Hydroporus bodemeyeri bodemeyeri Ganglbauer, 1900

Hájek, Jirí & Fikácek, Martin, 2010, Taxonomic revision of the Hydroporus bodemeyeri species complex (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) with a geometric morphometric analysis of body shape within the group, Journal of Natural History 44 (27 - 28), pp. 1631-1657 : 1640-1642

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Felipe (2021-08-17 01:08:37, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-04 01:57:35)

scientific name

Hydroporus bodemeyeri bodemeyeri Ganglbauer, 1900


Hydroporus bodemeyeri bodemeyeri Ganglbauer, 1900 View in CoL

Hydroporus bodemeyeri Ganglbauer View in CoL in Bodemeyer, 1900: 139 (original description); Apfelbeck 1904: 374 (notes); Sahlberg 1913: 43 (distribution); Bodemeyer 1927: 44, 67 (distribution); Zimmermann 1931: 9 (as synonym of H. tristis (Paykull, 1798)) View in CoL ; Miller and Fery 1995: 409 (description; partim); Nilsson 2001: 159 (catalogue); 2003: 60 (catalogue); Foster and Taylor 2006: 81 (distribution); Darilmaz and Kiyak 2009: 1614 (catalogue; partim).

Hydroporus (s. str.) bodemeyeri: Zaitzev 1953: 155 View in CoL (description); Guéorguiev 1968: 34 (description).

Hydroporus (Sternoporus) bodemeyeri: Wewalka 1971: 211 View in CoL (synonymy, distribution; partim.); Guéorguiev 1981: 407 (catalogue, distribution);

Hydroporus (Sternoporus) collarti Guignot, 1949: 7 (original description) (synonymized by Wewalka 1971: 211).

Type locality. H. bodemeyeri : “Karakeuy” [ Turkey, Bilecik prov., Karaköy, ca. 39°57′N 29°59′E] (see Remarks under this species); H. collarti : “Lesbos: Mytilini” [ Greece, Lesvos Isl., Mytilene, ca. 39°06′ N, 26°33′ E].

Type material. H. bodemeyeri : Lectotype male ( NHMW), designated by Wewalka (1971): “ Asia minor / Karakeuy / v.Bodemeyer [printed] // Bodemeyeri / Gangl., Type [handwritten] // Coll. Mus. Vindob. [printed] // Hydroporus / Bodemeyeri / Gnglb., Type. [handwritten] // Collect. / Hauser [printed] // HOLO- [sic!, handwritten] / TYPUS [red label, printed]” . Paralectotypes ( NHMW): two males, two females, same label data as lectotype. H. collarti : Holotype male ( IRSNB): “ Coll. R. I. Sc. N. B. / Grèce / I. Lesbos: Mytilini / N. W. 25-250., 4-V-’33 / A. d’Orchymont [printed] // Ƌ [printed] // Hydroporus / ( Sternoporus ) / Collarti Guign. [handwritten] // TYPE [printed, pink label with black frame]” . Paratypes ( IRSNB): one male, one female, “ Coll. R. I. Sc. N. B. / Grèce / I. [ Island] Chios [Khios]: Karyaes / S. W. 140 m., 2-V-1933 / A. d’Orchymont [printed] // Para- / type [red label, printed]” ; two females, “ Coll. R. I. Sc. N. B. / Grèce / Samos : Platanos / Velanidia 3-VI-1933 / A. d’Orchymont [printed] // Para- / type [red label, printed]” ; one male, three females, “ Coll. R. I. Sc. N. B. / Grèce / I. [ Island] Ikaria : Xylocirti [Xylosírtis] / 75 m. 25-V-1933 / A. d’Orchymont [printed] // Para- / type [red label, printed]” .

Additional material examined. Greece: two males, Lésvos Island, Ayiásos-Megalokhóri, Mount Olympos , 55 m, 6 June 1996, M.A. Jäch leg. ( NHMW) ; one male, Lésvos Island, 10 km north of Ayiásos, near Pigi Karini , 7 June 1996, M.A. Jäch leg. ( NHMW) ; nine males, 16 females, Lésvos Island, 4 km south of Pétra , S Lafionas, 150 m, 8 June 1996, M.A. Jäch leg. ( HFCB, NMPC, NHMW) ; one male, two females, Lésvos Island, 2 km west of Plomari , 30 m, 9 June 1996, M.A. Jäch leg. ( HFCB, NHMW) . Turkey: one female, Abant-Geb. [Abant Mts., Bolu prov.], 30 May 1964, H. Korge leg. ( NHMB) ; one male, Ephesus [near Selçuk, I zmir prov., ca. 37°56′ N, 27°19′ E]; U. Sahlberg leg. ( NHMW) GoogleMaps ; two males, one female, I zmir [prov.], Yamanlar Da g [mt.], 700 m, 18 May 1991, S. Schödl leg. ( NHMW) ; four males, two females, I zmir [prov.], south of Tire, Aydin Berge , 900 m, 20 May 1991, M.A. Jäch leg. (14) ( NHMW) ; one female, K i z i lcahamam [Ankara prov., ca. 40°29′ N, 32°38′ E], 13 June to 16 June 1968, C. Holzschuh leg. ( NHMW) GoogleMaps ; two males, one female, same label data, but 15 June 1968, G. Wewalka leg. ( GWCW, NHMB) ; one male, Kappadokien [Cappadocia, Nev s ehir prov.], Ürgüp , 30 September to 2 October 1984, L. Dobberstein leg. ( LHCB) ; one female, north of Antalya [Antalya prov.], ca. 700 m, stream, 4 April 1985, H. Fery leg. ( HFCB) ; one male, Antalya prov., south of Kemer , 50 m, 25 May 1991, M.A. Jäch leg. ( NHMW) ; two females, Adana prov., Büyüksofulu [ca. 37°33′ N 35°11′ E], spring, 1 July 1997, J. Hájek leg. ( NMPC) GoogleMaps .

Measurements. Body length: 3.15–3.50 mm (mean value 3.36 mm), width: 1.45–1.60 mm (mean value 1.54 mm).

Description. Body flat, elongate, rather parallel sided ( Figure 3E View Figure 3 ), sides a little rounded. Elytra only weakly tapering to apex, with maximum width near midlength. Pronoto-elytral angle quite distinct. Upper surface blackish-brown, sides of pronotum and head often paler. Mouth appendages and legs testaceous. Ventral part blackish, head with paler gula.

Head relatively broad, clypeus broadly rounded. Head on surface with two shallow depressions near anterior margin, and a groove along inner side of each eye. Punctation comprising sparse, almost regularly distributed punctures (denser in depressions), slightly smaller on clypeus and bigger on frons and vertex. Distance between punctures about twice their diameter. Microreticulation consisting of polygonal meshes with diameter smaller than that of punctures.

Pronotum of rather variable shape. Usually with maximum width near midlength, sides more or less evenly curved over entire length; but in some specimens sides rather subparallel in posterior half. Lateral beading distinct, regular. Pronotum with a line of coarse setigerous punctures along anterior margin, and with shallow coarsely punctured posterolateral depressions. Disc of pronotum with sparse and fine setigerous punctures similar to those on head, but their diameter slightly smaller, and distance between punctures nearly three times their diameter. Microreticulation similar to that of head, but slightly less impressed.

Elytra with sides almost straight behind shoulders, widest near midlength, then weakly tapering to apex; marginal rim visible at shoulders in dorsal view. Elytral disc with two rather indistinct punctured lines and with quite regularly distributed moderately large setigerous punctures between these lines. Distance between punctures about twice the diameter.

Ventral part microreticulated. Reticulation indistinct on meso- and metaventrite, but stronger on metacoxal plates and abdominal ventrites. Metaventrite, metacoxal plates and two basal abdominal ventrites with large setigerous punctures. Other abdominal ventrites with sparse fine punctures.

Male: dorsal surface shiny. Claws of fore tarsi broadened, strongly hooked. Median lobe of aedeagus regularly tapering to apex in ventral view, apical part relatively short, slightly turned to right ( Figure 2E View Figure 2 ). In lateral view, median lobe strongly inflexed in middle, apex long and nearly straight. Paramere as in Figure 2F View Figure 2 .

Female: pronotum slightly broader than in male. Microreticulation of elytra more distinct than in males and surface subopaque. Claws of fore legs thin, only slightly curved.

Remarks. The type locality of Hydroporus bodemeyeri was stated as “In Mehrzahl bei Karakeuy gesammelt.” [Most specimens collected at Karakeuy (= Karaköy village).] (Ganglbauer in Bodemeyer 1900: 140). According to the Microsoft Encarta World Atlas 2000, there are about 50 different villages named “Karaköy” in Turkey. Miller and Fery (1995: 410) assumed the type locality to be the village lying ca. 80 km north of Adana and 60 km east of Bulghar Dagh [= Bolkar Daglari Mountains]. We believe that the assumption is erroneous for two reasons.

First, Bodemeyer (1900: 98) used the following abbreviation for the locality: “Ka. = Karakeuy, Station der anatolischen Bahn.” [station of the Anatolian railway]. There is no railway around the place cited by Miller and Fery (1995: 410).

Second, Bodemeyer (1900: 24) presented precise information about Karaköy within the chapter “Reise von Konstantinopel nach Konia längs der anatolischen Bahn” [Travel from Constantinople (= Istanbul) to Konya along the Anatolian railway], and placed Karaköy between Bilecik and Eski s ehir “...Steigt die Bahn von Biledjik aus schon steil zur Hochebene hinan, so hat man in Karakeuy 620 Meter, in Eski- Chéhir schon 800 Meter erreicht...” [...the railway runs up steeply from Bilecik to the plateau, and therefore it reaches 620 meters in Karaköy, and 800 meters already in Eski s ehir...].

Therefore we assume that the type locality of H. bodemeyeri is the Karaköy village in Bilecik Province, ca. 22 km south of Bilecik, geographic co-ordinates 39°57′ N, 29°59′ E GoogleMaps .

Distribution. The occurrence of the nominotypical subspecies is here confined to Greek Islands (Ikaría, Khios, Lésvos, Samos) and to the western half of Asian Turkey (Adana, Ankara, Antalya, Bolu, I zmir and Nev s ehir provinces) ( Figure 6 View Figure 6 ).

Apfelbeck V. 1904. Die Kaferfauna der Balkanhalbinsel, mit Berucksichtigung Klein-Asiens und der Insel Kreta. Erster Band: Familienreihe Caraboidea. Berlin (Germany): R. Friedlander und Sohn.

Bodemeyer E von. 1900. Quer durch Klein-Asien in den Bulghar-Dagh. Emmendingen (Germany): Die Druck- und Verlags-Aktien-Gesellschaft Vormals Dolter.

Bodemeyer B von. 1927. Ueber meine Entomologischen Reisen nach Kleinasien (1911), Ost-Sibirien, Schilka und Amur (1912), Tunis, Oasis Gafsa, Khroumerie (1913) und Iran, das Elbursgebirge (1914). Bd. I. Kleinasien. Stuttgart (Germany): Alfred Kernen.

Darilmaz MC, Kiyak S. 2009. Checklist of Gyrinidae, Haliplidae, Noteridae and Dytiscidae of Turkey (Coleoptera: Adephaga). J Nat Hist. 43 (25 - 26): 1585 - 1636.

Foster GN, Taylor MJ. 2006. The Hydradephaga of Chios, Greece (Coleoptera Gyrinidae, Haliplidae, Noteridae, Dytiscidae). Mem Soc Entomol Ital. 85: 75 - 84.

Gueorguiev VB. 1968. Notes sur les coleopteres hydrocanthares (Haliplidae et Dytiscidae) de Yugoslavie, de Grece et de Turquie asiatique. Bull Inst Zool Mus. 27: 31 - 39.

Gueorguiev VB. 1981. Resultat de l'expedition zoologique du Musee national de Prague en Turquie. Coleoptera: Haliplidae, Dytiscidae, Gyrinidae. Acta Entomol Mus Nat Pragae. 40: 399 - 424.

Guignot F. 1949. Notes sur les hydrocanthares (Vingt-neuvieme note). Bull Inst R Sci Nat Belg. 25 (26): 1 - 18.

Miller KW, Fery H. 1995. Hydroporus cuprescens n. sp. von der Insel Zypern (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae). Entomol Ztschr. 105: 405 - 415.

Nilsson AN. 2001. Dytiscidae (Coleoptera). World Catalogue of Insects. 3: 1 - 395.

Sahlberg J. 1913. Coleoptera mediterranea orientalia, quae in Aegypto, Palaestina, Syria, Caramania atque in Anatolia occidentali anno 1904 collegerunt John Sahlberg et Unio Saalas. Ofv Finska Vetensk-Soc Forth. 55 (19): 1 - 281.

Wewalka G. 1971. Bemerkungen zu einigen palaarktischen Dytiscidae der Gattungen Hydroporus Clairv. und Deronectes Sharp, (Col.). Koleopt Rdsch. 49: 209 - 218.

Zaitzev FA. 1953. Nasekomye zhestkokrylye. Plavuntsovye i vertyachki. Fauna SSSR. 4 (N. S. 58): 1 - 376.

Zimmermann A. 1931. Monographie der palaarktischen Dytiscidae. II. Hydroporinae (2. Teil: Die Gattung Hydroporus Clairv.). Koleopt Rdsch. 17: 97 - 159.

Gallery Image

Figure 2(A–L). Median lobe in lateral and ventral view of (A) Hydroporus anatolicus anatolicus; (C) H. anatolicus koksali ssp. nov.; (E) H. bodemeyeri bodemeyeri; (G) H. bodemeyeri cariaensis ssp. nov.; (H) H. bodemeyeri guignoti; (I) H. cuprescens; (K) H. kurdistanicus sp. nov. Paramere of (B) Hydroporus anatolicus anatolicus; (D) H. anatolicus koksali ssp. nov.; (F) H. bodemeyeri bodemeyeri; (J) H. cuprescens; (L) H. kurdistanicus sp. nov.

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Figure 3. Average landmark configuration and body shape of (A) Hydroporus anatolicus anatolicus; (B) H. anatolicus koksali ssp. nov.; (C) H. kurdistanicus sp. nov.; (D) H. bodemeyeri guignoti; (E) H. bodemeyeri bodemeyeri; (F) H. bodemeyeri cariaensis ssp. nov.; (G) H. cuprescens.

Gallery Image

Figure 6. Distribution of the species of the H. bodemeyeri species complex.


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