Sapindoidea margaritifera (R.Ludw.) Kirchheimer (1936: 89–90

Winterscheid, Heinrich, 2018, Nomenclatural novelties and typifications in Spinopalmoxylon, Sapindoidea and Carpolithes (fossil Magnoliidae) from central European Paleogene and Neogene, Phytotaxa 347 (3), pp. 224-234 : 228-229

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.347.3.3

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scientific name

Sapindoidea margaritifera (R.Ludw.) Kirchheimer (1936: 89–90


Sapindoidea margaritifera (R.Ludw.) Kirchheimer (1936: 89–90 ; pl. 9, fig. 1a–f) ( Fig. 3A View FIGURE 3 )

Basionym:— Taxus margaritifera Ludwig (1860: 73; pl. 60, fig. 19)

Koelreuteria margaritifera (R.Ludw.) Mai in Mai & Walther (1991: 108–109; pl. 13, fig. 17); Gümbel & Mai (2002: 21; pl. 4, figs 4–6)

Type (lectotype,designated here):— GERMANY. Hesse:Bad Salzhausen near Nidda in Vogelsberg: MfN,coll.Ludwig [ MB.Pb.2005/0696.1 (orig.-no. 132)!], illustrated in: Ludwig (1860: pl. 60, fig. 4) and Kirchheimer (1936: pl. 9, fig. 1).

Stratigraphy:—Middle Miocene (Langhian) brown-coal of intravolcanic sediment-deposits (“Carpolithen-Kohle von Salzhausen”).

Notes:— Mai (1995) identified five fossil genera of Sapindaceae in European Paleogene and Neogene. Sapindoidea is an extinct mid-European paleoendemic genus with a Pliocene refuge in nothern Italy. Some seeds of Trapa globosa Ludwig (1860: 141–142; pl. 60, fig. 4) belong to Sapindoidea margaritifera .

The name Trapa globosa Ludwig (1860: 141–142; pl. 58, figs 23–27; pl. 60, figs 2, 4, 6, 7) includes seeds and fruits of three different taxa ( Kirchheimer 1936): it is a basionym of Sapindoidea globosa (Ludwig 1860: pl. 58, figs 23–27; pl. 60, fig. 6–7), and a synonym of S. margaritifera (Ludwig 1860: pl. 60, fig. 4) and Carpolithes mettenii (Ludwig 1860: pl. 60, fig. 2).

The assignment of S. margaritifera to Koelreuteria Laxm. by Mai (in Mai & Walther 1991: 108–109) is rejected by recent works (e.g. Cavallo & Martinetto 1996, Martinetto 2001, Wang et al. 2013), because of different morphology in seed size, hilum scar and surface in Koelreuteria .

Occurrence and habitat:—Occurrence from the late Oligocene to the Pliocene in Europe ( Wang et al. 2013): the late Oligocene (Chattian) of Lower Rhine Basin/ Germany ( Winterscheid 2016); the early Miocene (Aquitanian/ Burdigalian) of Oberdorf Basin in Styria / Austria ( Kovar-Eder & Meller 2001), Lettengraben in Rhön Mountains ( Gümbel & Mai 2006) and Leipnitz in Saxony / Germany ( Mai & Walther 1991); the middle Miocene of Salzhausen in Vogelsberg area ( Kirchheimer 1936), Wackersdorf in Oberpfalz/ Germany ( Gregor 1982), and Wieliczka/ Poland ( Łańcucka-Środoniowa & Zastawniak 1997); the late Miocene (Messinian) to the early and late Pliocene (Zanclean/ Piacenzian) deposits of Piedmont and Tuscany /northern and central Italy ( Bertoldi & Martinetto 1995; Basilici et al. 1997; Kovar-Eder et al. 2006; Martinetto 2001; Martinetto et al. 2007).

Additional specimens examined (syntypes):— GERMANY. Hesse: Bad Salzhausen near Nidda in Vogelsberg ; middle Miocene (Langhian) brown-coal of intravolcanic sediment-deposits (“ Carpolithen-Kohle von Salzhausen ”): MfN, coll. Ludwig [ MB.Pb.2005/0696.2–5]!, illustrated in: Ludwig (1860: pl. 60, fig. 4) and Kirchheimer (1936: pl. 9, fig. 1) .

Additional specimens examined:— GERMANY. Hesse: Bad Salzhausen near Nidda in Vogelsberg; middle Miocene (Langhian) brown-coal of intravolcanic deposits (“Carpolithen-Kohle von Salzhausen”): MfN, coll. Al. Braun [ MB.Pb.2017/1471], [ MB.Pb.2017/1472]; GERMANY. North-Rhine Westphalia: former coal-pit “Horn” at Königswinter-Stieldorferhohn near Bonn; late Oligocene, Köln Formation, brown-coal of post-volcanic deposits: STIPB, coll. NHV [Ro31757(1)–1], [Ro31800(1-2)–1 (cf. Winterscheid 2016: 147–148; fig. 4)].


Museum für Naturkunde


Universidade de Lisboa, Museu Bocage


INRES - Institute for Crop Science and Resource Conservation














Sapindoidea margaritifera (R.Ludw.) Kirchheimer (1936: 89–90

Winterscheid, Heinrich 2018

Koelreuteria margaritifera (R.Ludw.)

Gumbel, F. & Mai, D. H. 2002: 21
Mai, D. H. & Walther, H. 1991: 108

Sapindoidea margaritifera (R.Ludw.)

Kirchheimer, F. 1936: 90
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