Hydroporus bodemeyeri cariaensis, Hájek & Fikácek, 2010

Hájek, Jirí & Fikácek, Martin, 2010, Taxonomic revision of the Hydroporus bodemeyeri species complex (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) with a geometric morphometric analysis of body shape within the group, Journal of Natural History 44 (27 - 28), pp. 1631-1657 : 1642-1643

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Felipe (2021-08-17 01:08:37, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-04 01:57:35)

scientific name

Hydroporus bodemeyeri cariaensis

subsp. nov.

Hydroporus bodemeyeri cariaensis View in CoL ssp. nov.

Hydroporus collarti Guignot, 1949: 7 (partim).

Hydroporus (Sternoporus) bodemeyeri: Wewalka 1971: 211 View in CoL (distribution; partim).

Hydroporus bodemeyeri: Miller and Fery 1995: 409 View in CoL (partim); Darilmaz and Kiyak 2009: 1614 (catalogue; partim).

Type locality. Turkey, Mu g la prov., Kale .

Type material. Holotype male ( NMPC): “TR [= Turkey] Mugla [prov.] / Kale 22.6.[19]88 / leg. H.Hebauer [printed] // HOLOTYPE / HYDROPORUS / bodemeyeri / cariaensis ssp. nov. / J. Hájek & M. Fiká C ek det. 2007 [red label, printed]” . Paratypes: 10 males, 16 females (nos. 1–26), same label data as holotype ( HFCB, HHCR, LHCB, NMPC, NHMW) ; one female (no. 27), “TR [ Turkey] / MUGLA [prov.] 29.V.1991 / nw Selimiye, 150 m / leg. Schödl (56) [printed]” ( NHMW) ; three females (nos. 28–30), “TR [ Turkey] / MUGLA [prov.] 28.V.1991 / Kale-Mu g la, 950 m, leg. Jäch (52) [printed]” ( NHMW) ; one male, one female (nos. 31, 32), “ As. min. [ Asia minor, Turkey] 26.4.[19]69 / Marmaris [Mu g la prov.] / leg. Wewalka [printed] ” ( GWCW, JSCL) ; one female (no. 33), “3.4.[19]85 Türkei [ Turkey] / Marmaris / Bach [stream] / Fery leg. [handwritten]” ( HFCB) . Each paratype is provided with a red label similar to that of the holotype, except “ PARATYPE ” instead of “ HOLOTYPE ”, the respective sex symbol and collection number .

Additional material examined. Greece: two males, nine females, Rhodes , Mount Profeta, 600 m, 15 June 1933, A. d’Orchymont leg. ( IRSNB) ; one male, Rhodes , Nano S. [= Nánoi], 300 m, 19 June 1933, A. d’Orchymont leg. ( IRSNB) [all paratypes of Hydroporus collarti ] .

Measurements. Body length: 3.25–3.55 mm (mean 3.41 mm, holotype 3.40 mm), width: 1.45–1.65 mm (mean value 1.58 mm, holotype 1.50 mm).

Description. Similar to the nominotypical subspecies in habitus. Sides of elytra subparallel medially, distinctly tapering to apex in apical fourth, hence beetle appears more elongate and thinner ( Figure 3F View Figure 3 ).

Pronotum with maximum width near midlength, sides more or less evenly curved over entire length.

Elytra widest in first third of their length, then tapering distinctly to apex. Punctuation of elytral disc very fine, distance between punctures about two to three times as large as their diameter.

Male: dorsal surface shiny. Claws of fore tarsi broadened, strongly hooked. Median lobe of aedeagus in ventral view ( Figure 2G View Figure 2 ) regularly tapering to apex, apical part long and thin, slightly turning to right.

Female: microreticulation of elytra usually more distinct than in males, so surface subopaque. Claws of fore legs thin, only slightly curved.

Differential diagnosis. The new subspecies can only be reliably distinguished on the basis of the male genitalia. Hydroporus b. cariaensis ssp. nov. has the apical part of the median lobe distinctly prolonged, very thin, turning slightly to the right in ventral view ( Figure 2G View Figure 2 ).

Etymology. The new subspecies is named after the ancient region of “Caria” located in the present Mu g la province, where the type locality is situated.

Habitat. Collected in small streams.

Distribution. Known from several localities in extreme south-western Turkey (Mu g la province), and from the Greek Island of Rhodes ( Figure 6 View Figure 6 ).

Darilmaz MC, Kiyak S. 2009. Checklist of Gyrinidae, Haliplidae, Noteridae and Dytiscidae of Turkey (Coleoptera: Adephaga). J Nat Hist. 43 (25 - 26): 1585 - 1636.

Guignot F. 1949. Notes sur les hydrocanthares (Vingt-neuvieme note). Bull Inst R Sci Nat Belg. 25 (26): 1 - 18.

Miller KW, Fery H. 1995. Hydroporus cuprescens n. sp. von der Insel Zypern (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae). Entomol Ztschr. 105: 405 - 415.

Wewalka G. 1971. Bemerkungen zu einigen palaarktischen Dytiscidae der Gattungen Hydroporus Clairv. und Deronectes Sharp, (Col.). Koleopt Rdsch. 49: 209 - 218.

Gallery Image

Figure 2(A–L). Median lobe in lateral and ventral view of (A) Hydroporus anatolicus anatolicus; (C) H. anatolicus koksali ssp. nov.; (E) H. bodemeyeri bodemeyeri; (G) H. bodemeyeri cariaensis ssp. nov.; (H) H. bodemeyeri guignoti; (I) H. cuprescens; (K) H. kurdistanicus sp. nov. Paramere of (B) Hydroporus anatolicus anatolicus; (D) H. anatolicus koksali ssp. nov.; (F) H. bodemeyeri bodemeyeri; (J) H. cuprescens; (L) H. kurdistanicus sp. nov.

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Figure 3. Average landmark configuration and body shape of (A) Hydroporus anatolicus anatolicus; (B) H. anatolicus koksali ssp. nov.; (C) H. kurdistanicus sp. nov.; (D) H. bodemeyeri guignoti; (E) H. bodemeyeri bodemeyeri; (F) H. bodemeyeri cariaensis ssp. nov.; (G) H. cuprescens.

Gallery Image

Figure 6. Distribution of the species of the H. bodemeyeri species complex.


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