Lepyrus Germar, 1817

Balalaikins, Maksims & Bukejs, Andris, 2012, Latvian Molytinae (Coleoptera, Curculionidae): Research History, Fauna And Bionomy, Acta Biologica Universitatis Daugavpiliensis 12 (3), pp. 2-20 : 6-20

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Lepyrus Germar, 1817


Lepyrus Germar, 1817 View in CoL Hylobiini Kirby, 1837 Lepyrus capucinus (Schaller, 1783)

=bimaculatus (Oliver 1808) Hylobius Germar, 1817

=binotatus (Fabricius, 1793) Hylobius (Callirus) abietis (Linnaeus, 1758)

References: Fleischer 1829, Seidlitz 1872 -1875, References: Groschke 1805, Precht 1818, Seidlitz 1887-1891, Rathlef 1905, Brammanis 1930a, 1872-1875, 1887-1891, Baltiņš 1899, Sintensis 1930b, Lackschewitz & Mikutowicz 1939, 1900, Heyden 1903, Rathlef 1905, Brammanis Barševskis 1993, 1997, Telnov et al. 1997,Tel- 1929, 1930a, 1930b, 1937, 1938, Gailītis 1929, nov 2004. 1930, 1931, 1933, 1934, 1935, 1936, Danka 1950, Material examined: 10 specimens: Daugavpils Rupais 1959, Šmits & Spuris 1966, Spuris 1974, d.: Šarlote, 8 May 2010 (1, leg. K. Aksjuta); Ozols 1968, 1982, 1985, Priedītis 1979, Stiprais Jēkabpils d.: Asare, 2 May 1998 (1, leg. I. & Varzinska 1985, Barševskis 1993, 1997, 2002, Leiskina), Dunava, 17 July 1993 (1, leg. A. Telnov et al. 1997, Telnov 2004, Kalniņš et al. Barševskis); Jelgava d.: Dalbe, 11 June 1938 (1, 2007, Spuņģis, 2001, 2008a, 2008b, Barševskis leg. M. Stiprais); Krāslava d.: Izvalta, 22 May & Valainis 2009, Bukejs 2011.

1985 (1, leg. A. Barševskis), Šķeltova, Barševski Material examined: 331 specimens:Aizkraukle house, 10 June 2010 (1, leg. A. Barševskis, K. d.: Skrīveri, 20 June 2006 (1, leg.A. Barševskis), Barševska); Ūdrīši, Zapoļņiki house, July 2009 Taurkalne, 15 August 2005 (10, leg. J. Donis), 3 (1, leg. M. Janovska); Saldus d.: Reņge, 10 June July 2006 (1, leg. J. Donis), 1 August 2006 (4, 1930 (2, leg. J. Muskars); Tukums d.: Kandava, leg. J. Donis), 3 October 2006 (1, leg. J. Donis), 11 June 1941 (1, meadow, leg. M. Stiprais). Zalve, 31 May 1962 (11, leg. G. Ozols); Alūksne Host plants: Salix View in CoL ( Salicaceae View in CoL ). d.: Alsviķi, 4 May 1957 (2, leg. G. Ozols); Balvi Phenology: V-VII. d.: Daugasne, 16 June 2001 (2, clearing, leg. General distribution: Europe, W Kazakhstan. J. Gailis); Cēsis d.: Bānūži, 26 May 1961 (3, [TUE] leg. G. Ozols), Taurene, 3 July 2006 (1, leg. A. Note: Rare species in Latvia. Barševskis, A. Pankjāns, U. Valainis); Daugavpils d.: Butiški, 17 July 2009 (1, leg. A. Bukejs), Lepyrus palustris (Scopoli, 1763) Dviete View in CoL , 11 May 1996 (1, leg. A. Lapa), Ilgas, =bipunctatus (Geoffroy, 1785) Silene PNT, 1984 (1, leg. A. Barševskis), 2 June =colon (Linnaeus, 1771) 1988 (1, leg. A. Barševskis), 1992 (1, leg. A.

References: Precht 1818, Seidlitz 1872 -1875, Barševskis), 23 May 1992 (2, leg.A. Barševskis), 1887-1891, Rathlef 1905, Lackschewitz & Mi- 1 June 1992 (1, leg. A. Barševskis), 18 June 1992 kutowicz 1939, Barševskis 1997, Telnov et al. (1, leg. A. Barševskis), 24 April 1993 (1, leg. A. 1997, Telnov 2004. Barševskis), 15 May 1993 (2, leg.A. Barševskis), Material examined: 8 specimens: Alūksne d.: 10 July 1993 (1, leg.A. Barševskis), 04 July 1994 old valley of River Gauja, near Lake Siguldas, (1, leg. A. Barševskis), 18 June 1995 (2, leg. A. 17 June 1971 (1, leg. Z. Spuris); Liepāja d.: Barševskis), 26 June 1995 (1, leg.A. Barševskis), Pape, 23-25 June 1994 (2, seashore, dunes, leg. 30 May 1996 (2, leg. A. Barševskis), 18 June N. Savenkovs); Rīga d.: Lorupe, 7 May 1968 (1, 1997 (1, leg. A. Barševskis), 1–5 July 2006 (1,

leg. A. Barševskis), 5 June–4 July 2007 (1, leg. 29 May 1966 (3, leg. G. Ozols), 30 May 1966 (1, I. Grigorjeva), 25 May 2009 (1, leg. A. Pankjāns leg. G. Ozols), 10 June 1966 (1, leg. G. Ozols), and M. Nitcis), Kalkūni, 25 May 2009 (1, leg. Kalsnava, 24 May 1940 (1, leg. M. Stiprais), 22 M. Janovska), Līksna parish, near Mežciems, 15 May 1961 (3, leg. G. Ozols), Krustkalni PNT, 11 June 2006 (1, leg. A. Barševskis), Līksna parish, August 2005 (1, leg. A. Barševskis, A. Bukejs, J. 3 km N Daugavpils, 26 April 2007 (4, clearing in Laizāns), September 2006 (6, leg. A. Barševskis, pine forest, leg. A. Bukejs), June 2007 (3, inland A. Pankjāns, U. Valainis), Lejasciems, 3 Novem- dunes, pine forest, leg. A. Bukejs), Līksna, near ber 2004 (40, window trap, leg. A. Barševskis, Daugavpils beltway 20 June 2008 (2, clearing, U. Valainis), 10 July 2005 (2, leg. J. Laizāns, leg. A. Barševskis), 1 July 2008 (1, clearing, leg. A. Barševskis), Mārciena, 7 July 2006 (2, leg. A. Barševskis), 9 June 2010 (1, inland dunes, A. Barševskis, A. Pankjāns); Ogre d.: Birzgale, clearing, leg. A. Barševskis), 21 April 2010 (1, 30 May 2006 (1, leg. A. Barševskis); Preiļi d.: leg. M. Janovska), Mežciems 25 April 1993 (1, Jersika, 29 June 1992 (1, leg. A. Barševskis), 22 leg. A. Barševskis), Rīga –Krāslava beltway, be- July 2008 (1, leg. A. Barševskis), 1–10 May 2009 hind Mežciems, 11 May 2008 (4, clearing, leg. A. (1, leg.A. Barševskis, K. Barševska), 22–24 June Barševskis), Stropi, 9 May 2009 (1, mixed forest, 2009 (1, leg. A. Barševskis); Rēzekne d.: Puša, on fresh stump of pine, leg. A. Bukejs), Varnaviči, 26 June 2002 (1, leg. A. Barševskis); Rīga d.: 22 May 1990 (1, leg. A. Barševskis), Vecstropi, Asari, 7 June 1938 (1, leg. M. Stiprais), 19 June 19-31 May 2007 (12, pitfal-trap, burning area 1969 (1, leg. A. Stiprais), Baltezers, 31 May 1948 in coniferous forest, leg. A. Bukejs); Jēkabpils (1, leg. G. Ozols), Garciems, 17 June 1939 (1, d.: Atašiene, 25 July 1997 (1, leg. M. Čačka), leg. M. Stiprais), Garupe, 10 May 1975 (1 ex.), Dunava, 11 July 2000 (1, leg. I. Leiskina), 21 30 June 1976 (1, leg. S. Burlakov), 3 July 1976 October 2006 (1, leg. A. Barševskis), 25 June (1, leg. S. Burlakov), Jūrmala, 31 June 1921 (1, 2008 (1, clearing, leg. A. Barševskis), 29 June leg. G. Zeltiņš), Kangari, 1 August 1947 (1, M. 2008 (2, pine forest, clearing, leg. A. Barševskis), Stiprais), Kleisti, 20 September 1941 (2, leg. Jēkabpils, 7 April 1923 (2, leg. J. Muskars), anonymous), Krievupe, 14 June 1956 (1, leg. G. Tadenava, 29 June 2008 (1, clearing, leg. A. Ozols), Lilaste, 6 July 1942 (1, leg. M. Stiprais), Barševskis), July 2009 (1, pheromone trap, leg. Rīga, 25 June 1939 (1 ex.), 20 May 1941 (1ex.), A. Barševskis), Škieneri 14 June 2006 (1, leg. Mangaļi, 12 May 1958 (1, leg. G. Ozols), Ropaži, A. Ilzēna-Rozentāle); Gulbene d.: Gulbītis, 25 May 1941 (1 ex.), Silciems, 15 May 1938 (2, May–June 2003 (4, burned bog and forest, leg. A. leg. M. Stiprais), Vecāķi, 24 June 1957 (1, leg. Barševskis, O. Koškina), August 2003 (3, burned G. Ozols); Talsi d.: Mazirbe, 26 June 2006 (1, bog and forest, leg. A. Barševskis, O. Koškina), leg. A. Barševskis, A. Pankjāns, U. Valainis), Lejasciems, July 2003 (29, burned forest, leg. A. Mordanga, 17 August 2006 (1, leg. J. Donis); Barševskis, I. Kampāne), September–October Tukums d.: Ragaciems, Ķemeri NP, 11 July 2010 2003 (1, burned forest, leg. A. Barševskis, I. (1, leg. A. Barševskis); Valka d.: Cirgaļi, 8 July Kampāne), August 2003 (2, burned forest, leg. 1962 (9, leg. G. Ozols), Mežole, 10 June 2006 (5, A. Barševskis, I. Kampāne), Škineri, 3 June 2006 leg. J. Donis), 26 June 2006 (1, leg. J. Donis), 2 (1, leg. A. Barševskis), 14 June 2006 (1, leg. A. October 2006 (2, leg. J. Donis), July–September Ilzēna, Rozentāle), Ušurs, 8 June 2005 (2, leg. 2007 (1, leg. J. Donis), Oliņas, 22 June 1961 (4, A. Barševskis); Jelgava d.: Krāču kalni 12-25 leg. G. Ozols); Ventspils d.: Ance, 6 June 1961 (2, July 2011 (1, pine forest, leg. J. Prokopčika), leg. G. Ozols), Moricsala Isl., Moricsala PNT, 29 Plieņi, 12-25 July 2011 (1, mixed forest, leg. J. June 2002 (1, leg. A. Barševskis), August 2009 (1, Prokopčika); Krāslava d.: Indrica 29 May1991 window trap, on Quercus robur View in CoL , leg A. Pankjāns), (1, leg. A. Barševskis), Kaplava, 10 July 1991 Ugāle, 10 June 1959 (4, leg. G. Ozols), 18 May (1, leg. A. Barševskis), Krāslava, 26 September 1960 (11, leg. G. Ozols), 16 May 1961 (20, leg. 2007 (1, leg. K. Igaune), Ūdrīši, Zapoļņiki house, G. Ozols), 13 June 1961 (26, leg. G. Ozols).

23–25 June 2005 (1, leg. M. Janovska); Madona Host plants: Picea View in CoL , Pinus View in CoL ( Pinaceae View in CoL ); Malus View in CoL , d.: Jaunkalsnava, 28 May 1966 (3, leg. G. Ozols), Sorbus View in CoL ( Rosaceae View in CoL ).

Phenology: IV-X. na), 10–18 June 2006 (1, leg. A. Barševskis), 20 General distribution: Europe, Caucasus, Si- July 2008 (1, leg. A. Barševskis), 10 August 2008 beria, Central Asia (E and C Kazakhstan), East (1, aspen clearing, leg. A. Barševskis), 29 June Asia ( China, Japan, Korean Peninsula, Russian 2008 (2, clearing, leg. A. Barševskis), Rubeņi, Far East) [ASE]. 10 May 2000 (1, leg. I. Leiskina), Tadenava, July Note: A very common species in Latvia. Seri- 2009 (2, pheromone trap, leg. A. Barševskis), ous pest of forestry (Kryzhanovskij 1974, Ozols Vandāni, 16 August 2008 (1, leg. M. Balalai- 1982). kins), Viesīte, 8 August 2008 (1, clearing, leg. A. Barševskis); Ludza d.: SW Gāgari, 10 May Hylobius (Callirus) pinastri (Gyllenhal, 1813) View in CoL 2008 (1, old clearing, leg. A. Bukejs); Madona

References: Fleischer 1829, Seidlitz 1872 -1875, d.: Jaunkalsnava, 10 June 1966 (1, leg. G. Ozols), 1887-1891, Sintensis 1900, Rathlef 1905, Bram- 20 June 1966 (1, leg. G. Ozols), 30 May 1966 manis 1930a, 1930b, Priedītis 1958, Ozols 1968, (1, leg. G. Ozols), Kalsnava, 22 May 1961 (12, 1982, 1985, Barševskis 1993, 1997, 2002, Telnov leg. G. Ozols), 22 June 1966 (2, leg. G. Ozols), et. al 1997, Telnov 2004, Kalniņš et al. 2007, 26 July 2002 (1, leg. M. Bičevskis), Lejasci- Spuņģis 2008a, 2008b, Bukejs 2011. ems, 3 November 2004 (1, leg. A. Barševskis, Material examined: 158 specimens:Aizkraukle U. Valainis), Mārciena, 7 July 2006 (3, leg. A. d.: Koknese, 18 August 1945 (1, leg. E. Strand), Barševskis and A. Pankjāns); Ogre d.: Birzgale, Taurkalne, 15 August 2005 (3, leg. J. Donis), 17 30 May 2006 (1, leg. A. Barševskis); Preiļi d.: July 2006 (3, leg. J. Donis), 1 August 2006 (2, Jersika, Kurpnieki house, 22 July 1993 (1, leg. leg. J. Donis), Zalve, 31 May 1962 (27, leg. G. A. Barševskis), 23–24 June 2006 (1, leg. A. Ozols); Bauska d.: Bārbele, 28 May 2009 (1, Barševskis, K. Barševska), Rušona, 16 July 2007 leg. A. Barševskis); Cēsis d.: Taurene, 21 August (1, leg. J. Stašķeviča); Rēzekne d.: Puša, 26 June 2006 (1, leg. A. Barševskis); Daugavpils d.: Be- 2002 (1, leg. A. Barševskis), Teirumnīki, 15 July brene, 27 June 2005 (1, leg. E. Rudāns), Dviete, 2009 (1, clearing, leg. M. Balalaikins, A. Bukejs); 10 June 1966 (1, leg. G. Ozols), 22 June 2008 Rīga d.: Jūrmala, Kūdra, 18 July 1993 (1, leg. A. (1, leg. A. Barševskis), 10 August 2008 (1, leg. Titovs), 13 May 2002 (1, leg. A. Titovs), Olaine, A. Barševskis), Ilgas, Silene PNT, 5 July 1989 17 July 2006 (1, leg. J. Donis), 1 August 2006 (1, (1, leg. A. Barševskis), 6 July 1993 (5, leg. A. leg. J. Donis), 14 August 2006 (1, leg. J. Donis); Barševskis), 5 June 1994 (1, leg. A. Barševskis), 2 Saldus d.: Reņge, 17 June1934 (1, leg. J. Mus- July 1994 (1, leg. A. Barševskis), 5 June – 3 July kars); Talsi d.: Sabile, 10 May 2011 (1, clearing, 2006 (1, leg. A. Bistrova), 5 June – 3 July 2006 leg. K. Aksjuta), Slītere NP, 27 June 2006 (1, leg. (1, leg. A. Dzenis), 17–20 June 2008 (2, leg. J. A. Barševskis, A. Pankjāns, U. Valainis); Tukums Stašķeviča, and V. Krone), 26 June – 13 August d.: Irlava, Kramiņi house, 25–28 October 2010 2008 (1, burned forest, A. Bukejs, U. Valainis, (1, leg. J. Prokopčika, G. Prokopčika); Valka d.: K. Aksjuta), 25 June – 2 July 2009 (1, leg. K. Mežole, 10 June 2006 (3, leg. J. Donis), 1 August Brutāne, T. Smargune), Līksna parish, 1.5 km N 2006 (1, leg. J. Donis), 13 August 2007 (3, leg. J. Daugavpils, 15 June 2007 (4, edge of pine forest, Donis); Ventspils d.: Ance, 6 June 1961 (1, leg. G. leg. A. Bukejs), 26 April 2008 (1, edge of forest, Ozols), Moricsala Isl., Moricsala PNT, May 2002 on fresh stump of pine, leg. A. Bukejs), Subate, (2, window trap, leg. U. Valainis), 3–4 August 11 August 2000 (1, leg. I. Leiskina), Vecstropi, 2004 (1, leg. A. Barševskis), 31 May 2006 (1, 19-31 May 2007 (27, pitfal-trap, burning area in window trap, leg. A. Barševskis), 15 July 2008 coniferous forest, leg. A. Bukejs); Gulbene d.: (1, leg. A. Barševskis), Ugāle, 16 May 1961 (1, Lejasciems, July 2003 (1, burned forest, leg. A. leg. G. Ozols), 10 June 1959 (3, leg. G. Ozols). Barševskis, I. Kampāne), Sinole, 20August 1942 Host plants: Picea View in CoL , Pinus View in CoL ( Pinaceae View in CoL ).

(1, leg. anonymous), Škineri, 3 June 2006 (2, leg. Phenology: IV(3)-X.

A. Barševskis), 14 June 2006 (1, leg. A. Ilzēna); General distribution: Europe, Siberia, Central Jēkabpils d.: Birži, 25 June 2010 (1, leg. M. Bala- Asia (E and C Kazakhstan), East Asia (NE China, laikins), Dunava, 15 July 2000 (1, leg. I. Leiski- Japan, Korean Peninsula, Mongolia, Russian Far

East). [ASE] Pissodes Germar, 1817 View in CoL

Note: A very common species in Latvia. Serious Pissodes castaneus (De Geer, 1775) View in CoL

pest of forestry (Ozols 1985). = notatus (Fabricius, 1787) nec Bonsdorff, 1785

References: Fleischer 1829, Seidlitz 1872 -1875,

Hylobius (Callirus) transversovittatus View in CoL (Goeze 1887-1891, Baltiņš 1899, Sintensis 1900, Rathlef 1777) 1905, Brammanis 1930a, 1930b, Gailītis 1931, Material examined: 1 specimen: Daugavpils d.: 1933, 1934, 1935, 1936, Brammanis1937, Danka Ļubesti, 5 July 2010 (1, swampy bank of Lake 1950, Šmits 1964, Šmits & Spuris 1966, Ozols Pjatačok, leg. A. Bukejs, M. Balalaikins). 1982, 1985, Barševskis 1993, 1997, 2002, Telnov Host plants: Lythrum View in CoL ( Lythraceae View in CoL ). et al. 1997, Telnov 2004.

Phenology: VII. Material examined: 52 specimens: Cēsis General distribution: Europe, Caucasus, S d.: Bānūži, 26 May 1961 (3, leg. G. Ozols); and W Siberia, Central Asia (N Iran (Guilan), Daugavpils d.: Ilgas, Silene PNT, 3 July 1993 Kazakhstan, Kirgizstan) East Asia (Russian Far (1, leg. A. Barševskis), Mežciems, 25-26 April East). [ASE] 1993 (7, leg. A. Barševskis), 18 May 2005 (4, leg.

Note: A new species for the Latvian fauna. Very A. Barševskis), Rīga-Krāslava beltway, behind rare species in Latvia. Mežciems, 11 May 2008 (1, leg. A. Barševskis); Dobele d.: Pūteļi, 23 May 1974 (1, dry forest

Hylobius excavatus (Laicharting, 1781) View in CoL edge, leg. anonymous); Madona d.: Teiči swamp, = piceus (De Geer, 1775) 25 September 1989 (1, leg. G.Akmentiņš); Ogre

References: Fleischer 1829, Seidlitz 1872 -1875, d.: Alstiķe, 16 June 2010 (1, River Daugava val- 1887-1891, Ulanowski 1884, Rathlef 1905, ley (1, leg. M. Balalaikins); Preiļi d.: Jersika, 20 Ozols1968, 1982, 1985, Stiprais & Varzinska July 1993 (1, leg. A. Barševskis), 2-5 May 2010 1985, Barševskis 1993, 1997, 2002, Cibuļskis (1, leg. A. Barševskis); Rīga d.: Jūrmala, Kūdra, 1996, Barševskis et al. 2008, Telnov et al. 1997, 1 May 2000 (1, leg. A. Titovs), Ropaži, 16 May Telnov 2004; Kalniņš et al. 2007. 1962 (1, leg. G. Ozols); Rīga, 3 May 1937 (1, leg. Material examined: 16 specimens: Aizkraukle J. Muskars), 26 May 1940 (1, leg. M. Stiprais), d.: Zalve, 31 May 1962 (5, leg. G. Ozols); Bauska 20 May 1946 (1, leg. M. Stiprais), Tumšupe, 11 d.: Iecava, 20 August 1944 (1, forest, leg. M. July 1956 (1, leg. G. Ozols), 7 August 1956 (1, Stiprais); Daugavpils d.: Ilgas, Silene PNT, 10 leg. G. Ozols); Ventspils d.: Oviši, 8 September July 1991 (1, leg. anonymous); Gulbene d.: 1956 (9, leg. G. Ozols), Ugāle, 18 May 1960 (14, Litene, 12 June 1941 (1, on young pine stand, leg. G. Ozols).

leg. anonymous); Ogre d.: Ogre, 1 June 1941 (1, Host plants: Pinus View in CoL ( Pinaceae View in CoL ).

leg. anonymous); Rīga d.: Bajāri , 21 May 1973 Phenology: IV-IX .

(1, leg. M. Stiprais); 28 June 1973 (1, leg. M. General distribution: Europe, Caucasus, N Stiprais), Ķemeri, 26 July 1947 (1, forest, leg. M. Africa, Siberia, Central Asia ( Kazakhstan, Kir- Stiprais); Saldus d.: Reņge, 15.08.1927 (1, leg. gizstan), East Asia (Russian Far East). [PAL] J. Muskars); Valka d.: Mežole, 10 June 2006 (1, Note: A common species in Latvia. Pest of young leg. J. Donis), 17 June 2007 (1, leg. J. Donis); pine stands (Ozols 1985).

Ventspils d.: Moricsala Isl. , Moricsala PNT, 3

August 2004 (1, window trap, leg. U. Valainis). Pissodes harcyniae (Herbst, 1795) View in CoL

Host plants: Picea , Pinus ( Pinaceae ). References: Seidlitz 1872 -1875, 1887-1891,

Phenology: V-VIII. Sintensis 1900, Rathlef 1905; Šmits 1964, General distribution: Europe, Siberia, Central Šmits & Spuris 1966, Ozols 1968, 1982, 1985, Asia (E Kazakhstan), East Asia (NE China, Ko- Barševskis 1993, 1997, 2002, Telnov et al. 1997, rean Peninsula, NE Mongolia, Russian Far East), Telnov 2004.

N America. [OLA] Material examined: 7 specimens: Daugavpils

Note: An infrequent species in Latvia. d.: Dviete, 9 June 1966 (1, leg. G. Ozols); Ma- Pissodini Gistel, 1856 dona d.: Jaunkalsnava, 21 June 1966 (1, leg. G. Ozols); Rīga d.: Garupe, 23 May 1976 (1, leg. June 1996 (1, leg. A. Barševskis), Ilgas, Silene Burlakovs), Valka d.: Mežole, 1 August 2006 (1, PNT, 16 June 1991 (2, leg. A. Barševskis), 23 leg. J. Donis), 17 June 2007 (1, leg. J. Donis), 16 May 1992 (1, leg. A. Barševskis), 24 May 1992 July 2007 (1, leg. J. Donis); Talsi d.: Mordanga, (1, leg. A. Barševskis), 17 June 1993 (4, leg. A. 17 August 2006 (1, leg. J. Donis). Barševskis), 19 June 1993 (1, leg.A. Barševskis), Host plants: Picea ( Pinaceae ). 6 July 1993 (15, leg. A. Barševskis), 17 June Phenology: V(3)- VIII. 1995 (1, leg. A. Barševskis), 21 June 1995 (1, General distribution: Europe, Siberia, Central leg. A. Barševskis), 11 June 1996 (1, leg. A. Asia ( Kazakhstan), East Asia (Russian Far East). Barševskis), 25 May 1997 (2, leg. A. Barševskis), [ASE] 6 June 2000 (2, leg. A. Barševskis); 2-10 July Note: An infrequent species in Latvia. Pest of 2004 (1, leg. A. Barševskis), 18 May 2005 (1, stems (Ozols 1985). leg. A. Barševskis), Ļubaste env., Rīga-Krāslava beltway, 9 June 2010 (2, inland dunes, clearing,

Pissodes piceae (Illiger, 1807) leg. A. Barševskis), 9 June 2010 (1, inland dunes, = pini (Panzer, 17XX nec Linnaeus, 1758) clearing, leg. A. Barševskis), Līksna env., 3.5 km

References: Seidlitz 1872 -1875, Ulanowski N Daugavpils beltway, 8 June 2008 (1, clearing, 1884, Sintensis 1900, Barševskis 1993 (mis- leg. A. Barševskis), Mežciems, 19 July 1992 (4, identification), Telnov et al. 1997, Telnov 2004; leg. A. Barševskis), 10 km N Saliena, Daugavas Kalniņš et al. 2007. Loki PNT, 17 September 2008 (1, pine forest, leg. Material examined: Not confirmed by the A. Bukejs, A. Pankjāns), Silene, 6 July 1995 (1, authors. Earlier report (Barševskis 1993) of this leg.A. Barševskis); Jēkabpils d.: Dunava, 25 June species – «Teiču purvs (bog), 25 September 1989 2008 (1, clearing, leg. A. Barševskis); 15-18 July (1, leg. G. Akmentiņš)», was based on misiden- 2009 (1, leg. A. Barševskis); 8-9 August 2009 (1, tification. leg. A. Barševskis); Dobele d.: Antiņciems, 22 Host plants: Picea View in CoL ( Pinaceae View in CoL ). May 1946 (1, on Pinus View in CoL , leg. M. Stiprais), 28 May General distribution: Central Europe. [CEU] 1947 (1. on Pinus View in CoL , leg. M. Stiprais); Krāslava d.: Note: Actual faunal data on this species in Latvia Piedruja, 28 May 1990 (1, dry meadow, leg. A. are absent. Record needs confirmation. Accord- Barševskis); Kuldīga d.: Renda, 16 May 1973 (1, ing to the catalogue of Silfverberg (2010), it is meadow, leg. M. Šternbergs); Madona d.: Jaunkmentioned for Latvia and Lithuania. The species alsnava, 20-22 June 1966 (4, leg. G. Ozols);Preiļi is known also from C and S Belarus (Alexandro- d.: Jersika, 20 July 1993 (1, leg. A. Barševskis); vitch et al. 1996). 22 July 1993 (2, leg. A. Barševskis); Rīga d.: Asari, 12 May 1957 (1, leg. G. Ozols), 9 May

Pissodes pini (Linnaeus, 1758) View in CoL 1968 (1, on Pinus View in CoL , leg. Z. Spuris), Bajāri, 7 June

References: Fischer 1778 ( Curculio pini View in CoL L.), 1972 (2, leg. M. Stiprais), 21 May 1973 (8, leg. Fischer 1791 ( Curculio pini View in CoL L.), Groschke M. Stiprais), Garupe, 13 June 1976 (1, leg. Burla- 1805 ( Curculio pini View in CoL L.), Precht 1818, Seidlitz kovs), 20 June 1976 (1, leg. Burlakovs), Mangaļi, 1872-1875, 1887-1891, Rathlef 1905, Bram- 17 May 1958 (1, leg. G. Ozols), Rīga, 1 June 1938 manis1930a, 1930b, Gailītis 1931, Šmits (1, leg. J. Muskars); Saldus d.: Reņģe, 11 June 1964; Šmits & Spuris 1966; Ozols 1982, 1985, 1933 (2, leg. J. Muskars); Valka d.: Strenči, 14 Rūtenberga 1992, Barševskis 1993, 1997, 2002, July 1962 (1, leg. G. Ozols); Ventspils d.: Ance, Telnov et al. 1997, Telnov 2004, Kalniņš et al. 6 June 1961 (2, leg. G. Ozols), 8 June 1962 (1, 2007. leg. G. Ozols), Ovīši, 8 September 1956 (1, leg. Material examined: 102 specimens: Bauska d.: G. Ozols), Ugāle, 13 May 1961 (1, leg. G. Ozols), Bārbele, 8 May 2009 (6, leg. A. Barševskis, R. 5 June 1964 (5, leg. G. Ozols).

Orlovskis), 8 June 2009 (5, leg. A. Barševskis, Host plants: Pinus View in CoL ( Pinaceae View in CoL ).

R. Orlovskis), Skaistkalne, 19 June 2009 (3, leg. Phenology: V-X(1).

A. Barševskis); Cēsis d.: Bānūži, 26 May 1961 General distribution: Europe, Caucasus, S (1, leg. G. Ozols), Daugavpils d.: Daugavpils, Siberia, Central Asia ( Kazakhstan, Kirgizstan),

East Asia (S part of Russian Far East). [ASE] Material examined: 51 specimens: Daugavpils Note: A common species in Latvia. Pest of for- d.: Mežciems , 26 April 1993 (4, leg. A. estry (Ozols 1985). Barševskis); Rīga d.: Berģi, 3 September 1953 (2, leg. anonymous), Mangaļi, 5 May 1956 (1,

Pissodes piniphilus (Herbst, 1797) View in CoL leg. G. Ozols), 29 April 1957 (4, leg. G. Ozols),

References: Fleischer 1829, Seidlitz 1872 - 21 May 1957 (1, leg. G. Ozols), 25 May 1957 (5, 1875, 1887-1891, Sintensis 1900, Rathlef 1905, leg. G. Ozols), 21 May 1957 (3, leg. G. Ozols), 19 Brammanis 1930a, 1930b, Gailītis 1935, 1936, June 1957 (1, leg. G. Ozols), 5 September 1957 Brammanis 1937, 1938, Šmits 1964, Ozols 1982, (25, leg. G. Ozols), Rīga, 13 May 1939 (1, leg. 1985, Barševskis 1993, 1997, Telnov et al. 1997, J. Muskars), 29 May 1939 (1, leg. J. Muskars); Telnov 2004. Ventspils d.: Oviši, 8 September 1956 (3, leg. Material examined: 29 specimens: Daugavpils G. Ozols). d.: Ilgas, Silene PNT, 26 June 1989 (1, leg. A. Host plants: Pinus View in CoL (in the cones) ( Pinaceae View in CoL ). Barševskis), 16 June 1993 (3, leg. A. Barševskis), Phenology: IV(3)-IX(1). 8 July 1993 (1, leg. A. Barševskis), 21 June General distribution: Europe, Siberia, Central 1995 (1, leg. A. Barševskis), road to Krāslava, Asia ( Kazakhstan),EastAsia (NE China, Russian 9 June 2010 (2, inland dunes, clearing, leg. A. Far East). [ASE] Barševskis), Rīga –Krāslava beltway, behind Note: An infrequent species in Latvia. Pest of Mežciems, 11 May 2008 (1, clearing, leg. A. pinecones (Ozols 1985). Barševskis), Svente, 1-8 July 2011 (1, leg. A. Barševskis); Gulbene d.: Lejasciems, June 2004 Trachodini Gistel, 1848 (1, burning, leg. A. Barševskis); Jēkabpils d.: Dunava, 25 June 2008 (1, leg. A. Barševskis), Trachodes Germar, 1824 Rubene View in CoL , 21 March 1999 (1, leg. I. Leiskina); Trachodes hispidus (Linnaeus, 1758) Krāslava View in CoL d.: Slutišķi, 30 June 1996 (1, leg. A. References: Seidlitz 1872 -1875, 1887-1891, Barševskis), Preiļi d.: Jersika, 20 July 1993 (1, Rathlef 1905, Lackschewitz & Mikutowicz 1939, leg.A. Barševskis); Rīga d.: Bieriņi, 23 May 1941 Varzinska & Milander 1981, Telnov et al. 1997, (1, leg. anonymous), Ropaži, 25 June 1960 (10, Telnov 2004. leg. G. Ozols); Valmiera d.: Mazsalaca, 1991 (1, Material examined: 11 specimens: Rīga d.: leg. V. Spuņģis); Ventspils d.: Ance, 6 June 1961 Ķemeri (3, Müthel collection), Bebraine, Ķemeri (1, leg. G. Ozols), Oviši, 8 September 1956 (1, NP, 12-27 July 2011 (1, leg. J. Prokopčika), leg. G. Ozols). Olaine, 14 August 2006 (1, leg. J. Donis); Host plants: Pinus View in CoL ( Pinaceae View in CoL ). Talsi d.: Slītere NP, 11 June 2005 (1, leg. A. Phenology: V-X(1). Barševskis), 13 September 2005 (1, leg. A. General distribution: Europe, S Siberia, East Barševskis), 17 July 2007 (1, leg. A. Barševskis, Asia ( Mongolia, S part of Russian Far East). U. Valainis, A. Pankjāns, A. Soldāns); Ventspils [ASE] d.: Moricsala Isl., Moricsala PNT, 26 June 2004 Note: A common species in Latvia. Pest of for- (1, leg. A. Barševskis), 30 May 2006 (1, leg. A. estry (Ozols 1985). Barševskis), 29 June 2006 (1, window trap, leg. A. Barševskis).

Pissodes validirostris (R. F. Sahlberg, 1834) Host View in CoL plants: the dead wood, especially of de- =piniphilus sensu Hansen, 1918 View in CoL ciduous trees.

References: Seidlitz 1872 -1875, 1887-1891, Phenology: V(3)-IX. Rathlef 1905, Lindberg 1932, Šmits 1964, Šmits General distribution: Europe. [EUR] & Spuris 1966, Ozols 1982, 1985, Barševskis Note: A rare species in Latvia, known from the 1993, 1997, Telnov et al. 1997, Telnov 2004. W part of Latvia and Rīga environs.

AN ILLUSTRATED KEY TO THE LATVIAN Legs slender. Pronotum almost conically nar- MOLYTINAE rowed anteriorly; lateral sides weekly rounded. Dorsum covered with with and pale redish-

1 (4) Onychium reduced, claws inserted to 3rd brown; elytra with 4 spots of white scales: 2 on tarsal segment (Fig. 20). disc and 2 in apical 1/3. Body length 7–13 mm. Habitus (Fig. 6) ....................... Lepyrus palustris View in CoL

2(3) Elytral intervals without pale semierect scales, with fine subrecumbent setae. Black, only 12(11) Lateral sides of pronotum without distinct scape redish. B ody length 1.6–2.0 mm. Habitus longitudinal bands of pale scales. Abdomen with- (Fig. 14).................................. Anoplus plantaris View in CoL out spots, uniformly covered with hair-like scales. Denticle of profemora large, obtuse, widely

3(2) Elytral intervals with single row of short (not rounded. Legs robust. Pronotum shorter, lateral longer than half of interval width) pale semierect sides distinctly rounded. Dorsum covered with scales, fine subrecumbent setae indistinct. Black, whit and pale brown scales; elytra with 2 white in only scape redish. Body length 1.9–2.5 mm. Hab- apical 1/3. Body length 8–12 mm. Habitus (Fig. itus (Fig. 13) ……………...….. Anoplus roboris View in CoL 7)............................................ Lepyrus capucinus View in CoL

4(1) Onychium normally developed (Fig. 21). 13(10) External surface of mandibles without setae (Fig. 22).

5(20) A ntennae inserted towards the apex of the rostrum (Fig. 18). 14(15) Discal part of pronotum with distinct impression in the middle and short convex carina

6(9) Elytra without humeral tubercles. along the median line. Scutellum smooth, shiny, hairless. All femora without denticles, only with

7(8) Femora without denticles. Humeri not little angular prominency. Black. Elytra with prominent anteriorly, rounded. Base of pronotum small spots of yellowish hair-like scales. Body distinctly narrower than base of elytra. Dorsum length 12.0–17.0 mm. Habitus (Fig. 4). ……… with spots of yellowish-gray scales: pronotum …...............................…… Hylobius excavatus View in CoL with lateral longitudinal spots; elytra with irregularly located little spots. Black, sometime with 15(14) Discal part of pronotum uniformly conbluish reflex. Body lenght 14.3-21.0 mm. Habitus vex, without distinct impression. Scutellum punc- (Fig. 1) ................................ Liparus glabrirostris View in CoL tured, with pubescence (sometime indistinct).All femora distinctly dentate. Elytra with more or less

8(7) Femora with large denticle. Humeri promi- distinct bands or transverse spots of yellowish nent anteriorly. Base of pronotum approximately hair-like scales. as wide as base of elytra. Base of pronotum with dense yellowish scales; elytra usually without 16(17) Lateral sides of metathorax smooth and spots of scales. Black, shining. Body lenght 8-15 shiny. Funiculus slender (Fig. 24). Pronotum mm. Habitus (Fig. 2).............. Liparus coronatus View in CoL with large, coarse punctures, interspaces between them shiny and coarsely rugose. Rusty-red to

9(6) Elytra with distinct humeral tubercles. redish-brown. Body length 7.5- 11 mm. Habitus (Fig. 8).................... Hylobius transversovittatus View in CoL

10(13) External surface of mandibles with dense long setae (Fig. 23). 17(16) Lateral sides of metathorax punctured. Funiculus comparatively more robust (Fig. 25,

11(12) Lateral sides of pronotum with distinct 26). Body colouration varies from almost black longitudinal bands of pale scales. Lateral sides to reddish-brown. of abdomen with spots of light scales. Denticle of profemora minute, acute, sometime indistinct. 18(19) Pronotum with relatively fine, deep and Fig. 1–8. Molytinae , habitus, dorsal view: 1 – Liparus glabrirostris View in CoL , 2 – L. coronatus View in CoL , 3 – Hylobius abietis View in CoL , 4 – H. excavatus View in CoL , 5 – H. pinastri View in CoL , 6 – Lepyrus palustris View in CoL , 7 – L. capucinus View in CoL , 8 – Hylobius transversovittatus View in CoL .

Fig. 9–17. Molytinae , habitus, dorsal view: 9 – Pissodes piceae View in CoL (after Borowiec 2007), 10 – P. pini View in CoL , 11 – P. castaneus View in CoL , 12 – P. harcyniae View in CoL , 13 – Anoplus roboris View in CoL , 14 – Anoplus plantaris View in CoL , 15 – Trachodes hispidus View in CoL , 16 – Pissodes piniphilus View in CoL , 17 – P. validirostris View in CoL .

Fig. 18–26. Molytinae : 18 - Hylobius transversovittatus View in CoL , rostrum and antennae, 19 – Pissodes harcyniae View in CoL , rostrum and antennae, 20 – Anoplus sp. , protarsus, 21 – Hylobius sp. , protarsus, 22

Hylobius abietis View in CoL , apex of rostrum, dorsal view, 23 – Lepyrus palustris View in CoL , apex of rostrum, dorsal view, 24 – Hylobius transversovittatus View in CoL , antenna, 25 – Hylobius pinastri View in CoL , antenna, 26 – Hylobius abietis View in CoL , antenna.

Fig. 27–32. Pronotum, dorsal view: 27 – Pissodes piceae View in CoL , 28 – P. pini View in CoL , 29 – P. castaneus View in CoL , 30 – P. harcyniae View in CoL , 31 – P. validirostris View in CoL , 32 – P. piniphilus View in CoL .

dense punctures, interspaces between them partly 27(30) Anterior angles of pronotum acute (Fig. transversely rugose. Punctures in elytral striae 27, 29). equal and relatively fine from base to apex, intervals wider than striae. Lateral sides of abdomen 28(29) Punctures in elytral striae distinctly with spots of light scales.Almost black to brown. unequal: fovea-shaped, large and fine. Elytra Body length 7.3-13.5 mm. Habitus (Fig. 3)........... behinde the middle with whide transverse band .................................................... Hylobius abietis View in CoL of yellowish-brown scales. Dark reddish-brown. Body length 5-10 mm. Habitus (Fig. 9).................

19(18) Pronotum with larger, shallow punctures, .................................................... Pissodes piceae View in CoL interspaces between them not rugose. Abdomen without spots, uniformly covered with hair-like 29(28) Punctures in elytral striae almost homogscales. Punctures in elytral striae unequal: in basal enous, relatively fine and dense. Elytra with two and discal parts larger, in apical part finer.Almost bands of scales: one unicolour rufous in basal 1/3; black to reddish-brown. Body length 6.1-9.5 mm. second bicoloured (white at suture and rufous at Habitus (Fig. 5)......................... Hylobius pinastri View in CoL the sides) behind the middle. Reddish-brown. Body length 4.5-7.2 mm. Habitus (Fig. 11)........

20(5) Antennae inserted near the middle of the ............................................... Pissodes castaneus View in CoL rostrum (Fig. 19). 30(27) Anterior angles of pronotum obtuse or

21(22) All femora dentate. Dorsum with recum- rectangular (Figs 28, 31). bent scales and erect rounded scales; on pronotum erect scales form longitudinal rows, on elytra they 31(32) Punctures in elytral striae small, shallow, located on odd intervals. Brown, antennae and narrow. Elytra with two bands of pale scales: one tarsi rufous. Elytra behinde the middle with pale in basal 1/3; second distinctly bicoloured (white band. Smaller, body length 2.5-3.9 mm. Habitus at suture and rufous at the sides) behind the mid- (Fig. 15). ............................... Trachodes hispidus View in CoL dle. Rufous-brown, rostrum, funiculus and tarsi black. Body length 4.3-6.3 mm. Habitus (Fig.

22(21) All femora edentate. Dorsum only with 17). ……………………… Pissodes validirostris View in CoL recumbent scales. Larger, body length not less than 4 mm. 32(31) Punctures in elytral striae coarse, deep, quadrangular. Elytra with two bands of yellowish

23(26) Posterior angles of pronotum weak, or rufous scales. Dark brown or rusty-brown (in rounded (Figs 30, 32). immature specimens). Body length 5.1-9.2 mm. Habitus (Fig. 10). ……................... Pissodes pini View in CoL

24(25) Elytra with two bands of yellowish scales. Pronotum in basal part with V-shaped flattened ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS impression. Elytral intervals 3 and 5 weakly convex. Dark brown to black. Body length 5.0-6.5 The research has been done within the frame- mm. Habitus (Fig. 12)..…….. Pissodes harcyniae View in CoL work of the project of European Social Fund (No 2009/0206/1DP/

25(24) Elytra with one transverse large spot of yellowish-rufous scales near the middle. Pro- REFERENCES notum at the base with little fovea. Rufous to reddish-brown. Body length 4.0-5.3 mm. Habitus Alekseev V. I. 2010. Liparus glabirostris Küster , (Fig. 16)................................. Pissodes piniphilus View in CoL 1849 ( Coleoptera View in CoL : Curculionidae View in CoL ). In: Dedkov V.P., Grishanov G.V. (eds.) [The

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Lepyrus Germar, 1817

Balalaikins, Maksims & Bukejs, Andris 2012

Entiminae Barševskis A., Bukejs A., Anichtchenko A. 2008

Barsevskis A., Bukejs A., Anichtchenko A. 2008


sensu Hansen 1918

Pissodes piniphilus

sensu Hansen 1918

P. piniphilus

sensu Hansen 1918

Pissodes piniphilus

sensu Hansen 1918


Sharp 1891


Marseul 1863

Liparus glabrirostris

Kuster 1849

Liparus glabrirostris

Kuster 1849

Liparus glabirostris Küster

Kuster 1849

Anoplus roboris

Suffrian 1840

Anoplus roboris

Suffrian 1840


Germar 1824


Schonherr 1823


Schonherr 1823


Schonherr 1823


Schonherr 1823


Germar 1817


Latreille 1802


Linnaeus 1758


Linnaeus 1758


Linnaeus 1758


Linnaeus 1758


Linnaeus 1758


Linnaeus 1758


Linnaeus 1758


Linnaeus 1758


Linnaeus 1758


Linnaeus 1758


Linnaeus 1758


Linnaeus 1758


Linnaeus 1758


Linnaeus 1758


Linnaeus 1758


Linnaeus 1758


Linnaeus 1758


Linnaeus 1758


Linnaeus 1758


Linnaeus 1758


Linnaeus 1758


Linnaeus 1758


Linnaeus 1758


Linnaeus 1758


Linnaeus 1758


Linnaeus 1758


Linnaeus 1758


Linnaeus 1758


Linnaeus 1758
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