Tangguoa Yao & Li, 2021

Yao, Zhiyuan, Luo, Yiping & Li, Shuqiang, 2021, Tangguoa gen. nov., one new genus of daddy-long-leg spiders (Araneae: Pholcidae) from southern China, Zootaxa 4938 (1), pp. 131-140 : 132

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Plazi (2021-02-25 07:42:57, last updated 2024-11-28 04:47:32)

scientific name

Tangguoa Yao & Li

gen. nov.

Genus Tangguoa Yao & Li View in CoL gen. nov.

Type species: Tangguoa laibin Yao & Li sp. nov.

Etymology. The generic name is dedicated to the late Chinese arachnologist Guo Tang. Gender is feminine.

Diagnosis. This genus can be easily distinguished from Khorata Huber, 2005 and Savarna Huber, 2005 by male pedipalpal femur strongly curved dorsally ( Figs 2 View FIGURE 2 A–B, 4A–B; straight/slightly curved in Khorata and Savarna ), by male chelicerae with distal apophyses medially (arrow da in Figs 3 View FIGURE 3 C–D, 5C–D; with distal apophyses laterally in Khorata , without distal apophyses in Savarna ) provided with row of teeth (without teeth in Khorata ), and by external female genitalia with postero-median apophysis provided with pointed tip (arrow ma in Figs 3A View FIGURE 3 , 5A View FIGURE 5 ; some species with postero-median lip in Khorata , without postero-median apophysis in Savarna ); also distinguished from Khorata by male chelicerae without hooked frontal apophyses ( Figs 3 View FIGURE 3 C–D, 5C–D; with hooked frontal apophyses medially in Khorata ).

Description. Male: Total length 2.03–2.84 (2.23–3.03 with clypeus). Ocular triads relatively close together, distance PME-PME 0.16, diameter PME 0.10–0.11, distance PME-ALE 0.03, AME absent. Sternum wider than long. Carapace with brownish radiating marks and narrow, dark median line/brown margins and wide, brown median stripe; clypeus with brownish lateral marks; sternum brown ( Figs 3 View FIGURE 3 E–F, 5E–F). Legs with distinct darker rings on subdistal parts of femora and proximal/subdistal parts of tibiae. Opisthosoma with large, brown posterior marks/ large, brown, dorsal and lateral spots ( Figs 3 View FIGURE 3 E–F, 5E–F). Ocular area slightly elevated and separated from rest of carapace. Thoracic furrow shallow, but distinct ( Figs 3E View FIGURE 3 , 5E View FIGURE 5 ). Clypeus unmodified. Opisthosoma oval. Chelicerae with pair of proximo-lateral apophyses (arrow pa in Figs 3 View FIGURE 3 C–D, 5C–D) with lateral apophyses and scales (arrow in Figs 3 View FIGURE 3 C–D, 5D) and pair of distal apophyses with row of teeth (arrow da in Figs 3 View FIGURE 3 C–D, 5C–D). Pedipalpal coxa unmodified; trochanter with retrolateral apophysis and ventral apophysis (both as wide as long; Figs 2 View FIGURE 2 A–B, 4A–B); femur strongly curved dorsally, with retrolateral apophysis ( Figs 2B View FIGURE 2 , 4B View FIGURE 4 ); patella large; procursus complex distally, without hinged process (hinged process defined as figs 421, 432 in Huber 2011a); bulb simple, without other projections except for embolus ( Figs 2 View FIGURE 2 A–B, 4A–B). Leg formula 1>2>4>3 or 1>4>2>3; retrolateral trichobothrium of tibia I at 10–11% proximally; legs with vertical setae on tibiae, metatarsi and tarsi, without spines or curved setae; tarsus I with>15 distinct pseudosegments.

Female: Similar to male, sexual dimorphism very slight. Legs slightly shorter. Chelicerae unmodified. External female genitalia brown, simple, with postero-median apophysis (arrow ma in Figs 3A View FIGURE 3 , 5A View FIGURE 5 ) provided with pointed tip, without knob or pockets. Vulva ( Figs 3B View FIGURE 3 , 5B View FIGURE 5 ) with anterior arch and pair of pore plates.

Natural history. Unknown, excepting the specific data of collection from specimens presented here.

Distribution. China (Guangxi, Hainan; Fig. 1 View FIGURE 1 ).

Composition. T. laibin Yao & Li sp. nov. and T. tongguling Yao & Li sp. nov.

Huber, B. A. (2005) Revision of the genus Spermophora Hentz in Southeast Asia and on the Pacific islands, with descriptions of three new genera (Araneae: Pholcidae). Zoologische Mededelingen, 79, 61 - 114.

Huber, B. A. (2011 a) Revision and cladistic analysis of Pholcus and closely related taxa (Araneae, Pholcidae). Bonner Zoologische Monographien, 58, 1 - 509.

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FIGURE 1. Distribution records of the genus Tangguoa gen. nov. from southern China. 1 Tangguoa laibin sp. nov., 2 Tangguoa tongguling sp. nov.

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FIGURE 2. Tangguoa laibin sp. nov., holotype male.A–B. Pedipalp (A. Prolateral view; B. Retrolateral view); C–D. Distal part of procursus (C. Prolateral view, arrows 1–3 indicate prolatero-ventral, distal, and dorsal apophysis, respectively; D. Retrolateral view, arrows indicate retrolateral processes). b = bulb, e = embolus, pr = procursus. Scale bars: 0.10 (A–B), 0.05 (C–D).

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FIGURE 3. Tangguoa laibin sp. nov., holotype male (C–F) and paratype female (A–B, G–H). A. External female genitalia, ventral view; B. Vulva, dorsal view; C–D. Chelicerae (C. Frontal view; D. Lateral view; arrow indicates lateral apophysis); E–H. Habitus (E, G. Dorsal view; F. Lateral view; H. Ventral view). da = distal apophysis, ma = postero-median apophysis, pa = proximo-lateral apophysis, pp = pore plate. Scale bars: 0.10 (A–D), 0.50 (E–H).

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FIGURE 4. Tangguoa tongguling sp. nov., holotype male. A–B. Pedipalp (A. Prolateral view; B. Retrolateral view); C–D. Distal part of procursus (C. Prolateral view, arrows 1–5 indicate prolatero-ventral, ventral, distal, dorsal, and retrolateral apophysis, respectively; D. Retrolateral view). b = bulb, e = embolus, pr = procursus. Scale bars: 0.10 (A–B), 0.05 (C–D).

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FIGURE 5. Tangguoa tongguling sp. nov., holotype male (C–F) and paratype female (A–B, G–H).A. External female genitalia, ventral view, arrows 1–2 indicate postero-lateral apophyses; B. Vulva, dorsal view; C–D. Chelicerae (C. Frontal view, arrow indicates frontal apophysis; D. Lateral view, arrow indicates lateral apophysis); E–H. Habitus (E, G. Dorsal view; F. Lateral view; H. Ventral view). da = distal apophysis, ma = postero-median apophysis, pa = proximo-lateral apophysis, pp = pore plate. Scale bars: 0.10 (A–D), 0.50 (E–H).











