cicadas, Batsch, 1789

Sanborn, Allen F., 2024, The cicada (Hemiptera: Cicadidae) fauna of the Lesser Antilles sensu lato with the description of two new species, two new combinations, and a key to species, Zootaxa 5497 (1), pp. 33-69 : 62-63

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5497.1.2

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Key to the known cicadas View in CoL of the Lesser Antilles

The key is applicable to both sexes with useful sex specific characters included.

1 Metanotum partially visible on dorsal midline, males without abdominal timbal covers, male pygofer distal shoulder undeveloped, uncus small if present, large claspers lacking spines present dominating abdominal segment 10, aedeagus restrained by claspers ( Cicadettinae )........................................................................................ 2

- Metanotum completely concealed on dorsal midline, males with timbal covers present, pygofer distal shoulder well developed, retractable uncus of moderate length, claspers absent, aedeagus restrained below uncus ( Cicadinae : Fidicinini ),,......... 12

2 Small (body length 12.25–13.55 mm, fore wing length 13.80–14.90 mm) red and piceous species, eyes not or barely project beyond anterior angles of more or less subquadrate pronotum, ocelli well separated from base of head, lateral surfaces of the pronotum parallel for most of its length, abdomen shorter than length between apex of postclypeus and posterior cruciform elevation, indistinct fore wing postcostal area, five hind wing apical cells, ventrolateral postclypeus flattened without obvious apical extension, known only fom Trinidad ( Parnisini , Calyria )................. Calyria hyperochelabrys Sanborn, 2020a

- Abdomen about as long as or longer than length between apes of postclypeus and cruciform elevation, hind wings with six apical cells.......................................................................................... 3

3 Head wider than maximum width of the pronotum, subquadrate pronotum not distinctly narrowed anteriorly, pronotal lateral margins not developed or dilated, male opercula curve towards abdominal midline but remain widely separated medially, opercula small, narrow, not covering the tympanal cavity, abdomen length about as long as distance between apex of postclypeus and posterior cruciform elevation, timbals not extending ventral to wing bases, uncus absent but anal tube may possess lateral lobes, upper pygofer lobes small and unsclerotized, and basal lobes of pygofer large and ornamented, especially in Taphura ( Taphurini )......... .................................................................................. 4

- Pronotum distinctly narrowed anteriorly, oblique lateral pronotal margins, mesonotum longer than pronotum, robust body that narrows both anteriorly and posteriorly, usually hyaline wings with heavy infuscation found in only a few species, and male claspers and basal lobe appendages that can be elaborate in some genera ( Carinetini )................................ 6

4 Head about as wide as mesonotum, postcleypeus with central sulcus, fore wing radial and radiomedial crossvein infuscated, fore wing costal margin smoothly curved, abdomen expanding from base to segment 3 before reducing to posterior terminus, known only from Saint Martin ( Chalumalna )................................ Chalumalna martinensis Boulard, 2001

- Head wider than mesonotum, postclypeus without central sulcus, fore wing radial and radiomedial crossveins without infuscation, fore wing costal margin bent proximal to node, abdomen sides slightly expanding to segment 4 at base ( Taphura ) .................................................................................................... 5

5 Fore wing apical cell 1 ambient vein infuscated, hind wing anal cell 2 without infuscation, head with five distinct spots in the area of the ocelli, lateral branches of anal tube curve dorsally then form a terminal hook, currently known only from Trinidad in the Lesser Antilles........................................................ Taphura boulardi Sanborn, 2017a

- Fore wing infuscation restricted to distal marginal area, hind wing anal cell 2 infuscated, head with transverse piceous fascia between eyes, lateral branches of anal tube bifurcated and bent medially at terminus, currently known only from Trinidad in the Lesser Antilles............................................................. Taphura sauliensis Boulard, 1971

6 Head narrower than mesonotum and narrower than lateral pronotum, frons as long as or slightly longer than vertex, pronotum shorter than mesonotum, fore wing width about one-third fore wing length ( Carineta ).............................. 7

- Head about as wide as or wider than mesonotum and wider than lateral pronotum, vertex longer than frons, pronotum about as long as mesonotum, fore wing width one-third to more than one-half fore wing length ( Herrera )...................... 8

7 Body length 14–16 mm, hyaline wings without distal bronzing, piceous thoracic markings, basal pygofer lobe appendage curving at approximate right angle distally with a tapering, pointed terminus, currently known only from Trinidad in the Lesser Antilles................................................................. ... Carineta matura Distant, 1892a

- Body length 24.5–28.7 mm, distal bronzing of hyaline wings, no piceous thoracic markings, basal pygofer lobe appendage flattened at the base, narrowing rapidly and crossing the midline before recurving to the ipsilateral side where it bifurcates into a short, straight, posterior extension that is about one-quarter the length of the longer, curved anterior extension, currently known only from Trinidad...................................................... Carineta trinidadensis Sanborn, 2020a

8 Body length less than 14 mm, opercula marked with piceous, luteous patches on anterior and posterior abdomen, currently known only from Trinidad in the Lesser Antilles.......... ..................... Herrera nigropercula Sanborn, 2020b

- Body length greater than 14 mm, opercula not marked with piceous, abdomen lacking luteous patche................... 9

9 Body length greater than 21.5 mm, fore wing length greater than 27 mm, extensive piceous and tawny markings on pronotum and mesothorax, currently known only from Martinique. ................ .... Herrera acclivis ( Sanborn, 2017b) n. comb.

- Body length less than 21.5 mm, fore wing length less than 27 mm, coloration not as above.......................... 10

10 Head and thorax green, abdomen green fading to ochraceous, minimal piceous markings if present, currently known only from Martinique..................................................... Herrera martiniquensis n. comb. ( Davis, 1934)

- Head and thorax with piceous numerous markings.......................................................... 11

11 Head primarily green, mesothoracic sigillae outlined with piceous, abdomen green fading to ochraceous currently known only from Trinidad in the Lesser Antilles ......................................... Herrera grammosticta Sanborn, 2020a

- Head primarily castaneous and piceous, mesothoracic sigillae entirely piceous, abdomen dark tawny, currently known only from Martinique............................................................ Herrera castaneanigricula n. sp.

12 Species with two segmented tarsi ( Fidicinina ).............................................................. 13

- Species with three segmented tarsi ( Guyalnina )............................................................. 15

13 Lateral metascutellar plates long and wide, almost reaching timbal covers, timbal cavities almost covered by timbal coveres, cruciform elevation flat or very slightly rounded, posterior margin deeply concave with the two posterior arms long and spiniform, posterior arms distinctly separated from lateral cruciform elevation, known only from Guadeloupe........................................................................................ Fidicina guadeloupensis n. sp.

- Lateral metascutellar plates short and narrow, not reaching timbal covers, timbal cavities not covererd completely by timbal covers so timbals visible dorsolaterally, cruciform elevation wide and flattened, posterior branches smoothly transitioning laterally with lateral cruciform elevation ( Fidicinoides ).. ..................................................... 14

14 Wingspan about 115 mm, fore wing with infuscation connecting all crossveins and proximal apical cells, infuscation on fore wing ambient vein and distal apical cell veins, currently known only from Trinidad in the Lesser Antilles........................................................................... Fidicinoides descampsi Boulard & Martinelli, 1996

- Wingspan about 85 mm, hyaline fore wings lacking infuscation, known only from Trinidad in the Lesser Antilles................................................................................... Fidicinoides pronoe ( Walker, 1850)

15 Wing span greater than 95 mm ......................................................................... 16

- Wing span less than 95 mm ............................................................................ 17

16 Body length about 48 mm, wing span more than 120 mm, prominent, stylate eyes as wide as the pronotum and wider than the mesonotum, flattened anterior postclypeus, lateral pronotal margins almost parallel, lateral and dorsal pronotal collar about the same width, timbal covers concealing the ventral timbal, contrasting proximal wing venation, infuscation on wing bases and fore wing medial and mediocubital crossveins..................................... Majeorona aper ( Walker, 1850)

- Body length 29–45 mm, wing span 95–120 mm, anterior head triangular when viewed from dorsal side, fore wing basal cell slightly longer than broad, abdomen about as long as distance between anterior head and posterior cruciform elevation, timbal covers small, not covering the timbal, with an anterior triangular extension, recurved for part of its length, medially angled distal terminus of the pygofer, currently known only from Trinidad in the Lesser Antilles..... Quesada gigas (Olivier, 1790)

17 Fore wing radial and radiomedial crossveins parallel........................................................ 18

- Fore wing radial crossvein vertically oriented to radius anterior 2 and radius posterior veins, radiomedial crossvein obliquely oriented ( Proarna )................................................................................... 20

18 Castaneous species marked with piceous and tawny, conspicuous white spots on lateral mesothorax, head wider than mesonotum, eyes projecting beyond anterior angles of pronotum, lateral sides of abdomen expanding from base, posteriorly extending median uncus lobes, currently known only from Bonaire in the Leeward Antilles..... Ariasa albimaculosa Sanborn, 2016a

- Head and thorax greenish tawny, abdomen ochraceous, lacking lateral mesonotal white spots, head as wide as or slightly wider than mesonotum, eyes slightly project laterally beyond anterior edges of the pronotum, lateral sides of abdomen parallel at base, median uncus lobes not extending posteriorly.............................................................. 19

19 Eyes not extending beyond lateral edges of pronotum, triangular timbal covers, timbal cover ventral margin angled dorsally with respect to long body axis, and lateral lobe of the uncus short, currently known from St. Lucia and Trinidad in the Lesser Antilles................................................................. Dorisiana semilata ( Walker, 1850)

- Eyes extending beyond lateral edges of pronotum, curved timbal covers, ventral timbal cover margin parallel to long body axis, lateral uncus lobe elongated, currently known only from Trinidad in the Lesser Antilles... Guyalna bogotana ( Distant, 1892b)

20 Fore wing length greater than 30 mm .................................................................... 21

- Fore wing length less than 28 mm ....................................................................... 22

21 C ostal margin smoothly curved at the base, no infuscation on the veins separating the apical cells, currently known only from St. Vincent in the Lesser Antilles............................................... Proarna squamigera Uhler, 1895

- Costal margin strongly curved at base, infuscation on veins separating fore wing apical cells, currently known only from Trinidad in the Lesser Antilles.................... ............................... Proarna olivieri Metcalf, 1963a

22 Fore wing costal margin straight to node, mesonotum width greater than 6.5 mm, male timbal cover with curved anterior extension, male opercular separated medially by abdominal sternite I, female sternite VII with transverse section between notch and posterolateral curvature, currently known from the majority of the Lesser Antilles. ...... Proarna hilaris (Germar, 1834)

- Fore wing costal margin curving to node, mesonotum width <6 mm, male timbal cover with narrow, acuminate anterior extension, male opercula meeting on midline posterior to abdominal sternite I, female sternite VII angled from notch to posterolateral curvature, currently questionably known only from Guadeloupe and Martinique in the Lesser Antilles.................................................................................. Proarna invaria ( Walker, 1850)











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