Psychidarbela lehmanni Yakovlev & Hulsbosch, 2023

Yakovlev, Roman V., Hulsbosch, Ramon & Zolotuhin, Vadim V., 2023, Revision of the family Metarbelidae (Lepidoptera) of the Oriental Region. XI. Genus Psychidarbela Roepke, 1938, Ecologica Montenegrina 65, pp. 51-59 : 56

publication ID 10.37828/em.2023.65.7

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scientific name

Psychidarbela lehmanni Yakovlev & Hulsbosch

sp. nov.

Psychidarbela lehmanni Yakovlev & Hulsbosch , sp. n.

Figs 3‒4 View Figures 1‒9 , 11 View Figures 10‒12 , 14 View Figures 13‒16 , 17 View Figure 17

Material examined. Holotype, male, Indonesia, West Timor, env. Buraen, 60 km SE Kupang [Amarasi Selatan, Kupang, Nusa Tenggara Timur Province, 10°17'9" S / 123°51'28" E], 350 m, 10‒27.ii.2006, leg. St. Jakl (RHE) GoogleMaps . Paratypes: 4 females, same data and same locality (MWM) GoogleMaps .

Description. Male. Length of fore wing 11 mm. Antenna short (about 1/4 of fore wing in length), bipectinate, setae 4 times longer than antenna stem in diameter. Thorax and abdomen densely covered with brown scales. Fore wing transparent, with portions covered with brown scales only along costal and margins. Hind wing with thin portion of brown scales along costal margin and wide portion of brown scales along anal margin.

Male genitalia. Uncus long, thin; tegumen tapered, apex relatively narrow, basal end wide; gnathos arms very thick, hypertrophied, with robust folds on sides; gnathos robust; valve narrow, lanceolate, costal margin slightly curved, abdominal margin almost smooth; juxta tiny, with small leaf-like lateral processes; saccus tiny, semicircular; phallus of medium thickness, shorter than valve, almost smooth and straight, vesica without cornuti.

Female. Length of fore wing 13‒14 mm. Antenna short (about 1/4 of fore wing in length), bipectinate, setae 3 times longer than antenna stem in diameter. Thorax and abdomen densely covered with brown scales. Fore wing brown, pattern poorly expressed: sputtering of dark-brown scales discally, small dark-brown strokes postdiscally and submarginally, fringe brown. Hind wing light-brown with slight sputtering of dark-brown scales, fringe brown.

Female genitalia. Papillae anales lobe-like; apophyses posteriores short, tapered; apophyses anteriores thin, twice longer than apophyses posteriores; ostium slit-like; ductus bursae long, wide; ductus seminalis wide, passing from ductus bursae in basal third; bursa bag-like without signa.

Diagnosis. The new species clearly differs from the other species of the genus in the following characters:

- the relatively shorter fore wing in both sexes;

- the lanceolate apex of the valve, poorly curved in dorsal direction (in P. kalshoveni and P. pellucida , the apex of the valve is poorly curved in abdominal direction);

- The relatively longer apophyses antheriores (in the other species, apophyses anteriores are no more than twice longer than apophyses posteriores).

Etymology. The new species is named after the well-known specialist in Metarbelidae of the world fauna, Dr. Ingo Lehmann (Hamburg, Germany).

Distribution. Indonesia, Western Timor.













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