Dendrobaena virgata, Szederjesi & Pop & Csuzdi, 2014

Szederjesi, T., Pop, V. V. & Csuzdi, C., 2014, New And Little Known Earthworm Species From Peripheral Areas Of The Romanian Carpathians (Oligochaeta, Lumbricidae), Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 60 (2), pp. 85-107 : 91-93

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.5736316

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Dendrobaena virgata

sp. nov.

Dendrobaena virgata sp. n.

(Figs 1–3)

Holotype. HNHM/16803 About HNHM , Banat, Caras- SeverinCounty, Măruvillage, theTarcu Mts, SouthCarpathians, beechforest, 501 m, N45°25.978’ E22°27.550’, leg. Cs. Csuzdi, J. Kontschán, V. V. Pop, 02.11.2007. GoogleMaps

Paratypes. HNHM/16804 About HNHM 4 eX., localityanddatesameasthatoftheHolotype . HNHM/16805 About HNHM 2 eX., Oltenia , nearRuncu, pinemiXedbeechforest, 674 m, N45°14.896’ E23°07.683’, leg. Cs. Csuzdi, J. Kontschán GoogleMaps , V. V. Pop , 28.10.2007 . HNHM/16806 About HNHM 1 eX., Banat , PoianaMărului, beechforest, 890 m, N45°23.362’ E22°34.475’, leg. Cs. Csuzdi, J. Kontschán GoogleMaps , V. V. Pop , 02.11.2007 . HNHM/16808 About HNHM 1 eX., Banat , PoianaMărului, pineforest, 1371 m, N45°21.083’ E22°38,284’, leg. Cs. Csuzdi, J. Kontschán GoogleMaps , V. V. Pop , 02.11.2007 .

Etymology. Thenewspeciesisnamedforitsevidentlystripedbody, withalternating darkred – lightpinkishbodycolour.

Diagnosis. Length 74–144 mm, diameter 5–7 mm, setaedistantlystand- ing. Pigmentationred- violet, darkerandstripedanteriorly. Firstdorsalpore in 5/6. Clitellum on ½ 27, 28–34, tubercles on 1/n 29–½ 34. Male pore on 15, surroundedbyaglandularcrescent. Nephridialporesirregularlyalternated betweensetalline b andabove d. Threepairsofvesiclesin 9, 11, 12; sper- mathecae 9/10,10/11 between c and d. Calciferousglandswithwell-developed diverticulain 11–12. Heartsinsegments 7–11, nephridialbladderssimple, sausage- shaped.

EXternalcharacters. Holotype: 116 mmlongand 7 mmwide. Numberofsegments 141. Paratypes: 74–144 mmlongand 5–7 mmwide. Numberofsegments 88–149. Pigmentationred- violet, darkerandslightlystripedanteriorly. Prostomiumepilobous ½ opened. Firstdorsalporeattheintersegmentalfur- row 5/6. Setaedistantlystanding. Setalar- rangementbehindclitellum: aa: ab: bc: cd: dd = 1.76:1:1.43:1:2.81 (Fig. 1). Maleporeslarge onsegment 15, surroundedbyaglandu- larcrescent, confinedinitsownsegment. Nephridialporesirregularlyalternatedbe- tweensetalline b andabove d. Clitellumon segments ½ 27, 28–34. Tuberculapubertatis onsegments 1/n 29–½ 34 ( Fig. 2 View Fig ). Glandu- lartumescenceonsegments 10, 17, 25, 26, 30 ab.

Internalcharacters. Septa 6/7–8/9, 12/13 thickened, 13/14–14/15 strongly thickened. Testesandfunnelspairedin segments 10–11, coveredbyperioesopha- gealtestissacinsegment 10. Threepairsof Fig. 1. Dendrobaena virgata sp. n. Setal ratio. seminal vesicles in 9, 11, 12. Two pairs of spermathecaein 9/10,10/11 witheXternal openingsbetweensetalline c and d. Calci-

Fig. 3. Dendrobaena virgata sp. n. Photo of a living specimen.

ferousglandswithwell-developeddiverticulainsegments 11–12. Pairedheartsappearin segments 7–11., eXtraoesophagealvesselsmissing. Nephridialbladderssimple, sausage- shaped. Cropinsegments 15–16, andgizzardinsegments 17–18. Typhosolisbiramous, large. Thecross- sectionofthelongitudinalmusclelayerisofpinnatetype.

Remarks. D. virgata sp. n. isatypicalanecicspecies. Withitsstripedred- violetpigmentationsuperficiallyresemblestothesomewhatlarger Lumbricus polyphemus Fitzinger, 1833 (Fig. 3), however, itiseasilydistinguishedbythe widelypairedsetae. Accordingtotheclitellarorgansthenewspeciesshows similaritywiththemuchsmaller D. illyrica ( Cognetti, 1906) butdiffersfrom itinthepositionofthespermathecalpores (betweenc–d vs. d–M) andthe tubercles (1/n 29–½ 34 vs. 1/ n 30, 31 –33, 1/n 34). The position of the nephridial poresisalsodifferentinthetwospecies, whileitisirregularin D. virgata sp. n., D. illyrica possessesregularlyalternatingnephridialpores (attemsi type).


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