Broscosoma ribbei Putzeys, 1877

Kavanaugh, David H. & Liang, Hongbin, 2021, Inventory of the Carabid Beetle Fauna of the Gaoligong Mountains, Western Yunnan Province, China: Species of the Tribe Broscini (Coleoptera: Carabidae)., Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences 67 (4), pp. 85-182 : 144-150

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.11067355


persistent identifier

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scientific name

Broscosoma ribbei Putzeys, 1877


12. Broscosoma ribbei Putzeys, 1877 View in CoL

Figures 6b View FIGURE , 8d View FIGURE , 9c View FIGURE , 32 View FIGURE , 33 View FIGURE , 41b View FIGURE , 46b View FIGURE , 47-50 View FIGURE View FIGURE View FIGURE View FIGURE

Broscosoma ribbei Putzeys, 1877:100. Holotype, a male, deposited in RBINS. Type locality: India, West Bengal View in CoL , Darjeeling.

Broscosoma ribbei rougeriei Deuve and Tian, 2002:395. Holotype, a female, deposited in SCAU. Type locality: China, Yunnan, Ailao Shan, Fengshuiling Reserve, 2200 m. NEW SYNONYMY View in CoL

Notes on nomenclature and types. Deuve and Tian (2002), Sciaky and Facchini (2005), and Jiang et al. (2021) have suggested that B. ribbei and B. rougeriei are conspecific, based on similar male genitalia and relatively minor differences in external features, and considered them as different subspecies. Indeed, specimens from central Yunnan (type area of B. r. rougeriei ) exhibit a brighter green or golden-green metallic reflection compared with the darker blue-green or green reflection seen in most specimens from Nepal and northeastern India (type area for B. ribbei s. str.). They also tend to have very slightly larger eyes, slightly broader pronota, and more deeply impressed pronotal and elytral microsculpture than specimens of B. ribbei s. str. from its type area. Records available to these authors showed a disjunction of at least 600 km separating the ranges of these two nominal taxa, thus potentially supporting their taxonomic distinction.

We have compared more than 600 specimens from throughout the study area with good images of the holotypes of both B. ribbei and B. rougeriei and also with newly-acquired specimens from Medong and Cona counties in Xizang (Tibet), which serve to fill in the former geographical gap region. Within this sample, we observed overlapping variation in all of the features previously cited as differentiating the two nominal taxa. Among these were dorsal coloration (metallic reflection), punctation of the head and pronotum, pronotal shape and convexity, elytral shape, depth of impression of the elytral microsculpture, and depth and punctation of the elytral striae. Although most specimens from the eastern and western extremes of the range of this species may differ slightly in some or all of these features, we conclude that no clear morphological or geographical distinction exists between these nominal taxa and treat them all simply as B. ribbei . Whether or not there is any phylogeographic structure within B. ribbei can only be established with appropriate analysis of DNA data, which remains a project for the future.

Diagnosis. Adults of this species ( Fig. 32a View FIGURE ) can be distinguished from those of other species in the region by the following combination of character states: size moderate, BL male = 9.3.0– 11. 8 mm, female = 8.9–11. 9 mm; entire dorsum of body bright golden-green, green ( Fig. 32a View FIGURE ), or blue-green; vertex of head with post-temporal transverse sulcus relatively shallow and narrowly and sparsely punctate ( Fig. 6b View FIGURE ); antennomeres 3 and 4 glabrous except for apical whorl of setae; pronotum globose anterior to sub-basal constriction as in Fig. 6b View FIGURE , in most specimens with lateral margination present in region of midlateral seta and also basal to sub-basal constriction and/or extended further anterior to midlateral seta ( Fig. 9c View FIGURE ) in some specimens (absent entirely from a few specimens), basolateral setae absent; elytral silhouette subovoid, with humeri rounded by evident, elytral microsculpture distinct, comprised of moderately impressed isodiametric sculpticells; metatrochanters unisetose (except asetose unilaterally in a few specimens); male protarsi with tarsomeres 1 to 3 with ventral pads of adhesive setae; male genitalia as in Fig. 33 View FIGURE .

Comments. Features distinguishing members of this species from those of the three other species with evident elytral humeri and metallic green reflection over the entire dorsum (namely, B. danzhuense , B. parvum , and B. resbecqi ) have been addressed above in the Comments sections for each of those species.

As noted in the Comments section for B. danzhuense , only two Broscosoma species known from outside the study area have members in which the elytral humeri are at least faintly evident (although in both they are much less evident than in B. ribbei ) and the entire dorsum exhibits metallic green or bluish-green reflection. In members of B. montreuili , the forebody is a darker, less vivid metallic green than the elytra (both parts equally vivid in B. ribbei ), the eyes less convex, the post-temporal transverse sulcus more densely punctate (not or only more sparsely punctate in B. ribbei ), and the median lobe of the male genitalia has the apical lamella slightly narrower in lateral aspect (see Deuve 2006b, fig. 10). Members of B. tiani have the eyes more reduced in size and convexity, the tempora slightly longer and less convex, the post-temporal transverse sulcus more densely punctate, and the median lobe of the male genitalia with the apical lamella distinctly hooked ventrally in lateral aspect (see Deuve 2006b, fig. 9). We must also mention here Broscosoma sehnali Deuve, 2006a , also from Sichuan like these other two species. Although most members of this species are slightly smaller and have the humeri indistinct and the elytral microsculpture effaced (well impressed in B. ribbei ), they nonetheless present a very similar habitus to that of B. ribbei specimens and have a generally similar form of the median lobe of the male genitalia (see Deuve 2006a, fig. 11).

Habitat distribution. Within the study area, members of this species are typically found in disturbed habitats, usually on bare or sparsely vegetated ground, at all elevations and within all vegetation types. They are found hiding under stones during daylight hours but are active on the substrate surface at night. Areas in which they are most easily found include forest clearings, road and trail cutbanks ( Fig. 41b View FIGURE ), dry meadows, and other types of waste areas ( Fig. 46b View FIGURE ). At night, they are also found on the mossy banks of roadcuts, but they appear to prefer bare granitic sandy substrate. They often occur in the company of a group of other carabid species, including Paropisthius indicus (Chaudoir) , Broscus punctatus (Dejean) , Nirmala odelli Andrewes , Aristochroa yuae Kavanaugh & Liang , Amara chalciop e (Bates) and Xestopus cyaneus Sciaky and Facchini. Within the Gaoligong Shan region, this species occupies a broad elevational range, with our records documenting its occurrence from 1500 to 3300 m ( Fig. 49 View FIGURE ).

Geographical distribution within the Gaoligong Shan. Fig. 32b View FIGURE . We examined a total of 628 specimens (342 males and 285 females) from the following localities: Fugong County: Lishadi Township (Shibali area, 27.16536°/98.78003°, 2535 m, 4-5 August 2005, H.B. Liang collector [three males and four females; CAS, IOZ], 4-17 August 2005, D.H. Kavanaugh, H.B. Liang, P. Paquin, & D.Z. Dong collectors [seven males and six females; CAS, IOZ], 5-6 August 2005, D.H. Kavanaugh, H.B. Liang, P. Paquin, & D.Z. Dong collectors [24 males and 13 females; CAS, IOZ], 18 August 2005, D. H. Kavanaugh & P. Paquin collectors [four males; CAS, IOZ], 4-5 October 2007, D.H. Kavanaugh, H.B. Liang, & H.L. Shi collectors [two females; CAS, IOZ]), (Shibali Road at Shibali, 27.16786°/98.77741°, 2560 m, 1 May 2004, D.H. Kavanaugh & C. E. Griswold collectors [two males and four females; CAS, IOZ]), (1.0 km above Shibali on Shibali Road, 27.16791°/98.77655°, 2580 m, 2 May 2004, D.H. Kavanaugh & C. E. Griswold collectors [two males; CAS, IOZ]), (2.0 to 4. 3 km above Shibali on Shibali Road, 27.17262°/98.76943° to 27.17772°/98.75485°, 2700-2826 m, 3 May 2004, D.H. Kavanaugh, H.B. Liang & C. E. Griswold collectors [21 males and 17 females; CAS, IOZ]), (11 km above Nu Jiang on Shibali Road at Shimowa village, 27.13839°/98.82147°, 1850-1928 m, 25 April 2004, H.B. Liang collector [one female; IOZ]), (11 km W of Shibali on Shibali Road, 27.20654°/98.71772°, 3280 m, 6 August 2005, D. Z. Dong collector [two males; CAS, IOZ]), (1.5 km below Shibali on Shibali Road, 27.16284°/98.78989°, 2420 m, 2 May 2004, H.B. Liang & G.X. Peng collectors [one male and four females; CAS, IOZ]), (Shibali Road from Galadi village to 2.5 km W, 27.13863°/98.82174° to 27.14286°/98.82001°, 1845-1940 m, 9 August 2005, D.H. Kavanaugh, H.B. Liang, & D. Z. Dong collectors [eight males; CAS, IOZ]), (0 to 2 km W of Shibali on Shibali Road, 27.16536°/98.78003° to 27.16100°/98.79370°, 2300-2530 m, 18 August 2005, D. Z. Dong collector [three males and one female; CAS, IOZ]), (2.8 km W of Shibali on Shibali Road, 27.17405°/98.76722°, 2750 m, 6 August 2005, D. Garfield collector [one male; CAS], 9 August 2005, D. Z. Dong collector [eight males and eight females; CAS, IOZ], 10 August 2005, D. Z. Dong collector [nine males and eight females; CAS, IOZ]), (4.0 km W of Shibali on Shibali Road, 27.17740°/98.75490°, 2800 m, 16 August 2005, D. Z. Dong collector [three males and one female; CAS, IOZ]), (8.4 to 9. 5 km W of Shibali on Shibali Road, 27.18740°/98.71936° to 27.19438°/98.71486°, 3160-3195 m, 14 August 2005, D.H. Kavanaugh, H.B. Liang, & D.Z. Dong collectors [one male; CAS]), (9.5 to 10.0 km W of Shibali on Shibali Road, 27.19438°/98.71486° to 27.19980°/98.71375°, 3195-3200 m, 12 August 2005, D.H. Kavanaugh, H.B. Liang, & D.Z. Dong collectors [two males; CAS, IOZ]), (4 km E of Shibali on Shibali Road, 27.15727°/98.79784°, 2280 m, 11 August 2005, D. Z. Dong collector [nine males and five females; CAS, IOZ]), (Shibali Road from confluence of North and South Forks of Yamu He to Galadi village, 27.13086°/98.83874° to 27.13863°/98.82174°, 1630-1845 m, 15 August 2005,D.H. Kavanaugh, H.B. Liang, P. Paquin, & D. Z. Dong collectors [three females; CAS, IOZ]); Lumadeng Township (Lao Shibali Road, 27.08263°/98.74621°, 3085 m, 13 August 2005, D.H. Kavanaugh & P. Paquin collectors [one female; CAS]), (Lao Shibali Yakou, 27.06429°/98.75123°, 3270 m, 13 August 2005, D.H. Kavanaugh, H.B. Liang, & D.Z. Dong collectors [one male; IOZ]), (South Fork of Yamu He, 1.6 km E of Lao Shibali on Lao Shibali Road, 27.08260°/98.78877°, 2240 m, 21 August 2005, D.H. Kavanaugh collector [one male; CAS]), (4 km E of Lao Shibali on Lao Shibali Road, 27.09700°/98.80570°, 2120 m, 21 August 2005, D. Z. Dong collector [two males; CAS, IOZ]), (1.5 km above confluence of North and South Forks of Yamu He on Lao Shibali Road, 27.11992°/98.83150°, 1825 m, 15 August 2005, H.B. Liang collector [one male; IOZ]). Gongshan County: Cikai Township (Danzhu He drainage, 13.5-15.7 airkm SSW of Cikai, 27.63063°/98.62074° to 27.62705°/98.59204°, 2700-3100m, 30 June- 5 July 2000, D.H. Kavanaugh, C.E. Griswold, H.B. Liang, D. Ubick, & D.Z. Dong collectors [seven males and 14 females; CAS, IOZ]), (Dong Shao Fang area, 18-20 airkm W of Cikai, 27.69504°/98.48433°, 3230-3300m, 16-17 July 2000, D.H. Kavanaugh, C.E. Griswold, H.B. Liang, D. Ubick, & D.Z. Dong collectors [four males and five females; CAS, IOZ]), (No. 12 Bridge Camp area, 16.3 airkm W of Cikai, 27.71503°/ E98.50244°, 2775m, 15-19 July 2000, D.H. Kavanaugh, C.E. Griswold, H.B. Liang, D. Ubick, & D.Z. Dong collectors [ten males and one females; CAS, IOZ]), (Qiqi He, 27.75748°/98.66073°, 1500 m, 25 September 2007, H.B. Liang & H.L. Shi collectors [one male; IOZ]), (Qiqi area, 10.3 airkm W of Cikai, 27.71542°/98.56529°, 2010m, 9-14 July 2000, D.H. Kavanaugh, C.E. Griswold, Liang H.-B., D. Ubick, & D.Z Dong collectors [two males and one female; CAS, IOZ]), (Dabadi, 40 km W of Cikai on Dulong Valley Road, 27.79619°/ 98.51867°, 2900 m, 29 September 2002, H.B. Liang collector [three males and three females; CAS, IOZ]), (Dabadi, 41 km W of Cikai on Dulong Valley Road, 27.79655°/98.50562°, 3000 m, 27 September to 6 October 2002, D.H. Kavanaugh, P.E. Marek, H.-B. Liang, D.Z. Dong & X.C. Li collectors [eight males and 11 females; CAS, IOZ]), (Heiwadi, 16.8 km W of Cikai on Dulong Valley Road, 27.79584°/98.58443°, 2150 m, 10 October 2002, D. H. Kavanaugh, P.E. Marek, H.-B. Liang, & D.-Z. Dong collectors [seven males and seven females; CAS, IOZ]), (Heiwadi Nature Reserve Managing Station, 15 km W of Cikai on Dulong Valley Road, 27.79433°/98.58908°, 4 October 2002, H.B. Liang & C.G. Jin collectors [four males and four females; CAS, IOZ]), (South Fork of Qiqi He, 27.70393º/98.49585º, 2975 m, 27-28 September 2007, H.B. Liang & H.L. Shi collectors [one male; IOZ]); Dulongjiang Township (Dulong Jiang, 2 km N of Bapo, 27.76000°/ 98.34611°, 1510 m, 16-17 July 2000, P. Thomas & Z.L. Wang collectors [two males and four females; CAS, IOZ]), (Kongdang, 0.5 km N, 7.88111°/98.34063°, 1500 m, 25 October 2004, D.H. Kavanaugh, Q.B. Hou & H.B. Liang collectors [one female; IOZ]), (Maku, 27.68553°/98.30425°, 1823 m, 2 November 2004, H.B. Liang collector [three males and one female; CAS, IOZ]), (Maku village, 27.68498°/98.30299°, 1800 m, 28 August 2006, D.H. Kavanaugh, J.A. Miller, & D.Z. Dong collectors [four males and four females; CAS, IOZ]), 27.67775°/98.29771°, 1815 m, 29 August 2006, D.Z. Dong & P. Hu collectors [11 males and four females; CAS, IOZ], 2 September 2006, Y. Liu & D. Z. Dong collectors [three males and four females; CAS, IOZ]), (0.5 airkm WSW of Maku village on trail to Maku Yakou, 27.68310°/98.30038°, 1845 m, 29 August 2006, D.H. Kavanaugh, J.A. Miller, D.Z. Dong & Y. Liu collectors [five males and eight females; CAS, IOZ]), (North Fork of Moqie Wang at Gongshan-Dulong Road Km 77, 27.90085°/98.34721°, 1550 m, 8 November 2004, D.H. Kavanaugh & M.A. Dixon collectors [one male; CAS]), (Xishaofang, 27.70400°/98.43864°, 3110 m, 30 October 2004, V. F. Lee collector [one male; CAS]). Longling County: Longjiang Township (small stream along road below Xiaoheishan Forest Reserve, Guchengshan, 24.82888°/98.76001°, 2020 m, 25 May 2005, D.Z. Dong & H.B. Liang collectors [two females; CAS, IOZ]). Longyang County: Lujiang Township (Baoshan-Tengchong Road Km 36-37, 24.93417°/98.76667°, 2150 m, 12 October 2003, H.B. Liang & X.C. Shi collectors [one female; IOZ]), (Baoshan-Tengchong Road Km 40-41, 24.92694°/98.75000°, 2404 m, 12 October 2003, H.B. Liang & X.C. Shi collectors, LHB-03-03 [three females; CAS, IOZ]), (Baoshan-Tengchong Road Km 41, 24.93194°/98.76111°, 2440 m, 15 October 2003, H.B. Liang & J. Yang collectors [one male and one female; CAS, IOZ]); Luoshuidong area (24.94833°/98.75667°, 2300 m, 26-31 October 1998, D.H. Kavanaugh, C.E. Griswold, C.-L. Long & H.X. He collectors [five males and two females; CAS, IOZ]), (Sancha He, 24.94849°/98.75699°, 2300 m, 3 June 2005, D.H. Kavanaugh, C.E.Griswold, H.B. Liang, D.Z. Dong & H. M. Yan collectors [three males and three females; CAS, IOZ]); Nankang Forest Station (24.82444°/98.76667°, 2085 m, 27 October 2003, H.B. Liang & X.C. Shi collectors [five males and six females; CAS, IOZ]), (Route S317 at KM 19.8, 24.82284°/98.78207°, 2060 m, 23 May 2005, D.H. Kavanaugh, C.E. Griswold, H.B. Liang, D.Z. Dong, H. M.Yan & K.J. Guo collectors [four males and three females; CAS, IOZ]); Nankang Yakou (24.83167°/98.76667°, 2130 m, 4-7 November 1998, D.H. Kavanaugh, C.E. Griswold, C.L. Long, R. Li & H.X. He collectors [31 males and 35 females; CAS, IOZ]), (24.82583°/98.76667, 2130 m, 26 October 2003, H.B. Liang & X.C. Shi collectors [four males; CAS; IOZ], D.Z. Dong collector [one female; IOZ]), (24.82587°/98.76832°, 2148 m, 22 May 2005, H.B. Liang collector [four males and nine females; CAS, IOZ]), (Nankang Yakou, just N of pass, 24.83178°/98.76472°, 2180 m, 22 May 2005, D.H. Kavanaugh, C.E. Griswold & D.Z. Dong collectors [15 males and 16 females; CAS, IOZ], 25 May 2005, D.H. Kavanaugh & C.E. Griswold collectors [three males and one female; CAS, IOZ], 26 May 2005, D.Z. Dong & H.B. Liang collectors [one female; IOZ]). Lushui County: Luzhang Township (Fengxue Yakou to 0.5 km E on Pianma Road, 25.97288°/98.68336° to 25.97347°/98.68780°, 3130-3150 m, 17 May 2005, D.H. Kavanaugh, C.E. Griswold, H.B. Liang & D.Z. Dong collectors [seven males and three females; CAS, IOZ]), (Yaojiaping Forestry Station, 25.96911°/098.70713°, 2586 m, 18 May 2005, D.H. Kavanaugh & Y.H. San collectors [one male and two females; CAS, IOZ]), (Yaojiaping He at Pianma Road, 25.97722°/98.71091°, 2527 m, 20 May 2005, D.H. Kavanaugh & D.Z. Dong collectors [one male and one female; CAS, IOZ]); Pianma Township (7 km N of Pianma at Gangfang Yakou, 26.03672°/98.62026°, 2250 m, 12 May 2005, H.B. Liang collector [one female; IOZ]), (9 km ESE of Pianma, 26.12167°/98.57500°, 2450 m, 15-18 October 1998, D.H. Kavanaugh, C.E. Griswold, C. Ferraris, & C.L. Long collectors [one male and one female; CAS, IOZ]), (9 km ESE of Pianma at Pianma Road bridge over Changyan He, 25.99414°/98.66336°, 2454 m, 14 May 2005, H.B. Liang collector [two males; CAS, IOZ]), (Fengxue Yakou to 0.6 km W on Pianma Road, 25.97288°/98.68336° to 25.97410°/98.67716°, 3120-3150 m, 19 May 2005, D.H. Kavanaugh, C.E. Griswold, H.B. Liang, D.Z. Dong & K.J. Guo collectors [seven males and nine females; CAS, IOZ]). Tengchong County: Houqiao Township (4.4 airkm NE of Houqiao near power station, N5.35746° /98.30364°, 1885 m, 28 May 2006, D.H. Kavanaugh, R.L. Brett, H.B. Liang, & Z.C. Liu collectors [five males and one female; CAS, IOZ]), (5.9 airkm NE of Houqiao near Guyong Forestry Station, 25.36562°/98.31610°, 2030 m, 27 May 2006, D.H. Kavanaugh, R.L. Brett, H.B. Liang, Z.C. Liu, & D.Z. Dong collectors [two males and two females; CAS, IOZ]), (8.5 airkm NNE of Houqiao at Gaoshidong, 25.39858°/98.30533°, 2580 m, 27 May 2006, D.H. Kavanaugh, R.L. Brett, & D.Z. Dong collectors [one male and two females; CAS, IOZ]); Nankang Yakou (5 km W, 24.83167°/98.765000°, 2100 m, 23 October 1998, D.H. Kavanaugh collector [three males and three females; CAS, IOZ]); Shangying Township (Baoshan-Tengchpng Road Km 41-46 d, 24.95361/98.73333°, 2290 m, 17 October 2003, H.B. Liang collector [31 males and 11 females; CAS, IOZ]), (Baoshan-Tengchpng Road Km 42 km at Sanchawa, 24.93278°/98.75333°, 2300 m, 13 October 2003, H.B. Liang & X.C. Shi collectors [two females; CAS, IOZ]), (Baoshan-Tengchpng Road Km 42-46, 24.95361°/98.73333°, 2290 m, 14 October 2003, H.B. Liang & X.C. Shi collectors [four females; CAS, IOZ]), (Baoshan-Tengchpng Road Km 46-51, 24.95722°/98.73333°, 2220 m, 17 October 2003, H.B. Liang & X.C. Shi collectors [three males and two females; CAS, IOZ]), (Baoshan-Tengchong Road Km 48-51, 24.97556°/98.71667°, 2014 m, 18 October 2003, H.B. Liang collector [six males and three females; CAS, IOZ]), (Dahaoping, 24.96976°/98.3142°, 2040 m, 31 May 2005, D.Z. Dong & H.B. Liang collectors [one male; CAS]), (Dahaoping Forest Station, 24.97333°/98.72972°, 2014 m, 19 October 2003, G. Tang collector [two males and three females; CAS, IOZ]); Wuhe Township (Xiaodifang He at Km 24.7 on Route S317, 24.84868°/98.75913°, 2040 m, 26 May 2005, H.B. Liang collector [one male and one female; CAS, IOZ]), (Xiaoheishan Forest Station, 24.82889°/98.75000°, 2025 m, 29 October 2003, H.B. Liang collector [one male; IOZ]).

Members of this species have been collected throughout the Gaoligong Shan region, in all seven Core Areas. This is the only broscine species so widely recorded ( Fig. 48 View FIGURE ).

Overall geographical distribution. Fig. 47 View FIGURE . This species has been recorded from India (Sikkim, West Bengal), Nepal, and Xizang (Tibet) along the southern slope of the Himalaya and from the western half of Yunnan Province. We have not been able to confirm the record from Pakistan ( Häckel et al. 2010). The occurrence of B. ribbei in the study area is near the southern and eastern limits of its geographical range.

Geographical relationships with other Broscosoma species. Within the study area, members of this species have been found together (syntopic) with those of B. gaoligongense and B. viridicollare (described below) at one or more sites ( Fig. 50 View FIGURE ). In Medog County, Xizang (Tibet), they have been found together with members of B. holomarginatum . They also have been found syntopic with specimens of Broscodera gaoligongensis , Broscus punctatus and Eobroscus bhutanensis in the study area.


Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences


California Academy of Sciences














Broscosoma ribbei Putzeys, 1877

Kavanaugh, David H. & Liang, Hongbin 2021

Broscosoma ribbei rougeriei

Deuve, T. & M. Y. Tian 2002: 395

Broscosoma ribbei Putzeys, 1877:100 . Holotype, a male, deposited in RBINS . Type locality: India , West Bengal

Putzeys, J. A. A. H. 1877: 100
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