Curuapira hovorei, Santos-Silva, Antonio, Bezark, Larry G. & Galileo, Maria Helena M., 2016

Santos-Silva, Antonio, Bezark, Larry G. & Galileo, Maria Helena M., 2016, Two new species of Curuapira Martins & Galileo, 1998 (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae, Desmiphorini), Zootaxa 4097 (2), pp. 287-293 : 288-290

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Plazi (2016-03-31 08:52:08, last updated 2024-11-28 04:46:44)

scientific name

Curuapira hovorei

sp. nov.

Curuapira hovorei View in CoL sp. nov.

( Figs. 1–3 View FIGURES 1 – 6. 1 – 3 , 9 View FIGURES 7 – 11. 7 – 8 )

Description. Female. Integument dark-brown (almost black on some areas) on head (except reddish-brown mouthparts) and prothorax, brown on remaining surface, except reddish-brown basal half of antennomeres X–XI.

Head. Frons very finely, densely punctate; with short, moderately dense, yellowish-brown pubescence; on each side, near clypeus, with small spot with white pubescence; on each side, near base of antennal tubercle with two small spots with white pubescence. Area between antennal tubercles and upper eye lobes with subelliptical region with sparse, short, yellowish-brown pubescence, interspersed with some white setae. Area around upper eye lobes with narrow band of short, white pubescence. Vertex finely, abundantly punctate; with yellowish-brown pubescence, interspersed with white setae. Area behind upper eye lobes with moderately large macula with white pubescence. Area behind lower eye lobes with very short, moderately abundant yellowish-brown pubescence, distinctly not obscuring integument, distinctly sparser toward prothorax; with small spot of white pubescence close to middle of lobe. Gula shiny, smooth, glabrous. Submentum with short, moderately abundant yellowish-brown pubescence, laterally with some long, thick, dark setae. Genae with short, yellowish-brown pubescence interspersed with some long, thick, dark setae. Antennal tubercles with yellowish-brown pubescence interspersed with white setae. Coronal suture distinct from clypeus to margin of prothorax. Distance between upper eye lobes 1.9 times largest width of one lobe; distance between lower eye lobes equal to about length of scape; upper eye lobes with six rows of ommatidia. Antennae 1.8 times elytral length, reaching elytral apex at basal quarter of antennomere IX. Scape without asperities at distal outer side (this area pubescent); with yellowish-brown pubescence interspersed with white pubescence (sparser ventrally). Ventral side of antennomeres III–X with moderately long, thick, dark setae (sparser toward distal antennomeres); antennomeres III–IX with yellowishbrown pubescence interspersed with white setae, forming narrow ring at apex; antennomeres X–XI with white setae on basal half, yellowish-brown interspersed with white setae on distal half. Antennal formula based on antennomere III: scape = 0.62; pedicel = 0.20; IV = 1.02; V = 1.00; VI = 0.90; VII = 0.82; VIII = 0.75; IX = 0.67; X = 0.62; XI = 0.50.

Thorax. Prothorax slightly wider than long; lateral sides with moderately large, subconical tubercle about middle. Pronotum with three distinct, subelliptical tubercles: one transverse on each side of basal half (near middle of pronotum); one longitudinal, on center of basal half; finely, densely punctate throughout; with moderately coarse, sparse punctures on anterior third; with small, sparse asperities on each side of longitudinal tubercle; with distinct, moderately deep, transverse sulcus between longitudinal tubercle and base; disk with yellowish-brown pubescence interspersed with white pubescence (denser on basal sixth); center of basal sixth with narrow, longitudinal band with white pubescence; lateral sides with white pubescence distinctly denser than yellowishbrown pubescence; with sparse, dark, thick setae throughout. Lateral sides of prothorax mostly with white pubescence, but with large area with black pubescence, enlarged from base of procoxal cavity to anterior margin; with sparse, dark, long, thick setae. Prosternum punctate and with brown, short setae around procoxal cavities, smooth, glabrous on remaining surface. Prosternal process with white pubescence, mainly laterally. Center of mesosternum finely, densely punctate, with very short, sparse, brown setae; lateral sides with dense white pubescence. Mesepisterna and mesepimera with dense, white pubescence. Mesosternal process glabrous on center of basal third, with dense, white pubescence on remaining surface. Metepisterna with yellowish-brown pubescence interspersed with white setae; apex with small spot with white pubescence. Metasternum laterally with pubescence as on metepisterna, with white pubescence on remaining surface. Scutellum with dense, white pubescence.

Elytra. parallel-sided at basal four-fifths; mostly with yellowish-brown pubescence interspersed with white setae; white setae forming two broken lines on each side of scutellum, and small, sparse maculae; distal fifth with large macula with white pubescence; with moderately short, thick, sparse setae throughout; in lateral view, distal fifth distinctly, moderately abruptly oblique.

Legs. Coxae, pro- and mesofemora, base of metafemora, basal third of protibiae, basal half of metatibiae with white pubescence; remaining surface of metafemora with yellowish-brown pubescence interspersed with white pubescence; remaining surface of pro- and mesotibiae with brown pubescence interspersed with white pubescence. Tarsi with white, brown and yellowish-brown pubescence, interspersed with long, thick, dark, moderately abundant setae; protarsomere I elongate.

Abdomen. Ventrites finely, densely punctate; with short, white pubescence interspersed with yellowish-brown pubescence (mainly laterally); apex of ventrite V truncate.

Dimensions in mm (holotype / paratypes). Total length (from mandibular apex to abdominal apex), 11.60/ 10.15–13.10; prothorax, length, 2.00/2.05–2.70; prothorax, anterior width, 2.05/1.65–2.45; prothorax, posterior width, 2.05/1.80–2.45; prothorax, largest width, 2.25/1.85–2.65; humeral width, 2.85/2.50–3.50; elytral length, 7.95/7.10–9.35.

Type material. Holotype female, ECUADOR, Orellana: 11 km E Loreto, 28.VIII.2004, Frank T. Hovore col. ( CAS). Paratypes: 2 females, same data as holotype ( LGBC); 1 female, same data as holotype, except 27.VIII.2004 ( MZSP).

Etymology. The new species is named after the late Frank T. Hovore, collector of the holotype.

Remarks. Curuapira hovorei sp. nov. is similar to C. armandi sp. nov., but differs as follows: scape without asperities on outer side of scape (present in C. armandi ); elytra with thick and dark setae throughout (sparse setae only on basal third in C. armandi ); elytra parallel-side on basal four-fifths (narrowed toward apex after middle in C. armandi ); protarsomere I elongated (distinctly wider in C. armandi ). It differs from C. exotica ( Fig. 7 View FIGURES 7 – 11. 7 – 8 ) by the pronotal tubercles evident (indistinct in C. exotica ), by the lateral sides of prothorax with distinct tubercle (absent in C. exotica ), by the outer side of scape ( Fig. 9 View FIGURES 7 – 11. 7 – 8 ) without asperities (present ( Fig. 8 View FIGURES 7 – 11. 7 – 8 ) in C. exotica ), and by the elytra without distinct and large macula of pubescence on basal half (present in C. exotica ).

Gallery Image

FIGURES 1 – 6. 1 – 3, Curuapira hovorei sp. nov., holotype female: 1. Dorsal habitus; 2. Ventral habitus; 3. Lateral habitus. 4 – 6, Curuapira armandi sp. nov., holotype female: 4. Dorsal habitus; 5. Ventral habitus; 6. Lateral habitus.

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FIGURES 7 – 11. 7 – 8, Curuapira exotica, male from Venezuela: 7. Dorsal habitus; 8. Scape. 9, Curuapira hovorei sp. nov., holotype female, scape. 10, Curuapira apyama, holotype female, dorsal view; 11, Curuapira tuberosa, holotype male, dorsal view.


California Academy of Sciences


Sao Paulo, Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de Sao Paulo













