... S. maerens Loew, 1873

— Stylus with apical flattening only; apical flag of stylus rhomboid, black, white at extreme apex; body length 3.5 mm (the Caucasus and Turkey) ...................................... .......................... S. transcaucasica ( Stackelberg, 1941)

6. Antennal postpedicel not longer or slightly longer than high ............................................................................... 7

— Postpedicel at least 1.5 times longer than high at base 9

7. Antennal stylus of uniform thickness throughout; apicoventral epandrial lobe much longer than rounded-triangular cercus; body length 2.5–3.0 mm ( Croatia, France, Greece, Italy, Turkey) ............... S. lorifera (Mik, 1878)

— Antennal stylus normal, tapering; apicoventral epandrial lobe shorter than band-like cercus .............................. 8

8. Antennal stylus with basal segment slightly shorter than apical segment; cercus elbowed, yellow, with long apical setae; phallus expanded distally; body length 3.0 mm ( Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Spain and UK) ....... .............................. S. parvilamellata ( Macquart, 1827)

— Antennal stylus with basal segment distinctly longer than apical segment; cercus straight, black, with equally short setae; phallus narrowed distally; body length 3.0 mm ( Morocco and Spain) ............ S. parvula ( Parent, 1927)

9. Stylus middorsal; postpedicel 1.5 times longer than high at base; apicocentral epandrial lobe expanded distad, with very long hooked setae; body length 3.0 mm (from France across Europe to the Caucasus) ........................ ............................................... S. caudata (Loew, 1859)

— Stylus almost apical or subapical; postpedicel at least twice longer than high at base; epandrial lobe with short simple setae ................................................................ 10

10. Stylus shorter than postpedicel; apicoventral epandrial lobe band-like, much longer than cercus, longer than hypopygium; body length 3.0 mm (West, Central and South Europe) ....................... S. inornata (Loew, 1857)

— Stylus longer than postpedicel; apicoventral epandrial lobe much shorter than cercus and hypopygium; body length 3.3–3.5 mm (Golan Heights, Iran, Israel, Turkey) .............. S. occidasiatica Grichanov et Kazerani, 2014

11. Lower postocular setae white .................................... 12

— Postocular setae entirely black .................................. 22

12. Antennal stylus very long, with apical flag ............... 13

— Antennal stylus simple ............................................... 17

13. Face densely covered with light hairs increasing in length downwards; postpedicel 11 times longer than high at base, with rounded expansion at 1/ 3 in addition to ovoid apical flag on stylus; body length 3.5 mm ( Israel) ........ ................................... S. israelensis (Grichanov, 2000)

— Face glabrous; postpedicel much shorter .................. 14

14. Postpedicel twice longer than high at base ............... 15

— Postpedicel not longer than high ............................... 16

15. Fore tarsus modified, basitarsus with narrow apical projection bearing 4 long cilia, tarsomere 2 with a short anterior and a long posterior seta at apex, 3rd tarsomere as long as 1st and 2nd combined; mid femur with long fine ventral setae; antennal stylus with strong, almost round, black flattening at apex; body length 5.0 mm ( Austria, France, Italy, Portugal, Spain) ................ S. eucera (Loew, 1861)

— Fore tarsus simple; mid femur without long setae; antennal stylus with long and rather narrow apical widening that is black in basal half and white in apical half; body length 3.0 mm ( Bulgaria, Greece, Hungary, Israel, Italy, Romania, Russia (Krasnodar), Turkey) ........................ ............................................. S. impar (Rondani, 1843)

16. Antennal stylus with spatulate apical flag with white narrow apical half; mid and hind femora with yellow basoventral setae; body length 3.9 mm ( Turkey)........... ................................................ S. schachti Naglis, 2011

— Antennal stylus with rounded black apical flag with short whitish pointed apex; mid and hind femora bare ventrally; body length 3.5 mm (South Europe, North Africa, the Caucasus) ............................ S. dufouri Macquart, 1838

17. Fore tarsus simple; hypopygium mostly yellow; antennal postpedicel 1.33 as long as high; stylus much longer than pedicel, located before middle of dorsal surface ...... 18

— Fore tarsus modified; other features variable ............ 19

18. Abdomen thin; segment 7 long and thin; hypopygium reaching posterior margin of abdominal segment 2; body length 3.5–4.0 mm (Europe except North eastward to Novgorod Region and Mordovian Republic of Russia, Turkey, the Caucasus) ..... S. obscurella (Fallén, 1823)

— Abdomen thick; segment 7 short and thick; hypopygium reaching middle of abdominal segment 4; body length 3.0 mm ( Afghanistan, Belgium, Czech, Hungary, Italy, Slovakia) .................................... S. sciophila (Loew, 1869)

19. Antennal postpedicel not longer than high; stylus of uniform thickness throughout, with apical article 5 to 6 times as long as basal; foreleg with basitarsus bearing row of long ventral setae, tarsomere 5 white, enlarged and laterally compressed; body length 3.75–4.75 mm (from France across Europe to the Caucasus and Iran) ............. S. crinipes Staeger, 1842

— Postpedicel at least 1.5 times longer than high; stylus normal, tapering, with apical segment at most 2.5–3 times as long as basal one; foreleg not as above ................ 20

20. Foreleg with tarsomere 5 flattened and black, greatly enlarged, tarsomere 4 short and slightly broadened; antennal stylus mid-dorsal; body length 3.5–5.5 mm (from France across Europe to the Caucasus and Iran) ........... .............................................. S. discipes (Germar, 1821)

— Foreleg with tarsomere 5 white ................................. 21

21. Tarsomere 4 and 5 of foreleg moderately enlarged; antennal stylus middorsal, with dot-like thickening at middle; body length 4.5–5.0 mm ( Georgia and Iran) ................. .................. S. clara (Negrobov et Onishchenko, 1991)

— Tarsomere 5 of foreleg slightly enlarged; antennal stylus basodorsal; body length 4.0 mm (Central and South Europe, Turkey) .............. S. sphenoptera (Loew, 1859)

22. Legs simple; antennal stylus with black subapical flattening; postpedicel more than 4 times as long as high; cercus simple; body length 3.0 mm ( Austria, Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania, Slovakia) .................. S. setosa Schiner, 1862

— Fore or mid legs modified; other features various .... 23

23. Wing with deep emargination between M1+2 and CuA1; antennal scape and pedicel entirely black; mid tarsus simple; cercus simple, subrectangular; body length 3.9–4.4 mm ( Egypt and Israel) ........... S. sinaiensis (Grichanov, 2000)

— Wing simple; mid tarsus modified; other features various .............................................................................. 24

24. Tarsomeres 3–5 of midleg widened and flattened laterally, black; antennal scape and pedicel yellow ventrally; body length 3.1 mm ( Israel and Golan Height) ............. ........................................ S. golanica (Grichanov, 2000)

— Tarsomeres 3–5 of midleg somewhat widened, black, and tarsomere 5 snow-white; antennal scape yellow ventrally; body length 3.0–4.0 mm (West, Central and South Europe, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Turkey) ..................... .......................................... S. nodicornis Meigen, 1824



Russian Academy of Sciences, Zoological Institute, Zoological Museum














Sybistroma theodori Grichanov et Nourti

Grichanov, I. Ya. & Nourti, M. 2021

Hercostomus quadrifilatus

Becker T. 1917: 198
Darwin Core Archive (for parent article) View in SIBiLS Plain XML RDF